Meetings & Minutes
Meetings & Minutes
Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices
Literary Institute
Aberdyfi, Gwynedd
LL35 0LN
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 20th Januaryat 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend.
Public session
Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research.
Dated: 15th January 2025
Ordinary Meeting Agenda
1. Apologies
2. Chair announcements
3. Declaration of financial, personal or prejudicial interest.
4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16th December 2024
5. Matters arising
6. To receive and approve the treasurer’s report
7. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative
8. To receive and consider planning applications
9. To consider and adopt Aberdyfi Community Council’s Privacy and CCTV policy
10. To consider and adopt Aberdyfi Community Council’s Social Media and Communication policy
11. To consider and award grants
12. To discuss allowing overnight camping on 18th and 19th July in ND car park for GP14 National sailing event organised by the Yacht club.
13. To consider hosting a kite festival in Aberdyfi on 5th / 6th July
14. To consider the organisation of the Food Festival on 17th August
15. To consider purchase of beacon for VE Day celebrations 8th May
16. Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Gwynedd Council – reply to our response regarding proposed changes to parking charges
* Gwynedd Council – problems with new road junction near Machynlleth & road in front of cottages
* One Voice Wales – Survey regarding engagement with One Voice Wales Area Committees
17. To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to councillors
* Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru – revised proposals of the Review of Senedd Constituencies
* One Voice Wales – Training dates for January – March
18. Items for consideration at future meetings
19. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
20. Date of next meeting
Sandy Andrews
Clerk to the Council
18th November 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th November 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Reynolds and Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and commented that the recent good weather has helped boost visitor numbers and in particular, the bonfire and fireworks were extremely well attended, and he wished to thank the Fire Service for their hard work in organising this event. The rain also held off for the Remembrance Day services for which we fortunate to have the Lord Lieutenant in attendance. He was impressed by the number of people in attendance and how well it was organised and thanks also go to those involved in organising the Remembrance Services.
Action: Clerk to thank the Fire Service and organisers of the Remembrance services.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 21stOctober 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 24
M/75/(16.09.24) To review training plan
The clerk reported that Planning Aid Wales have given a final quote of £792.00 for a Face to Face training course of 2.5 hours, which includes travel and overnight costs. It was agreed to cover the extra cost and organise a date early next year.
Action: Clerk to arrange training event
Page 25
M/79/(16.09.24) Playground project
There was a good response to the survey with over 110 responses and they were overwhelmingly supportive of the project. The main points that came out of the survey was that new equipment is needed in the playground, more sheltered seating would be welcome and that there is not enough for children to do in the village. It was noted that the seating and other concerns can be addressed at a later date.
The clerk reported that she is now working with Resources 4 Change to complete the grant application. Cllr O’Neill reported that the shelter has had some substance thrown over the perspex backing and it was agreed to arrange for it to be cleaned
Action: Clerk to arrange cleaning of shelter
M/80/(16.09.24) Terrace Road shelter
Cllr Hewins reported that the work has now been completed and it is hoped this will solve the problem. It was noted that the AA&I pay for the shelter to be cleaned and they will arrange for it to be cleaned before the Spring season.
M/82/(16.09.24) Wi-fi at the Literary Institute
The clerk reported that she established that the Council internet has a setting for public use, which does not require a password but does not give access to the council router. She has enabled this function but the signal is not strong enough to reach the Reading Room. It was agreed that the Literary Institute would buy a repeater and it would be linked to the Council router and placed in the Reading Room.
Page 27
M/95/(21.10.24) Re-printing of Aberdyfi walking guide
Cllr Hackelsberger reported that the guide has now been finished and is ready to go to the publisher once an ISBN number has been purchased. The clerk has started this process. It was suggested that perhaps people could also pay to download a copy of the guide. It was agreed to research this further and to research the cost of translation.
Action: Clerk to chase purchase of ISBN number, research payable downloads and cost of translation.
M/99/(21.10.24) Digital noticeboard
The Chair reported that he had tried several times to contact Mr. Jones at Parc Eryri and left messages, but he had no reply. It was agreed that paying £3,000 more for a free-standing notice-board was unreasonable and makes the project unfeasible. It was suggested that a solution may be to place the noticeboard on the wall under the canopy next to the toilets, where the large noticeboard is currently sited. It was agreed to propose this to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk / Chair to contact Gwynedd Council.
M/100/(21.10.24) Maintenance of CCTV cameras
The clerk reported that the list of tasks had been received from Cllr Kelly and it was
agreed to get some quotes for the work.
Action: Clerk to seek quotes
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that Nia Jeffries has been nominated as the next leader of Gwynedd Council and there will be a vote at the full meeting of Gwynedd Council on 5th December to decide on the new leader and vice-leader.
He reported that between 16th and at least 22nd November, all trains from Shrewsbury to Birmingham will terminate at Wolverhampton and from 8th to 16th December, buses will replace trains between Machynlleth and Pwllheli.
Work has started on the gas pipe with traffic lights between Aberdyfi and Tywyn likely for some time.
He reported that at a recent extra-ordinary meeting of Gwynedd Council, it was decided not to move to a single transferable vote, the motion being defeated by just one vote.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
No applications have been received
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To review and adopt the One Voice Wales Financial Regulations (2024)
It was agreed to adopt the model Financial Regulations.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note the new salary scales from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
The new salary scales were noted
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss maintenance of toilets on Christmas and Boxing Day
The clerk reported that she had an email from Gwynedd Council, agreeing that if Aberdyfi Community Council takes responsibility for cleaning and maintenance of the toilets on Christmas and Boxing Day, they will leave the main toilets open, as a trial. It was agreed to go ahead with this and for the clerk to request a supply of toilet paper from Gwynedd Council and for the Community Council to buy cleaning supplies for the street cleaner to use.
Action: Clerk to arrange and reply to Gwynedd Council, accepting their proposal
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss proposals for lay-by on outskirts of Aberdyfi
It was agreed that Option 1 is the preferred option and it was suggested that a sign warning of an upcoming parking area somewhere East of the lay-by would be useful and that the blue arrows would be better as P signs.
Action: Clerk to respond to the proposal with suggestions
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss putting artificial turf in goal areas of playing field
The Clerk reported that the grounds-maintenance contractor had sought advice from a turf maintenance company regarding the problem of lack of grass in the goal-mouths of the playing field. He had been told that it’s not worth re-seeding the areas and the only solution is to lay artificial turf. The Council was felt that artificial turf was not a suitable solution and it was agreed, as a trial, to try aerating the area and laying sand in the goal-mouths, in the hope of reducing the amount of mud.
Action: Clerk to inform ground-maintenance contractor
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss VE celebrations 8th May 2025
It was agreed to research buying a beacon and to speak to members of the church and British Legion, to establish any plans they have.
Action: Clerk to research purchase of a beacon and contact British Legion representative
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss renewing printer lease
The Clerk presented quotes from various suppliers and it was agreed to continue with the current supplier and take out a contract for a refurbished machine, which will reduce both lease and printing costs.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clerk to arrange lease for new printer
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Gwynedd Council – withdrawal of planning application for cycle path
Network Rail and Dwr Cymru objected to the planning application for the cycle path, so Gwynedd Council withdrew the application. The Clerk has been informed that they are still keen to complete the project and extend it to the village instead of finishing at the cemetery and wish to work with the Community Council to enable this. It was agreed to work with Gwynedd Council to ensure this happens.
Action: Clerk to respond to Gwynedd Council
* Gwynedd Council – consultation on car park charges.
It was felt that the proposal to charge for a minimum of 4 hours would negatively impact business, especially as the free parking is only 45 minutes. It may also lead
to more people parking in inappropriate places, which could mean emergency
vehicles unable to get through smaller streets in the village.
Action: Clerk to respond highlighting these issues
* New junction near Machynlleth
It was noted that nothing has been done about this junction yet and it is difficult to see the kerb in the dark. It was agreed to speak to Machynlleth Town Council to find out if they have had similar complaints and to contact Gwynedd Council highways regarding the issues.
Action: Clerk to contact Machynlleth Town Council and highways.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – Joint One Voice Wales / SLCC event
* Email from Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning regarding proposed Pylons in Wales
* Independent Renumeration Panel – draft annual report meeting invite
* One Voice Wales – responses to consultation on role, governance & accountability of community and town councils
* Llais Cymru – invite to public forum regarding local health care provision
* One Voice Wales – training for November and December
* One Voice Wales – Local Places for Nature exhibition
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Shelter at cemetery
* Community Action Plan
* Decide parking charges for Neuadd car park and new signage
* VE Day – January meeting
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Bike repair station
* Train disruptions
* Christmas tree
* Clwb sgwrsio 2nd Dec
* Advent windows
AGENDA ITEM 21 – Date of next meeting
Monday 16th December 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.25pm
21st October 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 21st October 2024 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair Councillors: Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Megan...
16th September 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th September 2024 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
15th July 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th July 2024 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr...
17 June 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th June 2024 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr...
20 May 2024
Minutes of the thirty-ninth annual meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th May 2024 Present: Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Sadie...
15 April 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th April 2024 Present: Councillors: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark DuntonCllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin...
18 March 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th March 2024 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
19 February 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 19th February 2024 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
15 January 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th January 2024 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
18 December 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th December 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Dewi Owen –...
20 November 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th November 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
16 October 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th October 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins...
18th September 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th September 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin...
17th July 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th July 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Roman Hackelsberger Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr...
19th June 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 19th June 2023 Present: Cllr. Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr. Mark Dunton Cllr. Ian Hewins Cllr. Dewi Owen Cllr. Sadie Porter Cllr. Megan...
15th May 2023
Minutes of the thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held at Aberdyfi Literary Institute at 7.00pm on Monday, 15th May 2023. Present: Cllr. Brian...
17th April 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th April 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dewi Owen Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr...
20th March 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th March 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr...
20th February 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th February 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dewi Owen Cllr Sadie Porter Cllr...
16th January 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th January 2023 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dewi Owen...
12th December 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 12th December 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Gareth Jones Cllr Sadie Porter Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr Dave...
21st November 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 21st November 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Gareth...
17th October 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th October 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dewi Owen...
26th September 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 26th September 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Gareth Jones Cllr Dewi...
18th July 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th July 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Sadie Porter Cllr...
20th June 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th June 2022 Present: Cllr Brian Kelly - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Mark Dunton Cllr Ian Hewins Cllr Catrin...
16th May 2022
Minutes of the thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held at Aberdyfi Literary Institute on Monday, 16th May 2022 Present were :- Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors...
21st March 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Neuadd Dyfi on Monday 21st March 2022 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Gareth Jones Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr...
21st February 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Neuadd Dyfi on Monday 21st February 2022 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Gareth Jones Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill...
17th January 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 17th January 2022 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Megan...
20th December 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 20th December 2021 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr...
15th November 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 15th November 2021 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
18th October 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 18th October 2021 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr...
20 September 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 20th September 2021 Present: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Megan...
19th July 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th July 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
21st June 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st June 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr Dai Owens...
17th May 2021
Minutes of the thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 17th May 2021 Present were...
19th April 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th April 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
15th March 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th March 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr James Bradbury-Willis Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr...
15th February 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th February 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
18th January 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 18th January 2021 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Councillors: Cllr James Bradbury-Willis Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis Cllr Gareth...
21st December 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st December 2020 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
16th November 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 16th November 2020 Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair...
19th October 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th October 2020 Present were Councillors: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Bob Tyrrell Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr...
21 September 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st September 2020 Present were Councillors: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Bob Tyrrell Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr Catrin...
20 July 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 20th July 2020 Present were: Councillors: Cllr Dewi Owen - Chair Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Bob Tyrrell ...
15 June 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th June 2020 Present were: Cllr Dai Owens Cllr Brian Kelly Cllr Bob Tyrrell Cllr Gareth Jones Cllr Nigel Pearson Cllr Megan Reynolds Cllr Catrin O’Neill Cllr...
18 May 2020
20-21 April 2020
16 March 2020
17 February 2020
20 January 2020
21st October 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 21st October 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present
A presentation from a member of the public regarding a proposal to run a portable sauna business was received during the public session.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Hackelsberger and Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and remarked how lucky it was that no major damage was reported in the village as a result of the recent storm.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 16thSeptember 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 17
M/39/(17.06.24) Recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
The Chair reported that the recycling bins in the main car park have had new labels attached which are much brighter and clearer, and the area by the fire station is much tidier and clean.
Page 20
M/75/(16.09.24) To review training plan
The clerk reported that she has been granted a bursary for the CiLCA training. Planning Aid wales have quoted £650 for a bespoke course though a Face to Face course would also incur travelling expenses. It was agreed to go ahead with a face to face course.
Action: clerk to obtain possible dates
M/77/(16.09.24) Purchase of new P&D machine
This has been ordered and will be installed early next year.
Page 21
M/79/(16.09.24) Playground project
The survey has now been completed and the clerk has written a draft for the grant application. A meeting with Resources 4 Change will take place this week.
M/80/(16.09.24) Terrace Road shelter
Cllrs Hewins and Tyrrell reported that the gutters have been cleaned and repaired and they have found someone willing to do the groundworks for £330 so will arrange for this work to be done asap. They have agreed this work with the harbourmaster.
M/81/(16.09.24) Time & Tide bell
Cllr O’Neill reported that she met with the Time & Tide bell group representative and they have funding for someone to collect stories from local residents which will be collated and added to the offering around the Time & Tide bell.
Post Office project
Cllr O’Neill reported that work has started on the retaining wall behind the Post Office building and it is hoped that it will soon be completed to the satisfaction of the insurance company which will allow the grant funding to be released to purchase the building.
Page 22
M/82/(16.09.24) Wi-fi situation at the Literary Institute
Cllr Williams noted that the Literary Institute will meet within the next few days and it is suspected that they will ask if it is possible to use the Council wi-fi, as the only telephone line into the building is in the Council Office. The clerk reported that the Neuadd Dyfi has more than one wi-fi connection, and it was agreed to speak to Mr. George, as he might know if this is possible without compromising the security of the Council. If it is, then the Council have no objection to this proposal.
Action: Cllr Williams to speak to Mr George.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hewins
The clerk reported that the Audit had been received and it was satisfactory, save that more detail regarding variances is requested in future.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there was a special financial meeting last week and at that meeting Gwynedd Council reported that they will have a deficit of £14million in 2024/25. Another meeting this week will discuss where cuts will be made and it is expected that these will be in areas of less importance, meaning Gwynedd may be
asking Community Councils to take over the running of services such as toilets etc. Gwynedd Council reported that Homelessness in Gwynedd last year cost £6.4million but only £3million was received from central Government, meaning a shortfall of £3.4million. He noted that they have now bought two houses in Aberdyfi, one over a year ago, and they are still empty. When asked about this, Gwynedd Council replied that they have been unable to get tradespeople in to do the work required. Local tradespeople are reluctant to try to become an official supplier to Gwynedd Council as there is too much red tape.
He reported that the Welsh Government are pressing ahead with the Single Transferable Voting system, which will see voters voting for a party and not an individual. He expressed concern that Community and Town Councils may be amalgamated as a result, as the plans are to increase the area of local Councils.
Cllr Owen reported that he was voted in as Chair at the recent Harbour users meeting. At the meeting, the Harbourmaster reported that the number of moorings has increased since last year, from 73 to 81 this year, with more enquiries for next year. It was noted that the channel has changed a lot this year and is being closely monitored by the Harbourmaster via a drone. It was reported that Aberdyfi harbour, after several years making a loss, has broken even in the last two years and it is projected to continue. Cllr Own reported that the new Harbourmaster’s building is likely to cost approximately £500,000.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
Cllr Kelly declared an interest in the first item
NP5/50/622B Chalet 63, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Demolition of a storage building and the construction of a residential chalet and associated access, parking and drainage works
Objection raised on grounds of no services available at this location, and an 11KV electricity pole and cables within the plot. Trees would have to be removed to build the decking and there are buildings which require access missing from the application
NP5/50/719A Arfryn, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi. LL35 0NT
Construction of domestic workshop at first floor above existing garage
No objections raised
NP5/50/C152B Bryn Awelon, Aberdyfi LL35 0LE
Removal of tree and replacement with smaller species
No objections raised
NP5/50/130E Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
Online application with all matters reserved for erection of a rural enterprise dwelling
No objections raised
NP5/50/771 Chalet N22, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Variation of Condition No. 2 (8 month occupancy period) attached to Planning Permission NP5/42/160L dated 27.09.1982 to allow 10 months occupancy period (March to December)
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss and approve re-printing and publishing the Aberdyfi walking guide
It was agreed to re-print and publish the walking guide. It was agreed to find out if local shops and organisations will stock the guide and a decision will be made at the next meeting about the best way to manage this.
Cllr O’Neill noted that there should be a Welsh version printed. It was noted that this is in the proposal and a smaller print run will be done for the Welsh version, though it will take longer to produce as the translation will take time and the cost will have to be taken into account.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Dunton
Action: Mrs Owen to speak to local businesses
Action: Cllr Hackelsberger to organise re-printing.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To review and adopt the Ombudsman for Wales Model Councillor Code of Conduct
It was agreed to adopt the Model Councillor Code of Conduct
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To review and adopt the Information Commissioner’s Office Model Publication Scheme
It was agreed to adopt the Model Publication Scheme
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To review and adopt the Ombudsman for Wales Model Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure
It was agreed to adopt the Model Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss sharing digital noticeboard with Parc Eryri and approve changing format to freestanding from wall-mounted
The Clerk reported she had a reply from Mr Jones of Parc Eryri and noted that he stated the wall would not be strong enough due to recent problems with the foundations and the noticeboard needed to be free-standing as a result. The Clerk reported that the wall-mounted version weighs 80kg and the free-standing one weights 128kg. Cllr Hewins noted that the wall is 18 inches thick so should easily
take the weight. The Clerk reported that a free-standing noticeboard would cost over
£3,000 more. The Council felt that this is unreasonable and it was agreed that the Chair will speak to Mr Jones to explain the situation.
The Council agreed in principle to share the noticeboard with Parc Eryri, though it was noted that the Clerk should have sole access to the content of the noticeboard.
Action: Chair to contact Mr. Edward Jones of Parc Eryri.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss maintenance of CCTV cameras
It was noted that some of the cameras need attention and it was agreed that Cllr Kelly would give the Clerk details of what needs to be done.
Action: Cllr Kelly to send details to the clerk
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* email regarding running a portable sauna business in Aberdyfi
It was agreed to support this business though the Council do not own any suitable land.
Action: Clerk to contact business and offer support
* email regarding Cambrian Coast Railway Liaison meeting
It was agreed there is are no current concerns regarding this issue
* email regarding charity music festival in Aberdyfi
It was agreed that the Council do not own any suitable land for such an event and are unable to support it at this stage.
Action: Clerk to contact organiser
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – Training for September – December
* Transport for Wales – Future Timetable Review summary of responses and actions
* One Voice Wales – Rural Housing Action Guide for Wales survey
* One Voice Wales – reply from Welsh Government regarding rail timetable changes
* IRP for Wales draft annual reported
* One Voice Wales – Pethau Bychain notice of meeting
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Shelter at cemetery
* Community Action Plan
* Decide parking charges at Neuadd Dyfi car park and signage
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Lord Lieutenant attendance at Remembrance services
* Fireworks 1st November
* Clwb Sgwrsio 4th November
* Events at Neuadd Dyfi
AGENDA ITEM 21 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th November 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.20pm
16th September 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th September 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and commented that the better weather recently has helped boost visitor numbers.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 15th July2024.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 12
M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
It has been recommended that the play equipment be visually inspected every week, so the Clerk and Chair agreed to purchase a checklist from RoSPA which is specific to our playground at a cost of £40 and the clerk will carry out the inspections.
Action: Clerk to do weekly inspections
Page 13
M/39/(17.06.24) To discuss recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
The Clerk reported that it has been agreed with Gwynedd Council that the Community Council will pay for materials and Gwynedd Council will carry out the work to enclose the compound by the fire station. The Chair and Clerk agreed to pay £798 + VAT for the materials.
Action: Clerk to purchase a padlock once the work is finished.
It was noted that the bins at the back of the Dovey still smell and that the bins
lining Church Street are becoming hazardous. It was agreed to keep an eye on both of these issues. The Clerk reported that there have been very few complaints about the bins this year and it was noted this was because there were more bins around the village and the street cleaner has been working hard to keep the village clean. It was agreed to write to him and thank him for his hard work.
Action: Clerk to write to the street cleaner.
It was reported that the Crabbing Crate for re-using and recycling crabbing equipment was working well, though it was noted that some people put the equipment back while tangled and volunteers have to untangle the mess. The Community Council would like to thank the volunteers for organising this initiative and keeping the crate and contents clean and tidy.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
M/52/(15.07.24) Gwynedd Council report
The Clerk reported that she had written to the Lord Lieutenant and has had a reply confirming his attendance at the Remembrance services in November.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
Page 15
M/59/(15.07.24) Aberdyfi Food Festival
The Clerk reported that she had reviewed the Food Festival with the organisers and the general feedback from visitors was that it was very busy and the food vendors ran out of food by lunch-time, even although they had brought double the amount with them compared to last year. Cllr Williams reported that the stall-holders were happy with the close proximity of all the stalls to each other and were happy with the arrangement as it is. It was discussed whether to use the football filed next year, but it was pointed out that toilets would need to be brought in and people would have to stay at the entrance to the golf club car park to stop visitors parking there. It was also suggested that perhaps the demonstrations could be done in the Neuadd Dyfi, allowing more small stalls to be on the field. It is still a lot of work for the organisers, even with the help of the clerk, so they are not sure if they feel able to do it again. No decision was made and it was agreed a small working group including the organisers should meet before Christmas to make a decision.
Action: Volunteers from the Council to meet with organisers before Christmas
The Community Council would like to thank the organisers for their hard work on this event and also to everyone who help with setting up and taking down.
Action: Clerk to write to organisers and put in Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that various lines and markings have appeared on the road between the cemetery and Caethle to do with the cycle path, though the Clerk noted that planning permission has not yet been decided on for the cycle path. There are also markers on the road to do with the new gas pipe which will be installed along Happy Valley and between Happy Valley and Tywyn. There was speculation that the markings may also be linked to Dwr Cymru.
Cllr Owen reported that there is a Harbour users meeting on 15th October and asked if there are any issues that need to be brought up then. Cllr Bradbury-Willis mentioned that the Harbour staff were extremely helpful during Dovey Fest and she would like to thank them officially.
Action: Clerk to write to the Harbour master
Action: Chair to bring up at the harbour users meeting
Cllr O’Neill asked if ‘Do not feed the seagulls’ signs could be purchased as there has been a problem with them attacking people this year. She will send photos of some good signs she saw recently to the clerk.
Action: Chair to bring this up at the harbour users meeting.
The Chair reported that the Harbourmaster is due to move to the cabin by the end of the month and Gwynedd have said replacing the harbour office is at the top of their agenda. He will keep the Council informed of any developments.
He has reported the sand build up on the steps in front of the car park to Gwynedd Council but they do not seem to see this as a problem. He also spoke to them about replacing the railings with a wall, but there is no money for a wall to be built.
Action: Chair to keep raising these issues with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
Cllr Kelly and Bradbury-Willis declared an interest in the first item
NP5/50/540A Chalet 59, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Removal of Condition 2 (10 ½ months occupancy condition) attached to planning permission NP5/50/540A dated 26/07/2002 to allow 12 month occupancy (Personal Permission)
No objections raised
NP5/50/767 Fairway, Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RB
Alterations, demolition of conservatory and installation of cladding
No objections raised
NP5/50/769 12 Mynydd Isaf, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PH
Installation of external air-source heat pump
No objection raised
NP5/50/LB59D/E 14 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EB
Alterations and extension to form garden room
No objection raised
NP5/50/735C Tan y Bryn, Philip Ave, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PY
Variation of Condition No. 2 (design) attached to planning permission NP5/50/735B dated 22/09/2022 for the installation of a flue on the roof
No objection raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To review 2024/25 budget against income
The budget was reviewed and agreed to be closely aligned with what was expected.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To review council training plan and approve training courses
Cllr Hackelsberger noted how important it is for the clerk to undertake the CiLCA qualification and the Chair noted that it is important for all councillors to do the Code of Conduct and Planning training. It was agreed to find out how much a bespoke Planning training course would be for the whole council so all councillors could do it at the same time. The Clerk reported that each Council has two free places on specific training courses provided by One Voice wales, such as Code of Conduct, and to let her know if interested in attending one of these courses.
The Clerk reported that it may be possible to receive a bursary to cover training costs of CiLCA, though the extra 2-3 hours a week required by the Clerk to do the course will need to be paid for by the Council.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clark to enrol on CiLCA training and apply for a bursary
Action: Councillors to tell Clerk what One Voice Wales training courses they wish to attend
Action: Clerk to request cost of providing a bespoke training course from Planning Aid Wales
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve Clerk attendance at One Voice Wales conference
It was agreed to fund attendance at the conference on 16th October at Builth Wells, at a cost of £95 plus travelling expenses. The Clerk reported that she is hoping to share transport costs with the Clerk from Tywyn Town Council.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to book place at the conference.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss purchase of new P&D machine for Neuadd Dyfi car park
It was agreed to purchase a new machine that has cash and contactless capabilities.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Kelley
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss purchase of digital noticeboard
It was agreed to purchase a digital noticeboard to be sited on the wall of the Tourist Information Centre.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: Clerk to write to Mr Edward Jones at Parc Eryri with details of type of noticeboard
Action: Clerk to arrange purchase of noticeboard
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive update on playground project and approve amount of funds to be ring-fenced for the project
Cllr O’Neill reported that she had had a meeting with the clerk, Resources 4 Change and the National Lottery and was advised to survey adults in relation to the playground project, even although the children and the Community Needs Survey had already been done. Resources 4 Change agreed to help with the survey and the survey is now live with online, QR code and hard copies available. It is hoped that the application for funding from the National Lottery would be submitted October or November and that other applications to bodies such as the Co-op would also be made. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that she will also approach the AA&I for funding.
It was agreed to ring-fence £15,000 for the project
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Action: Clerk to work with R4C on Lottery application
Action: Cllr O’Neill to apply to AA&I for funding
Action: Clerk to research and apply to other bodies for funding
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
Cllrs Tyrrell and Hewins reported that they had requested 4 quotes with one person replying that they didn’t want the job and no replies from anyone else. Other names were suggested, which they will try. They suggested that someone is employed to do the ground works and they will do the other small jobs themselves. It was agreed to go ahead with this plan if they are unable to find someone to do all the work.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Cllrs Hewins and Tyrrell to arrange repairs to the shelter
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss maintenance of Time & Tide Bell
Recently the bell needed some maintenance and it became clear that the original artist will not accept responsibility going forwards. It was agreed that the Community Council will take responsibility for the cost of maintenance going forward and will ask the AA&I for money should major costs be involved. Cllr Williams noted that the artist has handed over responsibility to someone else and their details are on the Time & Tide Bell website. Cllr Williams inspects the bell every week and will report any defects when they occur.
Action: Cllr Williams to continue inspections
Action: Clerk to obtain contact details of person responsible for the bell
Action: Clerk to inform Harbourmaster of this decision
Cllr O’Neill reported that she had been to one or two meetings of the Time & Tide Bell group and one of the other members based on Angelsey is proposing to visit Aberdyfi 9th or 10th October and will meet with Cllr O’Neill and anyone else who wishes to attend.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to inform the rest of the Council of arrangements for the visit
Action: Clerk to inform Harbourmaster of visit
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To discuss wi-fi situation at the Literary Institute
It was noted that there is now no wi-fi at the Institute and so there is no facility for remote attendance at Council meetings. It was agreed that this is not a Council issue and will be brought up at the next meeting of the Literary Institute Management Committee. Until the issue is resolved, meetings will need to be held at the Neuadd Dyfi if remote attendance is required.
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Gwynedd Council – refurbishment work to Aberdyfi wharf toilets
It was agreed for the clerk to keep in touch with Gwynedd Council to establish if they require further funding.
Action: Clerk to reply to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 18 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – launch of Communities of Practice – Digital Community
* Democracy & Boundary Commission – Guide to the 2026 review of Senedd
* One Voice Wales – presentation by Parc Eryri to Meirionnydd Area Committee
* Gwynedd Council – consultation on extending dog control in certain open areas.
* One Voice Wales – Training for July, August & September
* Gwynedd Council – confirmation of Article 4 Direction for Gwynedd Planning Authority
* RSPB – ‘Changing Tides’ project
* One Voice Wales – Training for September – December
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* CCTV cameras
* Seagull signs
* Republishing of walking guides
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Thanks for Food Festival
* Thanks for DoveyFest
* Lord Lieutenant attendance at Remembrance services
* Photos for walking guide
* Playground update
* Events at Neuadd Dyfi
AGENDA ITEM 21 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st October 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm
15th July 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th July 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Dunton, O’Neill and Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and commented that the continuing bad weather has been affecting visitor numbers throughout North Wales.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 17thJune 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 7
M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
The paint has been delivered and as soon as there two clear dry days, Cllrs Hewins and Dunton will paint the playground equipment.
Page 9
M/37/(17.06.24) Possible maintenance contract and / or new P&D machine at Neuadd Dyfi car park
The clerk is still waiting for a quote
M/38/(17.06.24) To review 20mph limits in Aberdyfi
The clerk reported that there have been well over 50 signatures, the vast majority expressing that they want to keep the 20mph limit in Aberdyfi. She will contact Gwynedd Council tomorrow with this information.
The Chair reported that he had spoken to Andrews Gregson and asked for 20mph signs to be painted on the road.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
M/39/(17.06.24) To discuss recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
The clerk reported that she has had several phone calls, emails and meetings with various people from Gwynedd Council and has been told that the public recycling bins in the main car park will have new stickers put on and that Holiday Let businesses who do not prove they are paying for their waste to be removed will automatically be billed for the service. She had a meeting with Highways Waste enforcement and discussed blocking in the area by the fire station completely, with a roof and locked gate, so that only businesses have access to that area and she is now in the process of moving this forward. It has also been suggested that the business recycling facilities be placed in the compound at the edge of the village and she is investigating this possibility.
It was noted that the area behind the Dovey Inn is becoming very smelly and messy and it was agreed for the Chair to speak to the Dovey Inn.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
Action: Chair to speak to the Dovey Inn
Page 10
M/40/(17.06.24) To discuss remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
Cllr Hewins reported that he had asked 3 companies for quote and only one had replied, saying they didn’t want to quote. He will try again with other companies.
Action: Cllr Hewins to try to obtain quotes
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there had only been a very few meetings due to the recent election and noted that Gwynedd Council would be discussing Article 4 proposals tomorrow, the 16th July.
He reported that he has been led to believe that the proposal to build pylons along the length of Wales may be changed and the lines will go underground. He also reported that there is a new gas pipeline being laid between Cwrt and Tywyn through Happy Valley though it is unlikely the work will happen until later in the year.
There are proposals for proportional representation at local Council level and consultation will start soon.
He had been approached and asked if the Lord Lieutenant of Gwynedd, Edmund Bailey, would be able to attend our Remembrance Day service. He normally goes to Bangor or Caernarfon but would like to come to Aberdyfi this year. It was agreed to speak to David Richardson, the local British Legion representative and write to the Lord Lieutenant requesting his presence.
Action: Chair to speak to Mr Richardson
Action: Clerk to write to the Lord Lieutenant
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight closer to the time
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/766 The Gables, Balkan Hill, Aberdyfi. LL35 0LA
Alterations and extensions including raised decking
No objections raised
NP5/50/762 Four Winds, 3 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RB
Construction of detached garage with level parking area, formation of decking area, alterations to pedestrian access and dwelling alterations. Amended plans
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – An opportunity to comment on proposed parking restrictions at 38 Maes Newydd, Aberdyfi LL35 0PD
This parking application had been withdrawn so was not discussed
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To receive the 2024 RoSPA report
It was noted that there were no major points of concern in the report and it was noted that the painting of equipment will still be undertaken, the benches will still be bolted down and repairing the surface of the helter-skelter will be researched. It was agreed to investigate if anything can be done to improve the edge of the wet pour surface.
Action: Cllr Hewins and Cllr Dunton to investigate these issues
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To receive a verbal report on Ardal Ni 2035 meeting
The clerk reported that Gwynedd Council and One Voice Wales are encouraging local Councils to work together more closely in order to solve common problems and as such, she has attended meetings on Youth Engagement and Community Transport. There will be another one this week on Community Transport to which all Councillors are invited. It was agreed transport is a big issue in our area.
Action: Clerk to attend Community Transport meeting and report.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To receive a verbal report on the Plastic Free Aberdyfi project
Cllr Porter gave an update on the project. A crabbing crate has been purchased and is located on the wharf so that people can borrow crabbing equipment and return used crabbing kits to the crate. Signs explaining about the crate and guidelines for its use will be arriving soon and a rota of volunteers will look after it. The water bottles will be arriving soon. They will be double-walled aluminium decorated with the Aberdyfi logo.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To delegate powers to the Chair and Clerk until the September meeting
It was agreed to delegate powers
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss Aberdyfi Food Festival arrangements
The clerk reminded the Council that this event will take place on Sunday 18th August and volunteers will be required to help set up and take down. A water supply will be required and a battery-powered PA system is being sought. The clerk will organise an events box to contain items that might be required for various events such as a first aid kit, duct tape etc.
Action: Clerk to purchase items for an events box
Action: Councillors to help set up and take down on the day
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Letter regarding people blocking pavements and roads
It was agreed that the issues raised within the letter are outwith the jurisdiction of the Community Council and the Clerk should refer the author to the relevant departments of Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to reply
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – training for July, August & September
* Planning Aid Wales – training
* Griffith’s – New Dyfi Bridge newsletter
* One Voice Wales – Councils Connect: Community Transport
* One Voice Wales – Cost of Living Crisis forum
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Purchase of new P&D machine
* Training plan review
* Digital noticeboard
* Cycle path between Cemetery & village
* CCTV cameras
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Food Festival
* DoveyFest
* RNLI service & blessing of boat
* Aberdyfi Bike Ride
* Rowing events – Cardigan Bay Challenge, sculling and rowing race events
* Tea Dance
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting
Monday16th September 2024
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Motion to exclude the Press and Public in accordance with section 2A of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 20 – To receive a report on the AA&I
The clerk gave a report on the AA&I
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm
17 June 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th June 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
3 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Hewins and O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and noted that the sun is shining and he hopes it continues, which will hopefully increase visitor numbers, as business has been slow so far due to the bad weather.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Annual Council meeting on 20th May2024.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 3
M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
Cllrs Hewins, Owen and the Clerk have agreed on colours and Cllrs Dunton & Hewins will paint the playground equipment when the paint is delivered. The Clerk will order paint and has obtained signs and barrier tape.
The Clerk reported that the wet pour has been mended.
The Clerk reported that Cllr O’Neill and herself recently had a meeting with Resources4Change, as they are able to help with writing grant applications. Cllr O’Neill proposed that we employ them to help with a National Lottery grant application, with a view to the Clerk writing a draft application before giving it to R4C to review. R4C will charge £425 per day and envisage one to two weeks of work if writing the application from scratch so this will hopefully be less if the clerk does an initial draft first.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter
Page 4
M/172/(16.04.24) Remedial work to compass feature in wharf gardens
The clerk reported that this work has now been completed.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there had been a meeting with the Chief Executive recently and Gwynedd Council have estimated they will have a £36 million shortfall over the next 3 years. The Chief Executive noted that there will be a need for many cuts, probably including streamlining staff at Headquarters, amalgamating departments and passing work and costs down to Town and Community Councils.
Head of Highways for Gwynedd Council met with Welsh Government officials last week at Dyfi Bridge to discuss the issues raised regarding safety. The Government officials couldn’t understand why it was a junction and not a roundabout and they noted that the signs are too close to the junction. They were shocked at how wide the pavement was outside the cottages and an accident actually happened while they were there. Cllr Owen is confident changes will be made both at the junction and by the cottages.
He reported that Transport for Wales have reconsidered the proposed cancellation of train services on the Cambrian Coast line. He noted that the guards have reported several trains recently have been extremely full, with passengers standing and blocking the aisles. This has meant that the guards have been unable to take payment as they couldn’t reach people in the carriages before they left the train. This has resulted in user numbers becoming skewed and looking as if the trains aren’t being used when in fact the opposite is true. Cllr Owen has asked Transport for Wales to look into this issue.
He reported that Gwynedd Council cabinet met last week and he understands that funding for a new Harbourmaster’s office has been agreed. It will house an office, toilet and kitchen and as soon as plans have been drawn up, he will bring them to the Community Council. It was asked for Cllr Owen to request that a dedicated area for business bins be incorporated into the plans for the harbourmaster’s office.
Action: Cllr Owen to request dedicated area for business bins
Cllrs Owen, O’Neill and the Clerk attended a meeting last week of the Ardal Ni 2035 project. The meeting was attended by representatives from Aberdyfi, Bryncrug and Tywyn Councils, Tywyn Tourism Group and the Community Hub. Gwynedd Council noted that funding for individual projects is going to become more scarce and larger scale projects will be more successful, so suggested the group look at joint projects going forward. It was agreed to meet every 6 months to review current projects and look at possible joint projects.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/159B 3 Melin Ardudwy, Aberdyfi LL35 0RY
Amended plans for demolition of garage and the erection of a two storey side extension
No objections raised
NP5/50/562U Chalet N, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RF
Variation of condition No. 6 attached to planning permission NP5/42/160A dated 21/04/1976 to extend the occupation period from 8 up to 11 months in any calendar year.
It was agreed to write in support of this application
Action: Clerk to write to Parc Eryri
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss and approve Councillor’s renumeration for 2023-24
It was agreed that Councillors will be able to claim reimbursement from the clerk for any consumables used during the course of their work, up to £52.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
Councillors completed forms regarding the £156 home working allowance.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss taking out a maintenance contract for P&D machine for Neuadd Dyfi car park and the possibility of purchasing a new machine
This item was not able to be discussed as a quote had not been received.
Action: Clerk to add to July agenda
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To review 20mph limits in Aberdyfi
It was agreed to put this in Rushlight, on Facebook and a sheet in the Reading Room to ask for people’s opinions, before submitting comments from the Community Council
Action: Clerk to arrange
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to request that they closely monitor and enforce the recycling and waste rules for holiday lets, as there are a lot of visitors staying in the village saying they have been told to put their waste in the bins on the car park. It was agreed to request that the promised improvements to the recycling bins in the car park be done urgently, with new labels and more bins put in place. It was agreed to buy two CCTV signs and place them by the bins at the Fire Station end of the car park.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council and buy two CCTV signs.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he and Cllr Hewins had visited the shelter and identified several things that needed repair. He proposed that the Council approve spending up to £500 for the repairs, which will be overseen by Cllr Hewins and himself. Quotes will be requested prior to making a decision and if more than £500 is required, it will be brought back to the full council for a decision.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Action: Cllrs Tyrrell & Hewins to obtain quotes and arrange repairs
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive a verbal report and discuss the possibility of pylons being built throughout Wales
Kathy Gale gave a short report on the research she has done on the plans by National Grid ESO and the Welsh Government to build a double line of pylons from Bangor to Swansea, passing close to Dolgellau and Machynlleth. She reported that until November 2023 it was proposed to go under the sea, but the Welsh Government decided to bring the project forward so changed the plan to pylons. Kathy reported that there are also plans for pylons to be built in the Towy Valley and there is an action group already fighting this, so she would like to make this a Wales-wide action group and asked for the support of the Community Council in doing this. It was agreed to support Kathy in her efforts and to keep the topic as a rolling agenda item. It was agreed for Cllr Owen to talk to Parc Eryri about the issue.
Action: Council to support and Clerk to put in Rushlight and on Facebook
Action: Cllr Owen to contact Parc Eryri
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Email regarding a Bike Repair Station
The clerk reported that Gwynedd Council have some bike repair stations to give away for free so she has expressed an interest in having one in Aberdyfi. She has spoken to the Neuadd Dyfi about siting it there.
It was agreed that this is a good idea and it is hoped we are successful.
Action: Clerk to arrange
* Email from Aberdyfi Ice Cream Shop
The clerk confirmed that the comments made by the Council regarding the original Canolfan Dyfi lease was accurate, as she was the first tenant of one of the business units and there was a clause in the lease preventing her from having a cafe. It was agreed to retract the comments made on the planning application.
The clerk reported that the Council are currently unable to stream meetings as there is no wi-fi in the meeting room to facilitate this.
Action: Clerk to contact Parc Eryri
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* Email regarding BBC article on X-Troop
* Email regarding portacabin on the wharf
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Purchase of new P&D machine
* Training plan review
* Digital noticeboard
* Food Festival organisation & help
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Pylons
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next meeting
Monday15th July 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm
20 May 2024
Minutes of the thirty-ninth annual meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th May 2024
Present: Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Dave Williams
4 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Reynolds and Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Election of Chair of Aberdyfi Community Council for the year 2024-25
Cllr Dewi Owen was elected Chair
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Dunton
Cllr Williams proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chair.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Declaration of Acceptance of the role of Chair was received.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Election of Vice Chair of Aberdyfi Community Council for the year 2024-25
Cllr O’Neill was elected Vice Chair
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive the Vice Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Declaration of Acceptance of the role of Vice Chair was received
AGENDA ITEM 6 – To resolve to dissolve the Planning Committee
It was agreed to dissolve the planning committee
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 7 – To resolve to dissolve the Allotment Committee
It was agreed to dissolve the allotment committee
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To review the Terms of Reference for the Finance committee
The Terms of reference for the Finance Committee were reviewed and accepted
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Appointment of members to the Finance committee
Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Tyrrell and Williams were elected to the Finance Committee
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Appointment of members to outside bodies
Members were appointed to the following outside bodies:
10.1 Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
All councillors except Cllr Tyrrell
10.2 Aberdyfi Literary Institute
Cllr Porter
10.3 Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell
10.4 Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – councillors with a vote
Cllrs Hewins, Kelly, Owen, Reynolds and Williams
10.5 Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Kelly, Owen, Reynolds and Williams
10.6 Richard Williams and Richards Roberts Trust Fund
Cllr Reynolds (Chair), Bradbury-Willis, Owen, Porter with Cllr Williams as Trustee
10.7 Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds
10.8 Tywyn and District memorial hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy
10.9 One Voice Wales
Cllrs O’Neill and Owen, with Cllr Williams as deputy
10.10 Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To approve dates of Council meetings 2024-25
It was agreed to continue to hold meetings every third Monday in the month, with the exception of August. It was agreed to bring forward the date of the April meeting by 1 week, as the third Monday in April is Easter Monday.
2024: 17th June, 15th July, 16th September, 21st October, 18th November, 16th December 2025: 20thJanuary, 17th February, 17th March, 14th April, 19th May (Annual meeting)
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To review and adopt Standing Orders
It was agreed to adopt the Standing Orders
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To review and adopt Financial Regulations
It was agreed to adopt the Financial Regulations
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To review list of Council Assets
It was queried whether Picnic Island Bridge should be on the Asset Register.
Action: Clerk to clarify if this is the case
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Appointment of Internal Auditor for 2024/25
It was agreed to appoint Steve Lister as Internal Auditor
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 15th April 2024
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Matters arising
Page 53
M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas and Boxing Day
The clerk has had a reply from Gwynedd Council to our proposal for the street cleaner to oversee the toilets on these days, saying that they don’t know the street cleaner and the rotas have not yet been set, so they are unable to consider our request at the present time.
Action: Clerk to reply that we will be in touch closer to the time to arrange details
It was agreed to ask for a plan of the refurbishments planned for the toilets before it goes ahead
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council over the summer to request the plans.
M/158/(18.03.24) RoSPA report
Cllr Hewins and Dunton inspected the helter-skelter and found the metal to be structurally sound, though needs painting. Cllr Hewins contacted a paint company and confirmed what procedure needs to be followed and what paint can be used. Cllr Hewins and Dunton offered to undertake the work if the council buys the paint and Cllr O’Neill offered to meet with them to decide which colours should be bought.
Cllr Hewins will try to source a suitable metal box to store any surplus paint.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to meet with Cllr Hewins to decide colours
Action: Cllrs Dunton & Hewins to paint the metalwork on the helter-skelter and other equipment.
Action: Clerk to arrange signs and barrier tape to be erected while the work is being done.
Page 55
M/172/(15.04.24) Remedial work to compass feature in wharf gardens
This work was carried out last week
Action: Clerk to write to thank them for doing such a good job.
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Gwynedd Council report
Beca Roberts has been appointed Chair and Ioan Thomas Vice Chair of Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Planning
Cllr Hewins declared an interest in the Bryn Awel application
NP5/50/LB65D Bryn Awel, 26 Sea View Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0LL
Listed building consent for replacement bridge
No objections raised
NP5/50/L253 11 Church Street, Aberdyfi. LL35 0ES
Installation of dark grey composite decking and stainless-steel posts with glass infill panels in lieu of existing timber decking, posts and balustrade
No objections raised
NP5/50/760 Tŷ Nain, Balkan Hill, Aberdyfi LL35 0LB
Extension to dwelling including a balcony
No objections raised
NP5/50/532H Unit 2, Wharf Gardens, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Amended description and plan:
Installation of bi-fold doors in lieu of sliding window and extending A3 use to outdoor area for consumption of food and drink purchased from the property.
It was agreed to write that this sets a dangerous precedent and while the final decision to use the land lies with Gwynedd Council Maritime department, we feel it goes against the policy that was put in place when the Canolfan Dyfi was built, that the rooms upstairs were not to be used for a cafe, as it would give an unfair advantage to those businesses.
Action: Clerk to write to Parc Eryri
NP5/50/635D 17 Mynydd Isaf, Aberdyfi LL35 0PH
Extension to residential property and the installation of a green type roof above existing garage.
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 21 – To review and approve annual return
The annual return was approved unanimously
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 22 – To discuss and approve specification for painting playground equipment
It was agreed to approve the specification under agenda item 17
AGENDA ITEM 23 – To receive report on BCUHB workshop attended by Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 24 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Email regarding annual community meeting
Action: Clerk to reply
* Email regarding pump for clearing slipway
It was felt this should be referred to the AA&I
* Email regarding Ardal Ni 2035 draft plan
Action: Cllr O’Neil and the clerk to attend the meeting on 13th June
AGENDA ITEM 25 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to councillors
* Email regarding possible plans for energy link from North to South Wales
* Email from Dafydd Meurig containing link to Cyngor Gwynedd report on Article 4
* Email from Wales Air Ambulance regarding changes to their provision.
* Complaint from resident regarding parasols on the pavement opposite the Britannia Inn.
* Email from The Britannia Inn regarding various issues
AGENDA ITEM 26 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* To discuss a maintenance plan for the Neuadd Dyfi P&D machine
* To discuss issues with burst water pipes in the area
* To discuss if any changes to 20mph speed limit in Aberdyfi are desired
* To discuss possible plans for pylons to be erected from North to South Wales
* To discuss possibility of having a bike maintenance station in the village
* Terrace Road shelter maintenance
AGENDA ITEM 27 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
* D-Day flag and celebrations
* Time & Tide Bell
* Community meeting attended by Gwynedd Council, not Parc Eryri
* Air Ambulance petition
* Charging points working
* Clwb sgwrsio
AGENDA ITEM 28 – Date of next meeting
Monday 17th June 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.45pm
15 April 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th April 2024
Present: Councillors:
Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
4 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies CL/163/15.04.24
Apologies accepted from Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and noted that the village seemed busy at Easter, despite the bad weather.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18th March 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising CL/166/15.04.24
Page 48
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
A quote was accepted and work to refurbish the noticeboard was approved. Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day
The clerk had spoken to the street cleaner and he offered to look after the toilets on both days, cleaning and replenishing toilet paper if required. The clerk wrote to Gwynedd Council offering this as a solution, but no reply yet.
Page 51
M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
* Cllr Dunton & Cllr Hewins have not yet had a chance to fully inspect the helter- skelter due to the bad weather.
* Cllr Tyrrell arranged for a quote to be sent to the clerk for painting the equipment * Cllr O’Neill reported that very few grants are available to Community Councils and in the past other councils have set up a social enterprise in order to be able to apply for grants. She will continue to look into funding options. She reported that the quote has reduced by approximately £11,000 due to the price of materials going down.
* Cllr Hewins has removed the ends of the concrete benches and is researching the best way to secure the benches into the ground.
* The clerk has not contacted Abergynolwyn Council yet to see who paints their play equipment
* The inside of the helter-skelter has been cleaned
* GL Jones have said they will repair the wet pour as soon as practical but this has been hampered by the wet weather
* Cllr O’Neill reported that Machynlleth sold their redundant play equipment to Dyfi Reclamation but is not sure if this company still exists.
Action: Cllrs Dunton & Hewins to inspect the helter-skelter
Action: Cllr Hewins to report on best method of securing benches to the ground Action: Clerk to contact Abergynolwyn council regarding painting play equipment Action: Clerk to get specification for paint from GL Jones
Action: Cllr Hewins to create specification for painting the play equipment Action: Cllr O’Neill to research funding opportunities
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there have been no meetings at Gwynedd Council due to the Easter break. He reported that a Gwynedd council worker had spoken to him last week and told him that work is planned to start on the cycle path between Caethle and the Cemetery next month. The Community Council had previously been told that funding has not yet been found, so it unclear if this will happen.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning CL/169/15.04.24
NP5/50/532H Unit 2, Wharf Gardens, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Installation of bi-fold doors in lieu of sliding window and extending A3 use of covered area included within lease on Unit 2 for consumption of food and drink purchased from the property.
Objections raised by two councillors. Cllr Reynolds stated that Coast was previously refused planning permission to sell takeaway.
NP5/50/762 Four Winds, 3 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RB
Construction of detached garage with level parking area, formation of decking area, alterations to pedestrian access and dwelling alterations
No objections were raised, but the access problems were noted
NP5/50/400FLand to rear of Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi. LL35 0HF
Construction of 2 detached sheds to store equipment and machinery to maintain adjacent land
No objections were raised but the dispute over access was noted
NP5/50/159B 3 Melin Ardudwy, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RY
Demolition of garage and the erection of two storey side extension
Cllr O’Neill declared an interest in this item
No objections were raised
Action: Clerk to raise access problems with Parc Eryri for Four Winds and Greenhill Bungalow applications
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To note new salary scale for the clerk CL/170/15.04.24
It was noted that the clerk moved up one point on the salary scale on 1st April 2024
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss and approve wording for licence to occupy the football field
The amendments to the wording were approved and the clerk to send the amendments to the Golf Club for approval.
Action: Clerk to send amendments to the Golf Club for approval
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To agree and approve remedial work to compass feature in wharf gardens
A quote was accepted and remedial work to the compass approved Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: Clerk to arrange for work to be carried out
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To agree and approve remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
It was agreed to wait until Cllr Tyrrell is present to make a decision.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To receive quote and approve repairs to the bus shelter
It was agreed to go ahead with repairs
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive quote and approve painting of playground equipment
It was unclear if the paint specified in the quote was suitable and it was agreed to further research what type of paint should be used.
Action: Cllr Hewins to create specification for painting play equipment Action: Clerk to ask GL Jones what paint they use and how much is needed
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss request from Golf Club to provide more dog poo bins
It was agreed to ask the Golf Club if they will pay half the cost of a dog poo bin at Trefeddian crossing.
Action: Clerk to contact Golf Club
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss how to respond to Parc Eryri Article 4 planning proposals
It was agreed to write to Parc Eryri objecting to the proposals and to request that someone from Parc Eryri and / or Gwynedd Council attend the community meeting next week to give more information on the proposals.
Action: Clerk to write to Parc Eryri
Action: Cllr Owen to invite representatives of Gwynedd Council and / or Parc Eryri to the community meeting
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To discuss effects of new recycling regulations in the village
It was noted that Aberdyfi Community Council have no jurisdiction over bins in the village and they suspect that there will be teething problems initially. It was agreed to bring up the issue at the community meeting and to monitor the situation over the summer.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda of community meeting
Cllr Owen reported that there has been a lot of fly-tipping recently in the lay-by beyond Braich y Celyn Hall where the railings have been damaged.
Action: Clerk to write to Network Rail regarding the issue
AGENDA ITEM 17 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council
* Email regarding drop-in events on Gwynedd Council housing schemes
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for consideration at future meetings CL/180/15.04.24
* Water situation in Aberdyfi and frequency of burst pipes
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook CL/181/15.04.24
- Article 4 proposals
- Date & Agenda of Community meeting
- Welsh Language sessions56
- Water fountain
- Plastic Free Aberdyfi
- AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next meeting CL/182/15.04.24
Monday 20th May 2024There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm
18 March 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th March 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked Cllr Hackelsberger for organising the work to tidy and plant up the main car park. He also thanked all the volunteers who helped and noted how much better the car park looks now. He reminded everyone that there is a meeting of the AA&I next Monday.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 19thFebruary 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 44
M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
It was agreed to continue negotiations with Gwynedd Council with a view to them removing the grass cuttings.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk is still waiting for a quote
Page 45
M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day
The clerk shared an email she had received from Gwynedd Council, stating that the
public toilets can not be opened on these days, as it is unfair to expect the cleaners to have 3 days worth of cleaning to do when they return to work. It was agreed to reply, stating again that we don’t expect them to be cleaned on those days.
Action: Clerk to reply
Page 46
M/139/(19.02.24) Golf club licence to use football field
The clerk still hasn’t heard from the Golf Club regarding this issue
Action: Cllr Williams to remind the Golf Club that they need to review the lease
M/142/(19.02.24) Ear wax removal at Tywyn Health Centre
The clerk has had it confirmed that this service will be offered again at Tywyn as soon as funding becomes available
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
It was noted that both savings accounts have now been opened.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that at the full meeting of the council, it was agreed to increase Council Tax by 9.5%, which equates to £2.14 a week for Band D. He realises this a large increase and gave the clerk a helpline phone number for people who are struggling to pay their Council Tax. She will advertise this number on social media and in Rushlight.
He reported that the board of Gwynedd Council met in the Yacht Club earlier today and he was invited to join them for lunch. He discussed many of the issues in the village such as the problems with sand encroaching into the village and they responded that they understand our problems a lot better having been here. He hoped that some of the problems may start to be remedied as a result.
At the Harbour Users meeting, Cllr Owen was told that interviews for a new deputy-harbourmaster are being held imminently and a new Beach Warden for the area has been appointed. At the meeting the harbourmaster reported that he now has a drone so is able to check on moorings and buoys much easier. He also reported that mooring and launch fees are increasing by £10 this year.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L89B 3 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0EU
Retrospective application to relocate existing condensing unit to its former location at side of property.
New description and amended plan for application
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss purchase of flag for D-Day 80th anniversary
It was resolved to buy a 5’ x 3’ flag at a cost of £28.80.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Action: Clerk to purchase flag and arrange hoisting
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To receive a report on meeting with Gwynedd Council regarding village public toilets
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he, together with Cllr Reynolds and the clerk, met with a representative of Gwynedd Council to discuss refurbishment of both sets of public toilets. It was a very positive meeting and they were told that the refurbishment of the main toilets is due to start in the autumn, though there is likely to be less money for the refurbishment than previously hoped. It was agreed that the Community Council could possibly collaborate with Gwynedd Council to ensure that the toilets are refurbished to a good standard. The Councillors were told that that the reason our toilets are being refurbished and not ones in other towns is because ours are not vandalised. Once the main toilets are refurbished, we will continue to talk to Gwynedd Council and seek to get the Neuadd Dyfi toilets refurbished in the near future.
Action: Clerk to remain in contact with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To receive an update on cycle path project
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he walked along the route between Trefeddian Terrace and the cemetery with the clerk and found that it was completely under water for a distance of approximately 100 metres so a board walk or other solution would be needed to allow cycles and pedestrians to travel freely. However, a board walk would cause problems for the energy companies who need to access that area with heavy machinery to maintain the overhead cables. The need to build a bridge across the stream at a different location on the proposed path was also discussed and it was agreed that this section of cycle path is a much more complicated project than initially envisaged. It was agreed to wait and see if Gwynedd Council obtain funding for the other part of the cycle path and if they are successful, then the Community Council will ask to work with them to complete the section between the cemetery and the village, as it was felt the project is too complicated for the Community Council to undertake on its own.
It was noted that no decision has yet been made on the planning application for the section of cycle path between Caethle and the cemetery.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To agree grants to be awarded
Applications were received from several organisations and it was resolved to award £100 to each of Meirionnydd Young Farmers, Welsh Air Ambulance, Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Dail Dysynni.
It was noted that the grant to the Neuadd Dyfi for 2023/24 is £4,091.00
Action: Clerk to distribute grants
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To agree date for Annual Community Meeting and discuss format and agenda
It was agreed to hold the Annual Community Meeting on 22nd April, with reports from the Community Council, AA&I, Neuadd Dyfi and Aberdyfi Community Projects Group followed by an open forum.
Action: Clerk to advertise date and agenda
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss RoSPA report and receive an update on Playground Project
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he had found an identical helter-skelter to the one in Aberdyfi in Goodwick but which had been removed on Health and Safety grounds. The clerk contacted Goodwick and Pembrokeshire County Council and was told that they had spent a long time and exhausted all possibilities to get theirs fixed and as repairs were going to cost £10,000, it was removed. Cllr Dunton reported that the fibreglass is sound and that it is the gelcoat that is wearing, which can be repaired quite easily.
The clerk reported that we have received planning permission for the new playground and Cllr O’Neill reported that most grants are not available to Community Councils. She also reported that she understood Machynlleth council had sold their redundant play equipment to a reclamation yard and she noticed that Abergynolwyn play equipment was being painted when she travelled through recently.
It was agreed to clean the inside of the helter-skelter, repair the gelcoat, remove the concrete bench ends and to organise painting of the other equipment.
The clerk reported she had contacted GL Jones who said they will repair the wet pour as soon as possible, but the wet weather has delayed work.
Action: Cllr Dunton to source someone to repair gelcoat
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to try to find someone to paint equipment
Action: Cllr O’Neill to research funding options
Action: Cllr Hewins to remove concrete bench ends and bolt down other benches
Action: Clerk to contact Abergynolwyn Council to ask who paints their play equipment
Action: Clerk to arrange cleaning of inside of helter-skelter
Action: Clerk to ask GL Jones for date of repair
Action: Clerk to find out how Machynlleth council disposed of their play equipment.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
* Introduction of Strategic Development Plans.
The Chair reported that he and the clerk attended a meeting where Strategic Development Plans were explained, though no date has been given as to when they will be implemented. There will be 4 development plan areas and Aberdyfi will be in an area stretching from Aberdyfi up to Angelsey and across to Wrexham. The plans are envisaged to create more cohesive plans for these areas, such as transport and housing etc. but at the moment they are in the very early stages and who will be involved in creating the strategic plans has yet to be decided.
* BCUHB update
The clerk reported that she had attended a meeting with representatives of BCUHB presenting on progress made one year on from being put in special measures. Improvements have been made in all areas, though generally these have only been small, and it was acknowledged that there is a long way to go. BCUHB have been working hard on creating closer links with staff and agencies such as the ambulance service and creating a more open culture so that improvements can be made from the bottom up rather than top-down. They will be holding face to face meetings throughout communities in Gwynedd this year to find out what local communities need and want to happen.
* Residents have expressed concerns about the new junction near Machynlleth as it is hard to see when travelling from Machynlleth and traffic coming from the other direction is travelling fast round a bend, so may well not be able to stop in time if someone is pulling out of the junction. It was agreed to write to Steffan Jones at Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to write to Steffan Jones expressing the concerns of the Community Council
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Training plan review
* Water situation in Aberdyfi and frequency of burst pipes
* Slate compass in wharf gardens
* Shelter on way to Penhelig
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Council Tax helpline number
- Gwynedd Council Board meeting in village
- Date & Agenda of Community meeting
- Welsh Language sessions
- Neuadd Dyfi events
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next meeting
Monday 15th April 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm
19 February 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 19th February 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it has been a very quiet month in the village.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 15thJanuary 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 41
M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has emailed Aled to see if he would be willing to remove the grass cuttings but has not yet had a reply.
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk has asked Stuart Myring for a quote to refurbish the large white noticeboard but has not had a reply and has not yet asked Gwynedd Council if the lights are their responsibility.
Action: Clerk to chase up Stuart Myring
Page 42
M/127/(15.01.24) To note new pension arrangements for the clerk
Cllr Porter reported that pension contributions have been paid for November, December and January and will be paid every month going forward. She has agreed the figure to be back-dated with Mr. Lister, so she will now arrange for this to be paid.
Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
M/128/(15.01.24) Correspondence
Vehicle stuck in Cwm Maethlon
The clerk met with Andrew Gregson and asked if Gwynedd Council could put ‘do not follow satnav’ signs at each end of the valley. He agreed to look into it and it was noted that Pennal and Tywyn Councils have both asked for the same thing.
Toilets closed on Christmas and Boxing Day
The clerk is meeting with Bryn Hughes on 28th February to discuss the cost of refurbishment of the Neuadd Dyfi toilets and will also ask him for the toilets to be open every day of the year. She will also ask him about the lights under the canopy and the blocked gutters at the main toilets
Action: Clerk to meet with Bryn Hughes.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there will be a full meeting of Gwynedd Council in two week’s time when the council tax rates will be set for the coming year. He has been told that the work at Dyfi Bridge is progressing well and they are hopeful of finishing at the end of next week, ie. beginning of March.
The greenery at the side of the road between the Penhelig and Outward Bound has now been cut back and has made a big difference to visibility for vehicles. He urged everyone to let him know if there are any other hedges/ overgrown areas on the roadside and he will arrange for them to be cut back.
The footpath known as Lover’s Lane is in danger of becoming blocked by landslip if the shale that is piled next to it moves. This is especially concerning with the heavy rain recently experienced in Aberdyfi.
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council.
Number 4 Maes Newydd has been bought by Gwynedd Council as part of their scheme to buy back local housing. This house will now be refurbished and let out to local residents.
Two new nurses have been recruited for Tywyn hospital, a new Nurse Practitioner for the GP practice and it is hoped that 3 GPs will join the practice full-time in the next few months.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/573B Rhos Awel, Aberdyfi LL35 0NR
Demolition of existing single storey extension and construct new single storey extension, and demolition and replacement of front boundary wall
No objections were raised
NP5/50/130D Bwlch Gwyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
Construction of rural enterprise dwelling (re-submission)
No objections were raised and it was resolved to write in support of this application.
ME0452 Tides Inn, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Application to vary premises licence
Unanimously resolved to object on grounds of close proximity of residential properties and bedrooms of The Dovey Inn directly above the bar.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To approve Deed of Variation to the licence between Aberdyfi Community Council and Gwynedd Council
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Hewins
It was noted that the Golf Club have not yet commented on the licence to use the football field sent to them for approval
Action: Cllr Williams to chase up
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To agree to lead the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi by example, to remove single use plastic items from the Council premises and operations, and to encourage plastic-free initiatives in the area, promoting the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi and supporting its events.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Porter
Resolved unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To note grant awarded by Gwynedd Council for allotment improvementsand to approve installation of a communal greenhouse and other essential works to improve safety in the allotments.
It was agreed to spend the money originally budgeted for the work on the trees on installing the greenhouse, creation of a communal compost area and replacement of handrail.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Email regarding wax removal from ears at Tywyn Health Centre. A query was raised about why this service no longer being offered at the GP practice in Tywyn. Cllr Bradbury-Willis reported that in Hywel Dda Health board, this service is being moved to an out-patient service and will be carried out by a Health Board professional with specialist ear nurses being trained. She reported that locally a wax removal service is available from herself at Balance in Aberdyfi and Specsavers in Aberystwyth. 46Action: Clerk to ask what measures are being taken by Betsi Cadwaldr Health Board.
- The clerk met with Andrew Gregson of Gwynedd Council regarding speed signs and he advised that current speed signs would not work in Aberdyfi due to cars parked along the side of the road. He also reported that the life cost of one camera is approximately £20,000. He said that smaller, mobilecameras are being trialled so suggested waiting to see if the technology and price make it a more feasible option for Aberdyfi.
- Email from Arthog & Fairbourne Council asking if we are willing to donate helter-skelter slide. It was felt that this was not a feasible option, as there is no point in getting a new spiral slide if the helter-skelter is still useable. It was agreed to look more into extending the life of the helter-skelter. It was agreed to revisit the RoSPA report at the next meeting.Action: Cllrs Tyrrell and Dunton to research repairing the helter-skelterAction: Clerk to add to agenda for next month
- Free training on Strategic Development Plans
- Email regarding Westhaven apartments. It was agreed this it is not within the council’s remit to comment on the issue of UPVC windows.
- Email regarding BCUHB meetings this year. The clerk has asked to be informed when a meeting is held locally in order for Aberdyfi Councillors to attend.
- Cllr Hackelsberger reminded everyone that volunteers are needed on Saturday morning to help plant in the car park.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings
RoSPA report
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Congratulations on pantomime
- Community planting on 24th February
- Community lunch 8th March
- New photo ID required for voting
- Food Festival and Dovey Fest dates
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th March 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.40pm
15 January 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th January 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Tyrrell and Owen
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that the person who vandalised the Christmas Tree lights had handed themselves into the police and will pay the cost of replacing the lights. He reported that he has been told of broken glass which has been found in the dunes on several occasions so has forwarded this information onto the harbour master. On Saturday there was a presentation to the previous sub-Post Mistress to thank her for all her work.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18thDecember 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 37
M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has emailed Aled to see if he would be willing to remove the grass cuttings but has not yet had a reply.
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk has asked Stuart Myring for a quote to refurbish the large white noticeboard but has not had a reply. The Chair reported that he had noticed there is a light under the canopy but it doesn’t work.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council and ask if this light is their responsibility.
M/96/(20.11.23) Main car park planting
A date has been set for Saturday 24th February at 10am for the planting. The preparation work will be done beforehand by Cllr Hackelsberger and others. Posters have been put up in the village and on social media, asking for volunteers.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
No Applications had been received
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To agree and approve precept for 2024-25
It was resolved to set the precept at 4.5%.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note new pension arrangements for the clerk
Cllr Porter reported that she has enrolled the clerk in a pension scheme though is still investigating the issue of backdated payments. The clerk has been re-enrolled with the Pension Regulator.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Correspondence
- The Ardal Ni team will be working in the village from 22-26 January when they will continue with work on the lights in the main car park
- It has been confirmed that the road at Dyfi bridge will be closed from 10th February for up to 3 months. No mitigation has yet been received. It was thought that the route of the detour goes through Cwm Maethlon, not Talyllyn, and it was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to ask for clarifictaion and to ensure that signs are put at each end of the valley. Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- It was reported that a large articulated vehicle got stuck on the hairpin corner in Cwm Maethlon recently and it was agreed to ask Gwynedd Council for permanent ‘do not follow satnav’ signs to be put at each end of the valley.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- Fly-tipping was reported by the main train station and it was agreed to contact Gwynedd Council with this information and ask if parking bays could be created to help stop this in the futureAction: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council42
- The clerk reported that both sets of toilets were closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and as a result, the street cleaner had to clear up at least 5 sets of human faeces around the village. It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to request that they be left open, even if they can’t be cleaned on those days.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- Pont y Brics road is currently closed while the old changing rooms are being demolished. If people go across the level crossing instead, they MUST phone before crossing.
- Car charging points should be connected within the next few weeks.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Items for consideration at future meetings
No items reported
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- New Year’s Day fundraiser
- Pantomime
- Community planting on 24th February
- Ceilidh on 24th February
- Community lunch 8th February
- New photo ID required for voting
- 10th February road closure
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th February 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 7.55pm
18 December 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th December 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Dunton, O’Neill, Porter and Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and congratulated everyone involved in the Tractor Run at the weekend, saying it was spectacular and hoped it raised a lot of money for charity. He noted that the lights in the subway are not working at all and some of the CCTV cameras around the wharf area need maintenance or replaced. It was agreed to ask Phil Pugh to look at the cameras and for the clerk to inform Gwynedd Council about the faulty lighting in the subway.
The Chair reported that the lights on the Christmas Tree had been vandalised and were not working any more. The perpetrators were caught on CCTV and this footage has been passed to the police, and it looked as though boats and other items on the wharf had been damaged too. The clerk reported the incident on Facebook and received offers of help from various local and national businesses to replace the lights. Unfortunately new lights had been bought before the offers were received but it was agreed how appreciative the council are of the support from the community.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20thNovember 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 31
M/87/20.11.23 – To approve licence for use of football field by golf club
The clerk has sent the draft licence to the golf club but has not yet received a reply
Page 32
M/88/20.11.23 – To approve change of lease with Gwynedd Council
The clerk has sent the draft licence to Gwynedd Council and has requested the lease be changed to contain a generic clause regarding the licence. They felt this would be acceptable and are in the process of amending the lease for the approval of the Community Council.
M/90/20.11.23 – To discuss installation of speed signs
The clerk has received examples of the speed signs Gwynedd Council intend to use and she has arranged to meet with Mr Gregson of Gwynedd Council early next year to discuss where they could be sited and how much installation and ongoing costs would be.
M/93/20.11.23 – Sharing CCTV system with the harbour authority
The Chair has spoken to the harbour master and it has been agreed that the harbour authority will buy their own system.
Cllr Owen reported that the harbour office is not fit for purpose and a portacabin will be placed close to the office early next year and this will be used until a new office can be found / built.
Page 33
M/94/20.11.23 – Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has not heard back from Aled if he is agreeable to doing this work
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/95/20.11.23 – Village noticeboard
The clerk has not had time to talk to the pharmacy about putting a monitor in his window. Cllr Owen reported that he has been told by Parc Eryri that the digital noticeboard included in the recent Tourist Information Centre planning application is for Aberdyfi Community Council, not Parc Eryri. It is not clear if they will pay for the digital noticeboard, so it was agreed to wait to see who will have to pay for it.
Wooden noticeboard by the toilets: it was agreed to wait to see what happens with the digital noticeboard before doing anything about this board.
Large white cork board in the covered area: It was agreed to ask Stuart Myring if he could clean up this noticeboard and repaint it.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring
M/96/20.11.23 – Main car park planting
Gwynedd Council have given their permission for the Community Council to go ahead with this work. Cllr Hackelsberger reported that the plan is to set a date, hopefully in February, and ask the village residents to come along and help on that day. A small digger has been offered and a call for hardy plants will be made in Rushlight, although plants will also be bought and Cllr Hackelsberger will apply to the AA&I for funding for this.
Action: Clerk to put something in Rushlight and to inform Bob Nickless that this work will be happening and ask for his suggestions / help.
Page 34
M/96/20.11.23 – Public toilet concerns
The clerk has contacted Gwynedd Council and they confirmed that they have been successful in obtaining funding to refurbish the main toilets in Aberdyfi and the work will be carried out next Autumn / Winter to avoid the tourist season. The work will not include the toilets by the Neuadd Dyfi and the clerk will be meeting with Gwynedd Council to discuss how much it would cost to refurbish these ones and to find out exactly what work is planned for the main toilets.
The clerk reported that both sets of toilets were given a deep clean in the spring and then again in the autumn and she has arranged for the same to be done next year.
Action: Clerk to meet with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
The recent full meeting of Gwynedd Council lasted over 5 hours. BCUHB reported that the situation at Tywyn hospital and Health Centre is improving steadily and 2 more nurses have been recruited. The plan is for them to start at the beginning of next year.
It was reported that more houses than ever in Gwynedd are not paying any rates at all. Cllr Owen asked who is responsible for checking that houses are being let for the full 182 days in order to claim rate relief and was told that there are not the resources to check them. Cllr Owen pointed out that quite a few businesses in Aberdyfi are potentially coming up for sale soon and this is being echoed in other sea-side towns, so he has asked for an impact assessment to be done into the effect of businesses closing down on the local communities.
Gwynedd council reported that they have bought over 30 houses with a view to letting them to locals, but couldn’t give a figure of how many are currently unoccupied, as most are being refurbished. Cllr Owen pointed out that as many second homes are now being sold and becoming holiday lets, local communities are being eroded and lost. He reported that Parc Eryri are thinking of following Gwynedd Council in implementing Section 4 of planning, whereby people will have to apply for planning permission to change from residential use to a second home or to a holiday let, but they will wait to see how it works first.
Cllr Owen reported that he has been voted in as Chair of Network Rail’s Cambrian Coast Committee. The council congratulated him on his appointment. He
reported that more coaches are currently being built so that the trains on the Cambrian Coast can have 4 carriages rather than 2, but these will not be in service until 2025. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the railway bridges in Aberdyfi could be painted.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/165C Glygyrog Ddu, Aberdyfi LL35 0RL
Retrospective application for part single / part two storey side extensions including balcony / terraced areas, two storey rear extension, front porch, alterations to roof of existing dwelling including installation of 3 rooflights, and associated work.
Action: Clerk to contact Parc Eryri expressing disappointment that we were not given a chance to comment on the application had it come though in the normal manner
NP5/50/10M Outward Bound Centre Aberdyfi LL35 0RA
Formation of additional car parking areas in connection with the Outward Bound Centre
No objections raised
NP5/50/647B Existing highway verge adjoining A493 between Aberdyfi & Tywyn
Formation of a footpath (Active Travel route) between the communities of Tywyn and Aberdyfi adjacent to the A493
No objections raised
NP5/50/L89B 3 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0EU
Retrospective application to retain condensing unit at side of property
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss councillor’s consumables renumeration
The clerk reported that councillors will be paid £156 expenses going forward, but they will be able to decline this payment. If they do, it will be up to the full council to decide what to do with the money, not the individual councillor.
In addition, councillors can either be paid a flat rate of £52 for consumables, or can claim this back from the council. If a flat rate, it is exempt from PAYE, but if reimbursed from the council, this will be subject to PAYE.
The clerk informed the council that each individual councillor will be able to choose what they want to do about both payments, which will come into force in the next financial year.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve budget for 2024/25
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss opening two savings accounts
The finance committee proposed opening two instant access accounts to allow the ring-fenced money from Aberdyfi Tourism and the Playground appeal to be kept
separate from working capital and everyday savings.
The finance committee proposed reviewing the situation next year with a view to opening a notice account then.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to open two instant access savings accounts
Action: Finance committee to discuss notice accounts next year
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss purchase of a council laptop for CCTV access
It was agreed to purchase a laptop which runs Microsoft software up to £200.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Action: Clerk to purchase laptop
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve payment for storage of mobile kitchen
It was agreed to pay 3 years back-dated rent for storage and to pay yearly going forward at a rate of £10 per month.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Action: Clerk to arrange for payment to be made
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
* Parc Eryri Recreation Strategy
* Coastal path above Hillside Park is overgrown
Action: Clerk to contact Aled and ask him to cut it back
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Ask a representative from BCUHB to come to our meeting
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Advent windows
* Fireworks New year
* New Year’s Day fundraiser
* Nurses recruited for Tywyn
* Tractor Run
* Vandalism of tree lights
* Cycle path update
* Car park planting
AGENDA ITEM 26 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50pm
20 November 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th November 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and announced that the official opening of the wharf development took place last week with dignitaries from Gwynedd Council and other organisations present. He thanked Cllr Reynolds for replacing the batteries in the defibrillators and the clerk noted that the battery needs to show 0 before it will stop working.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 16thOctober 2023.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 23
M/3/15.05.23 – Time & Tide bell information board
The board is now in place but it was noted that it is looking tired. It was agreed for the clerk to check the if it needs replaced and if the wording needs to be changed. Also to consider the possibility of adding a QR code to the information.
Action: Clerk to check the information board
M/24/19.06.23 – Coastal erosion
Cllr Owen is to meet with the golf club and Parc Eryri to see what needs to be
Cllr Williams noted that NRW dictate what maintenance the golf club can do
on the sand dunes
M/34/17.07.23 – Planning violations
The clerk contacted Parc Eryri and they confirmed that they plan to hold an online meeting this year
Page 24
M/42/17.07.23 – Railings in main car park
Cllr Owen showed the problem to the Head of Highways of Gwynedd Council at the wharf opening and he has agreed to come to Aberdyfi again soon to discuss a solution.
M/51/18.09.23 – Road closure in January
It was noted that this is now likely to happen in February and more details should be forthcoming within the next week.
M/55/18.09.23 – Payment for storage of kitchen
Clerk has contacted Mr George but has not had a reply
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/57/18.09.23 – RoSPA report
The clerk has met with Stuart Myring and is waiting for a quote to paint the playground equipment.
Page 25
M/58/18.09.23 – Review Food Festival
Cllr Owen and the Clerk met with organisers of the Food festival and they have agreed to run the event next year, but asked for more help. It was agreed the clerk will take responsibility for the financial aspect of the festival and the organisers will contact the clerk if they need help with other things.
M/59/18.09.23 – Correspondence
These have been painted, as has the welcome sign at the Penhelig end of the village.
Page 26
M/68/16.10.23 – Gwynedd Council report
Release pf game birds
Cllr Owen reported that he had spoken to Gwynedd Council and Parc Eryri and both organisations replied that there is nothing they can do about the problem of game birds being released in Pennal and Happy Valley area, as it is currently
unregulated. Cllr O’Neil reported that she had had several close calls with birds and other cars trying to avoid birds on the road and was concerned that an accident will happen soon. She reported that there are bird feeders on the bank above the road at Cwrt, meaning that the birds are feeding on the food
that has fallen out of the feeder onto the road and she had moved one of the
feeders as they had fallen into the road. She has contacted Highways at Gwynedd Council and sent them photos and Cllr Owen has asked Gwynedd Council to contact the organisers of the shoots.
Cycle path
The clerk reported that Gwynedd Council were unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding to complete the cycle path and they will apply again when the next round of funding opens for applications.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Porter
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
Thank you to everyone who attended the Remembrance Services on Sunday and it was agreed to write to Mr Richardson who organises both events.
It was good to meet with the Chief Executive of Gwynedd Council face to face at the wharf opening as Cllr Owen was able to speak to him about various issues in the village and he plans to come back to Aberdyfi soon to discuss these issues further.
Action: Clerk to thank Mr Richardson
Action: Cllr Owen to meet with Gwynedd Council early next year
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
The council declared an interest in the playground application.
NP5/50/754 Aberdyfi Playground, Bodfor Terrace LL35 0EA
Refurbishment of playground equipment and wet-pour surface.
NP5/50/532F Tourist Information Centre, The Wharf, Aberdyfi
LL35 0EE
Change external doors and glazing to shop fronts for new automatic opening doors, install notice boards on the front of the building, refurbish external ramps and installation of solar PV panels.
No objections were raised.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To approve licence for use of football field by golf club
It was agreed the licence is acceptable as a draft and should be sent to the golf club.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clerk to send licence to the Golf club
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve change of lease with Gwynedd Council
It was agreed to go ahead with a change to the lease, ideally allowing the community council to sub-let the football field to anyone using the licence which is being used to sub0let to the golf club.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter
Action: Clerk to send draft licence to Gwynedd Council and ask for the sub-let clause to be generic
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss opening a savings account
It was agreed to open an instant access savings account with Charity Bank and for the finance committee to research a notice account.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clerk to open an instant access savings account
Action: Finance committee to meet to discuss notice accounts.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss installation of speed signs
It was agreed to ask for examples of the type of speed signs Gwynedd Council are able to provide and to ask for cost of civil works if signs will be put on lamp-posts.
Action: Clerk to contact Andrew Gregson at Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve enrolling clerk in a pension plan
It was noted that the clerk hasn’t yet been enrolled in a pension plan. Cllr Porter volunteered to take this on.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Action: Cllr Porter to enrol clerk in a pension plan
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To note new salary scale from NALC
The new salary scales were noted and the clerk reminded the council that the scales date from 1st April 2023
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss sharing CCTV system with the harbour authority.
It was agreed to go ahead with this, though some concerns were raised about the effect using a tilt and zoom camera will have on the wi-fi and function of the card payment system in the Tourist Information Centre. It was agreed to bring this to the attention of the harbourmaster.
It was noted that currently Cllr Kelly was the only one in the council with access to the CCTV footage and that the clerk also needs to be able to view the footage. It was also agreed that the system should only be checked occasionally. It was suggested that in the interest of transparency, anyone who accesses the footage
should keep a log of when they log in and out of the system. It was noted the police have also been given log-in details to the system.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Cllr Kelly to liaise with the harbourmaster
Action: Clerk to check she is able to log in to the system
Action: Anyone accessing footage to keep a record of when they log in and out of the system.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss paying Gwynedd Council to remove grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
Gwynedd Council have told the Community Council that there is no mechanism for them to reimburse us for the cost of cutting and removing the grass cuttings. It was agreed to ask Aled how much he would charge just to remove the cuttings.
Action: Clerk to contact Aled
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To discuss installing a village noticeboard
It was noted that Parc Eryri are planning on putting a digital noticeboard in the Tourist Information Centre where the Community Council were hoping to site one. It was suggested that we could potentially share their digital noticeboard. The clerk informed the council that a physical noticeboard would cost approximately £1000 and this would replace the noticeboard by the toilets in the centre of the village. It was suggested that it might also be possible to install a TV in the pharmacy window which could act as a digital noticeboard. It was agreed to ask the pharmacy if they are willing to do this and ask Aberdyfi Tourism group if they are willing to spend their money on this system.
Action: Clerk to contact Aberdyfi Tourism
Action: Clerk to contact Pharmacy
Action: Clerk to add to agenda for next month.
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence
* New year’s Day fundraiser
WeSwimRun are planning a playground fundraiser again on New year’s Day
* Aberdyfi wi-fi project
Menter-Mon have offered to come and do another session for local businesses
* Car park planting
Cllr Hackelsberger has proposed a planting solution for the main car park.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
* Aberdyfi Plastic Free Community
A proposal for Aberdyfi to become part of the Plastic Free Community Campaign was received. It was agreed to join the campaign. Cllr Porter volunteered to be on the steering group
Action: Clerk to inform the campaign of our intention to be involved
* Public toilet concerns
Email received from a member of the public, expressing concerns about the state of the public toilets.
It was agreed to find out if Gwynedd Council plan to refurbish them and if not, how much it would cost to refurbish them, with the view to possibly covering the cost between the community council and AA&I.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
* Tywyn Hospital update
Cllr Reynolds gave an update on the staffing issues at Tywyn hospital
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Village noticeboard and digital noticeboard at the pharmacy
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Remembrance Day services
* Opening of the wharf
* Advent windows
* Plastic Free Campaign
* Welcome to the new Post Office owners
* Fireworks New year
* New Year’s Day fundraiser
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 18th December 2023 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.10pm
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the financial committee of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 27th November2023
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Owen
AGENDA ITEM 2 – To discuss budget for 2024/25
The budget was discussed and it was agreed to present to the full council at the December or Januarymeeting.
Action: Clerk to add to agenda
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To discuss opening a notice savings account
It was agreed to propose opening an instant access savings account with Unity Trust Bank for the money currently ring-fenced for the Aberdyfi Tourism organisation and Playground Appeal donations. It was also agreed to propose opening a second one with Charity Bank for all but £10,000 of the remaining balance in the current account, assuming it is not too difficult to administer, and the current account balance to be kept at approximately £10,000. It was agreed to review the situation again next year with a view to possibly opening a notice savings account.
Action: Clerk to research how easy it is to administer the Charity Bank savings account.
Action: Clerk to add to agenda for December meeting
The meeting closed at 11.30am
16 October 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th October 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and said there seems to have been quite a few visitors to the village in October. He has also noticed a poster has been stuck to the bus shelter so he is going to ask them to remove it.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18thSeptember 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 16
M/3/15.05.23 – Time & Tide bell
The clerk has not been able to talk to the harbourmaster yet
Cllr Owen offered to speak to him at the Harbour Users meeting planned for the next day.
Action: Cllr Owen to speak to harbourmaster
Page 17
M/24/19.06.23 – Coastal erosion
Cllr Owen is waiting for Mabon ap Gwynfor to set a date to meet.
Action: Cllr Owen to bring up this issue at the Harbour Users meeting
M/34/17.07.23 – Planning violations
Cllr Owen has not had time to ask Parc Eryri if they plan to come to Aberdyfi this year Action: Clerk to contact Parc Eryri
M/42/17.07.23 – Railings in main car park
Cllr Owen has had an email stating that Gwynedd Council have no money to upgrade the railings or replace them with a wall at this time. It was noted that they will have to be replaced eventually.
Page 18
M/51/18.09.23 – Road closure in January
Griffiths Ltd have advertised public meetings at the end of October and it was agreed to encourage as many people as possible to go to them to pressure them to do the work at night and keep the road open during the day. Clerk has put up posters in the village and will also put in Rushlight.
It was noted that it has been rumoured that the new bridge is behind schedule, which will affect the dates of this road closure as the new bridge needs to be open before this work can be done.
Action: Clerk to put in meeting dates in Rushlight and on website
M/53/18.09.23 – Double yellow lines at entrance to Parc yr Ysgol
The clerk confirmed that Gwynedd Council will be going ahead with this. The council unanimously agreed to the proposal.
Page 19
M/54/18.09.23 – removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council suggesting that the Community Council take over the grass cutting service and is reimbursed for the cost, but has not has a reply.
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/55/18.09.23 – Payment for storage of kitchen
Clerk has contacted Mr George but has not had a reply
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/56/18.09.23 – Insurance claim for locum costs
The Chair and clerk have agreed to go ahead with a claim as the excess is £250 and will have a minimal affect on premiums
Action: Clerk to pursue insurance claim
M/57/18.09.23 – RoSPA report
GL Jones have agreed to honour their previous quote for repairing the wet- pour so the clerk has asked them to go ahead with the repairs. She is still waiting to meet with Stuart Myring to discuss painting some of the play equipment. It was noted that non-toxic paint needs to be specified. She is also waiting for a quote for repairing the benches and has not had time to put up the no dogs signs.
Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring and Barry Griffiths and put up no dogs signs
Page 20
M/58/18.09.23 – Review Food Festival
Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with organisers of Food festival at the beginning of November.
Action: Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with organisers
M/59/18.09.23 – Correspondence
These are going to be painted imminently
Campervans stayng overnight in main car park
Clerk has reported this to Gwynedd Council
Page 21
Buddlea by old School House
Clerk has reported this to Gwynedd Council
Area above Penhelig gardens
Action: Clerk to report to Gwynedd Council
Water on road in front of Britannia Inn
This has now been fixed
Footpath behind Penhelig Arms
The clerk has not yet contacted Gwynedd Council about this
Action: Clerk to report to Gwynedd Councillor
Drug use & dealing at Parc yr Ysgol
Clerk has not yet reported this to Adra. Cllr Owen reported that he had been in touch with Adra and they are aware of the situation, as are the police.
Action: Clerk to contact Adra
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously agreed
It was requested that going forward the clerk produces separate accounts for the playground fundraising funds.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
Gwynedd Council have reported that half the houses they bought with a view to improving them and renting them to local people have been empty since last November as they have been unable to find people to do the work. There have also been problems as Gwynedd Council have been bidding against local people for the same properties.
Gwynedd Council will have a deficit of £6 million next year, so there will be more cuts and these will be discussed in more detail soon so Cllr Owen will be able to give more details at the next meeting. A tourism tax has been discussed but no decision has been made.
Gwynedd Council have been in talks with NRW regarding sewage discharges into rivers. NRW have denied being responsible, so there is an ongoing investigation.
Gwynedd Council are looking into the cost of replacing the harbourmaster’s office in Aberdyfi, as it has very large cracks and is not fit for purpose. It is hoped that it might be replaced next year.
A question was asked regarding the release of game birds, as they are causing a lot of problems on the roads and elsewhere and are considerably disrupting the local ecosystem. Cllr Owen will ask if anything can be done about this.
It was asked how the cycle path project was going.
Action: Cllr Owen to ask Gwynedd Council about the release of game birds.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell and clerk to find out about the cycle path project.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
Cllr Porter declared an interest in this agenda item.
NP5/50/147Q Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG
Adapt and extend existing workshop building to include staff welfare facility, secure bike storage area, laundry area, plant / store room and the installations of EV charging points.
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss installation of speed signs
The clerk has not received any information from manufacturers. Cllr Owen is waiting to hear from Andrew Gregson but noted that last time he spoke to Mr Gregson, he had been told that these type of signs are very expensive.
It was suggested that perhaps small reminder 20mph signs could be a cheaper alternative.
Action: Cllr Owen to contact Mr Gregson to discuss small reminder signs and cost of flashing speed signs
Action: Clerk to contact manufacturers for costs
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss use of football field by the golf club
The clerk has contacted Jenkins & Jenkins solicitors in Machynlleth who have said they are able to draw up a lease / licence for us so she will make an appointment with them as soon as the list of requirements have been agreed. They will charge £250 + VAT per hour.
Cllr Hackelsberger has produced a draft lease which will be circulated to all councillors and once agreed, this will be taken to the solicitors.
Action: Cllr Hacklesberger to email draft licence to clerk
Action: All councillors to provide feedback on draft licence
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss opening a savings account
It was agreed to open a savings account. Cllr Tyrrell offered to research suitable accounts.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to research suitable savings accounts
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss installing a digital noticeboard
It was noted that the costs of a digital noticeboard is expensive and that this might not be the best use of public funds, as even with the addition of the Aberdyfi Tourism money, the cost is quite considerable. It was also noted that the operating system of these particular noticeboards is Windows, when we would prefer a different system. It was greed to check if the operating system can be something other than Windows and what the monthly cost for the router etc. would be. It was also agreed to find out the cost of a better physical noticeboard than the one currently in use.
Action: Clerk to contact noticeboard company
Action: Clerk to research cost of physical noticeboard.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss installing a card payment system to the pay & display machine in the Neuadd Dyfi car park
It was agreed that the cost was too much at this time to justify, as people are able to get change from the post office across the road. It was agreed to change the coach signs and also see if it is possible to change the signs at the main car park also, to see what effect this has. It was agreed to wait to see how the new owners of the Post Office feel about the public getting change from them and revisit the card payment system at a later date.
Action: Clerk to chase up new signs from Gwynedd Council
Action: Clerk to ask Post Office if people getting money for the car park is a problem.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive an update on the playground project
The clerk reported that the planning application has been rejected 4 times as the plan scales do not conform to those of Parc Eryri. Caloo is now in direct contact with Parc Eryri to solve the problem. Cllr O’Neill informed the council that she had been to an Un Llais meeting and many people there had expressed dismay that we needed to get planning permission. One of the Gwynedd Councillors offered to help if we need it. Cllr O’Neill confirmed we cannot apply for grants until we have planning permission in place.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd
* D-Day commemorations on 6th June 2024
It was agreed to make a decision about a lighting beacon closer to the time.
* Aberdyfi wi-fi project
It was agreed to write back to say that the wi-fi needs to cover a much larger area
to be of any real use
Action: Clerk to reply to email
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Planting in the middle sections of the main car park
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Remembrance Day services
* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd
* Blood service at the Neuadd Dyfi 27th November
* Christmas Fair at the Neuadd Dyfi 25th November
* Thanks to village planter team and dog poo bag volunteers
* Pantomime
* Village road closures 6th and 13th November
* 50th Anniversary of Aberdyfi SART.
* Fireworks 6th November
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 20th November 2023 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm
18th September 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th September 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
3 members of the public were present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Porter and Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The chair remarked on how good it was to see events taking place again after the pandemic and that the Food Festival and DyfiFest were both very successful. He thanked everyone who was involved in organising the events and hoped that they will continue next year.
In July there was an incident involving young people who live locally, where the signs etc. from outside the Post Office were placed on the main road, causing obstruction to traffic. CCTV footage has been passed to the police, they have issued a crime number and will be investigating further.
The chair has been researching the sewage outlet problems reported by residents and said that it is still ongoing and he will report back when he has the full picture.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 17th July2023.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 11
M/3/15.05.23 – Time & Tide Bell
The clerk reported she has been unable to contact the harbourmaster regarding the location of the information board for the Time & Tide Bell, or Peter Gringold.
Action: Clerk to contact the harbourmaster and Peter Gringold.
M/24/19.06.23 – Coastal erosion
Cllr Owen reported that he is still waiting to meet with Mabon ap Gwynfor and the golf club to discuss this issue but is hoping to soon and will report at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Owen to meet with Mabon ap Gwynfor and the golf club
Page 12
M/34/17.07.23 – Gwynedd Council report
Planning violations
Cllr Owen has not been able to contact SNPA regarding this issue.
Action: Cllr Owen to contact SNPA regrading planning violations and confirm they will visit Aberdyfi in the Autumn to meet with residents.
M/35/17.07.23 – Introduction of 20 mph speed limit
Cllr Owen is waiting to hear from Andrew Gregson of Gwynedd Council as to how much flashing speed limit signs will cost and if Gwynedd Council are willing to install them in Aberdyfi.
The clerk has requested brochures from companies who sell these signs.
Action: Cllr Owen to contact Andrew Gregson
Action: Clerk to add to the next agenda
M/39/17.07.23 – use of football field for golf junior training
The Chair has spoken to the secretary of the golf club and both parties seem agreeable to the proposal and agree that a legal lease or licence needs to be put in place.
The clerk has not yet been given the details of a solicitor.
Action: Clerk to obtain details and contact a solicitor regarding leases / licences.
Action: Cllrs Hackelsberger and Tyrrell to compile list of requirements to be included
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next meeting.
Page 13
M/40/17.07.23 Installation of water-bottle filling station
This is due to be installed within the next few weeks
Page 14
Playground project
We have been advised that we require planning permission so an application has been submitted. Banners containing a QR code have been bought and put up. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that we can’t apply for any grants until we know if we have planning permission or not.
Railings in main car park
Cllr Owen has written 3 emails regarding this issue and is waiting to hear back.
Action: Clerk to chase up
Maintenance of osprey sculpture
The clerk reported that she bought oil and arranged for it to be applied to the sculpture. There is enough oil left to last two or three years
House sign on old Catholic Church
Cllr Owen has been unable to contact the owners despite 3 visits to the property. It was reported that apparently several residents have written directly to the owners but none have received a reply.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
20mph speed limit
Gwynedd Council acknowledge that the change will cause different feelings within the community and Cllr Owen said he will contact Mr Gregson again about installing flashing speed cameras at either end of the village.
Road closure in January
Cllr Owen has spoken to Griffiths Ltd, who have been inundated with complaints about the proposed closure at the cottages on the North side of the old bridge for 3 weeks in January. This will result in a diversion via Talyllyn and Corris, which will add approximately an hour onto the journey. Griffiths Ltd explained that the pipes they need to lay will have to go along the middle of the road, so the whole road will need to be closed. They also explained that they are contracted by the Welsh Government to do this work, so they have to obtain permission / direction from the Government to make any changes to the plans. The clerk reported that she had also spoken to Griffiths Ltd and was told that they are logging every complaint they receive and will be passing them all onto the Welsh Government. Cllr Owen reported that Gwynedd Council were not happy with the situation either and will be objecting to the closure.
Action: Clerk to ask liaison officer of Griffiths Ltd to attend the next council meeting
Action: Clerk to write to Highways, Griffiths Ltd, Mabon ap Gwynfor and Liz Saville-Roberts
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
No planning applications have been received
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss placing double yellow lines at the entrance to Parc yr Ysgol
It was noted that the zig-zag lines have been removed from the entrance to Parc yr Ysgol but have not been replaced by double yellow lines. It was agreed to request
double yellow lines for the minimum distance either side of the side road.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has received a quote from Pennal Garden Services for cutting and removing the cuttings, which is approximately half the cost that Gwynedd want for just removing the cuttings. It was agreed to see if Gwynedd Council will allow the Community Council to take over responsibility for the grass cutting and reclaim the money back from Gwynedd.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss making a payment for storage of the mobile kitchen
No payment has ever been made to Mr. George for storing the mobile kitchen for approximately the 7 years that we have owned the kitchen. It was agreed obtain a figure and invoice from Mr. George.
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. George
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To decide whether to make an insurance claim for locum clerk costs
It was agreed to find out how much the policy excess is and how much premiums would go up if a claim is made. It was agreed for the Chair and Clerk to decide whether to make a claim based on the figures.
Action: Clerk to find out policy excess and premium increases.
Action: Clerk and Chair to jointly decide whether to make claim.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss RoSPA report and decide any actions
The clerk reported that the last quote from GL Jones for repairing the wet-pour is out of date and though it was agreed to have the work done, GL Jones was not asked to do the work as the clerk went off sick before she was able to contact them. It was agreed to obtain a new quote and to go ahead if the Chair and Clerk decide if it is reasonable.
The Clerk reported she is going to meet with Stuart Myring to obtain a quote for repainting the play equipment that requires it.
The clerk has ‘No Dogs’ signs ready to be put up
The clerk is waiting for a reply from Barry Griffiths with a quote for repairing the concrete benches and bolting down the metal benches and picnic bench. It was agreed to go ahead if the Chair and Clerk decide the quote is reasonable.
Action: Clerk to obtain new quote for repairing the wet-pour and go ahead if reasonable
Action: Clerk to obtain quote for painting equipment
Action: Clerk to put up ‘No Dogs’ signs
Action: Clerk to contact Barry Griffiths and decide with Chair if the quote is reasonable.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To review Food Festival
It was agreed that the festival was an overall success, having received a lot of positive feedback. The clerk reported that she had had one complaint about dogs being allowed onto the site and another about the fumes from the generator entering the properties in Rhos Dyfi. It was agreed the generator could be sited in a different place next year. It was agreed to try to get more quotes for a generator next year. It was agreed that it would be good to continue with the Food Festival next year on the same site, but noted that the organisers will need more help next year with the organising in the run-up to the event, not just on the day. Cllr Owen reported that he will meet with the clerk and the organisers to review the Food Festival and make a plan going forward.
Action: Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with the organisers
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
Coach signs at the Neuadd Dyfi.
Gwynedd Council are going to create a design to include cars as well as coaches and will provide a quote as well. The Community Council will then decide whether to go ahead.
Stuart Myring is going to paint 3 of the fingerposts in the village, at a cost of £125 per post. Cllr Tyrrell is going to ask Les Hunt to remove the fingerpost by the toilets. It was agreed to ask Stuart Myring if he could repaint the part of the village sign that has been painted out by persons unknown.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to contact Les Hunt
Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring
Boardwise are having a demonstration weekend on 7th and 8th October and in previous years they have been allowed to park campervans in the Neuadd Dyfi car park. The clerk has given permission again for this.
Campervans in main car park
Complaints have been received that campervans have been staying overnight in the car park and emptying their waste in the surrounding bushes etc. Apparently the traffic warden has told them it’s OK to stay overnight, so long as they have paid the fee for 24 hours. It was noted that Gwynedd Council are trialling specific campervan sites so it was agreed to wait to see the results of these trails and to tell Gwynedd Council about the complaints and what the traffic wardens have said.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
Buddlea by Old School House
This is pulling the wall down on the footpath opposite the council office. It was agreed for the clerk to write to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
Area above Penhelig Gardens
It was reported that the path, railings and bench above Penhelig Gardens are in poor repair and need attention.
Action: Clerk to find out who is responsible for this area and contact them.
Water on road in front of the Britannia Inn
The clerk reported that workmen have been several times to try to fix this, but when they put cones out to clear the area, cars move them and park in the way, so they have been unable to do the work as yet.
Footpath behind the Penhelig Arms
It was reported that this footpath is deteriorating further and needs urgent attention.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council / Snowdonia National Park
Time & Tide Bell
Cllr Owen reported that he had received an email from a person involved with the Time & Tide Bell in Angelsey, asking to create closer links between our 2 Bells, as they are the only ones in Wales. It was agreed it would be good to explore options on how we can increase the profile of our bell and it’s remit to raise awareness of climate change.
Action: Clerk to contact them and arrange a meeting
Action: Clerk to contact harbourmaster with regard to revamping Time & Tide Bell signs with QR codes etc.
Drug use / dealing at Parc Yr Ysgol
Complaints have been received regarding apparent drug use and dealing by some residents at Parc yr Ysgol. It was agreed to write to Adra expressing concern.
Action: Clerk to write to Adra
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Digital Noticeboard
* EV charging points
* Review social media policy
* Review training plan
* Footpath between Picnic Island Bridge and OB
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Thank organisers of the Food Festival and DyfiFest
* Road closure
* Community lunches
* Water bottle filling station
* Boardwise
* Messy church
* Time & Tide Bell
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 16th October 2023 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50pm
17th July 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th July 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
4 member of the public were present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
No apologies received.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and said how good it is to have the clerk back at work.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To co-opt a new councillor
Roman Hackelsberger was co-opted as a councillor.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously agreed
Mr. Hackelsberger signed an Acceptance of Office form in the presence of the clerk and council.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive a presentation and discuss the 2023 Food Festival
A presentation was received by the organisers of the Food Festival which is planned for Sunday 20th August and it was agreed that the council would arrange for the football posts to be removed on the Friday before the festival and would help on the Saturday to set-up chairs, water-connections etc. and clean the site before and after the event. The council also agreed for dogs to be allowed on the site for the event and would provide dog poo bags to be positioned around the site.
Action: Councillors to remove football posts and help set-up and clear-down the event. Clerk to supply dog poo bags.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 19th June2023.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters arising
Page 7
M/3/15.05.23 – Matters arising
The clerk reported that it is unclear whether anyone has spoken to the harbourmaster about the location of the information board for the Time & Tide Bell, or if anyone has written to Peter Gringold for examples of other information boards. The council confirmed that neither has been done and asked the clerk to follow up both items.
Action: Clerk to contact the harbourmaster and Peter Gringold.
Page 8
M/23/29.06.23 – Correspondence
Benches to replace the curved ones in the wharf gardens have been ordered and will be delivered on 18thJuly.
M/24/19.06.23 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Coastal erosion
Cllr Owen reported that he is meeting with Mabon ap Gwynfor and members of Aberdyfi Golf Club on 1stAugust to discuss this issue, so will be able to give an update at the next meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
Some information from the census which was done a few years ago has now been published and contains some statistics such as there were less Welsh speakers in Gwynedd than the last census and the average age of the population in Gwynedd has increased.
He also reported that he has spoken to National Resources for Wales who informed him that the recently reported pollution in the water in Aberdyfi is due to animal waste being washed down the estuary from farms and areas further upstream during high tides and it is not human waste being discharged from the storm drain in the village.
Action: Clerk to find out more information regarding storm drain in Aberdyfi.
It has been reported that Aberdyfi has a high incidence of planning violations and Cllr Owen will ask if Snowdonia National Park planning department are coming to Aberdyfi in the Autumn as normal, and if not, he will request that they come down to meet with the council to discuss planning matters.
Action: Cllr Owen to contact Snowdonia National Park planning department
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss 20mph speed limit to be introduced in September
It was reported that all 30mph signs will have to be replaced by 20 mph signs by law and Cllr Owen reported that he had asked Gwynedd Council how much this was going to cost, but a figure was not available. He was assured he would be given the figure at the next meeting of Gwynedd Council.
Cllr Owen reported that he has discussed the possibility of placing flashing speed signs at the entrance to the village with the Highways department at Gwynedd Council and they are happy to work with the Community Council to explore this idea.
Action: Cllr Owen to research price of flashing speed signs.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To confirm members of the Finance Committee
The clerk informed the council that at the Annual Meeting this year, the members of the finance committee were agreed to be Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, O’Neill and Owen, with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy. Cllr O’Neill informed the council that she had not agreed to be on the finance committee and this was a mistake. The council agreed that going forward the finance committee will be comprised of Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Owen, Tyrrell and Williams.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Porter
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Planning
No planning applications have been received
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss and confirm member’s allowance payments to be made to councillors
All councillors did not want to claim any allowances for the year to end of March 2023 and supplied written confirmation of their wish to opt out.
The clerk reminded the council that next year it will be compulsory to accept allowance payments and the council noted that this will need to be taken into account when setting the budget for next year.
Action: Clerk to ensure allowance payments are included in next year’s budget.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss and decide on a proposal for the golf club to use the football field for junior training
The Chair informed the council that he was approached by the golf club with a request to use the football field for training junior members in return for maintaining the field, cutting the grass etc. It was agreed in principle to go ahead, with a final decision being made after consultation with a solicitor and a lease being agreed.
It was agreed that in the interim Cllr Owen would cut the grass with a tractor and the council would pay for the fuel. Cllrs Hackelsberger and Tyrrell agreed to compile a list of requirements and responsibilities to be included in any lease.
Proposed: Cllr Dunton Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Unanimously agreed
Action: Cllr Hackelsberger and Tyrrell to compile list of requirements and responsibilities to be included in lease
Action: Clerk to contact a solicitor and ask them for more information on leases
Action: Cllr Owen to cut the grass on the football field.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss and decide on installation of water-bottle filling station
The clerk reported that she has had confirmation from SNPA that planning permission is not needed as it comes under permitted development. The clerk will forward this information to Mr Edward Jones at SNPA and it was agreed for Cllrs Hewins and Owen to install the station.
Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones and copy in the harbourmaster
Action: Clerk and Cllrs Hewins and Owen to liaise with the harbourmaster regarding installation
Action: Cllrs Hewins and Owen to install the filling station
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To delegate powers to the Clerk and Chair until the September meeting
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Correspondence
* Fisherman’s compound
The Chair informed the Council that this project is now not going ahead, as new planning permission was required for the project to go ahead without electricity, as this was proving to be too expensive to include in the project, but planning permission would not be completed in time before the deadline for the EU money to be spent, so FLAG took the decision not to proceed with the project. FLAG has now disbanded due to the EU funding stream coming to an end.
* Dovey Fest
This will take place on 26th / 27th August on the wharf gardens with fireworks on the Sunday evening on the beach.
* Graffiti at Pont y Brics
Cllr Reynolds sent photos to the Clerk, who forwarded them on to Gwynedd Council. The Council came to view the graffiti the next day and informed the clerk that it will be dealt with.
* Playground Project update
Cllrs O’Neill and Porter informed the council that the working group had a site meeting with Calloo last week. The colours have been toned down and slight changes made to the wetpour design and they are waiting for these changes to be sent through. Once the new design has been received, banners will be created which will include the design and a QR code linked to the fundraising page. Cllr O’Neill reported she has meetings about National Lottery and Community grants in the next few weeks.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to meet with grant-giving bodies
It was agreed to ask Barry Griffiths for a quote to repair the concrete benches.
Action: Clerk to contact Barry Griffiths for quote
* Railings in main car park
Cllr Tyrrell reported that Ardal Ni have been working through the list of areas in the village needing attention, but the list needs updating. He is meeting with Gwynedd Council next week to discuss the railings between the car park and the promenade and will suggest a wall be put in place of the railings, to help stop the sand being blown into the car park. They will also discuss what options are available to tidy the areas that currently contain trees, boulders etc. in between the parking bays. He reported that Gwynedd Council have agreed to replace all the lamp-posts in the car park.
Action: Cllrs Owen and Tyrell to meet with Gwynedd Council
* Maintenance of Osprey sculpture
The clerk informed the council that she will purchase the oil required to maintain the sculpture and arrange for it to be applied.
Action: Clerk to purchase oil and arrange for it to be applied
* House sign at the old Catholic Church
Several complaints have been received about the house name being displayed outside the old Catholic Church. It is felt to be an inappropriate and disrespectful name as people’s ashes are scattered in the land adjoining the property.
Action: Cllr Owen to speak to the owners
* Community wi-fi network
The clerk and Cllrs Hewins, Owen and Porter attended a meeting last week regarding the community wi-fi network installed in the village. Currently it only covers the wharf gardens, the car park and the bottom of Copperhill Street, but there are plans to extend it further and it was requested that it be extended as far as the Neuadd Dyfi.
Sensors are available to collect different types of data such as footfall, pollution levels, noise levels etc. and the data would be uploaded to a website so that the information would be in the public domain. More information will be forthcoming on the project as it progresses.
Action: Clerk to keep council informed of project progress
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for consideration at future meetings
List of improvements needed in the village
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Food Festival
Dovey Fest
Wellbeing Hub
Fire Service 125 year celebrations
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 18th September 2023 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm
19th June 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 19th June 2023
Present: Cllr. Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr. Mark Dunton
Cllr. Ian Hewins
Cllr. Dewi Owen
Cllr. Sadie Porter
Cllr. Megan Reynolds
Cllr. Bob Tyrrell
Cllr. Dave Williams
Two members of the Public
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Councillors Bradbury-Willis and O’Neill.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
There were no questions or requests from any members of the Public.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair introduced Roman Hackelsberger who had expressed an interest in being co-opted to Aberdyfi Community Council. Roman addressed the Meeting to introduce himself but due to the request for co-option being received after the publication of the Agenda, no decision was able to be taken and the co-option will take place during the July Ordinary Meeting.
The invoice for work undertaken to redevelop the Fisherman’s Compound has been received.
Clarification on the membership of the Finance Committee will be deferred until the July Meeting due to the absence of Cllr. O’Neill.
Liz Saville-Roberts MP spoke recently on Radio 4’s Any Questions programme in support of Tywyn Hospital. The Chair will write a letter thanking Liz for raising the issues at the hospital to a national audience.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm the minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 15thMay 2023.
Proposed: Cllr. Reynolds Seconded: Cllr. Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
To clarify the membership of the Finance Committee. Cllr. O’Neill questioned whether she was a member of the Finance Committee but the Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting have her recorded as a member. The recent Annual Meeting was not clear in who are members apart from Cllrs. Porter and Dunton. The FinanceCommittee should comprise of four members of the Council.
Time and Tide Bell – Enquire of Will Stockford the location of the information board and for it to be reinstated. Write to Peter Gingold for examples of other information boards at Time and Tide Bells across the UK. It was suggested a new board could incorporate a QR code to provide more information regarding the history of the bell than could fit on a board.
The Tourist Information Office are now saying that planning permission is required for the water fountain despite the Clerk having confirmed that no planning permission is required.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr. Owen Seconded: Cllr. Hewins
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – To approve the Annual Return for 2022-23
Proposed: Cllr. Owen Seconded: Cllr. Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 8– To review and approve the new Model Standing Orders
Proposed: Cllr. Williams Seconded: Cllr. Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
Updates to Gwynedd Councillors on data protection matters and the need to be careful when making public statements on social media.
Gwynedd Council have discussed local economy matters and the effect on shops and businesses of the current cost of living crisis.
There has been no discussion yet about changes to planning rules regarding second homes and holiday lets but one is expected in the near future.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Planning
Planning Application NP5/50/748 Land at Brig-y-Don, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NH Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling.
Councillors discussed the planning application at length and no objections were raised by those present.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
Councillors discussed the correspondence items which had been circulated ahead of the Meeting.
An additional item, received after the Agenda had been published, was an invitation to advertise in the Cambrian News. It was felt there was no benefit for the Council in advertising in this manner.
The semi circular benches that the Council supplied for the wharf need replacing and it was requested that the order be placed as soon as possible in order for them to be in place for the summer season.
The Gwynedd Council Tidy Team have made good progress on the list of works supplied by Cllr. Tyrrell.
A broken branch on the large tree close to the Neuadd was promptly attended to by Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Aberdyfi Golf Club – the effect of coastal erosion on the sand dunes and the golf club.
Playground redevelopment.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Aberdyfi Food Festival
Wolverhampton to Aberdyfi bike ride
New benches
Rowing regatta
Dyfi Fest
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 17th July 2023 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.07pm
15th May 2023
Minutes of the thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held at Aberdyfi Literary Institute at 7.00pm on Monday, 15th May 2023.
Present: Cllr. Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr. Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr. Mark Dunton
Cllr. Ian Hewins
Cllr. Catrin O’Neill
Cllr. Dewi Owen
Cllr. Megan Reynolds
Cllr. Bob Tyrrell
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllrs. Porter and Williams
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Election of Officers 2023/2024
Cllr. Kelly was nominated to continue as Chair.
Agreed unanimously.
Vice Chairman
Cllr. O’Neill was nominated to continue as Vice Chair.
Agreed unanimously.
Planning Committee
The whole Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
The whole Council, except for Cllr. Tyrrell.
Agreed unanimously.
Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee
Cllr. Porter was nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr. Tyrrell was nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
One Voice Wales
Cllrs. Owen and O’Neill, with Cllr. Williams as deputy were nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote
Cllrs. Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and Hewins were nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund
Cllrs. Reynolds (Chair), Owen, Porter and Bradbury-Willis were nominated to represent the Council, with Cllr. Williams as Trustee.
Agreed unanimously.
Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr. Reynolds was nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr. O’Neill was nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr. Reynolds with Cllr. Tyrrell as deputy were nominated to represent the Council.
Agreed unanimously.
Allotment sub-committee
Cllrs. Porter, O’Neill and Dunton were nominated as members of this committee.
Agreed unanimously.
Finance Committee
Cllrs Owen, O’Neill and Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy.
Agreed unanimously.
Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly and Bradbury-Willis.
Agreed unanimously.
Re-appointment of Internal Auditor
The Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2023/24
Agreed unanimously.
Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents.
Agreed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Time & Tide Bell presentation by Peter Gingold
Peter Gingold from the Time & Tide Bell Organisation gave a presentation to the Meeting covering the history of the organisation, the Bells that have been installed across the UK, future installations and public events that have been developed around the installations.
Peter described the Shore Things, Coastal Connections and On the Strandline public events that the organisation supports and would be keen to work with the community to put on events in Aberdyfi.
Councillors thanked Peter for taking the time to come and address the meeting and will be investigating options to support public events centered around the Time & Tide Bell.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chair announcements
The Chair had no announcements for the meeting. Cllr. Owen suggested that some flowers and a card be sent to the Clerk, this was agreed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm the minutes of Ordinary Meeting 17th April 2023
Proposed Cllr. O’Neil Seconded Cllr. Reynolds
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
It was agreed to accept the report as a true and accurate report.
Proposed: Cllr. Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr. O’Neil
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
Cllr Owen reported that Gwynedd Council has elected R Medwyn Hughes as Chair for the next twelve months. Recent Gwynedd Council meetings have been mainly procedural although discussions have been held on Welsh language provision in schools.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss removing Councillors personal details from the website
Councillors discussed the issues around personal details on the website and the use of personal email addresses. It was agreed that Council email addresses should be used for all communications.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Planning
Planning application NP5/50/748 Land at Brîg-y-Don, Aberdyfi. LL35 0NH was received after the Agenda had been published. As the planning application was not on the Snowdonia Planning portal, no discussion was possible. Documents will be sent to Councillors when available.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
Councillors discussed the correspondence items which had been circulated ahead of the Meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Update on the Community Shop plan.
- Electric car charging points to be better signed and spaced marked out.
- Co-option of new Councillor.
- Community Meeting in October.
- Update on the Aberdyfi to Tywyn multi use path.
- Water fountain to be installed on the Wharf.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Vacancy for a Councillor
- Welsh Club
- Community Shop
- Multi use path update
AGENDA ITEM 24 – Date of Next meeting
Monday 19th June 2023 7.00pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.
17th April 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th April 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Councillors Dunton, Hewins, Porter, Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
Councillor Gareth Jones has resigned from the Community Council due to ongoing work commitments. The Chair thanked Gareth for his work on the Council and wished him well for the future.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20thMarch 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
The Exchange – The Chair has written to the planning authority as work has proceeded despite planning permission being refused and dismissed at appeal. Some work has been carried out under permitted development regulations and there will be a site visit taking place shortly.
Time and Tide Bell – Peter Gringold will be providing an update on the Time and Tide Bell at the May Meeting.
The Asset Register was circulated to the Meeting and will be updated for the new financial year.
Updates to the website to consider the removal of personal details will be discussed at the May Meeting.
Councillor O’Neill provided an update to the Meeting having received a new quote from Kaloo. A working group should be created to discuss the new design proposals and fund raising.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
The closure of Dyfi Ward at Tywyn Hospital has received considerable publicity and meetings with the Health Board have been arranged. Regular updates will be provided to the Council.
The future of the Post Office and shop has been concerning residents of the village with interest in running the business as a community shop being investigated.
The introduction of a Tourism Tax in Wales ,coupled with changes to the regulations on holiday accommodation, will have an impact in Aberdyfi.
The wharf development os looking very good now it has been completed and there are plans for an official opening to be held in the future.
The new 20mph speed limit in built up areas is due to come into force in September.
The Cambrian Coast Liaison Meeting advised that the remaining work on Barmouth Bridge will be undertaken between September and November. There have been no updates on proposed improvements to services and rolling stock.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To note the new salary scale for the Clerk
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
Planning Application
NP5/50/742A Dolphins, Rhoslan, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NS
No objections were raised to the planning application.
NP5/50/597B Rhowniar Cottages, Aberdyfi, LL36 9HS
The planning application was discussed and it was felt that the amendment to the original application from 2008 could be an attempt to resurrect an old application and should be treated as a new application.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Correspondence
Councillors discussed the correspondence items which had been circulated ahead of the Meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Tywyn Hospital ward closure
Standards Framework
Website update
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Wharf Development
Tywyn Hospital update
Time & Tide Bell
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 15th May 2023 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.34pm
20th March 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th March 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Jones.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair invited member to join a sub-committee with Aberdovey Golf Club to work together to address the issues posed by coastal erosion. Cllrs Hewin, Owen and Reynolds agreed to join the sub-committee.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20thFebruary 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
All defibrillators in the village are registered on The Circuit.
Voting on planning matters is decided by a majority vote.
The painting of the playground equipment will require the rust coating paint first, then an undercoat, then the top coat.
The green benches should be fixed to the floor.
The design for the renovations will need to be agreed and signed off before the grant application process can begin.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters at the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
Gwynedd Council met to approve an increase in the Council Tax for 2023-24 of 4.9%
Gwynedd Council are likely to be cutting back on staff.
The safety of Councillors at at Unitary and Community Councils is being looked into following recent disruption at Council meetings and online threats being made to Councillors.
There is to be no increase in rail services at present due to staff and rolling s tock shortages.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Correspondence
Planning Application
NP5/50/743 Braich Gwyn, Aberdyfi, LL35 0RD
Councillors discussed the application following amendments to the design at length with a number of different views put forward both in support and against the application. Clarification around the current policy on change of use of buildings outside the development boundary was requested and the Clerk will write to the Planning Officer.
Britannia Inn – external works update.
The arbour that has been built on the terrace was discussed as it changes the appearance of the building and has been reported to the planning officer.
Reinstatement of Wharf columns
The lighting has been completed with upgrades to the car park and sea front lighting planned. The damage to the grass area will be repaired.
Time and Tide Bell
Peter Gringold is hoping to be able to address the Council at the May meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Following a One Voice Wales training course, Cllr Bradbury-Willis asked whether the Community Council had an asset register. The Clerk will investigate and report back.
Cllr Hewins asked when the website will be updated as Councillors details are out of date.
Cllr Williams congratulated the contractors for the work done on the wharf and that the Council write to offer formal thanks when the work is completed.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website/ Facebook
Thanks to the contractors for the work on the wharf.
Vacancies on the Aberdyfi Improvements Committee.
Decorate the front of the institute for the Coronation and ideas to commemorate the occasion.
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 17th April 2023
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.59pm
20th February 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th February 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen, David Tomkinson, Susie Waldock
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Reynolds, Bradbury-Willis, Jones and Tyrrell.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced Chris Wood who will be acting as Locum Clerk whilst the Clerk is away.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 16stJanuary 2022.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 40
CL/130/(20.02.22) Wharf Development
The Clerk has written to the contractors and thanked them for employing local workers and has circulated drawings for railings and bollards to Councillors. It is still anticipated that the works will be finished early, in the first week of April just before Easter, though they are contracted to finish at the end of May. This does not mean though that the site will be clear before Easter.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on his work that the Wharf development looks very impressive and gave thanks to all involved in the project. There will be shortly a change in the access arrangements as the work nears completion which is hoped to be ahead of schedule.
Gwynedd Council will be meeting next week to set the Precept for 2023-24 and it is expected that there will be an increase of around 5%.
Network Rail will be attending to cut back overgrowth which has been extending onto the road at the beginning of March. It was commented that when night works were being undertaken, quantities of litter were being left, Cllr Owens will investigate.
Gully clearing will be undertaken by Gwynedd Highways in the next few weeks.
Work on the A493 to repair a dip in the road surface near a badger set will require temporary traffic lights to be installed.
Attended a One Voice Wales meeting where Liz Saville-Roberts spoke about the fuel payments schemes and how is hoped that payments will start to be made from next month. One Voice Wales reported on how there is a lack of Community Councillors and Clerks across Wales.
It was asked that the defibrillators be checked as to whether they are registered on the Circuit to ensure all consumables are up to date and the units are in working order.
Complaints have been received about the number of lorries driving along Maesnewydd and damage to gullies. Highways have been asked to attend and examine the damage. Gully clearing has not been attended to recently due in part to the new machine being too large to fit under the railway bridge.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
Applications received:
NP5/50/L68B Nandoras, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE
Councillors discussed the application at length with a number of different views put forward both in favour and against the application. A vote was taken with five Councillors raising no objection to the application and two Councillors opposing the application.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss possible village celebrations for the King’s Coronation
A resident has shown an interest in organising an event for the Coronation. Councillors discussed the idea and it was suggested that the Council offer support to any proposal to run an event but not to be the host.
Action: The Clerk to contact the resident and report back with what ideas were being considered.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To receive and approve quote for maintenance of trees in allotments
Snowdonia National Park has granted permission to fell the sycamore tree. Additional works will be undertaken to trim the holly bushes and cut back plants which have overgrown the path. A quote of £800.00 has been received to undertake the required work, it was agreed to accept the quote and proceed with the work.
Action: Cllr Owen to liaise with the neighbour.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss and agree quotes for playground repairs
Councillors discussed the repair work required to satisfy both safety and cosmetic concerns. It was agreed to proceed with the Wet Pour repairs but defer the decision on repainting.
Action: Cerk to take pictures of the areas requiring painting
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve rate of pay for locum clerk
The locum clerk left the room.
Following discussions between Councillors, it was agreed that the locum clerk be paid the same rate as the clerk.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive and approve quote and design for playground renovations
Cllr O’Neill provided the Meeting with an update on the proposed redevelopment with a plan and visuals showing how the design would work on the site. Councillors discussed the proposal at length with many views expressed and questions asked. Funding, insurance, the design and a need for further community engagement were all discussed in detail. It was agreed to defer the item to enable possible funding sources to be investigated.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss coastal erosion and its effect on the Golf Club
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
Time and Tide Bell – the Clerk will write and invite the Time and Tide to give a presentation to the Council.
Caravans in the car park – it was suggested that the Council investigate gaining the power to issue penalty charges.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Should Rushlight be bilingual? Councillors agreed that Rushlight should be bilingual and asked that costs be looked into whilst investigating whether there was anyone willing to volunteer translation services.
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website/ Facebook
Des George has an update on the post office development.
Cllr Owen gave thanks on behalf of the Council for the pantomine and congratulated everyone involved for their success.
The wharf development update.
Local events being held in the pubs.
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 20th March 2023
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.12pm
16th January 2023
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th January 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Jones and Tyrrell.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and informed the council that the clerk will be starting medical treatment very soon so has not attended this meeting. Instead, Cllr O’Neill will be taking the minutes.
The council have received very positive feedback from a number of sources saying how good the New Year fireworks were, though the evening was marred by a group of individuals being disruptive, which is currently being investigated by the police.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 21stNovember 2022.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 35
M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre
No-one has come forward to volunteer to represent Aberdyfi Community Council on the Tywyn Health Centre Public Participation Group.
M/84/(17.10.22) Cycle Path
Iwan ap Trefor has confirmed he is still responsible for the cycle path project.
Page 37
M/115/(12.12.22) Correspondence
New Year’s day 5k fun run / walk / crawl
A very successful event was held with 75 people taking part and the yacht club providing refreshments afterwards (for donations). Over £750 was raised for the Playground project and the organisers hope to run it as an annual event.
Action: Clerk to write to organisers to thank them.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that Gwynedd Council anticipates a deficit of £20million so community and town councils may well be expected to contribute more to services.
He also reported that Network Rail will be cutting back the vegetation between Nant y Glo and the village sometime in the next month.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
Applications received:
NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE
Official amended plans to previous application
No objections were raised.
NP5/50/744 Compound near the boat yard, Penrhos, Aberdyfi
Formation of 12m x 12m hardstanding with power and water supply.
Aberdyfi Community Council unable to comment on application as the council is the applicant. No outside objections have been received.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve precept for 2023-24
It was agreed to increase the precept by 10% to £42,315.24, giving a Band D tax rate of £35.38, an increase of £0.27 from £35.11 last year.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss proposals for 20mph limit in Aberdyfi
No objections were raised to the proposals.
Action: Clerk to respond to the consultation
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To agree amounts to be donated to other organisations
It was agreed to donate £100 each to the National Eisteddfod, Wales Air Ambulance and Dail Dysynni.
Action: clerk to arrange payments
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- Email from Andrew Gregson regarding residents parking.
The email confirmed that any application for residents parking must come from the Community Council or Local County Councillor with the support of the Community Council.
- Email regarding sponsored walk event planned for 29th April
This is being organised by one of the local pubs
- Email regarding a public meeting about local health provision on 16th February with Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Action: Clerk to advertise meeting
- Wharf development
It was asked if the wooden mooring bollards are being replaced on the wharf.
The contractors have employed local tradesmen and it was felt this needed to be acknowledged
Action: Clerk to write to contractors to thank them for employing residents and to ask them about the mooring bollards.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Consider adding a card payment option to Pay & Display machine
- Training dates
- Review last 12 months of Council actions
- Consider if Rushlight should be bilingual
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- 5k fun run
- Blood donor service 20th Feb and 20th March have been cancelled.
- Aberdyfi Bike Ride will be on 16th June – 30th anniversary
- Sgwrs a panad
- Tree planting on 14th January
- Panto
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 20th February 2023
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.40pm
12th December 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 12th December 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Dunton, O’Neill, Owen and Tyrrell.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out in such cold weather.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 21stNovember 2022.
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 29
M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre
It was noted that there is still no representation from Aberdyfi Community Council on the Tywyn Health Centre Public Participation Group.
Action: Clerk to request a volunteer representative from councillors again
Page 30
M/84/(17.10.22) Cycle Path
The clerk is still trying to find out who has taken over this project from Iwan ap Trefor
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
The clerk informed the council that one Direct Debit payment had been taken twice by mistake and one payment will be refunded.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
Applications received:
NP5/50/747 2 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER
Installation of external flue
No objections were raised.
NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE
Amended plans to previous application
Action: Clerk to contact SNPA to inform them that the council feels the plans are an improvement and will await the formal plans.
Information received from SNPA:
NP5/50/153B Land adjacent to Greenhill bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0HF
This application is being considered by SNPA as their legal department have decreed that the current applicant is the legal owner of the land. The clerk has sent the council’s objections to the development.
Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF
Premises licence variation application
This application has now been withdrawn
Balkan Hill House
SNPA have investigated and the swimming pool is under permitted development
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve budget for 2023-24
Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Jones
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve donation to the Neuadd Dyfi
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Porter
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and approve training plan
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve purchase of replacement hedge trimmer for wharf garden volunteers
It was agreed that the Council would not approve the purchase and suggest the applicant apply to the AA&I for funding.
Action: Clerk to inform applicant
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
- The water drinking fountain has been delivered and the Clerk will seek quotes closer to when the wharf development ends
- WeSwimRun is organising a 5k fun run / walk / crawl on New Year’s Day at 10am to raise money for the playground. It was agreed to write to thank them for their generosity.
Action: Clerk to write to thank them.
- Food Festival. The clerk had a meeting with the organisers and they are planning to go ahead with the festival in the same format as pervious years.
- The clerk had a response from SNPA to her email thanking them for their help and support with the recent issue with Hillside Park.
- An idea was muted to have a Christmas Tree made from lobster pots as it is impossible to have a normal tree this year due to the wharf development. It was felt this was too dangerous as it would be open to people using it as a climbing frame, so the idea was rejected.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Residents parking when it is able to be revisited
- Possibility of making the Roman Road to Picnic Island usable at all states of tide.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- 5k fun run
- Reason for lack of Christmas lights and decorations in the village this year
- Wharf development progress
- Picnic Island bridge photos
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting
Monday 16th January 2023
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.05pm
21st November 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 21st November 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the work on the wharf going so well. He informed the council that Picnic Island Bridge has now been installed and is open to the public. The island side had become very overgrown and he wished to thank the harbourmaster for his work in clearing the area so it could be used by the public as soon as possible.
The Chair reported that he attended the Annual meeting between SNPA and local councils and also the Society of Local Council Clerks / One Voice Wales joint conference, together with the clerk.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 17thOctober 2022
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 23
M/46/(18.06.22) Update on Tywyn Health centre
The clerk wrote to BCUHB requesting a representative attend this council meeting and received a reply that it had been passed to the Primary Care Team, but she has had no response from that department.
Cllr Owens reported that he understands that 2 locums will be in post from next week, so hopefully things will improve. It was agreed to review the situation early next year.
Page 24
M/48/(18.06.22) To receive RoSPA report
GL Jones have said they cannot do the painting work, but can supply the paint, though will repair the wet-pour. It was agreed to request the specification and process for painting from GL Jones and ask them to repair the wet-pour.
Action: Clerk to contact GL Jones
M/67/926.09.22) Place Plan
The Clerk reported that Planning Aid Wales confirmed that a community action plan is not an official process or document like a Place Plan, so the community of Aberdyfi can create an action plan from the results of the community needs survey in their own way and time. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that Resources4Change, who wrote the community needs survey and report, offered to facilitate creating an action plan. It was agreed to find out how this might work and how much it would cost.
Action: Clerk to contact Resources4Change
Page 26
M/81/(17.10.22) Ardal Ni areas needing attention
Cllr Tyrrell and the Clerk had a productive meeting with David Williams from the Ardal Ni team and reported that Mr Williams now has along list of tasks for Aberdyfi, which will be undertaken over time. Initially they will focus on small, achievable tasks, as the team will only be in Aberdyfi for a week every 2 months or so, progressing onto the larger projects as time goes on. Mr Williams is happy to receive any suggestions for improvements, even though it may not be within his sphere of responsibility, and he will pass them onto the relevant departments on our behalf. He has promised to send a schedule of works once it has been completed.
M/82/(17.10.22) Food Festival 2023
Cllr Owens reported that he had been informed that a different group are now planning a festival of some kind, but he had no details and no-one has approached him or the clerk to seek support. It was not known if this is intended to replace the Food Festival or will be in addition to it.
M/83/(17.10.22) Creation of a warm space
The clerk has had no response to her request in Rushlight to establish if there is a need, but it may be that the need doesn’t become obvious until the weather gets colder. The clerk informed the council that there is currently funding available for community groups to provide warms spaces from Mantell Gwynedd.
Page 27
M/84/(17.10.22) Correspondence
Cycle Path
Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that he has been unsuccessful in contacting Iwan ap
Trefor to find out what stage the project is at, as Mr. ap Trefor has moved departments and it is unclear who has taken over his job and the project.
Action: Clerk and Cllr Owen to contact Gwynedd Council to find out details.
Compound project
A planning application has been submitted for the project on the advice of the planning officer at SNPA. This will have to be paid for by the Community Council initially, but will be reimbursed by FLAG.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there is a full meeting of Gwynedd Council on 1st December to discuss the proposed council tax increase on second homes, which is proposed to be 300%. He pointed out that there are currently 26 properties for sale in Aberdyfi and has been told by some residents that if the increase is implemented, they will have no option but to sell their property, as they will not be able to afford the price rise. Gwynedd Council have informed him that they will not be putting the income raised from this extra tax into building affordable houses as promised, but it will be used to offset some of the £18 million deficit predicted for next year.
He reported that there was a harbour-users meeting recently and this was the last one to be attended by Barry Davies, who is retiring in March. It is now known who will be taking over his post.
There is a new owner of the Penhelig slipway and it has been confirmed that there is no public right of way down the slipway, though there may well be a statutory right of way. Cllr Dunton pointed out that people moor boats in the harbour there and use the slipway to access the land, though Barry Davies has confirmed that this area is not classed as a harbour, though it is used by the public, as evidenced by the life-ring attached to the wall at the bottom of the slipway. It is not clear what the new owners plan to do with the slipway, but the gate at the top is currently locked.
Cllr Owen attended a meeting of the Cambrian railway and reported that the works at Barmouth bridge were ahead of schedule and the bridge may open earlier than expected, with work continuing at night and weekends, depending on the weather. New rail lines are being installed in Tywyn and work is also being done at Dovey viaduct while the rail line is closed.
Cllr Owen has been told that the dip in the road at Dyffryn Hill will be filled when the workers are next in the area.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/400D Land next to Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0HF
Change of use of land and construction of garage, workshop and parking area.
The Council has evidence that the ownership of this land is in dispute so cannot comment on the application.
Action: Clerk to write to SNPA with this information
Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF
Premises licence variation application
The council has received complaints from residents of excessive noise since this premises has been open and object to extending the hours on all counts.
Action: Clerk to write to the licencing officer objecting to the application
NP5/50/153B The Exchange, 4 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LP
Notice of appeal following refusal of planning permission.
It was agreed to write to SNPA thanking them for their work and support in the recent appeal case of Aberdyfi Hillside Park.
Action: Clerk to write to SNPA
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note new pay-scales from NALC
The new pay-scales were noted and the clerk reminded the council that they apply from April 2022-2023.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve yearly payment to the Information Commissioner’s office for data protection.
It was noted that this is a statutory fee and it was agreed to pay by direct debit.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clerk to set up direct debit payments
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and approve costings of information boards
It was agreed to seek clarification on the amount sought and ask if the AA&I would fund this project.
Action: Clerk to seek clarification and write to AA&I to ask if it will fund the project.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
Tree planting
Approximately 30% of the tree planted in the village last year have not taken, so a
resident has sourced replacements for delivery and planting in January.
CCTV system
The Chair reported that now the contract has ended, the CCTV cameras now belong to us. The clerk is researching a scheme used in North Wales whereby a council pays for the CCTV system, but it is administered by North Wales Police, to see if this is worth pursuing for Aberdyfi.
Rubbish bins
Local businesses are in discussion with the harbourmaster to enclose some of the covered area by the toilets to contain the commercial bins. It would be completely enclosed with a locked door. The businesses will pay for the work to be done, pay for ongoing vermin control and pay to keep the area clean. Local residents have complained about the bins that are currently there and have been moving them behind the building, but this blocks access to the disabled toilet. The clerk pointed out that this area is under control of the harbour, the community council does not have any jurisdiction in this area and there are shelters at the other end of the wharf gardens. The Council decided that this system would not work and that Gwynedd Council should put pressure on businesses to use their bins in the area by the fire station.
SP Energy Networks have told the clerk that they will be cutting down some trees in the allotments, as they are in danger of interfering with overhead power lines. Once they have done this, the clerk intends to get quotes to cut back other trees in the allotments, as they are stopping light getting to some of the plots.
Residents parking
It was agreed again that this is not an issue for the Community Council to pursue and they do not support the application, but reiterated that individual residents have every right to apply for residents parking should they wish. It was noted that even if the application for residents parking on Seaview Terrace is successful at this stage, there are 2 more consultations as well as legal processes to go through before residents parking can be instated.
Wharf railings
The council discussed various designs of railings and concluded that the primary concern needs to be that they are easy to maintain and repair.
Fireworks on New Year’s Eve
The Chair confirmed that there will be fireworks on New year’s eve.
Air Ambulance meeting
The Clerk drew the attention of the Council to a meeting being held on Thursday evening in Tywyn about the proposed closure of the Air Ambulance bases in Welshpool and Caernarfon.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Training Plan
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Advent windows list
- Carols by Candlelight service
- Picnic Island bridge
- Remembrance Sunday
- Wharf update
- Neuadd Dyfi roof
- Fireworks display at New Year
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting
Monday 12th December 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm
17th October 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th October 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
Phil Morgan
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Jones and Reynolds.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and informed that Council that he noticed some new electric car chargers are being installed in the main car park. He also reminded everyone that there is a meeting at the Neuadd Dyfi on Thursday 20th October to discuss the ‘Our Area 2035’ consultation with Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 26thSeptember 2022.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Owen
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 18
M/31/(20.06.22) To discuss use of village noticeboard
Clerk hasn’t had time to further research electronic noticeboards.
Action: Clerk to research electronic notice-boards.
M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre
It was noted that residents are still experiencing great difficulty in contacting Tywyn Health Centre and getting a GP appointment. It was agreed to encourage residents to complain to BCUHB if they have problems. It was agreed to ask a representative
from the Health Board to attend out next meeting.
Action: Clerk to put BCUHB contact details in Rushlight and to request a representative to attend the next council meeting.
Page 20
M65/(26.09.22) To discuss ROSPA report
Clerk has asked GL Jones to repaint the swings and roundabout and repair the wet-pour at the base of the helter-skelter. It was agreed to get the benches bolted to the ground
Action: Clerk to arrange for benches to be bolted down.
Page 21
M/67/(26.09.22) Place Plan
Cllr O’Neill reported that the clerk and herself had a meeting with Planning Aid Wales, who explained that a Place Plan only covers planning and land use issues. They suggested that a Community Action Plan might be of more use to Aberdyfi, as it is much more holistic and would link well with the Community Needs Survey carried out last year. They offered to do some bespoke training for the council with a session entitled ‘Is a Place Plan Right for You?’ for £600 but it was felt that this wasn’t required and the Council should pursue a Community Action Plan instead. It was agreed to delegate this to Cllr O’Neill and the Clerk to take forward.
Action: Clerk and Cllr O’Neill to research a Community Action Plan and report back.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen informed the Council that there was an emergency meeting of the full Gwynedd Council last week to discuss the current financial crisis. He reported that Gwynedd Council are facing a deficit of £7.1 million this year but as they have reserves of just over £8 million, the shortfall will be covered in the short term. However, there is a projected deficit of £18 million next year in Gwynedd (£260 million for the whole of Wales) and Cllr Owen expects local councils to be asked to take on more of the burden of providing services.
Cllr Owen also informed the Council that Gwynedd Council are hoping to provide free parking between 10thand 27th December in their car parks.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi Ll35 0LE
It was felt that this development was an overdevelopment and not in keeping with surrounding buildings, would impact the amenities of neighbouring
properties. The development will also substantially alter the look of the building and as it is in the Conservation Area, the council agreed to object to the application.
Action: Clerk to write to Snowdonia National Park Authority raising objections
The Clerk informed the Council that the application for The Exchange (NP5/50/153B The Exchange, LL35 0LP) has been turned down and they are planning on appealing. Cllr Hewins informed the Council that he thought it was possible for a local Council to list a building and suggested the Council investigate this further as a future option.
Action: Clerk to research the possibility of Council’s listing buildings.
The Clerk asked the councillors attending the Annual meeting with SNPA to request SNPA to start reporting back on the issues raised by the Community Council as the Clerk is never clear if issues have been dealt with or what the outcomes were.
Action: Councillors to request feedback on issues raised by the Community Council
The issue of the swimming pool at Balkan House was raised and the clerk informed the Council that she had emailed SNPA about the issue but hasn’t heard anything back.
It was noted that there seems to be a fourth unit being built at Crychnant (application NP5/50/144C) when planning was only given for 3 units.
Action: Clerk to inform SNPA
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To receive presentation on information boards
Mr. Phil Morgan gave a presentation on the type and scope of information boards that the Aberdyfi Biodiversity Group would like to install in the village. Three locations have been identified – at the gas works, the Golf Club car park and at the top of the pedestrian slipway onto the beach by the RNLI station. All signs will be bilingual and give information on the various protected areas, wildlife and the Biosphere Reserve. Each sign will also signpost to the other information boards. It was agreed to ask Mr. Morgan to obtain a design and full quote for the information boards and forward them to the council for a final decision.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr. Morgan to obtain design and quote. Clerk to add to agenda for next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss SNPA Consultation on Aberdyfi Conservation Area
It was agreed that the consultation document was very detailed and a good starting point, but there was concern that many buildings in the conservation area have already had work done which goes against the aims of a conservation area, which seems incongruous. It was agreed to request clarification on the criteria for being included in a conservation area. It was also agreed that buildings like Craig y Don,
Brynderfel, Monkshill, Talarfor etc. also need to be included.
Action: Clerk to respond to the consultation requesting clarification and suggesting which other buildings be included.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To adopt One Voice Wales model financial regulations
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss list of areas needing attention to send to Ardal Ni Team
It was noted that the Buddleia in Nantiesin car park / street needs cut back and should be added to the list. It was also noted that the vegetation between the fire station and the subway also needs cut back, but this is the responsibility of Network Rail. Cllr Owen informed the council he has a meeting with Network rail in the next couple of weeks so would bring it to their attention then. It was agreed to delegate the Ardal Niproject to Cllr Tyrrell and the Clerk and they should arrange to meet with the Ardal Ni team to discuss it further.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell and Clerk to arrange meeting with Ardal Ni team.
Action: Cllr Owen to tell Network Rail about overgrown vegetation by the fire station.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss funding for the Food Festival 2023
Cllr Owen informed the Council that he had met with the organisers recently and they estimated that costs for next year would be approximately £4,600. It will be held on Sunday 20th August, the day after Race The train. It was agreed that the Food Festival is a great event for the village and the Council will support the organisers in their efforts next year.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss creation of a warm space in Aberdyfi
Cllr Hewins informed the council that he has spoken to both the English Church and St. Peter’s and they have decided not to offer anything at this time as they do not see an immediate need, as the drop-in centre provides a warm space. It was noted that the drop-in centre only runs one day a week, so there may be a need on other days. The churches have agreed to let Cllr Hewins know if they identify there is a need on other days, at which point the council would discuss if it is able to contribute any funding. Cllr O’Neill suggested that the Neuadd Dyfi would be a good place to use as it has the ground-source heating which is always on and the clerk suggested that the Reading Room would also be worth considering, as it is open 6 days a week and is heated during the day.
It was agreed to assess if there is a need before committing funding.
The clerk informed the council that she is working with Tywyn Town Council, Tywyn Library and the Cinema to create a list of welcome warm spaces in the local area.
Action: Councillors and Clerk to speak to residents to assess if there is a need for a welcoming warm space.
Action: Clerk to add to Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
* Transport problems in the village
Residents have reported that they have problems accessing the village as they do not drive and are unable to walk down the hill and have asked if there is something the council can do about it. It was agreed to speak to more residents to assess the need before committing funding and to suggest car- sharing.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
* Picnic Island Bridge
Cllr Owen informed the council that the bridge is due to be installed overnight on 14th November. Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that he had been keeping the path along the estuary clear but that the steps from the estuary to the bridge are now very overgrown and need to be cleared. It was agreed that Cllr Tyrrell would check the path and steps, find out who is responsible and arrange for the steps to be cleared.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to check and arrange for the steps to be cleared
* Cycle Path
Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that there has been no significant progress on the cycle path.
* Compound Project
The Clerk reported that she submitted a pre-planning application for the project and received a response that planning permission is needed before the project can proceed. Neil Storkey has spoken to the planning department and was told that another pre-planning application needs to be submitted rather than a full planning application. This is currently being done but it has delayed the project significantly and there is a danger that the EU funding stream will end before the project is finished.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Training Plan
- Electronic noticeboard
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Wharf update
- Bins need to be kept on own property, not on the street
- Conservation Area consultation
- Car sharing suggestion
- Car charging points
- Neuadd Dyfi roof
- Picnic Island bridge
- Contact details of BCUHB for complaints
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st November 2022
It was agreed to bring forward the date of the December meeting to 12th December, as the clerk is unable to attend on the 19th.
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.35pm
26th September 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 26th September 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1 – One minute silence
A one minute silence was observed in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth II.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Hewins, O’Neill, Porter and Reynolds.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the work on the wharf development start.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18th July2022
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters arising
Page 14
M/31/(20.06.20) To discuss use of village noticeboard
The Clerk presented some information on electronic noticeboards and it was agreed that an electronic noticeboard would be a useful addition to the village. The clerk was asked to obtain more detailed information and costs and report back.
The Clerk reported that the Aberdyfi Tourism group have requested that their money be spent on an electronic noticeboard and the clerk has asked for this in writing.
Action: Clerk to obtain more detailed information on electronic noticeboards.
Page 15
M/46/(18.06.22) Update on Tywyn Health centre
The clerk received a reply from Betsi Cadwalladr University Health Board which the Council felt did not address the issues of concern. It was agreed that there are still significant concerns with various aspects of the Health Centre and to encourage everyone with issues with the Health Centre to complain to the Health Board.
M/47/(18.06.22) To consider purchase of drinking water fountain.
The fountain has been purchased with delivery expected towards the end of October. Cllr Owen has offered to keep the fountain at his property until it is possible to install it, after the wharf development work has finished. The clerk will obtain installation quotes closer to the time.
Page 16
M/48/(18.06.22) To receive RoSPA report
The benches have been dismantled and the clerk has purchased new ‘No Dogs’ signs, but has not had time to install them yet.
Action: Clerk to install signs
M/50/(18.06.22) To discuss use of weedkiller and creation of wildflower verges
The clerk reported that she met with representatives from Gwynedd Council and identified areas which could be turned over to wild flowers. Gwynedd seemed very keen to work on this and the clerk is waiting for confirmation of which areas they will be planting with wildflowers.
She was also told that they are looking at using the most environmentally safe weedkillers for those areas that need to be kept clear.
M/51/(18.06.22) Request for name to be added to the War Memorial
The clerk reported that she had received a quote from the stonemasons and had agreed, together with the Chair, to go ahead with the work. It has now been paid for and the work will be done before November Remembrance Day. The family have indicated that they would like to make a donation towards the work.
The clerk also reported that the Literary Institute have agreed for the name to be added to the Roll of Honour though the family are currently undecided if they wish to go ahead with this.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that he had received an email from Shem Llewelyn to Gwynedd Council, complaining about the lack of support for the Cambrian Coast Sportive this year by Gwynedd Council. The clerk reported that Shem had asked her if the Council could give permission to use Penhelig Gardens for the Sportive so she had told him he needed to contact the Maritime Dept of Gwynedd Council, as they were the ones responsible for that area. It was agreed to write to Shem expressing sorrow that he received such a negative response from Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to write to Shem 19
Cllr Jones reported that the path by the old school from the Institute to Hillside Village is overgrown and needs to be cut back.
Action: Clerk to ask Aled to cut it back.
Cllr Owen reported that he has been told that Picnic Island Bridge will be installed on 18th November overnight.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/153B The Exchange, Aberdyfi LL35 0LP
Alterations to front patio area including installation of bi-fold doors and construction of new balconies.
Action: Clerk to object as this is in the conservation area and this will change the look of the property
NP5/50/140D Llwyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0HR
Construction of pergola to side of house
No objections were raised
NP5/50/T452C Haulfryn, Hopeland Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0NH
Replace existing single storey rear extension and adjacent garage with a two storey garage and first floor work space and changes to roof structure.
It was noted that the new roof structure changed the look of the property but as the next door property had installed a very similar structure, it was decided not to object to the application.
NP5/50/705A 35 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0LU
Construction of decking in rear garden
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To consider purchase of second brown bin
It was agreed to purchase another brown bin for the wharf garden community group.
Action: Clerk to purchase bin and lock
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider funding for information boards
2 quotes were presented by the clerk from the Aberdyfi Biodiversity group. It was unclear exactly why 2 information boards were needed at each location and what they would display so the council agreed to invite Phil Morgan to the next council meeting to discuss the project.
Action: Clerk to invite Phil Morgan to the next Council meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss ROSPA report
It was agreed to ask GL Jones to repaint the swings and roundabout, and repair the
wet-pour at the base of the helter-skelter, as highlighted in the report.
Action: Clerk to contact GL Jones
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
Email from Ardal Ni
Email received from a new project being run by Gwynedd Council with the aim of creating clean and tidy communities. The clerk has already had a rubbish bin installed through this project at the playing field. Cllr Tyrrell suggested that all councillors and clerk identify areas in the village that would be suitable for this project and send them to the clerk in order to create a comprehensive list. It was agreed to do this.
Action: Councillors to identify areas of concern and inform the clerk to enable a list to be created before the next meeting.
Section 6 Biodiversity report
All councils are now required to publish a biodiversity report every 3 years. The clerk has completed one and welcomed any comments from councillors before publishing it on our website. The report will need to be reviewed annually.
Action: Clerk to publish report
One way section of Copperhill Street
The Clerk reported that there had been quite a few near-misses with people driving the wrong way past the butchers so she informed Gwynedd Council, who have agreed to repaint the signs on the roadway and replace / reposition the ‘no-entry’ signs on the posts.
Gwelfor Road
The clerk reported that a Gwynedd Council senior traffic engineer is looking into the situation and informed the clerk that SNPA are able to impose restrictions on planning applications if deemed necessary. A Senior Warden at SNPA is also going to talk to the Planning department.
Resident’s Parking
Cllr Reynolds shared an email she had received from Gwynedd Council, informing her that they will start the consultation process before the end of October.
Annual meeting of Community Councils with SNPA
The clerk reminded the Council that this year’s meeting will be held on 25th and 27th October and that they need to register if they wish to attend.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Place Plan – it was agreed to ask someone to come to a future meeting to explain more about Place Plans and the process Action: Clerk to request someone to attend a future meeting 21
- Training PlanAction: Clerk to circulate guidance for producing a training plan to councillors and draw up a draft training plan for discussion at October meeting.
- Swift nesting boxes (Autumn meeting)
- Paint flaking at Penhelig Rail station
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Community lunches start on 14th October
- Wharf update
- Neuadd Dyfi roof
- Wildflower verges
- Firework display in November
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting
Monday 17th October 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm
18th July 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th July 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Jones, Owen and Tyrrell.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked the clerk for suggesting the change of venue and arranging one at such short notice.
He informed the council that at a meeting between councillors and MP Liz Saville-Roberts and Mabon ap Gwynfor from Gwynedd Council, it was agreed that while there is nothing that can be done at the moment about the planning dispute for Aberdyfi Hillside Park, all parties are keen to work together should the planning permission be allowed to stand.
He informed the council that Sean Chambers is doing an excellent job on the subway and asked the Clerk to write to Sean, expressing the Council’s appreciation of his work. It was noted that there will be an article in the Cambrian News soon.
It was noted that the subway had been vandalised over the weekend and it was agreed for the clerk to purchase CCTV signs to put up at the subway. The clerk noted that it would be possible to put CCTV cameras there if it is needed, as there are now solar CCTV cameras available.
Action: Clerk to write to Sean Chambers to express the Council’s appreciation and thanks
The Chair reported that recently proper protocol hasn’t always been followed at meetings. He informed the council that he likes to think of the council as a group of friends working towards the same goal, but reminded councillors that even so, comments should always go through the chair by raising a hand.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20th June and Annual Community meeting on 21st June 2022.
Ordinary Council meeting:
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Annual Community meeting:
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 11
M/31/(20.06.22) To discuss use of village noticeboard
Cllr Bradbury-Willis informed the council that the wooden noticeboard has been cleared and is ready for use for council notices. It was noted that this noticeboard needs some beading put down the sides and a new lock cover fitted and it was agreed for Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for this work to be done.
It was noted that the large white noticeboard needs to be cleared of posters, staples etc. and repainted, though it was agreed that it will need to be replaced with a smaller one if / when an electronic noticeboard is installed in that space. The Clerk informed the council that she has been given the details of the company who supplied the noticeboard for MMP so will research this and report at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for repairs on wooden notice-board
Action: Clerk to put notices in the wooden noticeboard.
Action: Clerk to research electronic notice-boards.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report
The clerk informed the council that the figures for the income from the main car park and Neuadd Dyfi pay and display machine have been included for information only.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report
The Gwynedd Council representative was not present so no report was received.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/682A The Wharf, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EE
Application to vary Condition 14 attached to Planning Permission NP5/50/682 dated 11/09/2018 to allow working hours on a Saturday to be extended from between 07:00-13:00 to 07:00-17:00
No objections were raised
NP5/50/735B Tan y Bryn, Philip Avenue, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PY
Extension and alterations
No objections were raised
NP5/50/130C Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Aberdyfi. LL35 0SG
Construction of rural enterprise dwelling
No objections were raised
The Chair informed the council that it had been brought to his attention that a lot of work is being done to Glygyrog Ddu but he could find no corresponding planning permission. It was agreed to notify SNPA of this work.
Action: Clerk to inform Snowdonia National Park Authority of this work
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Update on Tywyn Health Centre
Cllr Reynolds informed the council that she has spoken to Betsi Cadwallader Health Board and asked why they weren’t sponsoring GPs who are on a 5 year visa from abroad. These GPs train in the UK for 3 years, after which they can be sponsored for a further 2 years. The health board have said they will look into this further.
She informed the council that there will only be emergency appointments available at the GP practice in Tywyn for most of August and residents need to order prescriptions before 5th August, as the practice will be installing a new computer system and will be unable to print prescriptions during August. There was concern that many residents don’t know about this, as they are not online and the health centre have not been good at disseminating information to their patients.
It was agreed that the service from the health centre has been substantially below standard for quite some time and it seems that the health board do not realise how serious and urgent the current situation is. It was agreed to write a strongly-worded letter to the health board expressing the Council’s concerns.
Action: The Clerk to write a letter to Betsi Cadwallader Health Board
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Update on wharf development
The clerk reported that the meeting she had at the beginning of the month was very informative and confirmed that the contractors will be on site from 5th September, with work starting on 12th September. She also confirmed that the work will not be done in two distinct phases, as previously planned. Instead it will be done as a rolling works as the contractors calculate this will be a faster way to complete the works. Installing the piles will start on 22nd September for approximately 6 weeks and this is when there will be the most disruption and noise.
The clerk will attend another meeting on Friday 5th August and will report back.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider water-bottle filling station quote
It was agreed to purchase an Elkay LK4420BF1U water-bottle filling station in blue for £4,191 ex VAT, though keep it in storage until it is possible to install it after the
work has been done on the wharf. It was agreed to seek a quote for installing the station from the supplier.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Action: Clerk to purchase water-bottle filling station and put in storage
Action: Clerk to seek quote for installation
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To receive RoSPA report
It was agreed that the concrete benches in the playground need to taken out of action and repaired urgently and to discuss the rest of the issues in the report in the autumn. The clerk reported that she will buy new ‘No Dogs’ signs for the playground.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the benches to be taken out of action and repaired ASAP
Action: Clerk to purchase ‘No Dogs’ signs
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To delegate powers to the clerk and Chair until the September meeting
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss use of weedkiller and creation of wildflower areas on the village
The clerk reported that Gwynedd Council are keen to work with the Community Council on reducing the need for use of pesticides and strimming of verges and she is currently in discussion with residents to see which areas in the village would be suitable before meeting with Gwynedd Council to take this initiative forward.
Action: Clerk to meet with residents to discuss project then meet with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
- Request from the Rotary Club for volunteers for Race the Train event.
- Request for name to be added to the war memorial
A request has been received from a resident for their great-grandfather’s name to be added to the war memorial as it has been missed off. The clerk has spoken to the War Graves Commission, who confirm they have the details of the person on their roll, but it is not their responsibility to change the memorial. Gwynedd Council confirmed that they are not responsible for maintenance or changes to the war memorial either. The clerk has also spoken to the church and has had the same response from them.
It was agreed to contact the stone mason in Llanbrynmair who has done work on the memorial previously to ask for a quote to add a name to the memorial and carry out some restoration work.
It was agreed that the clerk will work with the Literary Institute committee to have the name added to the roll of honour in the Reading Room.
Action: Clerk to obtain quote
Action: Clerk to work with the Institute to facilitate the addition of the name to the roll of honour.
- Request for funding for information noticeboards received from a resident. It was agreed they should approach the AA&I for this funding
Action: Clerk to ask resident to apply to the AA&I
- Rights of Way Improvement plan consultation.
It was agreed for individuals to respond to the consultation and the clerk to respond on behalf of the council
Action: Clerk and councillors to respond to survey
- Survey on barriers to doing a Place Plan
It was agreed for the clerk to respond on behalf of the council
Action: Clerk to respond to survey
- Positive feedback received from a resident about various projects in the village
- Opinion of the council sought on an individual wanting to run a takeaway food business from the yacht club or the Neuadd Dyfi. It was agreed this would be unfair on the existing takeaway businesses and it was noted that there may be planning issues, as existing businesses have to apply for changes to their planning permission to allow them to sell hot takeaway food. Concerns were also raised about how H&S issues would be policed and how the increase in litter would be managed.
Action: Clerk to inform the resident of the council’s opinion
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Place plan presentation
- Swift nesting boxes
- RoSPA report
- Electronic noticeboard
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Request for Race the Train volunteers
- Wharf update
- Work on benches in playground
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th September 2022
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.30pm
20th June 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th June 2022
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
Sadie Porter
Elen Worman
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the return of the Wolverhampton Bike Ride which was very successful and it is nice to see progress on some of the projects the Council are currently undertaking.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To consider applications for councillor vacancy
Sadie Porter was co-opted as Councillor
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Annual and ordinary council meetings 16thMay 2022
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 4
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
Cllr O’Neill has contacted Refill to request an up to date quote and information on how to move to project forward.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to liaise with clerk to progress the project
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Work has started and looks very good so far. It is nice to see Sean’s children being involved in the project as well.
M/127/(20.12.21) Tree by the Neuadd Dyfi
The clerk has has no news on the large tree on the road by the Neuadd Dyfi
The tree sculpture was completed last week and has been a major attraction to many people, who have stopped to look at it and take photos with it. The Council would like to thank Ed Parkes the sculptor for his fantastic work.
It was suggested lighting the sculpture, but there were concerns this might act as a magnet for people to gather at night and this would have a knock-on effect on the residents in surrounding houses. It was agreed to wait until the autumn when it is much darker and investigate what lighting it would look like with a torch.
It was suggested buying some CCTV cameras for the area, but it was felt that the infrastructure wasn’t in place for this. It was agreed to obtain some CCTV signs and attach them to the gates around the playing field.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to obtain and install CCTV signs.
M/160/21.03.22 Wharf Development Project
The Clerk reported that instead of a public meeting, Gwynedd Council propose a monthly meeting of all stakeholders on the first Friday of every month, starting on 1st July. It was agreed the clerk would attend these meetings and report back. It was requested that the Community Council holds a public meeting closer to the start of the works and invite the consultants to attend.
Action: Clerk to attend meetings and report back.
Action: Council to organise a public meeting and invite consultants
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
The clerk reported that she had been approached by one of the businesses in the village to find out if there is still money ring-fenced for the Aberdyfi Tourism group, as they have a project in mind. The clerk asked them liaise with her to release the money.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Aberdyfi Tourism group
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To approve change of signatories on the bank account
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To accept and approve the Annual Return ending March 2022
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
A concern was raised about the asset register as it doesn’t show depreciation but the clerk reported that the advice from One Voice Wales is that the register only shows purchase price. It was suggested that the finance committee to look into this, as figures that take into account depreciation may prove to be useful for the council.
Action: Finance committee to discuss asset register reserve finances
Action: Clerk to clarify again what the asset register should include
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Gwynedd Council Report
Cllr Owen reported that there is a meeting of the full council later this week, so will rpeort next month on this meeting.
He reported that they have had information recently stating that homelessness has risen dramatically in the last few years. Currently there are 572 people registered homeless, whereas 2 years ago there were less than 200. There are currently over 3,000 people on the waiting list for housing in Gwynedd and Gwynedd Council plan to built 500 homes in the next 3 years, the majority of which will probably be in North Wales. He reported that Gwynedd Council are still giving grants of up to £35k to bring houses up to standard to allow them to be let out to local people.
He reported that the problem of rubbish is on the agenda for the full meeting so he will be expressing the concerns of the Community Council at that meeting and will report back on this issue next month.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Planning
NP5/50/589B Ael y Don, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0NY
Widen existing vehicular access to South East corner of site and create a parking area.
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss use of village noticeboard
The wooden noticeboard by the toilets was discussed and it was agreed that the locks need to be changed as they have seized. It was suggested that the large noticeboard under the canopy also needs to be replaced as it is a state of disrepair and to investigate purchasing an electronic noticeboard.
Action: Clerk to research electronic noticeboards
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for locks to be changed on the wooden noticeboard.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To decide topics to be included in community meeting
Topics were agreed for inclusion in the community village meeting
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
Time & Tide Bell
Marcus Vergette has repaired the Time & Tide Bell and has informed the council that there are many projects resulting from the Time & Tide Bell initiative, which would potentially be of interest to various groups in the village
Action: Clerk to find out more about the projects
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Place Plan
- Swift nesting boxes (Autumn meeting)
- Paint flaking at Penhelig Rail station
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Shellduck warning
- Report of village meeting
- Osprey sculpture
- Subway project progress
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next meeting
Monday18th July 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.40pm
16th May 2022
Minutes of the thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held at Aberdyfi Literary Institute on Monday, 16th May 2022
Present were :- Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors :- Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
Roman Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Sara Bradbury-Willis, Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Election of Officers 2022/2023
Cllr Kelly was nominated for the position of Chair.
Proposed Cllr Reynolds Seconded Cllr Williams
Agreed unanimously
Vice Chairman
Cllr O’Neill was nominated for position of Vice Chair.
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Owen
Planning Committee
The whole Council
Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
The whole Council, except for Cllr Tyrrell
Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee
Cllr Jones was nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly
Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell was nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams
One Voice Wales
Cllrs Owen and O’Neill, with Cllr Williams as deputy were nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Reynolds
Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote
Cllrs Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and Hewins were nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly
Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund
Cllrs Reynolds (Chair), Owen, Jones and Bradbury-Willis were nominated to represent the Council, with Cllr Williams as Trustee
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams
Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds was nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Owen
Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr O’Neill was nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams
Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy were nominated to represent the Council
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly
Allotment sub-committee
Cllrs Jones (Chair), O’Neill and Dunton were nominated to be members of this committee
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr O’Neill
Finance Committee
Cllrs Owen (Chairman), O’Neill (Vice Chair) and Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy.
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams
Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly and Bradbury-Willis
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Reynolds
Re-appointment of Internal Auditor
The Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2022/23
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
Agreed unanimously
Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Agreed unanimously
Cllr Kelly took over as Chair at this point
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public participation
None was requested
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chair announcements
The Chair thanked Cllr Owen for all his hard work over the last two years as Chair and hoped he will be able to carry out the role to the same high standard.
He noted that the Council is currently short of a councillor and it was agreed to co-opt a new councillor at the June meeting.
Action: Clerk to advertise and receive applications before the June meeting
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm the minutes of Ordinary Meeting 21st March 2022
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Reynolds
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising
Page 61
M/51/(15.06.20) Drinking water fountain
Cllr Owen raised the topic at the recent harbour user’s meeting and was advised to liaise with the harbourmaster. He has since spoken to the harbourmaster who has given his consent to siting the water fountain in the location favoured by Aberdyfi Community Council. It was agreed to delegate purchase and installation of the fountain to Cllr O’Neill and the Clerk.
Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams
Action: Cllr O’Neill and Clerk to source and arrange installation of a water fountain
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
Sean Chambers has been awarded the commission and preparatory work has already started. It was suggested the clerk contact the lighting department to ask if it is possible to get the lighting replaced while the work is happening, to minimise the risk of damage to the artwork.
Action: Clerk to contact lighting department at Gwynedd Council
Page 62
M/127/(20.12.21) Tree by Neuadd Dyfi
The clerk informed the council that she met Gwynedd Council inspectors when they were in the village and was informed that in their opinion, the tree is healthy, evidenced by the roots pushing up the pavement, but acknowledged that this has created a tripping hazard. They informed the clerk that they do not make the decision about what to do with the tree, they only write a report and it is passed on to someone higher in the organisation, who will make the decision. The clerk hasn’t been informed yet of any decision.
A question was raised about when the tree sculpture will be done in the playing field. The clerk reported she has not yet had a date.
Action: Clerk to find out a start date
M/160/(21.03.22) Wharf development project
The clerk reported that she has had confirmation that the contracts have now been signed and the plan is for the contractors to be on site from 2nd September. She has been promised more detailed information within the next two weeks.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
It was agreed to accept the report as a true and accurate report.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
Cllr Owen reported that the recent elections have resulted in Gwynedd Council being made up of 44 Plaid Cymru, 23 Individual, 1 Labour and 1 Liberal Democrat councillors. He reported that their income this year will constitute £136m from fees, £214m from the Welsh Government and £84m from Council Tax, with 7,000 members of staff.
There will be a meeting of the full council next week when a new leader will be chosen.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/ADL262B 8 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EF
Advertisement Consent for externally lit projecting advertisement, 2no.
externally lit fascia signs, and 1no. advertisement to side elevation of building with external lighting
- No objections were raised, but it was agreed to write to SNPA to query the removal of the render
Action: Clerk to write to SNPA
NP5/50/346E 9 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi. LL35 0LP
External alterations and alter and extend the existing balcony
- The Council were concerned that the development is not in keeping with the surrounding properties.Action: Clerk to write to SNPA
NP5/50/695A 3 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EE
Construction of bay windows to first and second floors to replace existing windows
- No objections raised
NP5/50/351A 12 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EB
Replacement external windows and doors
- No objections raised
NP5/50/743 Braich Gwyn, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RD
Conversion of barn to dwelling including construction of an extension, and installation of package treatment plant
- Concerns were raised about the difficulty of access from the main road, lack of proper road to the property, access track extremely close to the neighbouring property, lack of water or electricity. 5
- It was agreed to write to SNPA expressing concerns and recommending a site visit.
Action: Clerk to write to SNPA
NP5/50/742 Dolphins, Rhoslan, Aberdyfi. LL35 0NS
Construction of extension, garage and terrace
- No objections raised
NP5/50/676A Mynydd Bychan, Aberdyfi, LL35 0PF Reclad existing dwelling, erection of pergola and replacement workshop
- No objection raised
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Cycle path update
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he had spoken to Iwan ap Trefor and was told that Gwynedd Council are in ongoing and positive discussions with landowners whose land would be affected by the proposed route. It is hoped to be able to apply for funding for the next phase of the project by the end of the year. Iwan ap Trefor informed Cllr Tyrrell that this cycle path is one of their priorities due to the very large number of responses they had to their consultation. One of the main sticking points is where the path will cross the road in the area of the cemetery, but they are hopeful to find a suitable solution.
Cllr Tyrrell reported that Aberdyfi Community Council’s project to establish a cycle path between Aberdyfi and the cemetery is progressing. Neil Storkey has been asked by Network Rail to carry out an ecological survey to establish the feasibility of the path in certain areas where it would be closest to the railway line. Iwan ap Trefor at Gwynedd Council has kindly offered to look into whether or not their own ecologists could help us with this survey.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Fisherman’s compound update
The Clerk reported that grant funding has now been approved and the work will start as soon as possible, with an end date of September envisaged.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Playground project update
The clerk reported that she has had meetings with two play equipment companies and is due to have another one in the near future. She also intends to visit a playground in Barmouth to look at their equipment and surface finish.
She reported that the walls are in the process of being painted.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive and note requirements for councillor training plans
The councillors were informed that they need to decide and discuss what training they would like to do and what is needed by the council in order to improve it’s effectiveness, with a view to publishing a Council training plan by September.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To consider purchasing and installing Swift nesting boxes
It was agreed that we have missed the timing for this year and to revisit this item in the Autumn.
Action: Clerk to add to the agenda for October meeting
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To consider supporting a group to improve the railway station
It was agreed to support the resident who has volunteered to take this forward and suggested they apply to AA&I for funding if needed.
Action: Clerk to contact the resident
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To consider purchasing a sculpture for raising plastic awareness
It was agreed to revisit this item after the wharf development has been completed.
Action: Clerk to add to the agenda after the wharf development has been completed
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence
- Email regarding noticeboards and fenceCllr Owen volunteered to complete the fence and to support the new noticeboards that are proposed.Action: Clerk to inform resident of these decisions
- Britannia Inn EmailIt was agreed that the Council cannot be involved in any disputes between the Britannia Inn and others as they are potentially matters for the police and / or trading standards and / or licensing authorities.
- Email concerning queues on the pavementIt was agreed this is a matter for the police and anyone concerned about the issue should contact the police.Action: Clerk to reply to the email with this information
- Jubilee Pageant InformationThe clerk reported that all members of the council have been invited to tea and cakes after the Pageant finishes.7
- CCTV lease end dateThe Clerk reported that she has received notification that the lease for the CCTV system ends in September. It was agreed not to continue with the
- ContainerThe clerk reported that she has had confirmation from One Voice Wales that only minutes, financial records and leases must be kept in hard copy form, eliminating the need to purchase a container. Cllrs Tyrrell and Owen offered to help the clerk sift the paperwork in the office.Action: Cllrs Tyrrell, Owen and the clerk to sift paperwork
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Place plan
- Training plan for councillors
- Co-option of new councillorIt was agreed that a village meeting needs to happen ASAP, to inform residents of all the projects that are happing in the village, with a separate meeting for the Wharf development project, once the finer details have been agreed. It was agreed to delegate this to Cllr O’Neill and the ClerkAction: Cllr O’Neill and the clerk to arrange a date for a village meeting as soon as possible
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- List of councillors
- Projects the council are involved in
- Sec / treasurer role for Institute
- Jubilee events
- Wolverhampton bike ride
- Wharf development update
- Village meeting
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of Next meeting
Monday 20th June and 18th July at 7pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.05pm.
21st March 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Neuadd Dyfi on Monday 21st March 2022
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllrs O’Neill, Owens, Tyrrell & Worman
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone to the last meeting of this council. He reminded the council that we are very fortunate here in Wales and we send our condolences and thoughts to everyone who is affected by the war in Ukraine. We hope the negotiations succeed and a peaceful resolution is found very soon.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 17th January 2022
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 56
M/117/20.12.21 Community Needs Survey
The clerk has received information about what is involved in a Place Plan and will put it on the agenda for a future meeting after May.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda after May
Page 57
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
The clerk has received an email from Barry Davies, suggesting we arrange it with the local harbour-master. She has spoken to the harbourmaster and he has no objections to siting the water-fountain where we want it. The Chair suggested he take it to the harbour users meeting next week to see if the project can be moved forward.
Action: Chair to discuss the project at the harbour-users meeting.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Cllr Bradbury-Willis presented a press release asking for commissions. The Clerk reported that she has had approval from the lighting department for the project. It was agreed to put the press -release out as soon as possible.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis and the Clerk to advertise for submissions for commissions.
Action: Working group of Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Reynolds, Jones and Kelly to review submissions and make a recommendation to the full council at the May meeting.
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
Cllr Reynolds informed the council that a new traffic officer has been appointed and an assessment will be carried out soon. The Chair reported that he has been approached by residents of Maes Newydd, requesting residents parking there.
M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that she has a meeting next week with BCUHB. She has been told that there have been no applications for the GP posts. She has also been told that there is a possibility that the remaining dentist in Tywyn may be based in the hospital in future, as she doesn’t want to run her own business.
M/106/(15.11.21) Gwynedd Council Report
It was noted that the trailer is still outside Bryn Gwylan bungalows and this is now an issue that Adra needs to address.
Page 58
M/127/(20.12.21) Items for consideration at future meetings – Tree by Neuadd Dyfi bus stop
Page 60
M/160/21.03.22 Wharf Development Project
The Clerk reported that the Welsh Government have approved the cost / benefit analysis and should have signed off the money for the project last week, but has been unable to verify this with Gwynedd Consultancy as she has been unable to contact them.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – To note new pay-scales agreed by NJC for 2021-2022
The clerk presented the pay-scales agreed by the NJC at the beginning of March, which are to be implemented from 1st April 2021 and reported that the pay scales for 2022-2023, which will be implemented from 1st April 2022, has not yet been agreed so any increase will be backdated to 1st April this year. The Chair reported that the Clerk had an appraisal with himself and Cllr Kelly.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that there was a meeting of the full council last week.
There was a long discussion on increasing council tax and it was agreed to increase it by 2.9%, equating to an extra 84p per week for a Band D property. The vote was 36 for and 30 against the increase.
He reported that most staff have moved back to office working from 7th March.
From September, all school meals will be free and travel between Aberdyfi, Tywyn etc. will be free for those attending Coleg Meirion Dwyfor.
Gwynedd Council will have an extra £6.7million from the Welsh Government this year and they confirmed that they do not have any money in Russia, though they do occasionally invest money for short periods (6 -1 0 months) abroad elsewhere.
He met with the South Snowdonia National Access Forum and reported that there are a lot more people reported to be walking the coastal path and as a result, more money is going to be spent maintaining the furniture on the path. There are still problems with off-road vehicles and they are spending money on repairing the damage caused but there is now an increasing problem of off-road motorbikes causing a lot of damage.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/109J Neuadd Dyfi, Aberdyfi LL35 0NR
Alterations to roof
Cllrs Kelly, Owen, Williams and Reynolds declared an interest in this agenda item.
No objections were raised.
NP5/50/L228A Hafn, Aberdyfi LL35 0LT
Alterations, including installation of roof lights and replacement of windows and doors
No objections were raised.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To delegate powers to the Chair and Clerk until May meeting
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider maintenance of Anne Roberts’ memorial
The Clerk reported that this memorial is not maintained by the Trust. It was agreed to fund up to 50% of the cost.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12. – To consider purchase of Queen’s Jubilee Bench
It was agreed to purchase a bench and position it in the lay-by opposite St. Peter’s Church.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
* Email proposing project group for railway station
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Place Plan
- Swift nesting boxes
- Cycle path update
- Group to raise awareness of cycling / walking in the local area
- Wharf Development
- Picnic Island Bridge
- Sculpture for collecting plastic
- Proposed group to improve railway station
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Elections
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 16th May 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 8.30pm
21st February 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Neuadd Dyfi on Monday 21st February 2022
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Worman
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation
No public participation
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone to the first face to face meeting in almost 2 years. He extended his condolences on behalf of the council to Cllr Jones and his family on the death of his father last week.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 17th January 2022
Proposed: Cllr William Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 51
M/117/20.12.21 Community Needs Survey
It was agreed that Cllr O’Neill would ask someone with knowledge of Place Plans to attend a council meeting to explain about what is involved
Action: Cllr O’Neill to source a speaker
Page 52
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
The clerk is still waiting for a reply from Mr. Jones at Snowdonia National Park.
Action: Clerk to contact him again
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
The Clerk reported that the mural in Dolgellau at Ty Siamas cost approx. £1,500 and took 3 days. Cllr Bradbury-Willis presented some figures from an artist, which were roughly the same cost, though suggested the subway would take 6 days, so would probably cost in the region of £3,000.
The clerk reported that she still hasn’t heard from the lighting department with permission to go ahead with the project and reminded the council that this needs to be in place before publishing a press-release.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to put together a press release asking for commissions and send to the clerk.
Action: Clerk to contact lighting department again.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next month
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
Cllr Reynolds informed the council that she is waiting to hear from the parking department of Gwynedd Council.
M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that she has a meeting next week with BCUHB.
Page 53
M/106/(15.11.21) Gwynedd Council Report
The Clerk reported that Sean Wilkes of the highway department at Gwynedd Council found the owner of the trailer at Bryn Gwylan and asked them to move it. This has now been done and the trailer is now outside Bryn Gwylan bungalows.
M/108/(15.11.21) To consider purchasing extra waste bins
The Chair reported that Cllr Kelly, the clerk and himself met with David Williams and Caron Jones of Gwynedd Council last Thursday. It was agreed to move the large bins opposite the chemist to the area by the fire station and replace them with recycling and general waste bins. More recycling and general waste bins will be put along the side of the car park closest to the sea and the existing ones will have new stickers, making it clearer what should be put in there. The small bins in the car park will be replaced with ones with a flap on them to deter seagulls. The brown bins and mixed green and brown bins on the wharf gardens will be replaced with just green ones.
Cllr Owens asked if it would be possible to have the recycling bins by the sea turned round so they face the sea, as people currently have to walk into the car park in order to use the bins. Cllr Tyrrell asked if it would be possible to get stickers to put on brown bins stating for garden waste only.
It was agreed to ask Steffan Jones to attend one of our meetings remotely.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to request stickers and ask if possible to have bins facing the sea.
M/42/(21.06.21) Purchase of bollards for Neuadd Dyfi car park
The bollards have been delivered and Clerk is waiting for Geri Davies to confirm a date when he will install them.
M/127/(20.12.21) Items for consideration at future meetings
- Clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council asking for the hedge to be cut back between Outward Bound and Picnic Island, but has not heard back
Action: Clerk to contact network Rail
- Clerk emailed Gwynedd Council asking for their plans for the large tree at the bus stop by the Neuadd Dyfi, as several motorhome owners have moved their vehicles from under the tree as they are concerned about the tree falling on their vehicles.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that the rail line to Pwllheli will be closed again this year between September and December to allow metalwork repairs to be carried out on Barmouth bridge. The work so far has cost £18 million and the metalwork is estimated to cost £12 million.
The Chair reported that next week a contractor will be working in the village to cut back hedges and growth that is obstructing paths and roads at various points round the village.
A question was raised about the safety of the tree by the Neuadd Dyfi bus stop. The clerk has already reported it to Gwynedd Council on several occasions but has not had any response.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd again
It was reported that a drain on Balkan Hill is blocked, causing flooding on the road. It has already been reported to Gwynedd Council, but no response has been forthcoming.
Action: Clerk to report it to Gwynedd Council again
It was noted that the ‘Don’t Feed the seagulls’ signs are old and faded and it was agreed to ask for Gwynedd Council to replace them.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/740 Morwel, Aberdyfi LL35 0NT
Removal of chimney stack, installation of rooflights and dormers & construction of building with terrace above terrace
NP5/50/631A 15 Treflan, Aberdyfi LL35 0PN
Demolish garage and construction of extension including terrace
No objections were raised to either application
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider maintenance of Anne Roberts’ memorial
It was agreed to find out more about this memorial before committing to spending money on it. It was suggested it might be maintained by the Richard Roberts Trust.
Action: Clerk to find out more about the memorial and if it is maintained by the Trust.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next month
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To adopt NJC agreement on clerk’s pay & conditions
It was agreed to adopt the agreement.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider purchase of storage container
Cllr Williams suggested that the amount of paperwork and equipment needing to be stored be checked before a container is bought as it may be that a container is no longer needed.
Action: Clerk to ask One Voice Wales how long paperwork needs to be kept
Action: Clerk to find out exactly how much equipment needs to be stored and find out from Mr. George what his plans are for the storage unit where the kitchen is currently kept.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
Cllr Jones informed the council that the Fire service will create a beacon for the Thursday evening and Cllr Kelly informed the council that the AA&I will proved fireworks on the Saturday night. As there are a lot of trees already being planted in the village, it was agreed to buy a Queen’s Green Canopy A4 plaque at a cost of £155 + p&p and Cllr Bradbury-Willis offered to research a biodiverse specimen tree.
The clerk informed the council that the yacht club plan to have a sail-past around high water on the Sunday.
It was agreed to put an item in Rushlight offering support to any groups in the village wanting to organise events.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to research a specimen tree
Action: Clerk to add item to Rushlight and write to member of the public who wrote to the council with suggestions of events, offering support.
Action: Clerk to order plaque
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To consider purchase of new benches and planters for the wharf gardens
It was agreed to buy 1 planter to see if it is suitable. It was agreed for Cllr Tyrrell and the clerk to liaise about repairing the existing benches and proposing a way forward with
benches for the wharf area.
Action: Clerk to buy a single planter
Action: Clerk and Cllr Tyrrell to propose a way forward for benches on the wharf
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Wharf development project
The clerk had an email from Gwynedd Consultancy stating that they have been asked to update the Economic Case of the project before the Welsh assembly will sign off the money for the project. They are hoping it will be finalised next week and the contractor appointed then.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
* Playground concerns
It was agreed to put an item in Rushlight reiterating that the playground is inspected every year and is deemed safe by RoSPA, with a link to the report.
* Tree planting round the golf club car park and the recreation ground will take place on Thursday 24th at 9.45am
*Neil Storkey is going to hire the kitchen for 2 events this year at a cost of £500 per event.
* There is a possible shortfall of £10,000 on Picnic Island Bridge and it was agreed that the council and AA&I will cover this if required.
* There is still a large hole in bank by development at the Penhelig. Clerk asked to request again that it is filled with soil and not hard core.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Subway improvements
- Purchase of container
- Cycle path update
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Community lunches
- Messy church
- Pop-up rock shop
- Community Projects group update
- Playground
- Jubilee celebrations
- Tree planting
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st March 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm
17th January 2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 17th January 2022
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Jones, Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and noted that there have been quite a few people here on holiday now which is welcome for the village.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To elect a Vice-Chair
Cllr Brain Kelly was voted in unanimously as Vice-Chair
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 20th December 2021
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 46
M/117/20.12.21 Community Needs Survey
It was agreed that a Place Plan is the logical way forward after the Community Needs Survey. It was agreed for the Clerk and Cllr O’Neill to form a working group with Des George to research what creating a Place Plan for Aberdyfi would involve and report back to the Council on their findings.
Action: Clerk and Cllr O’Neill to meet with Mr. George
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
The clerk reported that she has emailed again but has not heard back from either Snowdonia National Park or Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to contact them again
Page 47
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
The Clerk reported that the Streetworks department have emailed, saying that the highways department responsible for the maintenance of the subway have no objections to the project, but ask for sight of the proposed artwork beforehand to approve it’s suitability. Before we can proceed, we have to also have approval from the lighting department of Gwynedd Council and are awaiting their decision.
It was agreed to seek information from local artists about what such a project might cost and set a budget using this information. It was suggested that once we have approval from the lighting department, local artists and art groups be invited to submit proposals for the work.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis and Clerk to contact local artists to find out how much this sort of project might cost. Clerk to look back over minutes to see if there is any information available there.
M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts
Have now been installed and have been well-used already, with very positive feedback from locals.
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
Chair has spoken to Gwynedd Consultancy who do not yet have a date for repairing the crack. They confirmed that it will be highways that will be repairing the hole in the wall.
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
It was pointed out that the parking problems were highlighted in part of the community needs survey, but it was agreed that it is resident’s responsibility to apply for resident parking areas in the village.
Action: Chair to speak to parking department of Gwynedd Council
M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that this month’s meeting was cancelled and there are currently 1000 vacancies in Betsy Cadwalader Health Board. It was agreed to write to BCUHB asking that Tywyn MIU is reinstated ASAP, before the main season. Cllr Bradbury-Willis reminded the council that anyone who needs attention can be seen at Dovey valley Health, they need to register as a temporary resident to be seen.
Cllr Reynolds informed the council that it is hopeful that a new dentist will be found for Tywyn.
Action: Clerk to write to BCUHB asking for Tywyn MIU to be opened as soon as possible.
M/106/(15.11.21) Gwynedd Council Report
The Clerk has reported the trailer at BrynGwylan to Gwynedd Council, as has Cllr. Bradbury-Willis.
M/108/(15.11.21) To consider purchasing extra waste bins
The clerk has emailed Steffan Jones requesting a meeting as soon as possible, but has not heard back.
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones again
Page 49
M/122/(20.12.21) Planning
NP5/50/L308D Coast Deli Dining
The Chair reported that he has had various residents asking what can be done about the noise and smell outside and emanating from Coast Deli in recent months and he has been told that the environmental health department will be visiting the premises soon. He has been informed that Gwynedd Council intend to object to the planning application. The Chair clarified that these issues were only in relation to Coast Deli Dining and not Coast2Go.
Sheds being let out on AirBnB
There is concern that these are still being advertised but no planning application has been lodged.
Action: Clerk to contact Snowdonia National Park
M/42/(21.06.21) Purchase of bollards for Neuadd Dyfi car park
The Clerk has ordered the bollards and Geri Davies has confirmed he will install them.
M/124/(20.12.21) Purchase of hybrid meeting equipment
Clerk has ordered this equipment
M/127/(20.12.21) Items for consideration at future meetings
- Clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council asking for the hedge to be cut back between Outward Bound and Picnic Island, but has not heard back
Action: Clerk to contact network Rail
- Clerk emailed Gwynedd Council asking for their plans for the large tree at the bus stop by the Neuadd Dyfi, as several motorhome owners have moved their vehicles from under the tree as they are concerned about the tree falling on their vehicles.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that the dip in the road where the badger set caused subsidence now has signs warning of uneven surface and will be repaired in due course, though no date has been set yet.
He reported that the extra funding for the wharf development has been confirmed and that the contractors have now been formally appointed.
He reported that Picnic Island bridge is still due to be installed in April / May this year.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
No planning applications have been received to date
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider grant applications
It was agreed to give £75 to the Air Ambulance, Dail Dysynni and Urdd Eisteddfod.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Action: Clerk to transfer funds to the three charities
The clerk informed the council that the donation to the Neuadd Dyfi for 2021 will be half of the income from the machine in the Neuadd Dyfi car park, plus £2,500, as agreed previously. This gives a total of £6,425 / 2 = £3,212.50 + £2,500 = £5,712.50.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To agree precept for 2022/ 2023
The clerk informed the council that inflation for the year 2021 was 4.6% and reminded councillors that last year the council raised the precept by the inflation rate at the time of 1.5%. It was agreed to raise the precept by 3%, giving a total of £37,348 x 3% = £38,468. This equates to band D properties of £38,468 / 1095.65 = £35.11, a drop of £2.99 due to the increase in tax base this year.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss council self-assessment toolkit
The Chair reported that using the toolkit was a useful exercise and confirmed that the Council is running as it should, though highlighted a few things, such as some training may be needed.The Clerk reported that the full toolkit will be available from May onwards and intends to go through the rest of it later in the year, as time allows. It was agreed to purchase a lockable cabinet for the council office.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: clerk to report back to the Welsh Government and One Voice Wales on the use of the toolkit
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To consider cutting a path between the cemetery and the gas works
Aled’s father has cut a path in the past and has offered to do it again for £60. It was greed unanimously to ask him to continue.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To consider how to communicate more effectively with the community
It was agreed to leave this discussion until it comes up as part of the self-assessment toolkit later in the year.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
Letter received from Coast Deli Dining
Action: Clerk to reply with details outlined in Agenda Item 5 above.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
- Purchase of container
- Purchase of new benches and planters for the wharf gardens
- Adoption of the NALC guidelines for clerk’s pay and conditions
- Wharf development project
- Subway project
- Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Institute subscriptions due
- British Legion Poppy Appeal results
- Football posts
- Wharf development project
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st February 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm
20th December 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 20th December 2021
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors: Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Public: Deio Jones
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Williams, Cllr Worman
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and welcomed Deio Jones to the meeting. He reported that the village has been quiet recently though is probably going to get much busier over the festive period.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Presentation on the Community Needs Survey by Deio Jones
Deio Jones from Resources For Change did a short presentation on the Community Needs Survey, highlighting some of the results. He reported that many councils go on to use this type of survey as the basis for creating a Community Place Plan and encouraged the council to look at Newtown Place Plan as an example. Cllr O’Neill reported that there is funding available to create one and suggested it would be a good idea for either the Community Council or the Community Projects group to undertake. It was agreed to find out more information about what creating a Place Plan entails.
Action: Clerk to research the process of creating a Place Plan.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 15th November 2021
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 40
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
The clerk reported that she has not yet heard back from either Snowdonia National Park and
Gwynedd Council
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones and Barry Davies again at the beginning of next year
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
The Clerk reported that the Streetworks department have emailed, saying they will look into whether it is possible for the project could go ahead if Community Council agree to take on the responsibility for maintaining the walls while Gwynedd Council retains responsibility for the lighting and electrics and they will let her know their decision in due course.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council Streetworks team again.
Page 41
M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts
There was a delay in the installation and they are now due to be installed this week and work on the allotment retaining walls is due to start in mid-late January.
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
It was asked if the work on this could be done at the same time as the work to repair the wall that has been damaged recently by a car. The Chair reported that he has been told that Gwynedd Council said they will be repairing this in the next few months but will contact them again.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Consultancy
Page 41
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
It was agreed that it was not for the Community Council to apply for residents parking on Seaview Terrace but for the residents themselves to apply for it.
Page 42
M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that three nurses are training in A & E work, so hopefully the MIU will open again soon.
Page 43
M/106/(15.11.21) Gwynedd Council Report
It was reported that the trailer at Bryn Gwylan is still blocking parking bays.
Action: Chair and Clerk to contact Adra
M/108/(15.11.21) To consider purchasing extra waste bins
The clerk reported that she has not had a date to meet with the Steffan Jones. It was suggested that perhaps larger bins instead of more bins might be good. Cllr Tyrrell also noted that many tourists do not know that the brown bins are only for garden waste. The Chair informed the council that the bins at Nantiesin have been used for inappropriate rubbish tipping and since September there have been 3 televisions, 2 beds and 4 mattresses put into those bins.
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones again and arrange a meeting and suggest larger bins as well as more bins, at that meeting. Clerk to inform Cllr Tyrrell of the meeting date.
Action: Clerk to write to all letting agents next year reiterating that they must not put household large goods in public bins.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported on a meeting that was held at the wharf with Gwynedd Council, TMS Maritime and various stakeholders present. The contract hasn’t yet been signed as there is a shortfall in funding so they are currently waiting for the extra funding to be confirmed. It is hoped the project will start in March and the contractors gave a timetable of 34 weeks to complete the project. It will cause disruption in the village, but the work needs to be done as soon as possible in case prices increase again or anything unforeseen happens. The contractors plan to hold meetings early next year with residents and businesses in the village.
It was requested that the contractors might be able to dig out the cannon that is embedded at the bottom of Church Bay slipway while they are doing the work on the wharf wall, to allow it to then be kept and possibly restored.
Action: Clerk to talk to contractors about this possibility
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/L145G 12 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EF Installation of balcony railings to create balcony area (re-submission)
No objections raised
NP5/50/27F The Old Coach House, Balkan Hill, LL35 0NH
Alterations to first floor windows, remove extrenal steps and install glass balustrade
No objections raised
NP5/ NP5/50/530B 14 Maes Newydd, Aberdyfi, LL35 0PD
Demolish conservatory and construct 2 storey extension
No objections raised
NP5/50/L228 Hafn, Terrace Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LT
Installation of roof lights and rear dormer
It was noted that the gates open onto the road and this could cause an issue.
Action: Clerk to inform SNPA
NP5/50/L134E Coast to Go, 9 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EB
Removal of condition 2 of planning consent to allow sale of hot food takeaway
It was noted that this is next door to an existing takeaway business and the menus overlap.
Action: Clerk to inform SNPA
NP5/50/L308D Coast Deli Dining, 7 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EE
Removal of condition 2 of planning consent to allow sale of hot food takeaway
It was agreed not to support this application due to exisiting problems and issues that have not been resolved
Action: Clerk to inform SNPA
The Clerk reported that Snowdonia National Park have been in contact with the owners of the sheds being let on AirBnB and have asked them to submit a planning application, but she hasn’t heard anything more about it yet.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider purchase of bollards for the Neuadd Dyfi car park
It was agreed to buy 5 bollards with space for a padlock at the top, at a price of £200 each. It was agreed that motorhome owners should provide their own padlocks with a spare key held at the Council office. It was agreed to ask Geri Davies to install the bollards.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To consider purchase of equipment for hybrid meetings
It was agreed to buy the equipment recommended by the clerk, including any sundries required.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider keeping toilets by the Neuadd Dyfi open all year
The clerk had confirmation from Amanda Murray that it will cost the council another £2,000 to keep the toilets open all year. It was agreed to reply accepting this proposal, and to ask the AA&I to cover the cost.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved
Action: Clerk to reply to Amanda Murray
Action: Clerk to provide all figures from the past few years to the Chair to inform his forthcoming meeting with Amanda Murray
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- Day on the Quay
It was agreed to cancel this event
- Time & Tide Bell
The clerk reported that the clapper had been left outside the harbourmaster’s office so she has sent photos to the artist and is waiting for his response about what will happen next.
- Aberdyfi Community Projects
Cllr O’Neill gave an update on the company and their project to try to buy the building that houses the Post Office, garage etc.
- Work happening at the institute in January
The clerk reported that major electrical work will be happening at the institute in January so she may work different hours or from home while this work takes place.
- New tenant at the Institute
The clerk reported that a new tenant has taken over the office below the council office and will be in place from January.
- New pharmacist in the village
The clerk reported that the pharmacy has now officially changed hands and the new pharmacist in now in place.
Action: Clerk to write to the pharmacist, welcoming him to the village
- Railings in car park
Cllr O’Neill reported that at a recent Unllais meeting, she asked Dafydd Gibbard, CEO of Gwynedd Council, about the railings in the main car park and he said he will look into the problems with the car park.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Container
- Potential cutting of path between cemetery and Gas Works.
- Cutting hedge between OB and Picnic Island
- Sand build up in village already
- Precept
- How can we communicate better with the community
- Large tree by the Neuadd Dyfi
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- Thanks to volunteers for village planting and tree / hedge planting
- Aberdyfi Community Projects
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 17th January 2022 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:25pm
15th November 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 15th November 2021
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Kelly, Cllr Owens
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair reported that the Remembrance Sunday events were very successful with many people in attendance. Once again the weather was kind and it was dry and calm. The Council agreed that David and Gay Richardson should be thanked for all their hard work in making the events so successful in a Covid-safe manner.
Action: Clerk to thank David and Gay Richardson.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 20th October 2021
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Worman
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 34
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
It was agreed that the preferred site for the fountain is outside the Tourist Information Centre and to seek a site meeting with Snowdonia National Park to confirm it’s position, then go back to Gwynedd Council with our final proposal.
Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones
Page 35
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
The Clerk reported that the Streetworks department have informed her that it would not be possible to have artwork in the subway, due to ongoing maintenance and upkeep required.
The Clerk replied to them, asking if the project could go ahead if Community Council agreed to take on this responsibility, but has not heard back. It was agreed to contact them again, reiterating our willingness to take on the upkeep of the subway, if they keep responsibility for the lighting and electrics.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council Streetworks team again.
M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts
These are due to be installed this week.
M/25/(17.05.21) Bus shelter
Has been installed
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
The Chair reported that he has been told that Gwynedd Council will be repairing this in the next few months.
M/42/(21.06.21) Bollards in Neuadd Dyfi car park
It was agreed that these needed to be stainless steel with padlock locking, so further research is needed before a decision can be made. It was also agreed to check the number of posts that need replacing now and possibly just replacing bollards as and when required.
Action: Chair and Clerk to meet and discuss which bollards need replacing now and report to next meeting
Action: Clerk to research stainless steel bollards with padlocks.
Page 36
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
Clerk has had an email outlining the process of applying for residents-only parking but the email was missing an attachment so the clerk asked for the attachment to also be sent. She is still waiting for this.
Action: Clerk to contact the parking department again to ask for the attachment.
M/76/(20.09.21) EV charging points
The Chair reported that this was discussed at the meeting with Gwynedd Council this morning and reported that they haven’t made a decision yet where they plan to install chargers.
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M/91/(20.10.21) Community Needs Survey
The Clerk reported that the survey has now been translated and reminded the Council that they agreed at the last meeting to pay for this service, which is approximately £800. The Clerk will distribute it as soon as it is received and will arrange for it to be hosted on the Council website. She will also ask Deio Jones, the author to attend our December meeting to give a short presentation on the report.
Action: Clerk to distribute the survey report and arrange hosting on the website
Action: Clerk to invite Deio Jones to December Council meeting
Page 38
M/92/(20.10.21) Village Toilets
It was agreed that the toilets are not being maintained as the Council would like but Gwynedd Council are not interested in improving these facilities. The Clerk has asked Scrubadub to deep clean them once now and then again before the main season begins at Easter. It was agreed to keep a tally of the numbers on the counters in order to have evidence if / when something is done with the toilets. The Chair reported that many other Councils have reported similar and worse problems than those experienced in Aberdyfi and Gwynedd Council have agreed to look into the situation.
Cllr Bradbury-Willis asked if the Council should consider paying to have the toilets by the Neuadd Dyfi open during the winter though acknowledged it is probably too late to do it this year, but perhaps something that should be considered for next year.
Action: Clerk to keep reading the counters at the beginning of the month.
Action: Clerk to provide counter figures at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk to check when the toilets by the Neuadd Dyfi will be closed and to ask how much it might cost to keep them open during the winter.
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M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that a meeting was due to be held recently, as they are now supposed to be happened every month, but the most recent one was cancelled due to illness. She will report when she has more information.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Jones
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Harbour Users meeting last week and the harbour took more money than normal this year, so is in surplus unusually. A contractor has been appointed for the Harbour Wall Project is TMS Maritime Ltd, based in Cornwall and who have done many projects like this in the past, according to their website. The work is due to commence in February for possibly 4 or 5 month, but no other details are available yet. This work will have a huge impact on the village. The contractors will come to the village on 30th November for a meeting with interested parties, eg. Community Council, RNLI, Yacht Club, Outward Bound etc. and the Chair will also ask them to attend an open meeting sometime in December to enable the public to attend and ask any questions they might have.
The Chair also informed the Council that the contractors will need storage space for portacabins, machinery etc. and he has been informed that this will be in the main car park, which will cause even more problems for the village.
All Councillors agreed that it is imperative that the work is done as soon as possible, despite the problems it will cause.
Action: Chair and Clerk to attend the meeting on 30th November and organise an open meeting in December.
Action: Clerk to distribute plans to the councillors
Gwynedd Council Tourism meeting this morning. The Chair reported that it was estimated that there has been an increase in motorhomes visiting Gwynedd this year of 70%, with associated access and waste problems. Wild camping has also caused major problems in the National Park this year with rubbish etc. It was also reported that many people didn’t follow the Covid Rules that the Welsh Gov has put in place. One positive outcome has been that most attractions in Gwynedd saw a marked increase of 50% in visitor number this year. There was a shortage of accommodation this year, partly due to visitor numbers and partly due to hotels etc. being understaffed and some accommodation had to close part of each week due to no staff being available. There will be another meeting in a month to try to solve some of the problems faced by communities this year.
One issue has been that there have been many events happening in the National park that local and District Councils have been unaware of. One example is this last weekend in Aberdyfi, where a running event was held. The Chair had complaints this weekend from various farmers whose land the people were running through, as they were climbing gates marked ‘private’ and not following footpaths. The Clerk had no notification of the event either. It was agreed to write to the organisers, asking for information to be given to the Council before any future events.
Action: Clerk to contact the organisers
Cllr Jones informed the council about a large number of mountain bikes that came through the village recently and the Chair reported on groups going gorge-walking without permission and no-one knows who is organising these events.
It was reported that there has been a trailer blocking parking bays at BrynGwylan for many months and the whole area looks a mess. It was agreed to complain to Adra regularly about this issue.
Action: Chair to contact Adra and Clerk to email Adra about this issue.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
No applications were received this month
The Clerk reported that Snowdonia National Park have been in contact with the owners of the sheds being let on AirBnB and have asked them to submit a planning application.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider purchasing extra waste bins for the village
The Clerk reported that she emailed Steffan Jones asking how much it would cost to have extra bins in the village and he replied suggesting a meeting on site about waste and recycling in the village. The Clerk has agreed to this and is waiting on a date.
Action: Clerk and Chair to meet with Steffan Jones and report back
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider purchase of bollards for the Neuadd Dyfi car park
Has been covered earlier in the meeting
AGENDA ITEM 10– To consider and approve budget for 2022/23
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Gwynedd Council Local Development Plan
The Councillors did not have any comments on the plan
- Snowdonia National Park Conservation Areas Project
The Park asked if it would be possible to attend one of the Council meetings to discuss this project.
Action: Clerk to give them dates of meetings
- Fairbourne flood survey report
It was agreed to write to them explaining the problems in Aberdyfi on the wharf area, golf course, railway and sea wall.
Action: Clerk to write to Arthog Community Council
- Tree surgeons have cut down the trees in the playing field and new trees will be planted along the side of the playing field, the side of the recreation ground and by the golf-club car park. The hedge in the Neuadd Dyfi car park will also be extended to the full length of the fence.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
The Clerk asked the Council to approve the cost of attending a conference on Wednesday in relation to the pilot project of the Council Toolkit, of £45+VAT. It was unanimously agreed to fund this for the Clerk.
- Community Needs Survey
- Equipment for hybrid meetings
- Bollards
- Report from meeting with Steffan Jones
- Container
- Potential cutting of path between cemetery and Gas Works.
- Harbour project
- Cutting hedge between OB and Picnic Island
- Sand build up in village already
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
- RNLI Operations Manager
- Reminder Rushlight on website and Facebook
- Council need to be made aware of any activities in the village
- Christmas Tree and Fireworks.
- Advent windows
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 20th December 2021 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:10pm
18th October 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 18th October 2021
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors: Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Jones, Cllr Kelly, Cllr O’Neill, Cllr Owens, , Cllr Tyrrell
As the meeting was inquorate, it was rescheduled to Wednesday 20th October at 7pm.
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Wednesday 20th October 2021
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors: Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Jones, Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair confirmed that this meeting was being held as the original council meeting on the 18th was inquorate. He noted that the work has now finished at Nyth Robin but the road closure last week caused significant problems to those who needed to go towards Machynlleth from Aberdyfi. He also noted that there are currently four sets of traffic lights between Aberdyfi and Tywyn.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 20th September 2021
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 26
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
Clerk has had a reply from Barry Davies, suggesting the drinking water fountain be placed under the canopy between the doors to the two public toilets and asking who would be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the fountain, also suggesting not to have a mouth fountain, instead one just to fill bottles, as this would present less of a health hazard.
It was agreed that the Community Council will take responsibility for the cleaning and maintenance and not to have a mouth fountain. It was agreed to re-visit the site and consider the location at the next meeting in November.
Action: Councillors to visit site before next meeting and Clerk to put on November agenda
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Clerk hasn’t heard back from the streetworks department.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council streetworks department again.
M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts
Barry Griffiths will install the football posts as soon as possible.
M/25/(17.05.21) Bus shelter
Clerk has been told the bus shelter will be installed in the next day or two.
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
Clerk reported that the responsibility for the crack below the shelter on Terrace Road is in dispute between Coastal Defence department and Highways department of Gwynedd Council. Cllr Worman pointed out that there is an erosion hole in the road in that area which could potentially have been caused by this crack.
M/150/(15.02.21) CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that the electrician is not responding to emails and attempts to contact him, so he is meeting with another electrician this week to discuss the work. Cllr Worman asked if responsibility for GDPR rests with the electrician or the owners / operators and contractors installing the cameras need a special licence for GDPR issues. It was unclear, although Cllr Kelly said it was the owners / operators. Cllr Worman will investigate and confirm if this is the case.
Action: Cllr Kelly to meet with the electrician this week.
Action: Cllr Worman to clarify the GDPR situation.
Page 28
M/28/(17.05.21) Litter and bin problems
It was agreed there are still problems with litter in the village and to ask the person responsible for litter attend one of our meetings.
It was reported that there are still businesses who have already been reported to Gwynedd Council, that are still telling their customers to put their rubbish in the bins on the car park.
Action: Clerk to chase up enforcement team
Action: Council to consider purchasing more bins before the season next year.
Action: Clerk to ask Gwynedd Council to check if Gwynedd Council requires businesses to provide proof that their rubbish is being collected before exemption is approved.
Action: Chair to ask Steffan at Gwynedd Council to attend one of our meetings
Page 20
M/42/(21.06.21) Correspondence
Bollards in Neuadd Dyfi car park
Clerk is still trying to source more robust bollards
Action: Clerk to source more robust bollards
Page 28
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
Clerk has phoned and left messages for the parking department twice asking how we progress getting resident-only parking in the village but has not heard back.
Action: Clerk to contact the parking department again and copy in CEO of Gwynedd Council
Page 30
M/76/(20.09.21) To discuss EV charging points in the village
The Chair reported that Gwynedd Council have not yet reached a decision and the Clerk reported that the consultation is still live on their website.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd again
Page 32
M/78/(20.09.21) Picnic Island bridge
The Chair reported that the bridge work is still progressing well but Gwynedd Consultancy are being very slow in giving their permission for works to go ahead and Al Crisp told the Chair it is hoped that the bridge will be within budget and will be installed March / April next year.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
Action: Chair to impress on Gwynedd Council and Network Rail to work together positively for a quick installation.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
It was noted that the finance committee needs to meet before the next council meeting to prepare the budget for next year.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that there was a meeting of the full council on 7th October and Gwynedd Council are trying to encourage younger people to apply for the elections in May and they will be losing 6 Councillors in the May elections, going down from 75 to 69 councillors.
Gwynedd Council have spent over £130k on equipment for hybrid meetings and it is hoped that many of their meetings will be hybrid going forward.
The Chair has received a request for the Council and the AA&I to support a FLAG project to develop the compound opposite the Trefeddian Hotel that is used by the fishermen. It is hoped to install a 40ft square hard standing with water and electricity. FLAG are willing to provide 62% of the cost, but are asking for support of up to £8k from the Council and AA&I. It was agreed to support the project and decide the split between the Council and AA&I once final costs are known.
Cllr Williams pointed out that the project needs to be mindful of the people who live next door to the compound as there may be some smell from the fisherman’s work.
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Action: Clerk to contact FLAG
The Chair reported that he had a meeting on Monday about home carers in Tywyn, as Gwynedd Council has recently taken over all the home caring for Tywyn as a pilot project. It was reported that the pilot has worked extremely well, with 35 carers organised by a coordinator based locally in Tywyn. Gwynedd are hoping to roll out this model elsewhere and are keen for feedback from people who the carers have visited.
It was agreed that this has been a very positive and successful initiative by Gwynedd Council. One slight problem is that many of the carers were unable to find anywhere to park at times, so Gwynedd Council are looking into giving them parking permits.
Action: Chair to chase up parking permits for carers.
The Chair reported that it is hoped to name a contractor for the harbour project this week, with work starting in February for approximately 7 months, which is not good news for the village next summer, but it was acknowledged that this work needs done for the sea defence or Aberdyfi, so it is essential it is done. It was noted that the Community Council needs to have a discussion with the contractor, yacht Club, Outward Bound and the RNLI to discuss what exactly the plans are.
Action: Chair to liaise with the relevant organisations to arrange a meeting as soon as possible.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L214 3 Nantiesiyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0NB
Demolition of exisiting outhouse and erection of rear extension
No objections raised
NP5/50/363F Aberdyfi Lodge Park, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG
Construction of 2 chalets in lieu of unconstructed chalets approved previously
No objections raised
NP5/50/578B 4 Treflan, Aberdyfi LL35 0PN
Erection of balcony on side elevation
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider purchasing equipment for hybrid meetings
The Clerk informed the council that she and Cllr Kelly have discussed the issue and it would cost approximately £350 for a Television and webcam to allow the council to run hybrid meetings. Cllr Williams asked if purchasing a projector might be more portable and flexible.
Action: Clerk to research options and costs for projectors
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss ‘Our Area 2035’ consultation
It was agreed to set up a meeting with Gwen Evans for all the councillors to attend
Action: Clerk to arrange meeting with Gwen Evans and send invite to councillors.
Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that the Community Needs Survey results have now been collated but they need to be translated and asked if the Council would be willing to fund this
translation. She also asked if the council would be willing to host the report on the website and to invite Deio Jones, the author of the report to give the Council a presentation on the report.
It was agreed to accept all three proposals.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr O’Neill to arrange translation of the report and invite Deio Jones to a council meeting.
Action: Clerk to contact the web developer to arrange for the report to be hosted on the website
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss condition of village toilets
It was noted that Gwynedd Council have informed the Council that there is no money for them to upgrade the toilets, only for maintenance, so it was agreed to ask Scrubadub to deep clean the toilets now and again in the Spring before the main season starts at Easter.
Action: Clerk to contact Scrubadub
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To consider purchase of programmes for the office computer
The Clerk reported that she needed to purchase applications such as Microsoft Word etc. for the computer and has been quoted £7.90 + VAT / month. Cllr Kelly informed her that there was a much cheaper way to buy what she needs. It was agreed to leave the decision for this purchase to the Clerk and Cllr Kelly.
Action: Cllr Kelly to liaise with the clerk to purchase programmes
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To consider quotes for work on allotment retaining walls
It was agreed to accept the lower quote using wooden posts.
Action: Clerk to contact contractors
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss pavement subsidence at bottom of Gwelfor Road
Cllr Kelly informed the council that he has concerns about the depth of the subsidence of the pavement on the main footpath at the bottom of Gwelfor Road. It was agreed to inform Gwynedd Council of these concerns.
Action: Clerk to report the subsidence and Council’s concerns to Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss joining the pilot of the self-assessment toolkit for councils
It was agreed that it would be useful to join the pilot scheme being run by OneVoice Wales
Action: Clerk to register interest in joining the scheme.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Correspondence
- Consultation on dangerous use of personal watercraft
Action: Councillors urged to complete the survey and encourage others to do so.
- Councillor survey on the role of a councillor and public perception of the role.
Action: Councillors urged to complete the survey
- Excessive noise of grounds contractor
It was agreed to talk to him about the noise of his equipment.
Action: Clerk to speak to the ground’s contractor
- Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit
It was noted that the Unit will open again and the GP service and other services in the hospital will all be run by Betsi Cadwallader Health Board from early next year.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
- Email concerning holiday let accommodation at Plas Panteidal
Clerk has given them details of Gwynedd Council and recommended they contact the health and safety department.
- Guide to taking part in the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
It was agreed to discuss this closer to the time
- Tree sculpture update
The Clerk has met with the sculptor and agreed how much of the tree to leave and has contacted the tree surgeon to arrange a meeting to discuss when the trees will be taken down.
- Tree planting update
The Clerk has been in contact with Snowdonia National Park and it Is hoped that the trees round the playing field will be planted in November sometime and it is hoped to involve some of the children from Aberdyfi.
- Day on the Quay
Neil Storkey has asked if the Day on the Quay can be held in the playing field next year, given that the wharf will probably be unusable due to the work on the wharf happening at that time.
It was agreed that this will be acceptable.
Action: Clerk to contact Neil Storkey
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Community Needs Survey
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
Picnic Island Bridge
50th Anniversary of O’Neill’s Hairdresser’s
GP practice not closing
Booster jabs
Drop-in centre
Remembrance Sunday
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 15th November 2021 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:05pm
20 September 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 20th September 2021
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Cllr Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair remarked how busy the summer has been and how nice it was to see people in the village, particularly for the businesses, although it did cause problems with rubbish and parking. He also remarked how nice it was to see traffic wardens in the village at 7am and suggested the council write to the traffic wardens thanking them for this and asking them to come more often, particularly on Sundays. It was agreed to do this.
Action: Clerk to write to the traffic wardens.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 19th July 2021
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 17
M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.
It was agreed to write to Mr. Jones at Snowdonia National Park confirming that the Community Council will pay for 100% of the water bill and drainage for the Tourist Information Centre and to write to Gwynedd Council asking for permission to site the fountain next to the Tourist Information Centre.
Action: Clerk to write to Mr. Jones and Gwynedd Council
Page 18
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
It was agreed to contact the streetworks department of Gwynedd Council to seek permission for artwork in the subway, as suggested by Mr. Adrian Williams.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council streetworks department.
M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts
2 quotes were considered and one for £320 was accepted. Quotes had also been submitted for work on the allotments, one of which quoted using recycled plastic posts and one using wooden posts. It was agreed to ask the cheaper one to resubmit using plastic posts instead of wooden ones and for the quotes to be discussed at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk to appoint Barry Griffiths to install the football posts and to ask to quote again using plastic posts.
M/25/(17.05.21) Bus shelter
Clerk has ordered a bus shelter for the bus stop by the Neuadd Dyfi and it will be installed in the next month or so. The clerk asked Gwynedd Council if it would be possible to install a bus shelter at the stop opposite St. Peter’s church, but they replied that there isn’t enough room for wheelchairs and the shelter is too close to the sea, so there would be maintenance problems.
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
Cllr Reynolds reported that she has been told by the harbourmaster that Gwynedd Council will not do anything until something changes in the sea wall.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to clarify
M/150/(15.02.21) CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that the electrician is not responding to emails and attempts to contact him. It was suggested we install the cameras ourselves as it does not involve electrical work. It was agreed for Cllr Kelly to keep trying to contact the electrician.
Action: Cllr Kelly to contact Ron Thomas
M/24/(17.05.21) New Dyfi Bridge project
The Chair reported that he has been told that the project will be delayed by at least 10minths due to difficulties in obtaining materials.
Page 19
M/26/(17.05.21) 20mph proposals
Clerk has spoke to Iwan ap Trefor and has been told that in 2023 all minor roads in Aberdyfi will become 20mph and before that time, Gwynedd Council will consult with the Community Council about which sections of the main road will become 20 mph.
The clerk also took the opportunity to ask him to change the waiting limit in the village from 45 minutes to 1 hour, as this was causing major problems for local residents. He will consult with his team and consider our request.
Action: clerk to follow up
M/28/(17.05.21) Litter and bin problems
Clerk passed 2 quotes to Gwynedd Council and has had permission to instruct Dylan Jones to replace the fence by the fire station. She is currently waiting for a date when the work will be carried out.
It was noted that the street cleaners had been working extra hours and working very hard over the summer to keep on top of the rubbish problems in the village. It was agreed for the clerk to contact them to pass on the thanks of the Community Council for all their hard work.
Action: Clerk to contact the street cleaners with thanks.
It was noted that many second homes, holiday lets and even some businesses do not pay for their recycling and put it in the main rubbish bins. The clerk and chair both reported that they have both spoken to Gywnedd Council and have been told that they will sort it for next year.
The Chair reported that the CEO of Gwynedd Council is keen to attend one of our meetings and he suggested that this would be a good time to express our concerns over the rubbish problems to the CEO.
Page 20
M/42/(21.06.21) Correspondence
Bollards in Neuadd Dyfi car park
Clerk is still trying to source more robust bollards
Action: Clerk to source more robust bollards
Gwelfor Road subsidence
Clerk has spoken to Iwan ap Trefor and asked if a weight limit can be put on Gwelfor Road. She was told they will send an engineer to inspect the road and they will decide on their recommendation. The Chair reported that the builders have told him that they are not even half way through the concrete work on Balkan Hill, so there is a lot of concrete stull to go up Gwelfor Road.
Action: clerk to contact Iwan ap Trefor for an update
Page 22
M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace
Clerk has emailed the parking department twice asking how we progress getting resident-only parking in the village but has not heard back. It was agreed to talk to the CEO of Gwynedd Council about this as well.
Action: Clerk to contact the parking department again.
Page 23
M/63/(19.07.21) Overnight camping at Morfa Gypsies
Clerk purchased and put 4 No Camping signs high up in the trees on Morfa Gypsies but they
were taken down within a week. Cllrs reported that most people camping there were
responsible campers and did not leave any rubbish in the area, though there is concern over Morfa Gypsies becoming a focus for people camping. It was agreed to talk to the CEO of Gwynedd about this and for the clerk to clarify who is responsible for this area of land.
Action: Clerk to contact the legal department of Gwynedd Council to clarify the situation.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Cllr Tyrrell noted that the clerk seems to be doing more than her contracted hours and proposed that it be formalised that the Clerk logs the hours she works and is paid for those each month. It was unanimously agreed to use this system.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that there hasn’t been a meeting of the full Gwynedd Council, so there is nothing to report. Cllr Williams suggested that the full Council discuss what lessons Gwynedd Council have learned from the last 6 months and what they plan to do differently going forward to solve the problems.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – To consider co-opting a new councillor
The Chair wished to extend the thanks of the whole Community Council to James Bradbury-Willis for all his work on the Council over the past 7 years. He was extremely helpful with setting up the website and helping with IT issues in particular and he will be missed.
As there are elections next May, the final meeting of this Council will be in March, so it was agreed not to co-opt a councillor at this time and to add to Rushlight that there is a vacancy but we will not be co-opting as so close to the elections, but look forward to receiving applications in May. The Clerk reported the changes to council applications that are being considered by One Voice wales.
Action: Clerk to add this to Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/738 Medley Cottage, Rhoslan, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NS
Erection of single storey garage and extend exisiting patio
No objections raised
NP5/50/L442A Argoed, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE
Construction of front and side extention, including front balcony
No objections raised
NP5/50/147P Nyth Robin Campsite
Notice of appeal to the Welsh Minister
It was agreed to offer Nyth Robin more support if required
Action: Celrk to contact Nyth Robin and offer ongoing support
NP5/50/734 Cartref, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NR
Change of title of application
No objections raised
12 Penhelyg Road – the Clerk has been told by Snowdonia National Park that they will allow this development as they would have allowed a planning application to go through had one been submitted. Cllr Bradbury-Willis asked if there is still a local occupancy clause on this house, as it seems to be being let out as a holiday let and it is unclear if this is allowed.
Action: Clerk to clarify the situation
The Clerk reported that she has contacted Snowdonia National Park about sheds in gardens being let out on AirBnB and was told that they would need planning permission to do this so SNPA will write to the owners.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider returning to face to face meetings
It was agreed to hold the October meeting remotely as we need to obtain equipment in order to run hybrid meetings before going back to face to face. It was agreed to get quotes for this and to discuss at the next meeting. It was noted that face to face meetings could be held in the Neuadd Dyfi initially and everyone could do lateral flow tests beforehand.
It was agreed to leave the final decision to the Chair and Clerk
Action: Clerk to obtain quotes for hybrid meeting equipment.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss EV charging points in the village
The Chair is still waiting to hear from Gwynedd Council where they intend to site Electric Chargers in the County, so will contact them again for an update. He reported that the Neuadd Dyfi is planning to apply for a grant to install electric chargers there and Cllr Williams reported that they have a solution which will not impact on any of the parking spaces in the Neuadd Dyfi car park.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider taking control of the children’s playground in Mase Newydd
It was agreed not to pursue this at this time and revisit once the main playground project has been completed.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
The Clerk reported that she had a very positive meeting with Bryn Hughes from Gwynedd Council and it was agreed that the concrete benches on SeaView Terrace will be removed and the wooden benches will be spread out along the terrace. Mr Hughes confirmed that the benches on the promenade are their responsibility and will be removed in the winter for
maintenance and put back in the spring. He confirmed that the concrete benches in the playground are the responsibility of the Community Council to remove and the ones in the wharf area are the responsibility of the maritime department.
It was agreed to spray the wooden benches to stop mould growing on them.
Action: Clerk to ask Aled to spray the benches
Cllr Tyrrell reported that the planters in the wharf gardens were disintegrating and it was agreed to put this on the agenda for the October meeting.
Request for support
It was agreed to write a letter of support and give other support if needed.
Action: clerk to contact the resident and find out what support they would like.
Clerk has had various emails complaining about lack of locks, hand driers not working and the general state of the toilets. She has passed the comments onto Gwynedd Council but has been told that there is no money for improvements, only maintenance.
Road closure
The Clerk reported on the road closure in October. It was noted that it will cause major problems in Happy Valley, despite the diversion going vai Talyllyn.
Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council to post a person at each end of Happy Valley to police the number of people going through the valley.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council
Cemetery Tip area
The Clerk reported that there is an agreement in place between Gwynedd Council and the gold club to use this area.
Email from the new owners of the Britannia Inn
It was agreed to reply, welcoming them to the village and wishing them all the best in their venture.
Action: Clerk to reply to email
Health watchdog request for feedback
It was agreed to put in Rushlight
2nd home tax consultation
It was agreed to put in Rushlight
Places 4 Nature
Rachel Carter, Places 4 Nature officer from One Voice Wales would like to present to the Community Council at some point.
It was agreed to invite her after new Council is in place in May.
Picnic Island Bridge
The Chair reported that they are hoping it will be installed at the end of October.
Action: Chair to contact Outward Bound to find installation date.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings
Hybrid equipment
Picnic Island Bridge
Wharf Planters
Playing field
Pavement subsidence at bottom of Gwelfor Road
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
Drop-in Centre
Health watchdog survey
2nd home tax survey
Road closure
Councillor vacancy and May elections
Minor Injuries unit is open in Machynlleth
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th October 2021 at 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:50pm
19th July 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th July 2021
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr. Bob Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and remarked how busy the village is and will be for the next couple of months.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 21st June 2021
Proposed: Cllr. Reynolds Seconded: Cllr. Kelly
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 10
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has still has no reply from Mr. Jones but spoke to Snowdonia National park planning department who said they’d seen our letter and would chase it up.
Action: Clerk to chase up
Page 11
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground seating
Seating has been installed and looks very good. Cllr. O’Neill informed the council that there will be an article in the Cambrian News shortly.
Cllr O’Neill requested that a crowdfunding page or similar be set up for donations for new equipment for the playground. It was agreed that this was a good idea and to delegate arranging this to the Clerk and Cllr. O’Neill.
It was agreed to clear the weeds from the playground.
Action: Cllr. O’Neill and Clerk to set up an online fundraising option for donations.
Action: Clerk to arrange for weeds etc. to be cleared from the playground
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
Clerk reported that still nothing has been received from Adrian Williams at Gwynedd Council Highways. The Chair reported that he had spoken to Mr. Williams 3 weeks ago and Mr. Williams informed the Chair that someone would come to look at the subway, but he has not had any contact since.
Action: Chair to contact Mr. Williams again
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in Sea Wall
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that the harbourmaster has been trying to contact the flood defence team about the various cracks in the walls but they have not responded to him. It was agreed to contact Gwynedd Consultancy to see
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that Ron Thomas has agreed to do the work and will meet with Cllr Kelly to ensure they are put in the correct position.
M/166/15.03.21 Buying football goalposts
Clerk is waiting for quotes to install the goalposts
Action: Clerk to chase up.
Page 12
M/24/(17.05.21) New Dyfi Bridge Project
The Chair informed the Council that the bridge is facing delays because of difficulties in obtaining supplies, as most of the supplies are currently being diverted to the HS2 project. This will have a knock-on effect on the finishing date of the bridge project.
M/25/(17.05.21) Providing a bus shelter
Clerk has had permission to install a bus shelter at the Neuadd Dyfi bus stop, but has been told that it is for the Community Council to buy and maintain. The Clerk shared a quote for a bus shelter for £5,079.31 (ex-VAT) with the council and it was agreed to go ahead with buying the shelter and agreed to ask the AA&I for a donation towards the cost.
It was questioned if this was the right place for a bus shelter as perhaps opposite
the church would be a good site. It was agreed to see how this one works out and look at the possibility of installing one at the church if residents request it in the future.
Proposed: Cllr. Kelly Seconded: Cllr. Reynolds
Unanimously approved
Action: Clerk to purchase bus shelter and to write to AA&I requesting a donation towards the cost
M/26/(17.05.21) 20mph proposals
The Clerk hasn’t had any reply from Gwynedd Council yet.
Action: Clerk and Chair to chase up Iwan ap Trefor and talk to Outward Bound if required to add pressure to obtaining a 20mph zone.
The Chair reported that he has met with Gwynedd Council about the overgrown verges on the outskirts of the village, as they are obscuring road signs on the side of the road and he has seen car mirrors there in the last few weeks. He has been assured that Gwynedd Council will cut back the growth, but it hasn’t been done yet.
Action: Chair and Clerk to chase up.
The Clerk reported that Gwynedd Council have told her a fence on the footpath between the Penhelig and Hillside Village will not be installed.
M/28/(17.05.21) Litter and bin problems
Clerk has spoken to Caron Jones, Waste and Recycling Officer for Gwynedd Council, and has had permission to extend the area by the fire station over one of the parking spaces, to create a larger recycling area. She is waiting for quotes to replace the fence. Caron Jones is keen to see much better recycling facilities for the village.
Action: Clerk to arrange for fence to be replaced
Clerk has written to Gwynedd Council saying we believe that there are several properties in the village who do not pay council tax and do not pay for refuse collection either. Caron Jones has passed this onto the enforcement team, but the clerk hasn’t heard from them yet.
Action: Clerk to chase up
Cllr Reynolds reported that the glass recycling bins have finally been emptied.
It was noted that there might be a move to make all properties that are let out as businesses to be licensed, which may help with the commercial waste collection problem.
It was agreed that the clerk will write to all businesses in the village again, asking them to ensure their rubbish is disposed of correctly.
Action: Clerk to write to all businesses and letting agencies in the village.
Page 13
Quotes for tree sculpture carving
The clerk reported that both quotes do not include VAT, as neither are VAT registered. The 2 quotes were considered and it was agreed to accept quote 2.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Action: Clerk to write to both companies with the decision.
Page 14
M/42/21.06.21 Correspondence
Bollard in Neuadd Dyfi car park
Clerk reported that she has spoken to Geri Davies, who installed the original bollards, and who told her that in his opinion, the one there at the moment are not robust enough, as several have already had to be replaced and he recommended replacing them with better ones. The clerk is currently trying to source more robust bollards.
Action: Clerk to source more robust bollards
Page 15
Gwelfor Road subsidence
Clerk reported that she spoke to Sian Wilkes, who told her that there has never been a weight limit sign there, though it is possible to apply to have one from the traffic department. It was agreed to pursue this.
Proposed: Cllr. Owen Seconded: Cllr. Kelly
Action: Clerk to apply for a weight limit sign on Gwelfor Road
Complaints re: sand on promenade and in car aprk
Clerk reported that the harbourmaster told her that the prom would be cleared as soon as possible. She has also had a reply from both Barry Davies and Ceri Thomas, assuring her that the sand will be cleared from the car park before the main season starts.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
The Clerk informed the Council that the new bank account is now in place
Proposed: Cllr. Williams Seconded: Cllr. Kelly
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that much of the recent meeting was taken up with discussions about local housing issues and there may be a few houses built in Pennal and Tywyn, but there is no land owned by Gwynedd Council in Aberdyfi. Cllr. O’Neill reported that the housing group in the village had met with Gwynedd Council and Snowdonia National Park and had asked them why the money taken from the second homes in the village etc. is not being spent in the village. They replied that if we propose projects, they will spend the money in the village.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/734 Cartref, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NR
Alterations inclusing installation of external staircase and dormer window on rear.
No objections were raised
NP5/50/LB64 Minafon, 20 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LL
Listed consent for removal of kitchen window at rear and part of external w all, door frame and replace door.
No objections were raised.
NP5/50/562P Chalet 62, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi, LL35 0RF
Retrospective application to extend decking
It was felt this was an overdevelopment, the decking too extensive and too close to other properties.
Action: Clerk to lodge objection
NP5/50/375D 2 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi, LL35 0RB
Renewal of planning permission for construction of garage
No objections were raised
It was asked if the extension at 12 Penhelig Road had been given planning permission. The clerk reported that she had reported it to Snowdonia but hadn’t heard anything back.
Action: Clerk to find out what has happened about this property and planning application.
Cllr Reynolds requested the clerk to find out if letting out a shed on AirBnB requires planning permission.
Action: Clerk to contact the planning department
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss parking problems in Seaview Terrace
Cllr Reynolds reported that there have been many problems recently with residents of Seaview Terrace not being able to park and requested that the Council write to Gwynedd Council asking for Seaview Terrace to be made into residents parking only, especially as the residents are paying a yearly parking fee already. Cllr Reynolds spoke to Eleri Hughes at Gwynedd Council a few weeks ago about this issue but hasn’t heard back.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council to see if it is possible for Seaview Terrace be have residents parking and request information on the process.
Cycle path update and to consider buying land for the project
It was reported that the knotweed has been sprayed and will be done again at the end of October and yearly thereafter until it has been eradicated. It has been suggested by Meilir Hughes that Aberdyfi Community Council might buy the 20 acre site, currently owned by Gwynedd Council, alongside the railway to the old gas works. It was noted that the cost of maintaining the site may be high, given that the drainage ditch normally gets dredged every few years as well as the knotweed problem. It was noted that the Community Council was offered the land a few years ago and it was decided then not to buy it, as there were too many unknowns, given the proximity to the road and the railway line, which might cause issues in the future in terms of clarity of responsibility for different aspects of the land. The Chair reported that many years ago people used to use this area for dumping waste so there is potentially a problem in the future with waste which has been left there and may be contaminating the land. It was agreed not to purchase the land.
Proposed: Cllr. Owen Seconded: Cllr. O’Neill
The Chair reported that Gwynedd Council have £325,000 to do the next phase of the cycle path between Caethle and the Cemetery, but there are currently problems with two landowners who don’t want to give permission, so potentially much of this money may be spent sorting these types of problems, as well as on drawing up new plans. The Chair reported that the recent consultation for the cycle path received over 800 signatures for our cycle path, compared to just over 200 for any of the others under consideration. The £325,000 is only for the first phase, more money will be allocated as the project progresses.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss RoSPA report
It was noted that nothing urgent needs done as a result of the report, though it was agreed to arrange for the weeds to be cleared.
It was noted that there are some negative feelings in the village about the removal of the helter-skelter slide, but Cllr O’Neill reported that the slide does not conform to current guidelines as in the report, so it is a RoSPA decision that it needs to be replaced, not a Community Council decision.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the weeds to be cleared.
AGENDA ITEM 11 To consider buying signs to appeal for crowdfunding for new playground equipment
It was agreed to create a working group to restart the playground project and organise a fundraising campaign, including buying some signs to put up in the playground as part of this campaign.
Action: Cllr. S. Bradbury-Willis and Cllr. O’Neill to set up a working group and Clerk to liaise with Cllr O’Neill to arrange a fundraising campaign.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve a social media policy.
It was agreed to approve the social media policy put before the council.
Proposed: Cllr. Williams Seconded: Cllr. Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To consider delegation of powers to the Clerk, Chair and Vice-Chair during summer recess
It was agreed to delegate powers during summer recess
Proposed: Cllr. Kelly Seconded: Cllr: S. Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To consider purchase of new office computer
The Clerk reported that she has been having some major issues with the computer again and as it is now 7 years old, she would like to buy a new one. It was agreed to purchase a new office computer.
Proposed: Cllr. Reynolds Seconded: Cllr. Williams
Action: Clerk to liaise with Chair and Vice-Chair to purchase a computer.
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
- An email was received from a resident who lives at the top of the hill, who does not drive and who is unable to walk to the village. They are asking if there is anything that the Community Council can do to help them be less isolated, suggesting perhaps a taxi service between the top and bottom of the village.
It was noted that several communities have tried to organise this in the past, but the practicalities of buying a vehicle, finding volunteers and insuring the venture were very problematic and weren’t successful. It was reported that a Barbara Bus used to run locally, possibly out of the Trefeddian. It was agreed for the clerk to investigate if a Barbara Bus is a possibility and also to contact the Gwynedd community connector to see if she has any ideas that could help. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis will give the clerk the community connector details for Powys.
Action: Clerk to contact community connectors and find out more information about the Barbara Bus.
- Complaints have been received about people camping overnight on Morfa Gypsies.
It was agreed to buy some signs stating ‘No Overnight Camping’ and put them on the site.
Action: Clerk to buy some signs
- Complaints about parking on the pavement by the golf club.
The Clerk reported that she has spoken to the traffic wardens who have told her there is nothing they can do about cars parked on the pavement by the golf club as there are no yellow lines on the road and it is a police matter as it is obstruction. Some people have tried to report it to the police and have been told it is a Gwynedd Council matter. However, the clerk was informed by the company doing the bus shelter that there needs to be 1.2m clear for pedestrians on a pavement, so if cars are not leaving this gap, then it is clearly obstruction. The clerk urged all councillors to spread the word for people to report this obstruction to the police as well as the council and hopefully some action may be taken. She also urged the councillors to ask residents to report problems straight to Gwynedd Council as well as to the Clerk, so that the whole village is involved in reporting problems, not just the clerk, as she feels Gwynedd Council do not necessarily take any more notice of her than residents.
AGENDA ITEM 16 –Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Climate Emergency group update
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushligjht / website / Facebook
- Ask if there are residents who would use a Barbara Bus to guage interest
- Community Needs survey
- Thanks to the beach clean group
- Thanks to the refuse collectors
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting
Monday 20th September 2021, 7pm
It was noted that this meeting may be face to face, but a decision will be taken closer to the time.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm
21st June 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st June 2021
Present were:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllrs J. Bradbury-Willis, S. Bradbury-Willis and Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and remarked how busy the village has been in recent weeks because of the good weather.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 17th May 2021
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr M Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 4
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk emailed Edward Jones on 20th May requesting convenient dates to meet but has had no reply.
Action: clerk to email again and copy in CEO of Snowdonia National Park
Clerk emailed Planning department of SNPA asking if any planning permission would be needed for a drinking fountain, but has had no reply.
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
Seating is still awaiting back boards.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
Clerk reported that still nothing has been received from Adrian Williams at Gwynedd Council Highways or Sean Wilkes. Cllr Jones suggested going higher up Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to keep trying to contact both as well as emailing someone higher up the organisation.
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in Sea Wall
The Clerk confirmed that this is now included in the monthly inspection list for the harbourmaster.
Page 5
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that Ron Thomas has agreed to do the work and will meet with Cllr Kelly to ensure they are put in the correct position.
M/164/15.03.21 Community Needs Survey
Cllr O’Neill reported that it has now been finalised and is currently being translated and will soon be uploaded to the system. The wording of the letter going out to each household is also being finalised and should go out very soon.
M/166/15.03.21 Buying football goalposts
These have been delivered and need to be installed, which seems to be a larger job than first thought, so it was agreed to get someone to put them in.
Action: Clerk to contact Geri Davies to ask if he will install them.
Page 6
M/23/(17.05.21) Cycle Path
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he and the Clerk had spoken to Iwan ap Trefor and were told that Gwynedd Council now has funding in place for the next phase of the project, which involves making sure the engineering problems can be overcome and all the relevant land is able to be used. For instance, he mentioned that they have had problems contacting the owners of a cottage to see if they can buy a slice of their land to enable the cycle path to go ahead.
Cllr Williams reported that Neil Storkey is hoping to meet with network Rail this week about the cycle path between the Cemetery and the village.
Action: Clerk to keep in contact with Iwan ap Trefor for updates.
New Dyfi Bridge Project
Clerk has spoken to Gail Jones, public liaison officer for Griffiths, who are doing the work and was told that the disruption to traffic will only happen at the beginning and end of the project.
The Clerk also reported that when the work is done on the Aberdyfi side of the old bridge to install pumps, the road will not be closed but instead traffic will be controlled with traffic lights.
Action: Clerk to invite Gail Jones to a meeting later in the year.
Page 7
M/25/(17.05.21) Providing a bus shelter
Clerk has sent photos to Gwynedd Council and they are sending an inspector to look at it this week and will get back in touch once they have done costings etc. the clerk confirmed that it will hopefully be installed on the Neuadd Dyfi side of the road.
M/26/(17.05.21) 20mph proposals
The Clerk wrote to Iwan ap Trefor and had reply saying he is on holiday until 14th June, but has still not had a reply.
Action: Clerk to contact Iwan ap Trefor again
Cllr Williams asked if the fence had been replaced on the footpath between the Penhelig and Hillside Village, but no-one could confirm this is the case
Action: Clerk to check if the work has been done and contact Gwynedd Council if not.
M/28/(17.05.21) Litter and bin problems
Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that homes which are let out and run as a business should be paying for litter collection as they do not pay council tax.
It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council asking them to ensure these and all other businesses in the village do indeed pay for their refuse collections, as the rubbish problems are having a massive effect on the village.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council saying we believe that there are several properties in the village who do not pay council tax and do not pay for refuse collection either.
Cllr Reynolds and the Clerk reported that the recycling bottle banks by the fire station are overflowing and Gwynedd Council said that the company that empties the glass recycling bins are short-staffed and do not want to come this far South to empty the bottle banks. Gwynedd Council are trying to sort out the problem.
The clerk reported that she had spoken to Caron Jones from Gwynedd Council about the green bins opposite the chemist. He is more than happy for these bins to be put by the fire station where the glass recycling bins are. Before they are put there, the fence needs to be repaired and he asked if we could get two quotes from local contractors for the work. It was noted that if the green bins are put there, the area inside the fence will need to be extended to allow space for the extra bins.
Action: Clerk to get two quotes for repairing the fence and confirm with Caron that the area can be extended.
The Clerk reported that she had been contacted by a member of the public who had seen that staff from the Britannia Inn have been seen leaving bags of food rubbish next to the bins, meaning that birds etc. break the bags and leave a mess of food everywhere. The person also reported that Council refuse collectors had been seen having arguments with staff from Coast, as the staff from Coast were throwing rubbish bags across the road and shouting abuse at the Council workers. He also believes that Coast have now only 1 commercial bin, even though they have two businesses.
Action: Clerk to write to Coast and the Britannia Inn and Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to put litter and rubbish problems on the agenda for next month
Page 8
Quotes for tree sculpture carving
It was agreed not to go for quote 2 as it was too expensive and agreed to ask if the other quotes include VAT and if the person in quote 1 can send photos of an example of a bird of prey they have previously done. The two quotes will be considered again next month.
Action: Clerk to write to all concerned and put on agenda for next month
Tywyn Health Centre
The Clerk spoke to the practice manager who told her that their phone system is controlled by Betsi Cadwallader Health Board, as the phone system for the hospital and GP’s practice was amalgamated when it was replaced after the fire. The practice manager confirmed that between 8am and 8.30am, there should be a message giving a number to call for emergencies and she said she would call it the next day to make sure the message is correct.
Action: Clerk to write to Betsi Cadwallader Health Board complaining about the phone system
Action: Clerk to put a notice in Rushlight explaining it is possible to make routine appointments via their website as well as via phone.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
The Clerk informed the Council that everything should be transferred over to the new bank by this Wednesday, 23rd June.
Proposed: Cllr. Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Chair reported that there was nothing currently to report from Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/346C 9 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi
Construction of terrace in rear garden
No objections were raised
NP5/50/589A Ael y Don, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi
Extension to existing patio at the front.
No objections were raised.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider quotes for tree sculpture carving
Discussed under matters arising
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider request to use playing field for running event 16th and 18th July
A request had been received for people taking part in a running event to camp in the playing field by the Neuadd Dyfi on the night before and night after the event. It was agreed that it would cause a lot of noise, disruption to locals and destroy the grass, as well as setting a precedent, so it was decided not to give permission.
Action: Clerk to reply to request
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Correspondence
- Bollard in Neuadd Dyfi car park
Clerk reported that one of the bollards had been destroyed
Action: Clerk to contact Geri Davies and ask if he can replace it
- Brown bin.
The Clerk reported that visitors had filled the brown bin purchased for the wharf garden waste with normal waste, so she organised for it to be collected and put signs on the bin saying it is only for garden waste.
- Offer of fairground attractions
The Clerk reported that we have had an offer of fairground attractions for use in the future.
- Gwelfor Road subsidence
The clerk reported that there are a large amount of heavy lorries and cement mixers going up and down Gwelfor Road and causing subsidence. The Councillors all remember signs at the bottom saying a weight limit, which has now been changed to a long vehicle sign.
Action: Clerk and Chair to contact Gwynedd Council
- Complaints from visitors not able to get onto the promenade with a wheelchair or mobility scooter due to the amount of sand that is on the car park and on the promenade. Even if the sand wasn’t there, they were concerned that they couldn’t get through the gates with a wheelchair.
Action: Clerk to email harbourmaster, Barry Davies and CEO of Gwynedd Council
- Seaview Terrace parking problems
Agreed to put on agenda for next month
- Cllr Kelly reported that the sign board at the Gas Works is disintegrating and the clerk replied that it is in hand and being repaired.
- Cllr Kelly reported that the path behind Rhos Dyfi is overgrown. The clerk said she would check if we normally get it done or if it is Gwynedd Council’s responsibility.
- The Chair reported that the undergrowth on the Network Rail side of the road going out of the village is encroaching onto the road.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
EV chargers
Consider when to return to face to face meetings
Seaview Terrace parking problems
Aluminium signs for crowdfunding for playground project
Painting playground wall
Social media policy
Tree sculpture quotes
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Remembering Muriel
Beach Clean
Make appointments via website at Tywyn Health Centre
Please put rubbish in the bins
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th July 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm
17th May 2021
Minutes of the thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 17th May 2021
Present were :- Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors :-
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for their work over the past year.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Annual Return
The Annual Return for 2020/21, done in conjunction with Steve Lister, was presented to Council for approval.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Election of Officers 2021/2022
Cllr Dewi Owen was nominated for the position of Chair.
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Worman
Agreed unanimously
Vice Chairman
Cllr David Owens was nominated for position of Vice Chair.
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Tyrrell
Agreed unanimously
Planning Committee
The whole Council
Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
The whole Council, except for Cllr Tyrrell
Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee
Cllr G Jones (Chair)
Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell
One Voice Wales
Cllr D Owen and Cllr O’Neill, with Cllr Williams as deputy
Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote
Cllrs Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and J. Bradbury-Willis
Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund
Cllrs Owen, Jones and S. Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Reynolds as Chair and Cllr Williams as Trustee
Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds
Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr O’Neill
Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy
Allotment sub-committee
Cllrs Jones (Chair), O’Neill and J. Bradbury-Willis
Finance Committee
Cllrs Owen (Chairman), Owens (Vice Chair) and S. Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy.
Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly and S. Bradbury-Willis.
Re-appointment of Internal Auditor
Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2021/22, in accordance with minute CL/133/20.1.20
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Agreed unanimously
Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents, copies of which are available for inspection in Council office.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Agreed unanimously
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis joined the meeting at this point.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of Ordinary Meeting 19th April 2021
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Williams
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising
Page 71
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Clerk had a reply from Mr. Jones, asking for clarification on various points on the project.
It was agreed to ask for a site meeting with Mr. Jones to clarify all his points, Cllr O’Neill to contact Refill UK for clarification and the clerk to talk to the planning department at SNPA. Cllr Kelly confirmed that the Community Council has previously agreed to pay for the water and associated costs with the water fountain.
Action: Clerk to ask Mr. Jones to do a site visit and meet with councillors to address the points raised. Cllr O’Neill to ask Refill UK for answers to points raised by Mr. Jones. Clerk to ask SNPA planning department if there are any planning implications. Cllr O’Neill to re-circulate a photo of the proposed fountain to all councillors. Clerk to add to agenda for June
Page 72
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
Cllr O’Neill informed the council that GL Jones is still waiting for the Perspex for the back of the shelter to be delivered and apologised for the delay in installation. The shelter is finished, all except for the Perspex. As soon as they received the Perspex they will install the shelter.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
The clerk has had a reply from Adrian Williams, in which he asked for sight of the proposals. It was agreed to write back to him, explaining the process the council hopes to go through (asking for artists to submit proposals or a competition) and asking for approval in principle. It was also agreed to ask in the first instance that the subway be cleaned up, as at present it is very dirty.
Action: Clerk to write to Mr. Williams
M/139/(18.01.21) Penhelig Toilets development
Chair informed the council that he has spoken to Gwynedd Council and the clerk has written to Gwynedd Council, expressing the council’s concern about the traffic problems caused by the work being done there.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council again.
Page 73
M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
This has not yet been repaired and the clerk confirmed that she had been told by Gwynedd Council that it is on their monthly inspection list.
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that he waiting for a quote to install the cameras, but otherwise the system is ready for use.
M/164/(15.03.21) Community Needs survey
Cllr O’Neill informed the council that the first draft of the survey has been done and there is a meeting with various organisations involved in housing at the end of the month.
M/166/(15.03.21) Buying football goal posts
Clerk reported that she is waiting for a delivery date
Page 74
M/177/(19.04.21) Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that he had spoken to Gwynedd Council and they confirmed that all parking will be changed to 45 minutes, not 1 hour as was requested by the Community Council in a letter and he was very disappointed that Gwynedd felt this was an acceptable decision.
Page 76
M/182/(19.04.21) Parking at Neuadd Dyfi car park 3rd – 6th June
The event has been postponed until 24th – 26th September and the Yacht club are seeking permission for motorhomes to park on these dates instead. It was agreed that this was acceptable
Action: Clerk to inform the yacht club of the decision
Page 78
M/184/(19.04.21) Items for consideration at future meetings
Railings at Penhelig shelter
Cllr Reynolds reported that the railings had been put in place and the gate will be in place shortly.
Missing fencing from side of footpath from Penhelig to Hillside Village.
The Clerk reported that she sent photos to Gwynedd Council who replied that they will send an inspector out to investigate the situation.
Traffic Lights at Dyffryn Hill
The Chair reported that the lights are there because there is a badger set in the bank, which is causing subsidence, but because badgers are protected, nothing can be done until they finish breeding.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
It was agreed to accept the report as a true and accurate report.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
Gwynedd Council has a new Chief Executive in Dafydd Gibbard, who has worked with Gwynedd Council since 2003 as head of housing and planning. He seems very approachable and the Chair suggested the Council invite him to one of the Community Council’s meetings later on this year.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for later in the year
He also reported that he has been told that money will be forthcoming to move the cycle path project forward. He will make further enquiries and also talk to Tywyn town councillors, as they seemed to know more about the project than he did.
Action: Chair and Cllr Tyrrell to find out more information
The Chair reported that the leisure centre is back open now and has been well-used since it has been open.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
Gwynedd Council had it Annual Meeting last week and there is a new Chair in Simon Glyn, a Plaid Cymru Councillor, and a new Vice Chair in Elwyn Jones, who is an Independent councillor. The Chair reminded the Community Council that next year there are elections for new councillors for Gwynedd and there will be changes, as a number of councillors will be retiring.
The Chair reported that Network Rail have closed the line between Machynlleth and Shrewsbury and it will not reopen until 27th June, as they are repairing a bridge on the outskirts of Machynlleth.
He also reported that they have started on the new bridge on the outskirts of Machynlleth and as a result there have been extremely long queues due to the traffic lights, which are causing major problems already and it is particularly concerning as it will be much busier soon with a bank holiday and the main tourist season. It was agreed to find out how long the traffic lights are expected to be there.
Action: Clerk to contact Machynlleth town council as a matter of urgency and Chair will go to the council office at the Plas in Machynlleth.
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis expressed concern as she has been informed that there is a plan to close the road completely in front of the small cottages on the Aberdyfi side of the current bridge over the river.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council as a matter of urgency
The Cambrian Rail Line will be shut between the 12th September to 12th December to allow work on the Barmouth bridge.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/T482G Hafod, 13A Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EB
Removal of chimney and extractor flue
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss providing a bus shelter
It was agreed that a bus shelter is needed but it is unclear whose responsibility it is to provide or pay for a shelter. The Clerk reported that Gwynedd Council have told her that the process is to email Gwynedd Council who will send out an inspector, who will assess the situation and produce a plan and costs. Discussions can then take place about who will be liable for costs.
Action: Clerk to email Gwynedd Council with a location and report back their response
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss 20 mph proposals
The Chair reported that he believes there are a few village and towns in Gwynedd who have 20 mph in place and it was agreed that the community Council should site to Gwynedd Council asking for a 20mph speed limit between the institute and Penhelig Corner.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To consider installing a dog waste bin at Trefeddian Terrace car park
It was agreed not to install a waste bin at Trefeddian Terrace car park but instead to purchase some humorous ‘take your litter home’ signs and put them up and review the situation at the end of the year.
Action: Cllr O’Neill and clerk to liaise and purchase signs
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
- Litter and bin problems
It was suggested putting stickers on the bins saying CCTV in operation but
it agreed that the bins opposite the chemist are not owned by the community council and therefore the council cannot put stickers on the bins. It was agreed to write back to the complainant suggesting they put clearer signs on their bins and keep them locked. It was also agreed to write to all the businesses again, asking them to ensure they keep the bins locked and work with Gwynedd Council to come up with a satisfactory way of dealing with the situation. It was also agreed that the chair will talk again to Gwynedd Council about putting the bins behind the wall. It was agreed that responsibility for these bins lies with Gwynedd Council and owners should be liaising with them, not the Community Council.
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis suggested the council asked for limiters to be put on the bins in the main car park, to stop people putting in black bin bags of household waste.
Action: Clerk to reply to complainant and write to businesses, also to contact Gwynedd Council, forwarding the photos.
- Day on the Quay and Food festival
It was agreed that Day on the Quay will not be able to happen in 2022, as there will be work being done on the wharf development at that time.
However, the Food Festival will be able to go ahead in 2022 and the Council will support the organisers in their efforts to run the events.
Action: Clerk to inform organisers of these decisions.
- Choosing subject of tree sculpture.
The clerk reported that some residents had complained that there had been no decision to have an osprey as the subject of the sculpture. Cllr Williams informed the Council that a sculptor did a site visit and said that an osprey would make the best use of the shape of the tree, so it had been agreed that this is what would be carved.
The clerk reported that she has asked for quotes based on an osprey.
Action: The clerk will present quotes once they are all received.
- Health Centre
It was agreed that the response from the health centre was not very useful, as a resident was left without access to medical care between 8am and 8.30am, as at this time the health centre phone message said it was closed with no reference to the Out Of Hours service and she was not able to contact OOH at this time either. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis reported that Access Standards say that telephones should be answered in a set time, but this doesn’t seem to be happening at Tywyn.
Action: Clerk to reply to the Health Centre asking for clarification on how to contact them in an emergency between 8am and 8.30am and other
issues raised. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis will forward access standards for Betsi Cadwalder to the clerk. Clerk to ask Tywyn town council if they’ve had similar issues.
- Wharf development project
Chair believes that tenders have gone out this month and work is due to start in September.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- New playground project
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Leisure Centre open again
- What the money from Neuadd Dyfi car park has been spent on
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of Next meeting
Monday 21st June at 7pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm.
19th April 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th April 2021
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
Patrick Hollis
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies – full attendance
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and remarked how lucky we are in Aberdyfi as many communities in Gwynedd don’t have the same quality of internet access that we do and many councils are struggling to hold meetings. He also remarked how nice it is to see visitors back in the village, which is good for all the businesses but he is concerned about the amount of litter that is being left behind.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th March 2021
Proposed: Cllr B Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr B Kelly
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 64
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Chair has tried to phone Edward Jones several times but there is no answer and he feels it is very inconsiderate that there has been no reply or acknowledgement to any emails or phones calls that have been sent over the last four months.
Action: Clerk to email the Chair of Snowdonia National Park.
Page 65
M/81/(21.09.20) EV charging points
Will be discussed under Item 9
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
New seating is ready, all except for the back boards. As soon as they arrive, the seasting will be installed.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
Clerk reported that still nothing has been received from Adrian Williams at Gwynedd Council Highways or Sean Wilkes. Cllr Jones suggested going higher up Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to keep trying to contact both as well as emailing someone higher up the organisation.
Penhelig Toilets development
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that the area of garden that has been removed by the builders is actually a pet cemetery. Cllr Tyrrell believes that there was a meeting with Snowdonia National Park recently and a retaining wall has now been built and the bank will be put back. Cllr Tyrrell spoke to the workers there and asked if top soil will be put on top or if the bank will solely consist of slate. He was assured there would be top soil to allow planting. It was agreed it is the owners responsibility to rectify the damage. Cllr Williams suggested the council wait to see how the damage is repaired, as it is not the responsibility of the Community Council, but could contact the owners if it is not repaired satisfactorily.
Cllr J Bradbury-Willis expressed concern about the lack of parking in front of the development, as there are vans parked there and also fencing around the building works. This has removed all public parking there and will do until the development is finished. Cllr Owen informed the council that there were temporary traffic lights there last week as there was an issue with vehicles coming from different directions not giving way to each other and he believes that traffic lights are going to be installed for the duration of the work, but he hasn’t had any official information yet.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to find out if traffic lights will be installed.
Crack in sea wall
Cllr Jones asked what was being done about the crack in the sea wall by the shelter at Terrace Road .The Chair reported that he had spoken to the harbourmaster and Gwynedd Consultancy will be repairing the wall and other areas in the village fairly soon, including the crack in the pavement reported by Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis recently.
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Update will be given under item 8
Page 66
M/164/15.03.21 Community Needs Survey
It was agreed that questions need to be very open-ended to allow residents to give their views freely. Cllr O’Neill informed the council that the survey needs to go out within the next two months, so questions need to be agreed within the next two weeks to be included in the survey and urged councillors to send questions to the Clerk as soon as possible.
Action: All councillors to send ideas for questions to the clerk ASAP.
Cllr Reynolds asked if the road sign at Bryn Gwylan has been put back up. The chair informed her that he reported it to Gwynedd Council and will contact them again.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council
Page 67
M/166/15.03.21 Buying football goalposts
These have been ordered by the clerk and will be delivered towards the end of May, after which the councillors will need to come together to install them.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
The Clerk informed the Council that Siemens have refunded the payment they took in error. Cllr Tyrrell congratulated Cllr O’Neill on getting the grant for the new seating in the playground.
Proposed: Cllr. Williams Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that Dilwyn Williams is retiring from Gwynedd Council at the end of the month and they are interviewing this week for a new chief Executive. He has been a big asset to the Council, being very accessible to Gwynedd Councillors and will be a big loss.
He reported that he has been told that the limited time parking along the front of the village is going to be changed from 1 hour to 45 minutes, though has had no official notification. The council felt that this, together with the increase in parking charges is not fair to Aberdyfi, as the charges are not going up by the same amount in other towns in Gwynedd and will adversely affect businesses in the village. Cllr S Bradbury-Willis expressed concern that the changes in the parking times and charges will push people to park in other areas of the village.
The Chair reported that he has been inundated with letters and emails from people unhappy with Gwynedd Council’s increase in Council Tax, two of whom are going to put their houses on the market at the end of the summer.
Action: Clerk to email Gwynedd Council to express concern that the Community Council weren’t even consulted on the changes to the times of parking and asking to change them all to one hour.
Cllr Reynolds reported that a resident asked her if it would be possible to put up a bus shelter, but it is not clear where one could go, as there is very little room. It was agreed to come back to this item next month.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next month
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if there was any further information about the tree opposite Parc-yr-Ysgol. The clerk reported that the damaged branches were removed last week and the debris has now been cleared. Cllr Jones asked who is responsible for repairing the fence and it was agreed that it is Gwynedd Council’s responsibility.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council and ask for a timetable of repairs
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L262A 8 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi
Change of use from gift shop & café to bar
Concerns were raised about where the waste will be stored, but no planning objections were raised
NP5/50/LB179C 8 New Street, Aberdyfi
Listed building consent for internal alterations
No objections were raised.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider and adopt a Privacy & CCTV Policy
It was agreed to adopt the Privacy and CCTV policy
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Kelly reported that the CCTV system at the Neuadd Dyfi is installed and working, though the cameras have not yet been installed outside. He also reported that he has spoken to the postmistress and she is happy for one of the cameras to show the forecourt of the Post Office, though it was agreed it will not show the shop front itself. Cllr Kelly confirmed that he and the Clerk are the only ones with access to the CCTV footage.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss installing EV chargers
The Chair reported the he had spoken to Gwynedd Council and was given a non-committal answer as to whether they will be installing chargers in Aberdyfi. They are currently conducting a survey on this subject. Cllr Williams reported that the Neuadd Dyfi car park may be a better venue for situating chargers, due to the proximity of the sub-station and is concerned that Gwynedd Council may think that chargers can only be situated in the main car park, as the Neuadd Dyfi car park is not under their control.
Action: Chair to talk again with Gwynedd Council and to offer to work with them if they want to explore putting chargers in the Neuadd Dyfi car park.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Tree sculpture project update and to consider quotes to prepare trees
The clerk presented 2 quotes for the felling of two trees in the playing field – one to ground level and the other to a height suitable for carving. It was unanimously agreed to go with the lower quote.
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: Clerk to accept the lower quote.
The Clerk informed the Council that she has requested quotes from 3 sculptors for doing the carving work but hasn’t had them all back yet, so they will be considered at a later meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss parking at the Neuadd Dyfi car park 3rd – 6th June
The Yacht Club have asked for permission to park motorhomes in the Neuadd Dyfi car park for these dates. It was agreed to allow it but it is to be made clear that it is a one-off occurrence and details will be discussed next month.
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clerk to liaise with the yacht club about numbers attending and details.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- A resident has done some work on clearing and planting the area by the toilets at the Neuadd Dyfi, after consultation with the clerk.
The Council felt it is a great improvement and wish to thank the resident.
Action: Clerk to write to resident
- Tree planting update
It was agreed to support the proposal by the wildlife and biodiversity group to plant trees in the area of the running track and golf club, assuming they receive the right permission from the appropriate agencies.
Action: Clerk to inform the group of the Council’s support
- Anonymous traffic problem.
It was agreed that this is only an occasional problem during bank holidays but not at any other time of year and it is the responsibility of Gwynedd Council to deal with any parking issues at this area, as the Community Council has no jurisdiction for this. It was noted that this issue was discussed at length when the new development at Parc yr Ysgol was proposed, as it moves from 40mph to 30mph at this point and the Community Council welcome the proposals to reduce the speed limit to 20mph in the near future. It was suggested that a more dangerous situation currently exists in the centre of the village outside the shops with people queuing on the pavements and having to walk in the road to get round the queues. It was agreed to put the 20mph speed limit proposals on the agenda for next month.
Action: Clerk to add 20mph speed limit proposals to agenda for next month.
- Boat storage area
The Chair reported that the container that arrived there a couple of months ago has now been taken down to ground level and will be there permanently to provide storage for the fishermen’s pots over the winter instead of on the wharf and an area for them to work on the pots under cover. The Chair has asked if the container could be painted a dark colour so that it’s not so conspicuous and asked other councillors to do the same. It was noted that this area is necessary for people earn a living.
It was agreed to put a piece in Rushlight to inform people what this storage area is for.
Action: Clerk to put into Rushlight
- Nyth Robin request for attendance at planning meeting
The Chair attended the meeting and reported that the application for a rural dwelling had been turned down yet again and he was extremely saddened that the planning committee were discussing issues that were not relevant to planning issues, eg. income and querying why campsite owners need to live on site. He understands that the owners of Nyth Robin will be appealing against the decision. It was agreed that the Community Council will support them in this.
- Litter and rubbish problem
There have been various reports of littering on the beach and remnants of fires, which are leaving nails and other debris, which poses a very serious danger to the public. Cllr Jones informed the council that it was local young people causing these problems and the police have been involved. It was noted that beach wardens will be employed during the summer and they will hopefully be able to monitor this situation closely. It was noted that the bins are so full at the moment because everyone has to get takeaways and when cafes etc. open again this situation will hopefully ease and we are lucky not to have the major problems that they have had in Cardiff and Sheffield. It was suggested that more signs around the village would be helpful.
Cllr Tyrrell has been asked by various residents if it is possible to have a dog poo bin at Trefeddian Terrace. It was agreed to check if there is a bin there and to discuss at the next meeting. Residents had also asked about one at Ffordd parc y Llethrau but it was felt that there is more need for bins by the beach.
Action: Clerk to put something in Rushlight to thank people for keeping the village clean and reminding them to take their litter home with them. Clerk to discuss possible solutions with the harbourmaster and investigate signage.
Clerk to add dog poo bins to agenda for next meeting.
The Clerk reported that residents have reported litter at Pen y Bryn and that the seating has been broken and removed. It was agreed to get quotes to repair the seating in the shelter.
Action: Clerk to get quotes and put on agenda for next month
- Cycle-path project update
The aerial photography has been done for the cycle path between the cemetery and the village and it is hoped that planning consent will be granted. Mr. Storkey is currently in talks with Network Rail about the route of the cycle-path with a view to agreeing that the cycle path route is not too close to the railway line.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Cllr O’Neill reported that the railings and gate above the shelter at Penhelig Gardens is in a state of disrepair and need to be repaired urgently as it is easy for children to run onto the road. Cllr Reynolds reported that a company has already been appointed to repair the railings as soon as possible.
Action: Clerk to talk to Bryn Lloyd about including the gate in the repairs.
- Cllr Tyrrell expressed concern that fencing has disappeared from the side of the path from the Penhelig towards Hillside village.
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to send a phot to the clerk and Clerk to forward this onto Gwynedd Council
- Cllr Reynolds reported that residents had complained to her that Tywyn Health Centre are not answering the phone and the Chair reported it took him over 45 minutes to get through and Cllr S Bradbury-Willis reported that an elderly neighbour of hers was very distressed that they were not able to access healthcare when she needed to
Action: Clerk to email Tywyn Health Centre practice manager to ask the reason for this situation
- Cllr Jones enquired how long the traffic lights at top of Dyffryn Hill are going to be there. The Chair reported that he has spoken to highways and the crack that has been there for years has got worse over the winter. Negotiations are ongoing between Gwynedd Council and Network Rail as the railway line is directly below. The chair hoped that the traffic lights will be gone by the summer.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council again and report next month.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Door stickers
- Recreation ground will open 1st May
- Community Needs Survey
- Covid restrictions when voting
- Boat storage area
- Litter
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 17th May 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm
15th March 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th March 2021
Present were:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllr S Bradbury-Willis and Cllr G Jones.
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and remarked on the amount sand that had been blown onto the road and pavements due to the recent storms and hoped that it would be cleared soon.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th February 2021
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr B Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 57
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has emailed Snowdonia National Park again but still no response.
Action: Chair will contact Edward Jones direct as he has his telephone number
M/81/(21.09.20) EV charging points
Clerk wasn’t able to contact the clerk in Machynlleth, but had been in contact again with Jon Starbuck, who informed her that the chargers installed in Machynlleth were not fit for purpose, as they take too long to charge and therefore are not being used.
Action: Chair to talk to Gwynedd Council for an update on their plans
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
New seating is being installed imminently.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
Clerk reported that she has sent another email to Adrian Williams at Gwynedd Council Highways and also tried to phone Sean Wilkes, but has had no response to either. Mr. Wilkes phone had been switched off every time she tried to ring him, so had been unable to leave a message.
Action: Clerk to keep trying to contact both
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Community Housing Trust
This will be discussed under Agenda Item 8, Community Needs Analysis
Crack in sea wall
Clerk has sent photos of the crack in the pavements as well as the sea wall to Gwynedd Council, who have replied saying they are on their monthly inspection list. The Chair has also spoken to the harbourmaster about this.
Cllr Tyrrell informed the meeting that the harbourmaster and Barry Davies have been to Penhelig gardens and have arranged for work to be done to the wall there and in other places round the village.
Penhelig Toilets development
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that no work has been done on the development for about a month. The Chair reported that Snowdonia National Park have been to inspect the work and that the National Park were going to inform the owners that they have exceeded their boundaries, but nothing more has been heard.
Page 61
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Cllr Kelly has given log-in details for the CCTV system to the Clerk and has purchased a new system for the area around the Neuadd Dyfi.
Action: Cllr Kelly to install new system as soon as he is able. Clerk to make some CCTV system notices to be displayed outside the Neuadd Dyfi.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Clerk informed the Council that she has queried the 2 payments to Siemens on the 10th and 11th February as only one payment should have been taken. Siemens told her they have only taken one payment, but the bank statement shows that it has been taken twice. She is waiting to hear back from the accounts department at Siemens on this matter.
Cllr Kelly reminded the Council that the AA&I will be paying for half of the rent for the storage cupboard under the Council Office.
Proposed: Cllr. Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that there was a full Council meeting of Gwynedd Council last week with over 70 members present and the proposed increase in premium was discussed for almost three hours. Gwynedd Council passed the proposed increase as 30 voted for the increase and 16 voted against. The Chair reported that he spoke vigorously against it and some other councillors proposed that they should wait until next year. The Chair reported that they were told it is not a statutory increase and will be discussed every year at full council.
The Chair reported that the 3.7% increase in rates were confirmed at the meeting.
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis reported that a road sign by Bryn Gwylan has fallen down. The Chair responded that he would report it to Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/438B Glascoed, Aberdyfi
Construction of summerhouse
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider doing a Community Needs Survey
The clerk reported that she represents a group wanting to set up a community drop-in centre and had formed a steering group with representatives from the Neuadd Dyfi, the Community Housing Trust and the Climate and Biodiversity group in order to come together to do a community needs survey, as all groups had previously been planning to do their own. This steering group would like to work with the Community Council on the project and ask if the Council would be willing to take part and even lead the survey.
The Council agreed a survey is a good idea and Cllr D Owens and Cllr D. Williams volunteered to be on the steering group.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To decide on response to station audit
The signs at the station are looking a bit tatty.
Action: Clerk to respond to the audit with this information.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To consider buying goal posts for the football field
The clerk presented 4 quotes for a pair of goalposts to the Council, 12’ x 6’ (£172.99) and 16’ x 7’ (£229.99) freestanding steel from Networld Sports and 12’ x 6’ (£645.00) and 16’ x 7’ (£725.00) from the Soccer Store which are steel posts sunk into the ground.
It was agreed to put both posts out, rather than keeping one set of goals in storage. It was proposed to buy the larger ones from the Soccer Store at a cost of £725.00
Cllr Williams informed the Council that a child was killed a few years ago when some freestanding goalposts feel on them, so posts sunk into the ground would be a lot safer.
Proposed: Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr M Reynolds
Unanimously agreed.
Action: Clerk to order goalposts
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and decide on supporting work required for the cycle path project
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussions or decision.
Cllr Tyrrell reported that Network Rail have requested aerial footage of the proposed route of the cycle path between the cemetery and Aberdyfi. Four anonymous quotes for this work were presented to the Council, all to include editing of the final footage.
- £375 + travel expenses at 45p for first 100 miles, 13p thereafter.
- £579
- £200 with company logo displayed on final video, £250 without logo
- £350
It was proposed to accept the £250 quote from company No. 3
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously agreed
Cllr Tyrrell informed the Council about a survey currently being done by Gwynedd Council under their Active Travel Initiative and urged everyone to take the survey. Cllr Tyrrell had spoken to the person at Gwynedd Council in charge of the survey and was told they have to convince the Welsh Government that the local community wants it to happen, hence the survey. Cllr Tyrrell asked if there is any way the Council can help get the message to more people in order for them to take the survey and support the project.
Cllr Williams responded that Gwynedd Council will already know the feelings of many people in this area because of the exhibitions that were held in Tywyn a few years ago. He suggested the Council can help by putting it in Rushlight etc. He also pinted out that what is currently there only goes half way, which is not much use to either Tywyn or Aberdyfi communities.
Cllr Reynold pointed out that there is a small piece of land where the proposed route goes that belongs to David Inman.
Action: Clerk to put the cycle path link into Rushlight etc and make some posters to put round the village, as well as talking to the clerk in Tywyn. Councillors to spread the word.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- Harbour users meeting
The Chair reported that a meeting was held recently and at that meeting it was reported that fewer moorings were being put out this year as there is less demand for them due to Covid etc. He reported that the wharf development tenders should be going out by the end of the month and they were told that the work should commence towards the end of the year. He expressed concern that the cost will continue to rise which might mean that they decide not to put the steps into the wall to reduce costs. He reported that Aberdyfi has fought hard to get those steps put in for years so he will be monitoring the situation very closely to ensure this doesn’t happen. Cllr Williams expressed concerns that it is vital to monitor this as it will be the last chance to influence what happens for a very long time.
The harbour master reported that there will be two seasonal beach wardens employed this summer.
Neil Storkey reported to the harbour users meeting that the Picnic Island bridge is now fully funded and installation should go ahead as planned in the Autumn when the rail line is closed for maintenance on Barmouth bridge. Cllr Williams expressed concern that the council needs to liaise with highways to have temporary traffic lights just while they swing the bridge into place rather than a 24 hour road closure, as this will be more acceptable to the community.
- Home Start Cymru
Email seeking volunteers from families to support other families
- Snowdonia National Park Partnership Plan
- Brown bin has been delivered and the clerk is sourcing suitable locks. The harbourmaster has agreed it can be sited by the harbourmaster office where there are bolts in the wall to lock the bin to.
- 3 benches have been delivered. 1 still on order.
One is for Alf Bowen, which will be sited in the wharf gardens, beside a bench supplied by the Maritime Department of Gwynedd Council, also in memory of Alf.
- Work on the Gwelfor Terrace allotment retaining wall will start within the next couple of weeks and the clerk will inform the allotment holder of the plot immediately in front of the wall. There is going to be a drainage pipe leading to a water butt at the bottom of the wall.
- Tree sculpture. A resident has offered to help move this project on so the clerk will check the existing paperwork held in the office and take it from there. The council has been advised that the trees will need to be cut down in the next few years, so the project is timely.
Action: Clerk to check the progress of the project so far
- New councillor emails are now ready for testing and the clerk will email everyone with details. The clerk informed the meeting that there is a £120 one-off set-up fee and £126 annually for the emails and email notification service, with optional £10 per 200 texts for each email address for SMS notifications.
It was proposed to go ahead without SMS notifications.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- CCTV policy
- Triangle of land at the old Catholic church – request to find out who owns this land and if no-one, perhaps the council could buy it
- Footpath at the top of the village has been blocked and signs have been moved.
- Container storage for the Council.
- Common land by Dyfi Yard Repairs seems to have been extended and trees have been cut down.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Election staff needed for 6th May
- Beach wheelchairs
- Cycle path survey information
- New defibrillator at the Tourist Information Centre
- Electoral reform link. Welsh Government want to encourage young people and minorities to engage more with the democracy process.
- Installation of goalposts
- Installation of new shelter in playground
- Second home premium increase – it is not statutory, will be discussed again next year and Aberdyfi Community Council were not in favour of the decision
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19TH April 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm
15th February 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th February 2021
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies – Full attendance
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and remarked how quickly the meetings come round. He noted that the vaccination programme in Tywyn seems to be going well with most people in the top categories having had their vaccinations already. He thanked the councillors for their good behaviour and decorum during meetings and referenced a recent council meeting that was widely seen on the internet where standards of behaviour were well below those expected of councillors.
The Chair paid tribute to Brian Bates, who passed away recently. Brian served on the Council for over 30 years, as well as on the RNLI and Coastguard. He was always willing to help anyone and was a great asset to the whole village.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 18th January 2021
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has emailed Snowdonia National Park again but still no response.
Action: Clerk to keep trying to contact the National park.
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Will be discussed under Agenda Item 8
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
Chair reported that he has spoken to Cabinet members at Gwynedd Council and reported that Gwynedd Council representatives will be, or may well already have done a site visit, to look at where to site chargers in the main car park. They assured the Chair they would contact him again in March with an update.
Action: Chair will give an update next month
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis informed the council that recently 4 quick chargers have been installed in the main car park in Machynlleth and suggested the Clerk talk to the clerk in Machynlleth to find out any information that might be useful about the installation and running of them.
Action: Clerk to contact Machynlleth Council clerk.
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
New swings are now in place, with the work also having been completed on the climbing frame and the roundabout. Cllr O’Neill reported that the new seating should be installed in the next couple of weeks.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council again and tried to phone Sean Wilkes, but no reply from either. The Chair spoke to Mr. Wilkes recently and was told he will do a site visit to see what work needs to be done there.
Action: Clerk to contact Sean Wilkes again.
Page 50
M/122/(21.12.20) Correspondence
Letter from Alan Turnbull
Chair met with a Gwynedd Council representative about siting Mr. Turbull’s bin at the far end of the car park by the fire station and was told that this shouldn’t be a problem. He was told that the fence will be replaced soon.
Gwynedd Council also agreed that the green bins opposite the chemist should be re-sited to behind the wall and they will arrange for this to happen in the next few months and will inform the owners of the bins. Cllr Williams pointed out that Outward Bound should be consulted, to make sure that there is enough space for them to swing boats in and out of the building, as the doors are directly opposite where the bins will be going. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis pointed out that the sand may potentially build up against the bins and stop them being moved. The other option is for the bins to be moved to beside the recycling bins by the Fire Station but the owners of the bins may not be happy having to walk this far. It was agreed to try the bins behind the wall and monitor the situation.
Action: Chair to discuss with Outward Bound their requirements of the space behind the wall
M/131/(18.01.21) Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair has spoken to Gwynedd Council about the lamp-post that has been sited in the road by the Penhelig and there are no plans to move the lamp-post. Concern was also raised about the extent of the excavations and the Chair informed the Council that Gwynedd Council have done a site visit and that the excavations are to build a retaining wall which will be infilled behind afterwards. Snowdonia National Park assured the Chair that they will be monitoring the situation closely.
Cllr Tyrrell has spoken to the manager at the Penhelig Arms and there are no plans for the brewery to contest the building work. Cllr Williams pointed out that the lamp-post is the responsibility of Gwynedd Council, as they sold the land with the lamp-post on it, so it is their responsibility to fix the problem.
Concern was raised about cars and bikes potentially crashing into the lamp-post, though it may have the effect of calming the traffic, causing cars to slow down. Cllr. Tyrrell pointed out that if it is to be used as a traffic-calming measure, it needs to have signs indicating that the road narrows etc.
Action: Community Council to monitor the situation closely
The Chair informed the Council he will report on the sand shift next month.
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Community Housing Trust
Cllr O’Neill reported that the recent meeting of the Community Housing Trust was well attended and that Gwynedd Council are deciding soon whether to fund a scheme to buy back houses to rent to local people. She also reported that the Trust will be doing a community needs analysis in conjunction with the Neuadd Dyfi and they have been successful in obtaining £2,500 of funding from wales Coop to help with set-up costs.
There will need to be a Community Regeneration Group set up in the village at some point after the needs analysis has been done. During the meeting the question was raised as to who the land above Craig Y Lanch belonged to. Cllr Craig ab Iago checked on this and informed Cllr O’Neill that all available development land in Aberdyfi has been sold by Gwynedd Council to Adra for £1.
Wharf Development Project
The Chair reported he will have more news next month as there is a Harbour-users meeting is on 2nd March.
Crack in the sea wall
Chair has spoken to the harbourmaster about the crack in the sea wall opposite Cliffside Terrace and is hopeful that something will be done about it before Easter.
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis pointed out that the pavement around one of the bollards on Seaview Terrace is badly cracked and will send a photo to the Clerk to pass on.
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council about the crack in the pavement.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr. Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously approved
Cllr Williams asked if the Council have changed bank yet. The Clerk reported that she is planning on changing bank after the end of the financial year.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that Gwynedd Council have provided some figures by the finance department on the issue of second homes and a proposed increase in the Council Tax premium on those homes. There are 368 second homes in Aberdyfi, which is the second highest in Gwynedd, with Abersoch having the highest number with 454. Tywyn has 163. 131 of the 368 second homes are classed as businesses, so do not pay any rates at all (figures from November 2020). There are also 27 empty houses in Aberdyfi. In Gwynedd as a whole, there are 4,718 second homes, of which 2,166 are classed as businesses and pay no rates. The head of the finance department in Gwynedd Council said this equates to ball-park figure of £280,000 loss for Aberdyfi and over £3 million loss to Gwynedd and estimated it would go up to £5 million if the increase in premium is introduced. Gwynedd Council hope to make £10-12 million by increasing the premium, most of which will be spent on affordable housing in Gwynedd.
The decision about the increase will be taken by the Cabinet of Gwynedd Council on 16th February and by the full Council at the beginning of March.
The Community Council agreed that they would rather see council tax increased for all residents rather than the premium on second homes, but acknowledged this is unlikely to happen.
Cllr O’Neill asked if it is possible to get a list of the 27 empty houses in Aberdyfi so that possibly Gwynedd Council could buy them back.
Action: The Chair will try to find out the addresses
Cllr S Bradbury-Willis asked if there are any figures on the proportion of money that will be spent in Aberdyfi, given that the second home owners in the village will be providing a large portion of the income for Gwynedd Council. The Chair replied that he knows of no figures like this at present.
The Chair reported that Gwynedd Council are to change the system of charging for their car parks in April to a fee of £5 for up to 12 hours, so no matter how long someone parks in the car park, they will have to pay £5. In Winter months, the fee will be £3. Annual parking permits will go up from £125 to £140. The Chair noted that there is now no excuse for Gwynedd Council to keep the car park clear and tidy and will be contacting Gwynedd to ensure they do this by Easter.
Action: Chair to arrange to meet Gwynedd Council to discuss the upkeep of the main car park
Cllr Williams informed the Council that Nantiesin car park has finally been cleaned after 3 years of trying to get it done.
Cllr Tyrrell reminded the Council about the Residents Car Pass, which allows residents to park in a named car park for about half the price of the annual car park permit.
The Chair has been informed that in April Gwynedd Council is likely to increase the Council Tax by 3.7%, equating to £52.90/year or £1.02/week for a Band D house.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/E610A Land adjoining Plas Panteidal Lodge
To build a low voltage overhead line
No objections were raised
NP5/50/371B 5 Treflan LL35 0PN
Extension to front raised patio and installation of balustrade
No objections were raised
NP5/50/147P Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal LL35 0RG
Construction of rural enterprise dwelling (re-submission)
No objections were raised
NP5/50/479A Ty’r Enfys, 4 Copperhill Walk LL35 0LG
Alterations including new Juliet balcony & installation of cladding at first floor level
No objections were raised
Premises Licence Application: Coast to Go, 9 Glandovey Terrace
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To consider Installing CCTV in the village square around the Neuadd Dyfi
The Clerk and Cllr Kelly have been approached by members of the public, asking if CCTV can be installed around the Neuadd Dyfi area, due to concerns about anti-social behaviour and members of the public have also approached Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis about installing CCTV in the square.
Cllr Kelly informed the Council that it is not possible to include the Neuadd Dyfi area in the existing CCTV provision in the village, as the wifi connection will not extend that far. He suggested buying a self-contained system at a cost of approximately £250-£300 which would not have any ongoing maintenance costs like the existing system. He has spoken to the Neuadd Dyfi, who are happy for the recording box to be sited in the Neuadd and also for the Neuadd wifi to be used. Cllr J Bradbury-Willis reminded the Council that the system needs to comply with GDPR. The Clerk informed the Council that she has spoken to the police and has been told that in order for the CCTV to be used in a Court of Law, the footage needs to be of good quality, clear and have signage declaring that CCTV is in operation.
It was proposed for Cllr Kelly to buy and install such a system.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved
Action: Cllr Kelly to buy and install a CCTV system in liaison with the Neuadd Dyfi
Cllr Kelly explained that there is a similar problem in the square but it is not possible to link it into the existing system so he is going to liaise with businesses in the square in order to move forward with installing CCTV in that area.
Action: Cllr Kelly to liaise with businesses in the square
Cllr Williams reminded the Council that the cameras currently in place were put in place following national guidelines on privacy, GDPR etc. Cllr Kelly informed the Council that a draft CCTV policy has been sent to Cllr J Bradbury-Willis for comments before circulating to the rest of the Council for approval and adoption.
Action: CCTV policy to be discussed for approval at the meeting in March.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider events for NHS Day, 5th July
The Clerk informed the Council that rather than signing up for the whole day, as previously thought, it is expected that organisations sign for up individual events during the day. It was decided to make a decision closer to the time, at the May meeting and Cllr S Bradbury-Willis asked it be put in Rushlight. Cllr J Bradbury-Willis asked the clerk to check the stands for the banners as they were in a state of disrepair last time he saw them.
Action: Clerk to check banner stands and put NHS Day celebrations on agenda for May meeting and in Rushlight.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To confirm donation to the Neuadd Dyfi
Cllr Williams declared an interest in this item.
The Clerk confirmed that the Council had agreed in 2018 to give a yearly donation of £2,500 from precept and half of the net proceeds from the Neuadd Dyfi car park revenue to the Neuadd Dyfi. The income from the car park in the 2020 season was £5219.80, so the donation should be £5219.80 x 50% = £2609.90 + £2500 = £5109.90.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Email from Jon Starbuck regarding EV chargers. Cllr Williams suggested it may be an idea for the Community Council to work with Gwynedd Council on this, as there is a small sub-station next to the Neuadd Dyfi car park and potentially a problem with electricity supply in the main car park. There was concern that people would not vacate the spaces once their car was charged and that it would be impossible to police. Cllr S Bradbury-Willis suggested this issue will perhaps need a sub-committee to move it forward as it is such a big project with many infrastructure issues. It was agreed to wait to see what Gwynedd Council proposes to do before moving forward at the moment.
- Email from Nick Aitken asking if the Council would like some defibrillator training. It was agreed this was a good idea, but would need to wait until after restrictions are lifted, so would be revisited then.
- Email from One Voice Wales for survey for the Land Registry about what land the Council owns and she asked if someone with more knowledge about this would help her fill it in. Cllr Worman asked if the land between the football field and the old running track was common land and this was confirmed.
- The Clerk informed the Council that she will not be going ahead with buying a small memorial for Elaine Foote which was agreed in December, as she has found out that a Council cannot spend money on individuals.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Sandshift
- Cleaning up of the car park
- Wharf development project
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
NHS Day celebrations
Climate Forum
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Date of next meeting
Monday 15th March 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9pm
18th January 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 18th January 2021
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Public: Simon Worman (co-opted during meeting)
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies – Full attendance
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone to a new year of the Council and informed everyone that it looks like we will probably need to continue with remote meetings until the Autumn.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To co-opt a new councillor
2 applications were initially received, but 1 withdrew, leaving 1 application and it was agreed to co-opt Simon Worman as a councillor
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 21st December 2020
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising
Page 42
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has emailed photos of the proposed site and of the preferred fountain to Snowdonia National Park but hasn’t heard anything back yet.
Action: Clerk to contact Snowdonia National Park again
Page 43
M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
Chair informed the Council that this had come up at the last meeting of Gwynedd Council and it is currently under consideration by Gwynedd Council Consultancy.
Cllr Tyrrell reminded the council that both consultations that were undertaken in the last 2 years had been extremely well-attended and that there was a large appetite for the cycle path to be completed.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to find out the status of the project.
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Clerk has emailed asking the camera to be moved, but hasn’t had a reply.
Action: Clerk to contact again and if quote is too high or if they don’t respond, the Council may consider moving the camera ourselves.
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
Chair reported that he has spoken to Cabinet members at Gwynedd Council and it is looking hopeful that Aberdyfi will be included in the plans to install charging points, but it all depends on the availability of internet access in the car park. Gwynedd Council representatives will do a site visit to check the suitability.
Action: Chair will contact Gwynedd Council and give an update next month
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
Clerk has left a message with GL Jones asking for a date when the swings will be re-installed and an installation date for the new seating, but has had no reply. Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that she has been in discussion with GL Jones about the designs on the panels. It was agreed to delegate decisions about this to Cllr O’Neill and the Clerk. It was pointed out that the shelter needs to be sited to ensure there is still emergency vehicular access through the playground.
Action: Clerk and Cllr O’Neill to liaise with GL Jones. Clerk to request date for re-installation of swings.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Clerk has had no reply from Gwynedd Council yet.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council highways again
Page 45
M/122/(21.12.20) Correspondence
Letter from Alan Turnbull
Chair has tried to talk to Gwynedd Council about re-siting the bins at the far end of the car park by the fire station without success and is waiting for a reply.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council again
Wharf gardens committee
Chair hasn’t yet spoken to the harbourmaster about siting a brown bin in one of their stores.
Action: Chair to speak to harbourmaster
Page 46
M/123/(21.12.20) Items for consideration at future meetings
Cllr O’Neill informed the council that she has sent photos of the railings around the car park to Gwynedd Council and pointed out to them that the railings are their responsibility, so we should not apply for a grant to have them repaired. As yet she has had no reply.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to report on progress at next meeting
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis pointed out that a discussion about installing CCTV in the square was not on the agenda this month as requested. This was an oversight by the clerk and will be put on the agenda for next month.
Action: Clerk to put onto agenda for next month
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
No report as the Clerk has had no bank statements from Natwest, as they had started sending all statements to the branch, rather than to the Council Office, even although this had not been requested. The Clerk still has no access to online banking either, so has no access to any banking information at the moment.
The clerk reported that she spoke to the complaints department, who have said they’ll help with the application and have credited our account with £200 as compensation.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report
Chair has tried to contact highways about the lamppost next to the Penhelig Arms that has been put in the road, rather than by the side of the road, but without success.
Action: Chair will contact highways again and report back
The Chair reported that Gwynedd Council do not plan to shift all the sand from the area around the slipway this year and that the harbourmaster is very concerned about this. He reported seeing someone with a tractor today but it’s not clear who this was or who has organised it. There is still a very large amount of sand along the promenade and in the car park itself, so much so, that plants have now taken root. The Chair has already spoken to Gwynedd Council about this issue but the person he spoke to didn’t seem to think it was a big problem, so the Chair pointed out that if the sand isn’t cleared regularly, it will cause a much bigger and more expensive problem for Gwynedd Council. He also pointed out again that Gwynedd Council gain a large income from the car park, so it is in their interest to keep it clear of sand and looking attractive. The Council agreed the whole area looks unkept and untidy and something needs to be done about it.
Action: Chair to talk again to Gwynedd Council and ask them to do a site visit to discuss all the problems with the car park, not just the sand. Clerk to add to agenda for February or March meeting, after Chair has met with Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning
NP5/50/L145F 12 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EF
Creation of balcony on third floor flat roof
No objections were raised
NP5/50/L220C 32 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0LU
Removal of chimneys & installation of flues
No objections were raised
Letter from Golf Club requesting supporting letter for an application to convert meeting rooms into accommodation.
Cllrs Jones, Reynolds and Williams declared an interest at this point.
It was agreed to write a strong letter of support for this application. A letter is required at this stage of the process to enable the application to go to the full planning committee.
Action: Clerk to write letter
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider declaring a Climate Emergency
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis
Unanimously approved
Climate Committee: Cllrs O’Neill, J. Bradbury-Willis and Worman. Cllr Kelly is keen to offer support when he is able.
Action: Clerk to work with Climate Committee to produce a Climate Emergency policy
Cllr Kelly informed the Council that there is a map in historical minutes showing the how much of the local area that would be lost if the sea level rises and suggested sharing it would be a good way to encourage more people to take Climate Change seriously.
Action: Clerk to find map for distribution.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To consider and approve grant applications
The following donations were approved unanimously:
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Welsh Air Ambulance – £200
Urdd – £50
Dail Dysynni – £50
Radio Ysbyty Gwynedd applied but it was felt that Aberdyfi has much stronger links with Bronglais so agreed not to donate anything to this cause.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To appoint an internal auditor
The Council thanked Mr. Lister for all his work so far and agreed to appoint him for the coming year.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To adopt Risk Assessment/Code of Conduct/Register of Interests.
It was agreed to adopt for the next year
NO AGENDA ITEM 13 as Clerk mis-numbered the agenda items
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To consider moving banking to Unity Trust Bank
It was unanimously agreed to move to Unity Trust Bank
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence
Two Emails re: Village Tree Planting Project
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis suggested the Climate Committee take this forward with the Tree Planting Project Group, which was unanimously agreed.
Action: Clerk to reply, informing them we have declared a climate emergency and formed a committee, who are keen to work with them on the project.
Cllr Williams reminded the council that the playing field is for children to play football so any trees planted should be able to withstand the rigours of this.
NHS Frontline Workers Day 5th July 2021
A day to show appreciation for all frontline workers.
It was agreed to register the Council for this.
Action: Clerk to register interest and report further when more information becomes available.
Two emails from second-home owners objecting about proposed increase in council tax for second home owners.
It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council informing them that Aberdyfi Community Council does not agree with the proposed increase.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Jones
Agreed by majority.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council informing them we do not agree with the increase, but we do not object to local housing being built. Also to make them aware that many members of the public are not clear why they want to make the increase.
Action: Clerk to reply to emails informing them we have written to Gwynedd Council expressing our concerns about the increase.
Email from Gwynedd Council Assistant Head of Finance.
Email received outlining potential effect of the proposed increase in Council Tax for second home owners on precept for Councils.
It was proposed to keep the precept increase to 1.5% inflation as agreed at the previous meeting.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously agreed
Wolverhampton Bike Ride
One of the organisers contacted the Clerk and informed her that the bike ride will happen this year, but it will be a circular route to and from Wolverhampton on a different weekend to normal, so that Aberdyfi is not swamped with visitors at this difficult time. This means that those people with rolling accommodation bookings can still come down for the weekend and can also take part in the bike ride this year, ensuring Aberdyfi doesn’t miss out on business. Next year it is envisaged that the bike ride event will return to normal.
Councillor’s contact details
The Clerk proposed that the Council set up council-specific email addresses for each councillor which is web-based, as recommended by One Voice Wales. Digital Egg informed the Clerk it is possible for all councillors to have a email address for £45 per annum.
Cllr Tyrell asked if it is possible to set up a notification to councillor’s personal email address when an email comes in to the Council email.
It was agreed to ask Digital Egg to set this up.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Digital Egg
Message on Facebook asking why the Council didn’t buy ‘’
Cllr Kelly reported that he had checked back in the minutes and Aberdyfi Community Council did not contribute towards the website when it was originally set up or anytime afterwards, as it was entirely orchestrated by Saturn Innovation. The AA&I were asked to contribute towards the cost of collecting local information to put onto the website and gave £1000, but this was not towards setting up or running of the website. The Council has never had any involvement with the website – it has always been a private business website.
Literary Institute
The Clerk has been informed that there will be no increase in rent this coming year.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
The Clerk left the meeting at this point
Clerk’s probation period
The probation period has finished for the Clerk and the Council agreed to approve her position as Clerk.
The Clerk re-joined the meeting
Cllr Kelly declared an interest in the next item
Request for letter of support for residents of Plas Panteidal
Cllr Kelly asked for the Council to consider giving support to the residents of Plas Panteidal in their efforts to buy the estate from the liquidators.
It was unanimously agreed to write a letter of support.
Action: Clerk to write letter of support
Community Housing Trust meeting
Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that there is a meeting tomorrow night about Community Housing Trusts and she can give details on how to join.
Wharf Development Project
The Chair believes that the tenders went out at the beginning of the month, but is yet to hear officially that this is the case.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council Consultancy and report next month
Picnic Island Bridge
It is hoped that this will be done in September / October when the Barmouth Bridge is having repairs carried out and the rail line is closed. The bridge will be built in Wrexham and installed in in one day. The project is currently being held up by Gwynedd Council Consultancy as they have yet to give their approval.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council Consultancy and report next month
Cllr Jones asked if any response had been given to the information sent to Gwynedd Council about the cracks in the wall by the shelter opposite Cliffside Terrace. The Clerk confirmed she had taken and sent photos to Gwynedd Council weeks ago but hasn’t heard back.
Action: Chair to contact harbourmaster
For Agenda Next month:
CCTV in the square
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Health Centre telephone number
Welcome new residents to the village
Welcome to new Councillor
Wolverhampton Bike Ride
Climate Emergency and invite to join in
Defibrillator not working at TIC
Reminder of website address and Facebook page
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Date of next meeting
Monday 15th February 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm
21st December 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st December 2020
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies were received
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman said it was going to be a very strange Christmas this year and noted that there were 3 cases of Covid were reported in Tywyn over the weekend, though perhaps this wasn’t surprising as the testing centre is there for the next 2 weeks. He encouraged everyone to be vigilant and stay at home and hoped that we all have a better year next year.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 16th November 2020
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 36
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has emailed photos of the proposed site and of the preferred fountain to Snowdonia National Park but hasn’t heard anything back yet.
Page 37
M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk spoke to Tywyn clerk and was told that the funding for the Tywyn end of the cycle path was a Gwynedd Council initiative and the most recent initiative earlier this year was being driven by EcoDyfi and as far as she was aware, the Aberdyfi section was being included in that, though the clerk can find no correspondence to confirm this.
Action: Clerk to contact EcoDyfi to check if this information is correct
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Clerk can find no information in the maintenance contract about the cable being covered so she asked for a quote from the company to move the camera. Cllr Kelly pointed out that it may be possible for us to move the camera ourselves, so once we have the quote, we can make a decision, as the maintenance contract is quite a lot of money.
Cllr Kelly also pointed out that the camera near the toilet block that looks towards the Christmas tree looks to be having problems and seems to be fogging up inside the camera, so may need attention in the near future.
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
No reply back from Gwynedd Council yet
Action: Clerk and Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to check plans for this
Page 39
M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
The Enterprise Trust is being wound up and the account closed, with funds going to the Lewis Lloyd Trust so will not be available to help with fundraising.
Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that we have been successful in getting £10K grant from Gwynedd Council for a seating shelter and asked if the Council or AA&I might be able to provide the extra £900 to top it up in order to buy the shelter. The grant includes setting up and it will be sited on galvanised fixings, so that it can be moved if required. It was proposed to provide the extra money for the project to proceed.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis
Unanimously approved
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Clerk has had no reply from Gwynedd Council yet
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that the Welsh Government are planning to put a 1% tariff on second homes in Wales and Gwynedd Council are considering raising the Council Tax from 50% to 100% for second homes. Also, Snowdonia National park are considering that any new property being bought will have to apply for planning permission, stating whether it will be a second home, let or lived in permanently. All these proposals are currently under discussion.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L274B 7 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0HA
Change of use from shop to office
No objections were raised
NP5/50/363E Aberdyfi Lodge Park, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG
Construction of single storey building and parking area
No objections were raised
NP5/50/679D Land adjacent to Brig-y-Don, Aberdyfi LL35 0NH
Construction of one dwelling and parking area
Cllrs J. and S. Bradbury-Willis declared an interest at this point and left the meeting
No objections were raised
Cllrs J. and S. Bradbury-Willis re-joined the meeting at this point.
NP5/50/144C Crychnant, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
3 ground screened holiday accommodation units
The Council raised serious concerned about the safety of the reservoir and the surrounding area
Action: Clerk to report these concerns to SNPA
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Agree budget and Precept for 2021/22
It was proposed to accept the budget put forward by the finance committee and approve an increase in precept of 1.5%
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Approved with 1 abstention
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Correspondence
Gwynedd Council – Email confirming grant application success for Play Capital Grant application
Alan Turnbull – response to letter from the Council about improper rubbish disposal, stating he will buy his own large commercial green bin.
It was agreed to ask Gwynedd Council if all the large green bins, currently opposite the chemist and Alan’s bins could be sited by the recycling bins at the end of the car park next to the fire station.
Action: Chair to talk to Gwynedd Council
It was noted that this was the only response so far to the letter distributed by the clerk.
Cllr O’Neill pointed out that the fence around this area is still in disrepair and the Chair responded that he has already asked Gwynedd Council to repair it but as yet they haven’t
Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council again to repair the fence.
Wharf gardens committee – request for us to provide a brown bin for the group who look after the wharf gardens. It was agreed to provide a bin and talk to the harbourmaster if there is somewhere suitable to site it, possibly in one of the stores where the oil is kept. It was agreed the bin would need to be kept locked.
Action: Chair to talk to the harbourmaster
John Neilson – response to email requesting repairs on the war memorial in Penhelig Park. He recommends that the memorial is not repainted and that it is either left as it is or the paint is taken off. He has offered to come in the Spring to assess how easy it would be to remove the paint. Cllr Tyrrell offered to clean the memorial with soap and water to remove the moss. It was agreed that Cllrs Tyrrell and Williams will gently clean the memorial and ask John Neilson to do a site visit in the Spring.
Action: Cllrs Tyrrell and Williams to clean the memorial, Clerk to arrange for John Neilson to do a site visit in the Spring
Natwest bank – Phone call explaining that the bank have closed the account and the cheque written from the Commando memorial account for a wreath for Remembrance Sunday will not be honoured. The Chair proposed that we close this account completely and transfer the funds to our main current account, ensuring the money is ring-fenced for use solely for the memorial and a wreath for the memorial. The Clerk informed the Council she will add the funds available in this account to
each Treasurer’s Report, the same as the Aberdyfi Tourism balance. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis asked if it would be a good idea to do this with the other small accounts we have and it was agreed to look into this.
Action: Chair and Clerk to organise closing the account and transferring the funds
To discuss closing other accounts at a future meeting
Phil Morgan – letter requesting permission to plant vegetation in the Neuadd Dyfi car park and other locations. It was pointed out that the Burma Road hedge that was planted by the wildlife group is looking untidy and some of it has died, and we do not have any information about what ongoing maintenance is planned. The clerk has informed Phil Morgan that the bowls club and tennis courts are not in our control and that the waste ground between the golf club and garage is common land. It was agreed to ask Phil and the group for a meeting to find out more about what they would like to do and how they plan to maintain it.
Action: clerk to request Phil Morgan to attend a meeting
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Co-option of a new Councillor
- Climate Emergency to be put on agenda
- Discuss possibly installing CCTV cameras in the square
A discussion was held about the Gwynedd Council Town Centre Improvement Grant and whether we can apply for this to improve the railings on the promenade that separate it from the car park. It was noted that the railings are not our responsibility so it would not be legal for us to do any work on them. It was agreed for Cllr O’Neill to contact Gwynedd Council about this, pointing out it is their responsibility and asking them to repair the railings, as well as the other work needed in the car park, which is entirely their responsibility.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to contact Gwynedd Council about repairs to the railings and other work needed in the car park, such as the fence around the recycling bins
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if he could have a copy of an up-to-date privacy policy.
Action: Cllr Kelly to send to Cllr J. Bradbury-Wills
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that in some other places a height barrier has been installed at the entrance to car parks, to stop camper-vans having access to public car parks and asked if we should consider this at a future meeting. The Chair pointed out that there was a very mixed response when it was discussed at Gwynedd Council and Cllr Williams pointed out that many campervans and other vans park legally for the day so we will lose out on that business.
Action: Chair to report back on what Gwynedd Council decide what to do.
The Chair informed the Council that there is a lamppost that has been moved into the road where they are demolishing the old toilet block. He has informed highways and it seems the builders now have permission to do what they are doing.
Agenda Item 11 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Merry Christmas!
Councillor vacancy
AA&I secretary and treasurer vacancy
Community Housing Trust meetings
Any ideas to improve the village, contact the Council or AA&I
Advent windows
British Legion totals for the Poppy Appeal
How to order new bins and report problems to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th January 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm
16th November 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 16th November 2020
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman noted that Covid will be with us for the foreseeable future but that there have been people staying in the village who should not be and they have been reported to the police.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 19th October 2020
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 30
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Chair reported that a few councillors had visited the site and taken some photos of the preferred site outside the Tourist Information Centre while Cllr O’Neill presented information about different drinking fountains. It was agreed the preferred drinking fountain was one which would allow water bottles to be filled as well as a drinking spout. Cllr Tyrrell reminded the Council that there will be an ongoing maintenance / cleaning cost to the Council.
Action: Clerk to send these photos to Snowdonia National Park
It was also suggested that a water tap could also be added to enable ease of watering for the wharf raised beds. It was agreed to look at this as the project progresses to see if it is possible.
Page 31
M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk hasn’t been able to talk to Tywyn clerk yet.
Action: Clerk and Chair to attempt to contact Tywyn Town Council again
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that the engineer found that the camera was working and the actual problem seems to be water in the wiring housing, not water in the camera. He suggested the camera be moved to the corner of the building closest to the road, which would eliminate the problem of the wiring going downwards into the camera. It was suggested this might be undertaken as part of their maintenance fee.
Action: Clerk to look at maintenance contract to see if this is covered and arrange for it to be moved.
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
The Clerk and Chair both reported that they have had no correspondence on this matter but will follow it up and report back at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk & Chair to contact Gwynedd about installation of EV chargers.
M/89/19.10.20 Treasurer’s Report
Contactless Payment system for Neuadd Dyfi Car Park
The Clerk reported to install a card machine would incur £1750 set-up charges plus 10p per transaction and up to 1.2% bank charges per transaction. JustPark app system would incur £200 set-up charges plus £200 / month maintenance fee, 3% bank charges and 20p per transaction. It was agreed these are both very expensive options and asked the Clerk to investigate if there are any cheaper options.
Action: Clerk to further investigate contactless payment systems
Page 33
Rubbish disposal
The Chair reported that he had contacted Gwynedd Council who informed him that it is the individual household’s responsibility to order new bins should they need them and it is not something the Community Council can do. Cllr Tyrrell explained how easy it is to order bins and other items from Gwynedd website.
Action: Clerk to add this information to Rushlight.
Cllr Jones informed the Council that a heavy metal gate at the cemetery was in a state of disrepair and needs replacing / fixing as well as the bin that is missing from the cemetery.
Action: Chair / Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to let them know
M/94/19.10.20 Declaring a Climate Emergency
It was agreed to have more time to analyse the information from Cllr O’Neill and add to the agenda for next month.
Action: Clerk to add as agenda item for next month.
Page 34
M/95/19.10.20 Correspondence
Plaque for Elaine Foote
Clerk reported that a local company quoted £225 for an 8×4.5” plaque. She also reported that she found various engraved slate hearts on the internet for approximately £20. It was agreed to purchase one of the hearts.
Action: Clerk to purchase an engraved heart from the internet
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair thanked everyone who was involved in Remembrance Sunday and said how well it was organised and how well everyone behaved, everyone keeping their distance. He asked that we write to thank David Richardson for such a well organised event.
Action: Clerk to write to Mr Richardson
The Chair reported that he had attended many online meetings recently, mainly about Covid-19 and had been told that some businesses have closed due to the pandemic and that 7000 people have been unemployed since March. He hopes that the vaccine will become available soon to help businesses survive as obviously if no tourists come to our area, our local business will suffer badly. He also reported that the incidence of positive cases in schools are rising and some schools have been completely closed this last week, one of them in Penrhyndeudraeth. He hoped that this trend of the virus travelling south doesn’t continue and reach down to Tywyn schools.
It was agreed that there will be a cost to this pandemic further down the line and that the Council should increase its reserve and spend carefully going forward.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/592E Hildamere, Aberdyfi LL35 0PB
Erection of greenhouse
No objections
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Playground
To approve cost of repairs to current facilities.
It was agreed to approve the maintenance work that needs to be done on the swings and other equipment.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the work to be done
To discuss other maintenance that needs to be done on the playground
It was agreed to paint the wall and generally tidy up the playground in the spring. Cllr Kelly pointed out that the AA&I employ someone to do occasional work on the playground, so offered to check what this entails.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr Kelly and arrange work on the playground
To discuss proposals for playground improvements.
It was agreed to add this item to the agenda for next month to allow time to study the proposals and investigate funding possibilities. Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that the Aberdyfi Enterprise Trust could possibly be used to help with funding, as GiftAid could be added as the Trust is a charity
Action: Clerk to add to agenda for next month and find out more information from Bryn Lloyd, who set up the Enterprise Trust.
Action: Chair to talk to Gwynedd Council about possible funding
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss possible subway improvements
It was agreed the subway needs work to improve its appearance as it is looking very untidy and dirty, but it is unclear who owns the subway and is therefore responsible for its maintenance. It was suggested a competition is held for local artists to propose a design for the subway. Cllr Williams informed the Council that Highways is responsible for the subway.
Action: Clerk to contact highways and seek permission to improve the appearance. If they do not give permission, ask them to improve it themselves.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss maintenance / improvements to Aberdyfi main car park
Concern was expressed that the main car park looks untidy and needs some maintenance and development, eg. installation of EV charging points, the railings
need painting, sand needs to be removed and the central planted areas need attention. It was agreed to ask a representative from Gwynedd Council to visit the site to discuss what needs to be done.
Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council to do a site visit to discuss maintenance and improvements
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Contact from Sharp explaining our printer is obsolete and offering a new contract which should save the Council money in the long run. It was agreed to go ahead with a new contract.
Action: Clerk to contact Sharp and arrange new contract
- Resident has approached the Clerk asking if the trees in the allotments could be cut back. It was agreed the allotments sub-committee would visit the site and make a decision on what work needs done.
Action: Allotments sub-committee to do a site visit and Clerk to arrange for the work to be done.
- Resident approached the Clerk and asked if the benches in Maes Newydd can be included in the bench scheme. It was agreed to pursue this.
Action: Clerk to contact highways to ask permission.
- Resident asked if the Maes Newydd playpark could be brought into Community Council ownership. It was agreed not to pursue this at this time as too much of a liability at this uncertain time. It was suggested to think about setting up a new organisation in the village to pursue projects like this. It was agreed to come back to this at a later date.
- A resident has asked if we can encourage everyone in the village to decorate the outside of their houses for the festive season to add some cheer to the village at this worrying time.
Action: Clerk to add to Rushlight
- A resident has pointed out that the Commando memorial needs some maintenance to renew the painting of letters on the memorial. It was agreed to do this and it was noted that this work would be paid for from the Commando account and not the main bank account.
Action: Clerk to contact the person who did the original lettering and ask them to carry out the work.
- A local business asked if they might be able to buy a bench to put in the playpark. It was agreed they could, though the wording on the plaque would need close attention.
Action: Clerk to send an application for a bench to the company.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To agree a date for the budget meeting of the finance committee
It was agreed to meet Tuesday 24th November
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- It was noted that local Council elections will not now happen until 2022 so the Community Council needs to Co-opt a new Councillor
Action: Clerk to start the co-opting process
- The Council would like to pay tribute to Morgan Vaughan and all the work he did as a Councillor, both with Aberdyfi Community Council and Gwynedd Council over the many years he was involved in the councils. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
- The pavement by the golf club is becoming dangerous due to overgrown hedges and needs attention. Cllr. Williams informed the Council that the football field is owned by the Community Council but it is leased to the football club, so we are responsible for the hedges along that stretch of road.
Action: Clerk to contact the contractor and arrange for it to be cut back
- There is a road sign that has fallen down on Gwelfor Road that needs to be reported to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council
Agenda Item 14 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Councillor vacancy
Advent windows
Encourage everyone to decorate houses for the festive season
British Legion thanks
Wildlife project
Institute subscriptions
The Great Aberdyfi Rake-off
How to order new bins from Gwynedd Council
Phone scam information, if room
Royal Mail scam information, if room
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st December 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm
19th October 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th October 2020
Present were Councillors:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies were received
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair reminded everyone that Wales will be going back into lockdown on Friday 23rd October and that we all need to follow the rules and work together to stop the spread of the virus.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th June & 7th July 2020
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 24
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Chair reported that he had spoken to Edward Jones who is responsible for property in Snowdonia National Park, including the Tourist Information Centre in Aberdyfi and he is open to the idea of the water fountain being connected to the water supply of the Tourist Information Centre. He asked the Council to write him a formal letter outlining the proposal, together with photos of the proposed site of the fountain and photos of the proposed fountain.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to present different options for fountains at the next meeting. Cllr O’Neill, Cllr Kelly and Cllr Owen to do a site visit to determine a preferred site.
It was agreed that if the project happens in this form, the Council should offer to pay the water bill for the Tourist Information Centre, as the water fountain would use dramatically more water than the TIC.
M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk hasn’t been able to talk to Tywyn clerk yet.
Action: Clerk and Chair to attempt to contact Tywyn Town Council
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Hopefully the broken CCTV camera will be replaced next week, if they are able to carry out the work during lockdown.
Page 27
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
The Clerk and Chair both reported that they have had no correspondence on this matter but will follow it up and report back at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk & Chair to contact Gwynedd about installation of EV chargers.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
Clerk reported that the Neuadd Dyfi car park figure is likely to be in the region of £5,000 for this year.
Cllr Tyrrell reported that the bench lease system is working very well and noted that the income from the benches will be an expense at some point, so will not add much to the overall income. He explained he is looking into the best way to maintain the benches. The Chair commented that there is a need to keep track of how old the benches are, as the lease is only for 10 years.
Action: Clerk to create a spreadsheet of benches, their age and contact details.
Cllr Kelly reminded the Council that there is a need to look again at installing a contactless card payment system in the Neuadd Dyfi car park.
Action: Clerk to look into costs
Cllr Tyrrell reported that there has been some vandalism to the gate at Penhelig Gardens which was reported to the police. He wanted the Council to be aware of this in case anything happens to the benches around the village.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Wharf redevelopment project: Gwynedd Council have decided not to go ahead with the project this year, but assured the Chair that the money is not in jeopardy and the costs will not exceed the stated budget. A concern was raised that by next year the costs will have risen by then so if they keep to budget, they may cut corners, rather than building to the agreed specification.
Action: Chair to keep Council informed of ongoing developments
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis informed the Council that various residents had contacted him to say that their recycling bins had been damaged on more than one occasion by rough handling by Council workers and asked if the Chair could take this back to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Chair will report back to Gwynedd Council on this matter
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/375C 2 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi LL35 0RB
Erection of garage and new driveway
Concerns were raised about possible subsidence of surrounding buildings due to the large amount of excavation involved and also concerns over the water run-off as there is no drainage on Corbett Lane, so potentially rainwater will run across Corbett Lane and down into the houses on the opposite side. There is also some sort of manhole cover at the bottom of the proposed new driveway but it is not clear what this is for. The Clerk reported that neighbours to this site had approached her and told her of previous problems of subsidence in that area.
Action: Clerk to write and object to the planning application on these grounds and suggest a site visit by Snowdonia National Park.
NP5/50/147M Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, Aberdyfi
LL35 0RG
Construction of Rural Enterprise dwelling
This application was refused and the applicants now wish to appeal to the Welsh Government. It was agreed that the Council would write a letter of support for the appeal, but in order to do so, the Council needs a formal request to do so.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to ask applicants to submit a formal request, at which time the Clerk will write a letter of support.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss proposals for playground improvements
Cllr. O’Neill and Cllr. S. Bradbury-Willis are waiting for a third quote and will present the 3 different plans to the Council at the next meeting
Action: Add playground improvements to the agenda for next month.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss improper rubbish disposal by visitors on Bodfor & Glandovey Terrace
A discussion was held about bins overflowing with rubbish along Bodfor and Glandovey Terrace. It was reported that people had been confronted when putting rubbish into the bins opposite the chemist, which are actually private bins for various businesses and should be locked but currently are not. Because of Covid it is more important than ever that rubbish doesn’t blow around the paths and roads. It was agreed to write to the businesses and letting agents, reminding them of their responsibilities.
Action: Clerk to write to the businesses and letting agents asking them to ensure their rubbish is properly disposed of and the large green bins are kept locked.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss declaring a Climate Emergency
It was agreed that this sounds a good idea but a Council policy needs to be written and put in place if the Council is going to declare a Climate Emergency.
Action: Clerk in conjunction with Cllr. O’Neill to write a policy to put before the Council at the next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Request for donation from a member of the public
It was agreed not to make a donation, but to put it in Rushlight if there is room
- Notice of potential events at Christmas to be held by the Churches and Chapels in the village.
Action: Clerk to reply informing them we have no plans for any events
- Request from Churches and Chapels in the village to provide a list of vulnerable people in the village.
It was noted that the Council does not have such a list and it would go against GDPR to give out any details of individuals that we hold.
- Email from member of public asking for lights in the main car park to be turned off at night and reply from Gwynedd Council
It was noted that Gwynedd Council are in the process of replacing all the lights in the village, including those in the car park and the new lights are programmable so they may dim them between midnight and 6am.
- Letter from Snowdonia National Park announcing the availability of funding through the Community Projects Fund.
Action: Clerk to circulate to groups who might benefit and put in Rushlight
- Wildlife garden is now in place at the entrance to the Neuadd Dyfi car park and the wildlife group are planning to meet to discuss other areas in the village that could be developed for wildlife.
Action: Cllr O’Neill and the clerk will report on this as it progresses
- Emails requesting bench information. So far we have 3 in place, 2 on order and 1 request for information.
- Email from One Voice Wales requesting representatives on their area committee. Cllr O’Neill expressed an interest in joining the Chair on this committee.
Action: Clerk to provide more information to Cllr O’Neill and inform OVW
- Email from Rupert Tildsley requesting decision on the purchase of the domain name ‘’.
It was agreed not to purchase the domain name
Action: Clerk to reply to Mr. Tildsley
- Various residents have approached the clerk requesting that a small plaque be placed at the wildlife garden in memory of Elaine Foote. It was agreed to do this.
Action: Clerk to arrange
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
- Subway by fire station has recently been vandalised
Action: Add to agenda for next month to discuss possibilities of what to do
- It was agreed to have a future agenda item of Clerk’s Report to allow the Clerk an opportunity to report on anything not covered elsewhere in the agenda
- There is no bin at the bottom cemetery and it is overgrown and looking untidy.
Action: Clerk and Chair to look into this issue
- Area of tall hedge just beyond the Institute protruding into the road and causing high sided vehicles to go into the middle of the road.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council
- Remembrance Day Service. Cllr Williams spoke to the British Legion representative recently and was informed that a very limited service will take place.
Action: Clerk to talk to the British Legion representative before putting this information into Rushlight.
- Tree sculpture needs to be kept in mind for future meetings
- Main car park area is starting to look a mess. Gwynedd Council are responsible for this and should clear it all before the spring.
Action: Add to agenda for next month
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Doris O’Keefe marathon achievement
Remembrance Day arrangements
Congratulations to the Trefeddian for 2 awards
Remind everyone to dispose of rubbish responsibly
Info on various support available to individuals during the pandemic
Community Project Fund
Reminder to look after each other
Request for donation
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 16th November 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm
21 September 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st September 2020
Present were Councillors:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Member of Public: Mr. Stephen Tarry
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair noted that it looks like we’ll be continuing with virtual meetings for the foreseeable future. He also noted that the weather has been nice this past week and he has never seen the village so busy at this time of year, which is good for local businesses but he hopes that the visitors all follow the Government guidelines and keep their distance.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th June & 7th July 2020
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 19
M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Clerk reported that she had been in touch with Dwr Cymru who quoted £76+VAT to apply for a water supply (which will be deducted from the overall cost) and then between £800 to over £2000 to connect a water supply, depending on what work is required. A discussion was held about
the various options of connecting to the existing water supply in the wharf
gardens and it was agreed that the Chair would approach the harbourmaster to discuss if connecting to their supply with a landlord’s meter is feasible.
Action: Chair to explore this issue with the harbourmaster
Page 21
M/63/(20.07.20) Items for consideration at future meetings
Funding for cycle paths
The clerk reported that she had looked into the funding that the Welsh Government had announced for cycle paths but it seemed that it had all been allocated. The Chair suggested that the Clerk talk to Tywyn Town Council as he thought they had applied for funding a few months ago and they might be able to help with this issue.
Action: Clerk to speak to Tywyn Town Council
Speed limits
The Clerk spoke had spoken to Gwynedd Council and was informed that the project to change speed limits was a national initiative and this would include Aberdyfi, but would take about 18 months to come to fruition. It was greed that this was excellent news.
It was noted that Arrive Alive speed camera van has been seen in the village recently, which is also good news.
Page 22
Cllr Reynolds asked if there was any more information about the lack of 111 system in Gwynedd and asked how people could get tested in our local area. It was reported that you can go online to book a test or phone 119 and book a test at a testing centre or order one to be sent to your home.
Action: Clerk to add this information in Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
Cllr Kelly noted that there is a payment for annual maintenance of the CCTV and asked that the Clerk to request that they replace the camera which isn’t currently working.
Action: Clerk to request that the faulty camera be fixed or replaced.
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if there is a map of where the cameras are in the village and Cllr Kelly offered to circulate a still photo from each camera to the Councillors as he doesn’t have a map. He will also circulate a copy of the policy used by the Council for CCTV and explained that footage can only be released to the police. He mentioned that so far we have had 2 thefts and 1 drug deal caught on the cameras. Cllr Williams explained that when the cameras were set up, they
were placed strategically so that they only record public spaces to comply with GDPR and by law the only requirement is that signs warning the public that there is CCTV in operation are displayed.
Action: Cllr Kelly to circulate a still photo from each camera and a copy of the CCTV policy to all councillors.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Wharf redevelopment project: The Chair informed the Council he had been told 2 weeks ago that the tenders have still not gone out and he was alarmed when he heard this as the majority of funding was coming from the EU, as he understood it. However, he has been assured by Gwynedd Council that 85% of the funding is coming from the Welsh Government Coastal Erosion grant and not the EU anymore, so there should be no concern about losing the money. He reported that the project is now being held up because if the Welsh Government proceed with the work this winter as originally planned (Nov – April), they want some sort of insurance to be in place to cover any extra costs due to issues or delays because of Covid or the weather from Gwynedd Council. The Chair was asked by Gwynedd Council if the village could find some money towards this cost and explained that whatever money the village put forward would be matched 50/50 by the Welsh Government and would demonstrate both to the Welsh Government and Gwynedd Council that the community fully supports the scheme. He reminded the Council that it is an insurance policy and may not eventually be needed. He offered that the community may be able to provide £25,000 towards the scheme and proposed that the AA&I provide most of the money as this project will be a huge improvement to the village which is what the AA&I was set up for. It was agreed that the Council should support this scheme in whatever way it can and it was decided to call a meeting of AA&I to discuss it. Cllr Kelly suggested there may be an insurance policy from an external source that we could possibly fund, which may be cheaper.
Action: Cllr Kelly to call a meeting of AA&I to discuss.
Action: The Chair will enquire from Gwynedd Council if there is an insurance policy which might be suitable.
Cllr Williams asked what the policy of Gwynedd Council is going to be for the next few months in regard to the toilets in the village, as the village is still very busy.
Action: Chair will ask the question of Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/731 Bodnant, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0PB
Construction of 2 storey rear extension
No objections, unanimously agreed
NP5/50/LB179A Isfryn, 8 New Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EH
Damp proof course, underfloor heating installation, new windows and doors.
Unanimously agreed.
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that Penhelyg Toilets have now had their planning passed after an appeal. She has spoken to The Penhelig Arms who have been approached by the owners who have said that the work will be done when it is quiet in the village. Concerns were raised about the removal of public parking spaces in front of the development, as they do not own any space on the road.
Cllr Tyrrell informed the Council that he has been approached by various members of the public about the work that is being done on 6 Penhelyg Terrace, planning ref:NP5/50/728, as they believe that the windows that have been installed do not correspond to those on the planning application. He declared an interest as he lives on the Terrace, so can’t give his opinion, but he brought the matter to the Council as requested and asked if it is something that the Council can take back to Snowdonia National Park. It was agreed it was.
Action: Clerk to write to Snowdonia National park with the observation that the windows do not seem to correspond to those on the planning application.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Playground Maintenance
The RoSPa safety report of the playground was discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk should arrange for the remedial work to be done as soon as possible.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the remedial work to be carried out
Cllr O’Neil informed the Council that there is a small group of people including herself and Cllr S. Bradbury-Wills who are looking into replacing most of the current facilities at the playground with a large ship structure which includes many different elements. They have had 2 quotes and are awaiting plans. They have approached the National Lottery about funding and have been told that they have a much better chance of receiving funding if they work in conjunction with the Community Council and so would like to discuss with the Council and AA&I about possible options for funding.
Action: Add a discussion of future plans for the playground onto Agenda for next month.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planters on the wharf
The Chair reported that many of the wooden planters on the wharf gardens needed replacing and it was agreed that the issue be put on the Agenda for the next AA&I meeting and would liaise with David Richardson who sourced the
planters originally.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Penhelig Slipway
Some members of the public have approached the Council and individual Councillors about the gate at the top of Penhelig Slipway, opposite the Penheilg Arms, as it is rumoured that the gate is going to be replaced by a larger one and locked, which will stop members of the public using the slipway to get down to the foreshore. It was agreed that as the slipway is private land and therefore the gate is on private land, the Council cannot be involved in any issues to do with this. Some members of the public believe that there is an Established Right of Way down the slipway but it has been confirmed that there is no Public Right of Way and there are procedures in place if the members of public wish to pursue formalising a right of way.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Resignation of Councillor
The Council acknowledged the resignation of Cllr Pearson and the Chair thanked him for his work over the time he has been in post. It was agreed not to Co-opt another Councillor as there will be Council elections next May. The Chair reminded the Council that there will probably not be a Council meeting in April due to the elections in May.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- Emails received from 2 members of the public expressing concerns about many vehicles parked on the main road outside the new housing development making it dangerous to cross the road and asking if there is going to be a crossing put in place. Clerk has spoken to Gwynedd Council and there are no plans for a crossing, as there fewer people crossing the road now, as there are fewer people living in the development than were using the school. The Chair had been informed that some people have now moved into the new development but that some people refused accommodation there because of the neighbours they would have. Adra said how pleased they were with the workmanship of the build and would use the same builders again.
- Email passed on from the Tourist Information Centre from a member of the public complaining that there are no EV charging points in the village car park. Clerk replied that the car park is in the control of Gwynedd Council , not the Community Council but would bring it up at the next meeting to see if there’s anything we can do to help the situation. Chair reported that at the last full meeting of Gwynedd Council, it was discussed and they were
planning to put them into some of the car parks in Gwynedd. Cllr S.
Bradbury-Willis pointed out that we are the 3rd busiest car park in Gwynedd so should be one of the first to have EV chargers. The Chair reported that the Tourist Information Centre had informed him that many visitors this year were asking about EV chargers and last month 2/3 of new cars sold were electric cars. It was agreed we needed to start moving forward with this.
Action: Chair to enquire from Gwynedd Council about the situation
Cllr O’Neill proposed that the Council discuss declaring a climate emergency at the next meeting.
Action: Add a proposal to declare a climate emergency to the agenda for next meeting
- Email from a member of the public, asking for feedback on planning application ref: NP5/50/723A, Craig y Lanch. It was agreed that the stance of the Council has not changed.
Action: Clerk to reply to the member of public with the Council decision
- Email from History Points Project, asking for cooperation and £70 contribution towards costs to produce QR codes which will be displayed next to the War memorials in the village, giving more information about the memorials.
Action: Clerk to liaise with History Points Project to arrange display of QR codes.
- Email from a member of public, asking for the Council to declare a climate emergency and offering to talk to the Council if required.
- Emails from Local Places for Nature. Starter package for the wildlife garden will be delivered soon and someone will come to install it week beginning 28th September. The Clerk has arranged to take delivery and storage at the Neuadd Dyfi until it is installed.
- Letters from Natwest, informing the Council that it is eligible to switch banks on an incentivised scheme and will be able to get £1500 if we switch. The Clerk has made an initial enquiry but would like someone on the finance committee to look into it to see if it is worthwhile pursuing.
Action: Clerk to share information regarding a possible switch with the finance committee.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
Drinking Fountain
Harbour Wall
Climate emergency
Future plans for the playground
CCTV policy
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Sponsor benches for playground
AA&I treasurer
Wildlife garden
Letter congratulating beach guardians for clean beaches
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th October 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm
20 July 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 20th July 2020
Present were:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Gareth Jones, Cllr Nigel Pearson
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair noted that it has been very busy in the village this last week and because of the good weather, it is likely to continue and unfortunately many people aren’t sticking to the Gov. guidelines, so we will have to put up with it until the village quietens down again.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th June & 7th July 2020
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
M/155/(16.3.20) Public Toilets Counters & maintenance
Chair said that the toilets are open but that Gwynedd have closed off one washing facility in each toilet, which will put extra pressure on the toilets generally.
M/40/(15.6.20) Treasurer’s Report
The Clerk reported that the fees paid for this year’s internal audit were £828.00, against fees of £832.00 last year.
The Chair thanked Steve Lister for his work on this.
The Clerk reported that she has contacted BT and found that the Council was out of contract and had been paying a standard tariff for many months. She has now organised a new 24 month contract for £43.45/month instead of £85.80 as previously.
M/25/(18.5.20) Wharf Reconstruction Project
The Chair reported that he hasn’t been able to talk to Gwynedd Council yet but will report back as soon as he hears anything. Cllr Williams reminded everyone that there is no meeting next month, so asked if the Clerk could let everyone know any updates via email before the next meeting. It is still hoped that the work will start this Autumn so that the work doesn’t impact on the tourist season next year.
M/43/(15.6.20) Considerations for reopening of the village
The Clerk is currently in contact with Gwynedd Council and is in the process of clarifying the situation with respect to income from the main and Nantiesin car parks, with a view to confirming that Aberdyfi Council is entitled to income from all sources of income from the car parks, irrespective of how it is collected, now or in the future. Cllr Kelly suggested we check the signs in the car parks as well, to see what they say, although Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that ultimately it is the letter of agreement we have with Gwynedd that is the most important thing. The Chair said he will also check with Gywnedd Council.
Action: Clerk to report back the reply she receives to her emails. Chair to check with Gwynedd Council.
M/51/(15.6.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Cllr O’Neill reported that she has contacted the scheme and has distributed the information for everyone to digest. If the Council joins the scheme we would receive a discount when buying the fountain. It was agreed the Council should pursue this project, especially as there are plans to do some work on the wharf gardens during / after the Wharf Reconstruction Project. Cllr Williams suggested we need to start on this now, as the wharf area is under the management of Gwynedd Maritime and Cllr Kelly said that even although it is a small project, it needs to be in their plans right from the start. Cllr Owen informed the Council that both the Harbourmaster and
Gwynedd Maritime have no objections to the project and asked the Clerk tofind out how much it will cost to connect to the existing pipes that are under the grass in between the Tourist information Centre and the main road.
It was agreed to have a small committee to look into this project further. Cllr O’Neill volunteered and it was agreed that when she meets with the Clerk, they will send out an invite to all the other Councillors so they can attend if they wish.
Action: Clerk to contact water board to find out connection costs and meet with Cllr O’Neill to move this project forward. Chair will also discuss this issue with the Clerk
M/55/(7.7.20) Response to letter of 1st July from Gwynedd Council
Cllr Williams informed the Council that the Harbourmaster assistant in now back working and that there are now 3 beach wardens in place in Tywyn.
Cllr Kelly asked about the situation with the counters in the toilets and the Clerk said she will talk to the ex-clerk to find out what needs to be done. Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that he believes the ex-clerk has a record of the numbers on a spreadsheet. Chair asked Cllr Kelly to work with the Clerk on this.
Action: Clerk to work with Cllr Kelly to check if the counters need new batteries. Clerk to check counters monthly and add numbers to the spreadsheet.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Committee Reports
Nothing to report
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report
Nothing to report
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Considerations for reopening of the village
The Chair reported that the village has been very busy recently and that there have been problems with queues outside the shops causing problems for people trying to get into other shops. It was agreed that we should encourage businesses to work with each other to sort out these sort of problems.
Action: In Rushlight, Clerk to say thank you to all the businesses for their efforts in social distancing and encourage them to work with each other to sort out any problems
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/147 Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, LL35 0RG
Construction of Rural Enterprise Dwelling
Application received via email
No objections, unanimously agreed
NP5/50/L513 1 Aber Villas, Brynteg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0HR
New replacement garage with roof decking
Application received via email
No objections, unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Cambrian Coast Sportive
An email was received from Wales Cycling Events asking for the thoughts of the Council on running the Cambrian Coast Sportive in September this year.
Cllr O’Neill said how nice it was that they were asking the opinions of the Council. It was agreed that the Council would support the event, assuming it is allowed and all safety is in place.
Action: Clerk to reply to Wales Cycling Events giving our support of the Cambrian Coast Sportive. Chair to liaise with the Clerk in case of any issues with this event, as the next Council meeting won’t be until after the event has taken place.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
Martin Sugarman Request for amendment to the war memorial in Penhelig Gardens
Action: Clerk to reply to Mr. Sugarman reiterating that we stand by our decision and this is the end of the matter as far as we are concerned.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
Clerk asked for the possible purchase of the domain name of to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Clerk asked the Council to retain Nigel Upton’s services for the next 6 months while she gets up to speed with editing the website. Agreed unanimously.
Cllr Williams reminded everyone that the Chair and Clerk have delegated powers during the summer recess.
Cllr Williams informed the Council that the Welsh Government have announced funding for cycle paths and suggested we restart this project
Action: Clerk and Councillors to restart the project
Cllr Williams reported that the bins at Nantiesin weren’t emptied for 2 weeks and were overflowing and causing problems. It happened at the same time last year as well, so we should be mindful of this for next year.
Cllr Tyrrell reported that the path between Aberdyfi Village Park and Erw Pistyll had been strimmed and looked very tidy, so he thanked the person working on it.
The Chair reported that last week the Welsh Government were discussing speed limits in villages and it looks like we can apply to have a 20mph speed limit put in place in Aberdyfi and they are hoping they will be in place by 2022. The Chair reported that this issue has been ongoing in Aberdyfi for years and welcomed the proposals.
Action: Chair and Clerk to find out more information
Cllr Reynolds reported that Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board do not have the 111 system like most other Health Boards, having a different number.
Action: Community Health Council to write to Betsi Cadwaladr to ask why they don’t have the 111 system.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Thank you to the frontline workers in the village for all their hard work
- Thank you to shops
- Thank you for all the work in planting and maintaining the wharf gardens and planters round the village
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st September 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm
15 June 2020
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th June 2020
Present were:
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Nigel Pearson
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Dewi Owen and Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
Cllr Owens assumed the Chair
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 18th May 2020
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Approval of Annual Return for sending to external auditor
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters Arising
M/155/(16.3.20) Public Toilets Counters & maintenance
It was felt that the toilets need to reopen as soon as possible as people have been seen using public places recently and this is highly undesirable. Both the Chair and the Clerk have been unable to contact Alun Wynn Jones about this issue, despite several attempts. The Clerk reported that the Chair
has spoken to other people in Gwynedd Council, all of whom said that they couldn’t see why the toilets could not be reopened, as the ones in Dolgellau are already open. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the hand-washing facilities in Aberdyfi were up to Covi-19 standard and it was generally felt that they are not. It was felt that Councillors would like Gwynedd Council to put in place signs and hand-sanitiser when they reopen, as well as reprogramming the hand-washing facilities to provide longer times for hand-washing.
Cllr Jones said we will have to rely n the public being sensible to a certain extent, but that signs, better hand-washing facilities and hand-sanitiser were essential. Cllr Kelly pointed out that Coast café cannot open unless the toilets are open, as they have no toilet facilities on the premises.
Action: The Chair / Clerk to talk to Gwynedd Council about this as a matter of urgency and to write to the Council, requesting the toilets be opened as soon as possible.
M/23/(16.3.20) Website management & social media
The Clerk reported that Nigel Upton is writing a handbook to help her manage the website and he is very happy to be on hand should she require any help in the future. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis sent her a link to a online tutorial and reiterated that he will also be on hand and willing to help the Clerk with this, should it be required.
The Clerk reported that she has now set up a Facebook page for Aberdyfi Community Council and welcomed any comments and additions.
M/25/(18.5.20) Wharf reconstruction project
As the Chair was not present, this update was postponed until the next meeting
Action: Add to agenda for next meeting
M/32/(18.5.20) Gwynedd Rights of Way
Footpath by the new housing development has now reopened and has been cleared of all overgrown vegetation
M/32/(18.5.20) Keep Wales Tidy
No date has been set to start work on the wildlife garden
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Cllr Williams asked how the fees paid to Steve Lister this year compared to last year for preparing the Internal Audit. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis thought it was a lot less last year, but couldn’t be certain.
Action: Clerk to check last year’s fees and report at next meeting
Cllr Tyrrell queried the cost of the BT bill and asked if it would be possible to have a domestic tariff, which would be much cheaper. Cllr Kelly thought that this had been discussed and researched previously and that it is not possible for the Council to have a domestic tariff, though asked if the Clerk would check the information.
Action: Clerk to check previous minutes and telephone bills and report back
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Committee Reports
Nothing to report
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
As the Chair was not present, this report was postponed until next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Considerations for reopening of the village
The Clerk reported that she had been approached by one of the pub landlords, asking if it would be possible to put tables and chairs on the grass on the wharf area, to help with reopening. She spoke to the Harbourmaster and was told that Gwynedd Maritime had already had discussions about this and the area between the tourist information centre and the road is to be cleared and re-turfed, with picnic benches. However, he could give no idea on timescale. The Harbourmaster also said that they were not keen to have tables and chairs on the main grassed area as this would potentially cause problems with littering and broken glass on the grass as well as damage to the grass. The councillors agreed it was not a good idea to have tables and chairs on that area. Cllr Tyrrell asked when the pubs may reopen and Cllr Jones informed him that the breweries said they are working towards the end of July, 3 weeks behind England, assuming no further lockdowns.
Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that the wording of the car park agreement itself provides for ACC to receive a share only of cash receipts from the car park. Although during initial contractual discussions, Gwynedd Council were not prepared to change the agreement itself, they provided a side-letter to confirm that ACC would receive a share of all income, irrespective of type. Cllr Tyrrell therefore asked if the Clerk could check with Gwynedd Council that their statements include both cash income and income from the card machine (which was installed last year).
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to ask if their statements include both cash payments and any from card machines.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Coronavirus update
The Welsh Government is now publishing weekly online bulletins on Coronavirus
and the Clerk offered to send the link to Councillors, should they wish to receive copies. There was a discussion and agreement by all councillors that businesses in the village need to reopen as soon as possible and we need to support them in this.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Tree Root near Braich-yCelyn Hall
Neil Storkey spoke to Sean Wilkes and was informed that the engineers have inspected the root and deemed it safe, though they will keep it under surveillance.
Sean mentioned that the root is technically on private land so is currently the owner’s responsibility and there is nothing the Highways department can do about it. If, or when, the root obstructs or falls onto the road, then it becomes a highways matter and Sean will arrange for it to be dealt with.
At this point, the internet of Cllr Owens became faulty, so the Clerk took on the role of Chair
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Wharf area lights
Cllr Kelly reported that he had spoken to the harbourmaster and he is dealing with it. Council workers painting the poles had also noticed the painted glass and reported it. Cllr Kelly understands that the glass will be replaced either by frosted glass or shields will be put in place.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Tarian Cymru request for funding
A discussion was held as to whether the Council wanted and were able to contribute to the request for funding for PPE for frontline workers. Cllr Tyrrell asked if Tarian Cymru is a charitable organisation and the Clerk informed him that there was no Charity number shown on any of their literature or website. He replied that he felt the Council should not be donating to anything that is not a recognised charity and the other Councillors agreed. It was decided to mention Tarian Cymru in Rushlight so that members of the public could donate if they choose.
Action: Clerk to add Tarian Cymru to Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Website management & social media
Item covered in matters arising
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Wharf reconstruction project
Item covered in matters arising
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Planning
NP5/50/733 1 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER
Installation of external cladding and flue
Application received via email
No objections, unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence received
Cambrain Coast Railway Liaison Conference Committee
Notes from meeting about Barmouth Viaduct project
Gwynedd Council Notice to local mariners
Members of public Memorial bench applications
Member of public Allotment resignation
One Voice Wales Covid-19 workplace safety risk assessment
Gwynedd Council Premises Licence application for 14 Glandovey Terrace
Wharf Garden Committee Request for drinking water fountain
Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that there are very good water fountains on Aberystwyth promenade, providing water to refill bottles, dog bowls etc and are operated by using knees. She offered to look more into this project to see if it was something we could be involved in. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the water fountain could be linked to the water supply to the harbourmaster’s office.
There followed a discussion about refurbishing the wharf area, such as putting in water fountains at the same time or after the Wharf Redevelopment Project happens, as this project only covers strengthening and adding to the harbour wall and paving slabs and doesn’t extend to the wharf gardens area. Cllr Kelly suggested an ornamental water feature could be part of this refurbishment.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to research water fountain project and report at next meeting
Action: Add refurbishment of wharf gardens area as an agenda item for next meeting
Action: Chair to discuss installing a water fountain with the harbourmaster and Gwynedd Council and if it would be possible to link into the existing water supply in the area
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if a question from Cllr Mike Richards about the cost of the wall on the roadside beyond Trefeddian Terrace had been answered. It has not yet been answered.
Action: Add to agenda for next meeting and Chair to check
Cllr Tyrrell asked if it would be a good idea to have some banners printed to put up when the village opens again to visitors, welcoming them back.
Action: Add to agenda for next meeting. Clerk to research costs and timings.
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Sheep mauling incident
- Community quilt
- Vacant allotment
- Masks
- Tarian Cymru request
- Thank you to the frontline workers in the village for all their hard work
- Thank you to whoever is painting pebbles and leaving them for people to find!
- A reminder not to be discouraged from seeking medical help if you need it.
- AA&I request for co-opted members
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next meeting
Monday 20th July 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.23pm
18 May 2020
Councillors Present :-
Cllr Dave Williams (Chairman)
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr David Owens
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Brain Kelly
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Nigel Pearson
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
No apologies – full attendance
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman, Cllr Williams, welcomed the new Clerk, Sandy Andrews, and the two new Councillors, Nigel Pearson and Catrin O’Neill. He thanked his fellow Councillors and the Clerk for their support during his tenure as Chairman as he will be handing over to a new Chair during this meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Annual Return
The draft Annual Return for 2019/20, done in conjunction with Steve Lister, was presented to Council for approval. The final Annual return will be approved at the next meeting and then sent on to the external auditors.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
The Chair paid tribute to the work that Neil Storkey has done over the last 7 years while he has been in post and proposed a formal vote of thanks at a future date, as Neil will still be around for a while, helping Sandy to settle in to her new role.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Election of Officers 2020/2021
Cllr Dewi Owen was nominated for the position of Chair.
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Agreed unanimously
The new Chair thanked Cllr Williams for all his hard work over the last 2 years and Neil Storkey for his work over the last 7 years.
Vice Chairman
Cllr Jones was nominated for position of Vice Chair, but declined due to being unable to guarantee attendance at all meetings in the summer.
Cllr Kelly was nominated for position of Vice Chair, but declined due to imminently becoming Chair of AA&I
Cllr David Owens was nominated for position of Vice Chair.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Jones
Agreed unanimously
Planning Committee
The whole Council
Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
The whole Council, except for Cllr Tyrrell
Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee
Cllr G Jones (Chair)
Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell
One Voice Wales
Cllr D Owen with Cllr Williams as deputy
Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote
Cllrs Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and J. Bradbury-Willis
Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund
Cllrs Owen, Jones with Cllr Reynolds as Chair and Cllr Williams as Trustee
Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds
Meirionnydd Access Group
This committee has not been represented since Cllr Bates stood down in 2017. It was decided to continue to hold in abeyance until such time a permanent decision regarding its future can be made.
Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds to continue with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy
Allotment sub-committee
Cllrs Jones, O’Neill and J. Bradbury-Willis
Finance Committee
Cllrs Owen (Chairman), Owens (Vice Chair) and Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis, though it was agreed if it became too onerous due to work commitments for Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Tyrrell would step in.
Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly, O’Neill and S. Bradbury-Willis.
Re-appointment of Internal Auditor
Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2020/21, in accordance with minute CL/133/20.1.20
Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents, copies of which are available for inspection in Council office.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 16 March and 20 & 21 April
As the April meeting was conducted via telephone and email, the minutes of the March meeting were unable to be approved at that meeting, so both March and April minutes needed to be approved at this meeting
It was agreed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of the March and April regular meetings.
Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: It was agreed that in future the minutes would be sent out to Councillors 2 weeks ahead of the next meeting for amending and then the amended minutes would be sent out prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this would require discipline from both the Clerk and Councillors for the system to work.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising
M/151/(16.3.20) Tree Sculpture
This project is effectively on hold due to Covid-19, but can be reactivated at any time, though may need to be reviewed in view of revised budgets for the next year. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis enquired if anything needs to be done to the trees to make them safe, but was assured by Neil Storkey that the tree surgeon said they are safe until at least next year, though need to come down within the next 5 years. Talk of reducing them to a certain height was for artistic reasons, not safety.
M/155/(16.3.20) Blocked Drains
Sean Wilkes, Gwynedd Highways Inspector, has informed us that the gully crew has cleared all the village drains apart from 2 on the seafront where access was hindered by parked vehicles.
M/155/(16.3.20) Public Toilets
The situation awaits clarification from Gwynedd. Covid-19 has delayed a written response, but Neil Storkey has had a conversation with Amanda Murray of Gwynedd Council and the revenue expected for 2019/20 will be provided shortly.
Neil pointed out that the revenue from this source will be lower next year due to Covid-19, which will require adjustment of budgets.
Cllr Tyrrell asked if we will still have to pay £6K for the toilets, as they haven’t been open.
Action: Neil Storkey to re-examine the contract with Gwynedd Council
Cllr Tyrrell asked if the counters in the toilets were still being maintained.
Action: Neil Storkey to contact Alun Wyn Jones to ask for access to check them.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Future Council Meeting Dates
Cllr Owens confirmed the summer meetings as follows:
Monday 15th June
Monday 20th July
August – no meeting during summer recess
Monday 21st September
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Website Management
The website is now live and has had a very favourable response.
A discussion was had about the provision for Welsh translation on the site, as there are some errors in the translation. Currently the website uses Google Translate to translate the page of the website being looked at and this is done via an algorithm in Google, rather than a real person. To have the website translation done by a real person would require, in effect, 2 websites, one in English and one in Welsh, both of which would need to updated at the same time. Cllr J. Bradbury-Wills informed the meeting that this would be a costly project, as it would mean completely re-writing the website. Cllr Kelly informed the meeting that it is possible to amend the Google Translate dictionary, but this would likely take time to take effect, but worth trying.
Action: Try to amend Google dictionary and monitor the website situation over the next few months and have another discussion before Christmas.
Nigel Upton (who designed the website) has offered to upload & format council documents, and maintain the website for £75 a month. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis pointed out that she thought this had been discussed at a previous meeting and it had been agreed that the Clerk would upload the documents and add events etc. to the website as and when required, which would mean no on-going costs for the Council. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis offered to show the Clerk how to do this, if Sandy was willing.
Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to show the Clerk how to upload documents and do simple changes to the website. Monitor how much time this adds to the Clerk’s role and if the Clerk is finding it takes longer than their allocated hours, the matter can be discussed again with the Council.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Picnic Island Bridge
Neil Storkey attended a video meeting with Outward Bound, Gwynedd Maritime and Network Rail on 11th May, which was very positive. Funding of £100K is in place and £25K is being applied for from FLAG. The anonymous benefactor has also confirmed the underwriting offer still stands and will stay in place until the project is completed or the financial situation alters. Cllr Reynolds asked if the funding from the Council has been ring-fenced and Neil Storkey assured her that there is enough money in the ACC budget for at least £10K as a contribution and he suggested that if we fall short, we could always ask the community for donations.
Network Rail confirmed that they will not be charging for maintenance assets for this project and are keen to move the project along. Neil explained that the bridge is likely to be plastic and work will hopefully start in the Autumn.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Wharf Reconstruction Project
Tenders should have gone out in January this year and returned by the end of March, so the Chair rang Gywnedd Council recently to check progress, only to find that tenders had not yet gone out. Since then, he has been assured by Gwynedd that the money is still there and that tenders have now gone out, but that the deadline will probably be delayed by approximately a month.
Cllr Williams voiced concern that we need to keep on top of the situation, for if the work is delayed by a significant amount of time, it would have a large impact on next season, which would not be welcome as this season is likely to be severely affected by the Covid-19 situation.
Action: Neil Storkey to email planning reference to all Councillors
Action: Chair to update Council on progress at the next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Cancellation of Food Festival
Neil informed the Council that the Food Festival has now been cancelled and J. Bradbury-Willis added that Race the Train has also been cancelled.
Action: Add these cancellations to the website
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Coronavirus Update
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis recommended that we continue to encourage people to visit Aberdyfi later and not at the moment, as Gwynedd still hasn’t reached it’s peak. She also warned that they are expecting a second peak on October-time, so we will need to remain cautious for some time to come. She is keen to encourage everyone to seek medical help if they need it.
She also wanted to thank the local police for their help and response to calls from the public, saying they were very supportive and helpful.
All councillors agreed.
Cllr Williams suggested that the Council needs to start thinking about how to manage the village amenities etc. when lockdown starts to ease, as we need to be prepared ahead of time. Cllr Jones suggested Coronavirus Update is a rolling agenda item.
Action: Add Coronavirus Update as a rolling Agenda item.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council about managing the re-opening of village amenities such toilets
(The chair lost internet connection at this point and could not continue so Cllr Williams resumed the role of Chair for the remainder of the meeting)
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair was unable to give his report due to loss of internet connection
Action: Postponed to next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Planning
NP5/50/681B Bodwennol, Aberdyfi
Demolish existing building and construct new dwelling
Application via email.
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Kelly
After discussions with Steve Lister, Neil Storkey informed the meeting that there will be some additional money to come from VAT that will be reclaimed from items which were previously thought to be 0% rated, which Steve found when doing the internal audit. He also reminded the Council that the budget will need to be adjusted for next year, due to the anticipated reduction in income due to Covid-19.
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Committee reports
No meetings, no reports.
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence
Gwynedd Council – Precept payment advice of £18398.00.
One Voice Wales – Information on the next round of ‘Local Places for Nature’ applications. We were successful with our earlier application and now await further instructions.
Gwynedd Rights of Way – Closure of Public Footpath 9 from 18th May for a further 6 months.
Keep Wales Tidy – Confirmation that provisionally we will be able to work on our wildlife garden some time in June, Covid-19 permitting and with controlled conditions.
Tarian Cymru – Request for support funding for the supply of PPE for health workers in Wales.
Community Health Council – A new Chair has been appointed to the North Wales Community Health Council, Mr Peter Rendle.
Catrin O’Neill – Email regarding the new Council / Community website
Playsafety – Confirmation of playground safety inspection.
This normally happens mid-end of June.
Action: Add request from Tarian Cymru to agenda for next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
• Cllr Tyrrell Considerations for reopening of the village after easing of lockdown, eg. toilets.
• Cllr O’Neill is concerned about a large tree root sliding down the bank and into the road just beyond Braich-y-Celyn Hall.
Action: Clerk to talk to Sean Wilkes
• Cllr Jones Ongoing Coronavirus updates
• Cllr Kelly noticed that 2 lamposts on the wharf area had had part of the light painted over, he suspects to stop the light from going into surrounding houses. He informed the Council that Gwynedd Council are obliged to put a screen on lights if they cause a problem.
Action: Cllr Kelly to talk Aberdyfi harbourmaster, as the lights are on their land.
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for Rushlight / Website
• Cancellation of Food Festival
• Cancellation of DoveyFest
• Cancellation of Race the Train
• Thank you to volunteers who look after the planting and maintenance of Sea View Terrace planters
• Thank you to whoever put up the ‘thank you’ banners
• Thank you to the frontline workers in the village for all their hard work
• Thank you to everyone in the village working to support frontline staff, such as Dave Bowen 3D printing Face Shields.
• Thank you to whoever is painting pebbles and leaving them for people to find!
• Book swop available in front of Aberdyfi Village Store – drop off or take books
• A reminder not to be discouraged from seeking medical help if you need it.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm
20-21 April 2020
Councillors Present :-
Cllr D Williams – Chairman
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis
Cllr James Bradbury Willis
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Mike Richards
Cllr Gareth Jones
Chairman Cllr Williams wished to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Mike Richards, on his retirement from Council, for his valuable contribution to Aberdyfi Community Council, in particular his work on the old running track, a project very much ‘work in progress’. We all wish he and Linda all the best for the future.
Approve minutes of the ordinary Council meeting 16th March.
Proposed: Cllr M Reynolds Seconded: Cllr B Kelly
M/165 Treasurer’s Report
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis enquired about Rushlight printing costs. The Clerk explained the cost as indicated in the Treasurer’s Report was for the printing of the Rushlight mastheads at Y Lolfa, which are then overprinted each month in the office after Council meetings.
Regarding Cllr Bradbury Willis request for further clarification on another matter, the Clerk informed her that agreed minutes are printed on special printed minute sheets, signed off by the Chair, and then archived as a permanent record, for the lifetime of this Community Council.
M/85 Website
The website is up and running and has been well received. The Clerk would like to thank Nigel Upton for his total commitment to the project resulting in a successful outcome. Work is ongoing – a website is a dynamic medium – and a solution to the Google translate inaccuracies seems to have been found. The Clerk will advise over the next couple of weeks or so.
M/158 Coronavirus
The Clerk is liaising with Steve Lister and Clerk in waiting Sandy Andrews over the forthcoming Internal Audit and completion of the Annual Return. Arrangements for the AGM will be confirmed once he coronavirus situation has settled – or otherwise. It is the intention to adhere to published audit deadlines, even though there is some flexibility in the current scenario.
M/107 Childrens’ Playground
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis informed the meeting that one of the companies quoting for the playground project had managed to carry out a site visit before lockdown is continuing to work on design suggestions. The other companies pitching for the business are not visiting until after lockdown is lifted. The lottery funding people have been approached as there was a deadline for application before the end of March. I did ask that one of the committee members to confirm what the COVID-19 pandemic would mean for applications but I haven’t heard back. I’m sure things will be able to be reviewed and applied for at a later date. Watch this space.
M/158 Councillor Vacancy Interviews
The result of the secret ballot resulted in Catrin O’Neill and Nigel Pearson being voted onto Council. They will assume their positions at the Council AGM in May.
M/108 Picnic Island Bridge
Although the Picnic Island Bridge project has stalled, it is still very much alive. The Clerk has been liaising with Network Rail and understands that the engineering solution is a work in progress. They have requested the plans of the cyclepath and an aerial photograph of the start of the route, in order to help find a solution to the access issues. In the meantime Network Rail have confirmed they are able to offer a number of ownership, lease or legal access options allowing the project to progress across Network Rail land.
M/151 Tree Sculpture
This project is now, inevitably, on hold.
M/155 Blocked drains by Old Catholic Church
After further conversations with Gwynedd Council Highways Inspector, all drain gully work is in abeyance.
M/167 Allotments
The Clerk can confirm that the allotment plot vacated by Gareth Pugh has been snapped up by a village local.
M/167 Application for Wild Flower Seed Planting
The Clerk has received confirmation that ACC has been successful in its application for a wildflower planting package for the village. Details to follow.
Cllr Owen confirmed that, given the coronavirus situation, all Gwynedd Council meetings have been cancelled until further notice, or until video/conference facilities are set up.
NP5/50/469D 5 Penhelig Terrace, Aberdyfi
External alterations
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr S Bradbury Willis
There were no committee reports
Wales Air Ambulance – Thank you letter for ACC donation of £200.00
Liz Saville Roberts – Email to this Council about the coronavirus situation. Observe wherever possible the restrictions imposed by Government, but – ‘Please think twice before rushing to judge other people’s situations. This is a difficult time for everyone, and we need to hold true to values of tolerance and humanity more now than ever.’
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis – Email 22/03/20 to inform Council that she and another GP from the Machynlleth practice have posted an open letter on Dyfi Valley Health Facebook page.
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis – Email 23/03/20 observing that the biggest enemy during the coronavirus situation is complacency.
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis – Email 07/04/20 expressing concern over the number of visitors in the village during lockdown.
Cllr Brian Kelly noted that the overhanging trees at the Old Catholic Church constitute a serious problem for those walking along Burma Road.
He also noted, whilst walking the beach, that the amount of plastic washed up on the beach was considerable and suggested that anyone also taking exercise along the stretch of beach may consider taking a bag with them to collect rubbish.
He noted that the closure of Penrhos Caravan Park and the necessity to refund owners will impact severely on village income and hence AA&I. This in turn will impact on community investment for the foreseeable future.
Cllr Reynolds Penrhos caravan park remains closed as instructed by WAG. We regularly communicate with the owners who are extremely observant regarding the existing Coronavirus restrictions.
Following a request from Cllr Owen she met with the police and supplied them with the contact details of the letting agents in the village. They intended to visit the properties to ensure they were not being occupied contrary to the regulations stipulated by WAG on 26 March at 16.00. Anyone who sees a violation should report it to the police on 101. I think the local population should be aware of this perhaps you could put it in Rushlight.
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis requests an electronic copy of the constitution before the AGM and thinks a communication solution needs to be found ASAP in order to be able to meet via telephone or video etc. She notes the matter is under discussion and asks who is part of the discussion process as we just seem to be told that the options raised don’t satisfy one counsellor and many other counsellors are happy with the options. She suppose it’s down to the chairman to decide. However if she can have meetings with health board members and medical directors and heads of nursing, ward sisters, GPs and patients alike, then she felt sure a solution can be found for an open council meeting.
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis raised the issue of the Clerk working from the Council office and also that she had received reports, from an unnamed source, that individuals had visited the office during lockdown. The Clerk informed Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis that the Clerk had not received visitors and requested the source of the allegations. No such information has been forthcoming. Regarding working from the Council office, in isolation, this is entirely acceptable in the context of requiring access to Council records in order to carry out Clerk’s duties.
Cllr David Owens endorsed Liz Saville Roberts sentiments in the context of Coronavirus and her plea to maintain our humanity in difficult times.
Coronavirus General Update and thank you to local residents who are helping.
How to liaise with the police regarding any contraventions of the Coronavirus Regulations.
Wild Flower Seed Planting
16 March 2020
Councillors Present :-
Cllr D Williams – Chairman
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllrs Bob Tyrrell, Mike Richards, Gareth Jones & James Bradbury-Willis
With the retirement from Council last October of Bryn Lloyd, and the more recent retirement from Council of Mike Richards, the two vacant posts were advertised. There was a very good response resulting in four candidates being interviewed, all of whom would have made excellent councillors. Councillors were advised to complete the ballot papers at this meeting or by email (for those unable to attend tonight, see agenda ITEM 13).
The Chairman noted that the westerly winds had once again created a sand drift problem in the village. It was understood that a sandshift might be scheduled by Gwynedd Council, but confirmation was awaited.
He expressed surprise at the number of visitors to Aberdyfi, with many second home owners apparently expressing the intention to stay in the village during the coronavirus threat.
One Voice Wales had advised all Councils to adopt delegated powers if the coronavirus situation gets worse. In the same way that this council operates during the August break.
If the situation worsens, council meetings might not take place, including May’s AGM & ordinary meeting.
In the meantime, Council matters will continue, through Council Office in the normal way.
The Clerk suggested that, although there was some flexibility from Wales Audit Office, this Council should be able to meet existing deadlines for internal and external audit as currently advised.
Receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary Council meeting 17th February.
Proposed: Cllr M Reynolds Seconded: Cllr B Kelly
M/85 Website
The website was declared for launch ready within the next few days. The Clerk will advise Council in due course and also confirmed the web address as
M/72 Storage Unit
Geri Davies has been briefed regarding ground preparation and once everything has been agreed with Will Stockford and Gwynedd Maritime regarding exact location, the unit can be ordered.
M/107 Childrens’ Playground
An update from Cllr. Sara Bradbury Willis. Quotes were awaited and the project was processing.
M/108 Picnic Island Bridge
A conference call was held on 24th February at Outward Bound. Representing Aberdyfi was ACC Clerk Neil Storkey, Outward Bound Head of Centre Al Crisp, Outward Bound Jim Lee, ACC Cllr Dewi Owen and Gwynedd Maritime Barry Davies. Representing Network Rail (from Cardiff) was James O’Gorman and Alice Clements.
The conference call was arranged to move the Picnic Island Bridge project forward. The meeting resulted in a consensus view in the context of promised funding as follows:
ACC – Cllr Owen – pledged £20k (15k from AA&I and 5k from ACC)
Outward Bound pledged £30k
Gwynedd Maritime pledged £50k
Network Rail acknowledged that the bridge was used by their own maintenance staff and that a financial ’consideration’ would be appropriate. No detail, but perhaps a cost reduction in engineering. Details to follow.
In the light of the consensus and positive view regarding the installation, possibly a modular plastic construction, the meeting agreed to target October 2020 for completion of new bridge installation.
M/121 Village Welcome Signs
Installed and looking smart. Cllr David Owens suggested that the undergrowth around the sign by the Trefeddion needs cutting back.
M/151 Tree Sculpture
Jon Townsend contacted and awaiting confirmation of date to carry out felling on playing field
M/155 Blocked drains by Old Catholic Church
After a conversation with the Clerk Sean Wilkes has arranged for the gulley crew to attend to all sand blocked drains in the village – he has identified all that require attention. No date of confirmation as yet. Cllr Kelly noted that the church garden trees were overhanging the perimeter fence.
M/155 Neuadd Dyfi Toilets
The Clerk has spoken with Alun Wyn Jones who confirmed that the cost of keeping the toilets open for the winter period would be £2k. No negotiations have been opened, this is a simple calculation based on current costings.
Cllr Owen confirmed that, given the coronavirus situation, all Gwynedd Council meetings have been cancelled until further notice, or until video/conference facilities are set up.
NP5/50/LB59 14 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi
Internal and external alterations
NP5/50/629/B Bryn Coed, Aberdyfi
Construction of single storey extension
NP5/50/299/L Golf Club, Aberdyfi
Change of use of existing store to B&B accommodation
NP5/50/678/E 60 Maesnewydd, Aberdyfi
Construction of side extension and side port
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr S Bradbury Willis
Responding to a question from Cllr Owen, the Clerk confirmed that Gareth Pugh has vacated his allotment and that the vacant plot will be advertised in Rushlight. The Clerk also confirmed that Diane Osborn is taking over Ian McCutchions plot.
Cllr Owen attended a tourist workshop at which it was confirmed that in 2018 6.16 million tourists visited Gwynedd, generating income of £907 million. There had been a visitor increase of 15% in the three years up to 2018. However, there had been a decrease in B&B rooms.
Gareth Pugh – Letter to relinquish his allotment plot with immediate effect.
Network Rail – Advice of work on Dyfi Junction Bridge. 4 April to 12 April.
Creative Play – For Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis.
Gay Richardson – Email outlining tree planting ideas. (ACC representative required?)
Anna Grundy – Letter of farewell and thanks.
Gay Richardson – Email objecting to the widespread use of weed killer by Gwynedd Council.
Gwynedd Housing Statement – Advice of changes in the way social housing in Gwynedd is changing.
Gwynedd Highways – Notification of April works on the public footpaths in Aberdyfi.
One Voice Wales – Coronavirus Briefing Note.
Clerk Magazine
Clerk & Council Direct
Council was requested to fill in the ballot papers and return them ASAP. The new Councillors would assume their positions officially at the AGM in May.
The Clerk confirmed that the Day on the Quay event in Aberdyfi had been cancelled because of Coronavirus.
Anna Grundy farewell thank you to the community
Appointment of New Clerk
Picnic Island Bridge
17 February 2020
Councillors Present :-
Cllr D Williams – Chairman
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Clr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllrs Bob Tyrrell and Mike Richards
Cllr Williams noted that, thankfully, Aberdyfi had missed the full force of Storm Dennis, but the the weather so far this winter had been very wet and windy. He expressed his concern for communities that were not so fortunate in Herefordshire and South Wales. In the circumstances the attendance at the public meeting on Thursday 13th February had been very good, numbering over sixty for the evening. There was very positive feedback and a healthy exchange of ideas.
Receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary Council meeting 20th January.
Proposed: Cllr G Jones Seconded: Cllr M Reynolds
M/100 Clerk Vacancy
There are two candidates who will be interviewed in the next couple of weeks by the Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair.
M/101 Penhelig Park Events
The final letter of recommended text for the Penhelig Park events has been drafted by Cllr Tyrrell and will be forwarded to Barry Davies.
M/85 Website
The website was shared with those who attended the public meeting and was very well received. The site is almost complete and it is hoped go live in the next few weeks, smart phone ready.
It was suggested by Cllr James Bradbury Willis that perhaps a maintenance/update package with Digital Egg might be a good idea, although the site has been designed for weekly updates or even daily updates to be carried out by the Council with regard to simple aspects such as diary information and Council minutes, agendas etc. The matter is for discussion with regard to the long term future of the project.
M/72 Storage Unit
The unit can be installed once the site has been cleared and foundations prepared. Clerk needs to liaise with Will Stockford and Cllr Owen over the installation of appropriate foundations. Geri Davies will also be asked to provide installation costings. Cllr Kelly expressed concerns regarding the possibility of flooding. The concerns were noted.
M/107 Childrens’ Playground
Lisa Gardner has confirmed that the committee is now up and running, see correspondence. Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis is on the committee and was able to update current situation. A full committee meeting has not yet been held, but advice and prices for installation were being pursued. She felt that care and prudence should be taken as costs could very easily escalate out of control. However, the project was proceeding in a positive manner. The possibility of installing adult fitness/well-being equipment was also being considered.
M/108 Picnic Island Bridge
Network Rail have confirmed that the engineering issues have been addressed and a meeting is to be held in Cardiff tomorrow, Tuesday 18th February, after which the Clerk will be updated with a view for an external meeting with all interested parties. An Aberdyfi second home owner has offered to underwrite the funding. Details to follow – the name of the individual will be kept confidential until we have received permission from the individual concerned to ‘go public’. Outward Bound have pledged £30k towards the cost, and it is understood that £50k has been pledged by Gwynedd Council.
M/117 Annual Public Meeting
The meeting last week was very successful. Cllr Owens noted that he had heard very favourable comments from the floor on the night and subsequent conversations. Cllr Owen felt that it had been a perfect opportunity to air grievances and exchange ideas.
M/121 Village Welcome Signs
The Clerk confirmed that the village welcome signs were ready and we were awaiting delivery. Geri Davies will install the signs. The Clerk informed the meeting that the suppliers Leander Architectural are to advise on a possible renovation of the shelter.
Cllr Owen attended the Meirionydd Area meeting in Blaunau, which was attended by Meleri Joyce from Network Rail, who is now our local contact. She reported that the Cambrian Line had been very seriously damaged in a number of locations by the recent storms, with ballast being washed away, resulting in closures, cancellations, and disruption to services. There is also a shortage of train drivers which was causing further disruption to services. There are plans to make essential repairs to Barmouth Bridge this Autumn which is going to create even more problems.
Representatives from Gwynedd Council waste disposal department were also in attendance to outline changes to how the department is to be managed. The shift system is to change from the ‘four on four off’ as current, to a more normal 37 hour working week. It is anticipated to improve performance.
A police representative reported that crime in the area has increased marginally, specifically cyber crime and public order.
Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis expressed concern about parking on Church Street.
Cllr Reynolds asked about the sand problem in the village. Cllr Williams noted that the problem has been caused by freak winds from the storms, and the problem will remain until the weather improves.
NP5/50/L497/B 9 Tai Newddion, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi
Construction of Garage
There were no objections but Cllr David Owens observed that the intended approach to the garage was, in his opinion, very precarious. It was suggested that a site visit by the authorities might be appropriate.
The Clerk outlined the problems with NatWest Bank inadvertently shutting down all the Council accounts, from the Aberystwyth office. The matter was sorted out but had delayed the payment of some invoices.
The Clerk indicated that there will be a surplus on the budget figures for the current financial year, and that this will offer the opportunity to transfer funds into the Business Reserve account, from the Business Current account, enabling Council to ring fence specific funds as ‘reserve funds’. An appropriate policy statement regarding its purpose will be drafted, in our case for community emergency use. The policy document will be prepared by the Clerk, for ratification at the AGM in May.
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr D Owen
The tree sculpture project was discussed at the public meeting and the consensus view was that the idea was sound, with benefits to the village from a tourist interest point of view. There were many suggestions for subject, including osprey, seagull, ravens, dolphins and otter. It was agreed that the osprey idea would have most impact.
There was unanimous agreement to sanction the osprey carving.
Midshire Photocopiers – Advice to update software.
BT – Confirmation of public phone kiosk closures, unless the community wishes to retain.
Welsh National Sheep Trials – Request for donation from Abergynolwyn. Agreed, £50.00.
Wales Air Ambulance – Request for donation (already sorted January donation list.
Aberdovey Literary Institute – Advice of rent increase for 2020/21, in line with inflation.
Play for Wales – Play Wales news.
Sean Chambers – Mural idea for the village subway.
Dennis Twist – Email regarding EV charging points in the village.
Welsh Government – Copy of Orders regarding Dyfi Bridge.
Elaine Foot – Email seeking support for wild flower planting in the village
Gay Richardson – Suggesting a petition to emphasise the strength of feeling regarding the speed limits in the village. Also, should we consider the planning of a ‘good size’ Christmas tree on the wharf, to be decorated annually at Christmas.
Gay Richardson – Tree planning at Nantiesyn and thanks to the Community Council for all their hard work throughout the year.
Gwynedd Council – BREXIT advice for residents and businesses – web address for reference.
Lisa Gardner – Email of confirmation that the Playground Development Committee is now live.
Playing Field Goalposts The Clerk will attend to this matter. As per agreed with Bryn Lloyd.
Cllr Kelly pointed out that the storm drains by the Old Catholic Church were blocked. The Clerk will contact Sean Wilkes.
Cllr Owen The Clerk will seek to confirm how much the Neuadd Dyfi toilets would cost to keep open for the whole year.
Cllr Williams is still concerned about the rubbish in Nantiesyn car park.
Public Meeting
St Peter’s Church
Sand Issue
20 January 2020
Councillors Present :-
Cllr D Williams – Chairman
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Gareth Jones
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Mike Richards
Cllrs Bob Tyrrell and James Bradbury-Willis
Aled Evans, Pennal Garden Services has obtained the appropriate NRW (Natural Resources Wales) licence and is now able to address the problem of garden rubbish disposal, enabling him to re-commence his work for Council.
Cllr Mike Richards confirmed that will stand down from Aberdyfi Community Council, effective April 30th, as he and Linda will not be in the village for large parts of the year as they are spending 4/5 months travelling around Europe.
The Chair reflected on a very successful Christmas for the village, with high visitor numbers, and took the opportunity to thank Cllr Kelly for all his work organising the New Year fireworks.
Receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary Council meeting 16th December.
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr S Bradbury Willis
M/100 Clerk Vacancy
The clerk has prepared fresh copy for the vacancy which will appear in Rushlight and appropriate social media. The assistance from those who know better will be sought, perhaps Cllr James Bradbury Willis might consider assisting.
M/101 Penhelig Park Events
See correspondence.
M/85 Website
Good progress, the final straight and it is anticipated that the third week in February, if not before, will see the website ready for launch. Any councillors who would like to see the draft please feel free to pop in to see the Clerk.
M/72 Storage Unit
The Clerk spoke with Barry Davies last Thursday and he seems agreeable to the proposition. The Clerk informed him that we would be unable to proceed installation without his written permission. Costing approval an agenda item – see following.
Barry has since followed up with written approval.
M/107 Childrens’ Playground
Lisa Gardner has discussed the project with the Clerk, who has informed her that she needs to organise a committee, as representative of the community, to put together a fully costed proposal for submission to The National Lottery Community Fund. The Community Council can assist but not lead the application. Lisa was happy with that and we await the next stage. Cllr Sara Bradbury Willis asked that Lisa get in touch with her regarding the project. M/108 Picnic Island bridge.
The Clerk has discussed the matter with Barry Davies, Gwynedd Maritime, who is fully supportive of the initiative, having been given a full summary of the situation. He has indicated that there are funds available on a support basis. He is aware that Outward Bound have 30k and that Aberdyfi will also contribute. We still await the engineering and cost report from Network Rail. Clerk will pursue the matter.
M/111 Coastal Path Footpath
The clerk met with Rob Jones on 18th December and the steps will be rebuilt/repaired in the new financial year (2020/21) and he promised to cut the buddleia at the earliest opportunity. The blocked culvert repair is a matter of possible dispute between Highways and Coastal path. In the meantime remedial temporary repairs have been carried out by Rob Jones and his team.
M/117 Annual Public Meeting
The date for the village public meeting is confirmed for February 13th. See agenda item 5 for further discussion.
M/108 Lobster Pots
Cllr Richards wished to note that there will, in his view, fat too many lobster pots on the wharf. The Chair confirmed the Harbourmaster was still discussing the matter with the fishermen. Once again, the meeting was reminded by the Chair that Aberdyfi was still a working harbour. Cllr Owen noted that they will have to be moved once the wharf reconstruction work starts.
M/119 Planning Ty Bach
The Clerk has discussed this application with the architects and Snowdonia Planning. The understanding, after talking to Dafydd Tomos, is that the application has been approved subject to Planning Committee approval, possibly in March. He confirmed that this Council’s written objection has been lodged.
M/121 Village Welcome Signs
Cllr Kelly enquired about progress on the village welcome signs. The Clerk confirmed that the sigh had been refurbished and Leander are now working on the hoops. It is anticipated that the signs will be with us for installation by Geri Davies in the next few weeks.
M/123 Fencing on Corner of Station Road
Cllr Kelly requested that Aled Evans be thanked for clearing the weed growth from the fencing on the corner of Station Road, by the old telephone box.
The Clerk confirmed that three quotes had been sought for the unit and after due consideration it was agree that the quote from S. Jones in Aldridge was the most cost effective and the Clerk is to liaise with all parties reference to unit siting and installation. Cllr Williams suggested installation of battery powered lighting, and Cllr Kelly offered to donate solar units to provide 12 volt charging on any such installation.
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr S Bradbury Willis
The Clerk advised Council that, if costs were approved, the village map could be updated for 2020. Cllr Richards suggested that the words ‘Village Map’ should be added to the from Cover. The cost of artwork amendments are quoted at 450.00, printing to be confirmed.
Proposed: Cllr M Richards Seconded: Cllr M Reynolds
The Chair noted that the long awaited New Dyfi Bridge project has been given the green light, regardless of a large percentage of local opinion having grave reservations regarding some aspects of the plans. Cllr Richards also wished to note that the costs are significantly greater than the originally indicated.
The Budget for 2020/21 has been prepared by the Clerk and will be discussed and agreed with Finance Committee meeting in February 2020, in line with the following statement
‘To date, and up to January 2020, Council’s expenditure is marginally below budget and should prove acceptable to the external Auditors, BDO.’
The net income emanating from Gwynedd Council resulting from this Council’s 10% ‘commission’ from the main car park (£8662.12) will enable the Clerk to calculate an appropriate amount for permanent deposit to the reserve account for any ‘extraordinary’ future event.
The precept for 2020/21 has been calculated on the basis of an increase over last year’s precept (£34,955) by the forecasted rate of inflation for the year to January 2020, 2.7%. Therefore the precept for 2020/21 will be set at £36,796.00, an increase of £967.00.
The precept request will be confirmed with Dafydd Edwards, Gwynedd Head of Finance, by this Friday January 24th.
Proposed: Cllr G Jones Seconded: Cllr B Kelly
Steve Lister has been instrumental in helping to achieve a clean audit for 2018/19. Is Council happy to confirm his re-appointment.
Proposed: Cllr M Richards Seconded: Cllr M Reynolds
The Risk Assessment, Code of Conduct and Register of Interests were formally adopted, unanimously, by Council. The Clerk issued an open invitation to view these documents at any time in the Council office.
The Clerk outlined the processes involved in advertising vacancies on Council and how the co-option process operates. The two vacancies, resulting from Cllr Richards standing down on April 30th, and Bryn Lloyd standing down during the Autumn will be advertised in Rushlight. Interested parties will be invited to contact the Clerk in the first instance for an informal discussion, followed by the forwarding of full CVs and invitation to attend interviews by full Council at the earliest feasible Council meeting.
The Chairman noted that if any member of the community wished for a full election process to be conducted then the Clerk will liaise with the Registration Officer Raymond Harvey. The Clerk will advise Council as and when applications are made.
The Clerk outlined his fresh copy suggestions in light of the appalling (zero) response to the official copy style used in the Cambrian News. The new copy will be utilised in Rushlight and local social media (Facebook)
The Council approved the copy draft and the Clerk will proceed accordingly.
There have been two written requests for donations from the regular beneficiaries.
It is suggested that the following be considered, in line with 2019, bearing in mind that there is no request for brochure funding this year:
Wales Air Ambulance £200.00
Dail Dysynni £50.00
Meirionydd Young Farmers £100.00 see email in correspondence
This year’s Urdd £50.00 see email in correspondence
Is Council happy to donate £100 to Cancer Research, as last year, given Meiriona Davis’s continued support for the Food Festival, and that the Air Ambulance donation should be increased to £200.00.
Proposed: Cllr B Kelly Seconded: Cllr D Owen
Cllr Dewi Owen attended a full Gwynedd Council meeting on 19th December 2029 and was pleased to confirm that there would be no change in Council Tax for the forthcoming financial year. Holiday homes will continue to be impacted by the 50% charge on holiday homes. However, with many registered as businesses, therefore exempt, the net gain is minimal (approximately £700,000).
There is a proposal to invest in £465,000 to install 84 vehicle charge points in public car parks. The details have yet to be confirmed.
It has been confirmed that there will no increase in financial cuts for the forthcoming financial year. Cllr Williams noted that local business rates were crippling many businesses in Aberdyfi and the area as a whole and requested Cllr Owen to communicate this to Gwynedd Council.
Although absent from the meeting, Cllr Bradbury Willis requested, by e-mail, that the following points be raised:
1. Gwynedd Council Notice Board – The cemetery’s notice board has become illegible due to the screen becoming brittle and foggy. It needs replacing.
2. Bryn Gwylan Wall – The wall behind St. Peter’s church which forms the car park for the residence of Bryn Gwylan, Church Street, is being over run with ivy. It needs cutting back. Cllr Dewi Owen was to address these matters and report back at the next Council meeting.
3. Footpath to Hillside Village – Big thanks to the team that cut back plants and repaired the steps. It is much better. A letter to Jerry Moore (if not already sent) is required to cut back the plants overhanging his wall that cover the light on the steep steps.
The Clerk will ensure that the team responsible for the work on Hillside Village path are made aware of this Council’s appreciation of the work carried out.
NP5/50/715A Golwg y Môr, Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi, Aberdyfi
Alterations and extensions together with construction single storey garage and alterations to rear access
NP5/50/361A Christ the King RC Church, Aberdyfi
This application is an amendment to the original application which was approved in 2018. The simple amendment is for an additional building – a garage.
Cllr Kelly observed that there were other significant additional alterations.
The Clerk noted that having taken ownership of the pay & display lease ACC will need to pay business rates, which he felt was small price to pay for a valuable asset.
Proposed: Cllr M Reynolds Seconded: Cllr M Richards
Meirionedd Area Committee
The Clerk attended the Meirionydd Area Committee meeting in Dolgellau
Trains are still a problem. Sunday services are operated by volunteers only and the plans to extend Sunday timetables are very optimistic given this state of affairs. Still a severe shortage of drivers and the promises of new carriages have been further delayed. Confirmation of eligibility of Aberdyfi playground project.
Local Government & Elections (Wales) Bill. The electoral cycle of community and principal council will change from four to five year terms.
Welsh Government – Details of confirmation of new Dyfi Bridge
Cletwr Business Manager – Technical details of their EV charging facility. A general discussion followed and there was general agreement that the matter needed to progress in the context of the burgeoning impact of EV and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Rhian Cooper – Confirmation that Rhian Cooper and Eirlys Stoddart will take over the organising of the annual Aberdyfi Food Festival in August, if Council approves. Council unanimously agreed that Rhian and Eirlys should organise the event for 2020.
Dr Libby Andrews – Letter of thanks for the steps repair on ‘Coronary Hill’ just above Bryn Hyfryd.
Jane Mackenzie – e-mail confirmation of memorial bench purchase.
Gwynedd Barry Davies – Letter of consent for storage unit installation.
Urdd – Request for funding.
Gwynedd Council – Network Rail Conference meeting.
Meirionydd Young Farmers – Request for funding.
One Voice Wales – Response to Consultation on the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Bill.
Community Health Council – Press release regarding the backlog regarding eyecare provision in Wales.
Linda Richards – Linda Richards emailed Council expressing her concerns regarding her concerns over the new stone wall adjacent to the Gasworks project. The Clerk will attempt to obtain details of cost and reasons for a stone structure as opposed to a steel crash barrier. Cllr Owen said he would look into the matter and report back.
Training The Clerk attended a training session, by invitation, in Tywyn on January 15th, for Tywyn Councillors. The main topic of interest was Code of Conduct and Planning matters.
The session was conducted by Iwan Evans, Monitoring Officer for Gwynedd Council.
The Clerk felt it was very worthwhile evening. Iwan Evans suggested that Aberdyfi Community Council might benefit from such a session. After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Monitoring Officer and arrange for a date in June, at which time the new Clerk should be in position and two new Councillors might also be in position.
Meetings & Minutes