Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 19th October 2020
Present were Councillors:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies were received
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair reminded everyone that Wales will be going back into lockdown on Friday 23rd October and that we all need to follow the rules and work together to stop the spread of the virus.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th June & 7th July 2020
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Chair reported that he had spoken to Edward Jones who is responsible for property in Snowdonia National Park, including the Tourist Information Centre in Aberdyfi and he is open to the idea of the water fountain being connected to the water supply of the Tourist Information Centre. He asked the Council to write him a formal letter outlining the proposal, together with photos of the proposed site of the fountain and photos of the proposed fountain.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to present different options for fountains at the next meeting. Cllr O’Neill, Cllr Kelly and Cllr Owen to do a site visit to determine a preferred site.
It was agreed that if the project happens in this form, the Council should offer to pay the water bill for the Tourist Information Centre, as the water fountain would use dramatically more water than the TIC.
M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk hasn’t been able to talk to Tywyn clerk yet.
Action: Clerk and Chair to attempt to contact Tywyn Town Council
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Hopefully the broken CCTV camera will be replaced next week, if they are able to carry out the work during lockdown.
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M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
The Clerk and Chair both reported that they have had no correspondence on this matter but will follow it up and report back at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk & Chair to contact Gwynedd about installation of EV chargers.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
Clerk reported that the Neuadd Dyfi car park figure is likely to be in the region of £5,000 for this year.
Cllr Tyrrell reported that the bench lease system is working very well and noted that the income from the benches will be an expense at some point, so will not add much to the overall income. He explained he is looking into the best way to maintain the benches. The Chair commented that there is a need to keep track of how old the benches are, as the lease is only for 10 years.
Action: Clerk to create a spreadsheet of benches, their age and contact details.
Cllr Kelly reminded the Council that there is a need to look again at installing a contactless card payment system in the Neuadd Dyfi car park.
Action: Clerk to look into costs
Cllr Tyrrell reported that there has been some vandalism to the gate at Penhelig Gardens which was reported to the police. He wanted the Council to be aware of this in case anything happens to the benches around the village.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Wharf redevelopment project: Gwynedd Council have decided not to go ahead with the project this year, but assured the Chair that the money is not in jeopardy and the costs will not exceed the stated budget. A concern was raised that by next year the costs will have risen by then so if they keep to budget, they may cut corners, rather than building to the agreed specification.
Action: Chair to keep Council informed of ongoing developments
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis informed the Council that various residents had contacted him to say that their recycling bins had been damaged on more than one occasion by rough handling by Council workers and asked if the Chair could take this back to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Chair will report back to Gwynedd Council on this matter
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/375C 2 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi LL35 0RB
Erection of garage and new driveway
Concerns were raised about possible subsidence of surrounding buildings due to the large amount of excavation involved and also concerns over the water run-off as there is no drainage on Corbett Lane, so potentially rainwater will run across Corbett Lane and down into the houses on the opposite side. There is also some sort of manhole cover at the bottom of the proposed new driveway but it is not clear what this is for. The Clerk reported that neighbours to this site had approached her and told her of previous problems of subsidence in that area.
Action: Clerk to write and object to the planning application on these grounds and suggest a site visit by Snowdonia National Park.
NP5/50/147M Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, Aberdyfi
LL35 0RG
Construction of Rural Enterprise dwelling
This application was refused and the applicants now wish to appeal to the Welsh Government. It was agreed that the Council would write a letter of support for the appeal, but in order to do so, the Council needs a formal request to do so.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to ask applicants to submit a formal request, at which time the Clerk will write a letter of support.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss proposals for playground improvements
Cllr. O’Neill and Cllr. S. Bradbury-Willis are waiting for a third quote and will present the 3 different plans to the Council at the next meeting
Action: Add playground improvements to the agenda for next month.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss improper rubbish disposal by visitors on Bodfor & Glandovey Terrace
A discussion was held about bins overflowing with rubbish along Bodfor and Glandovey Terrace. It was reported that people had been confronted when putting rubbish into the bins opposite the chemist, which are actually private bins for various businesses and should be locked but currently are not. Because of Covid it is more important than ever that rubbish doesn’t blow around the paths and roads. It was agreed to write to the businesses and letting agents, reminding them of their responsibilities.
Action: Clerk to write to the businesses and letting agents asking them to ensure their rubbish is properly disposed of and the large green bins are kept locked.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss declaring a Climate Emergency
It was agreed that this sounds a good idea but a Council policy needs to be written and put in place if the Council is going to declare a Climate Emergency.
Action: Clerk in conjunction with Cllr. O’Neill to write a policy to put before the Council at the next meeting
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Request for donation from a member of the public
It was agreed not to make a donation, but to put it in Rushlight if there is room
- Notice of potential events at Christmas to be held by the Churches and Chapels in the village.
Action: Clerk to reply informing them we have no plans for any events
- Request from Churches and Chapels in the village to provide a list of vulnerable people in the village.
It was noted that the Council does not have such a list and it would go against GDPR to give out any details of individuals that we hold.
- Email from member of public asking for lights in the main car park to be turned off at night and reply from Gwynedd Council
It was noted that Gwynedd Council are in the process of replacing all the lights in the village, including those in the car park and the new lights are programmable so they may dim them between midnight and 6am.
- Letter from Snowdonia National Park announcing the availability of funding through the Community Projects Fund.
Action: Clerk to circulate to groups who might benefit and put in Rushlight
- Wildlife garden is now in place at the entrance to the Neuadd Dyfi car park and the wildlife group are planning to meet to discuss other areas in the village that could be developed for wildlife.
Action: Cllr O’Neill and the clerk will report on this as it progresses
- Emails requesting bench information. So far we have 3 in place, 2 on order and 1 request for information.
- Email from One Voice Wales requesting representatives on their area committee. Cllr O’Neill expressed an interest in joining the Chair on this committee.
Action: Clerk to provide more information to Cllr O’Neill and inform OVW
- Email from Rupert Tildsley requesting decision on the purchase of the domain name ‘Aberdyfi.com’.
It was agreed not to purchase the domain name
Action: Clerk to reply to Mr. Tildsley
- Various residents have approached the clerk requesting that a small plaque be placed at the wildlife garden in memory of Elaine Foote. It was agreed to do this.
Action: Clerk to arrange
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
- Subway by fire station has recently been vandalised
Action: Add to agenda for next month to discuss possibilities of what to do
- It was agreed to have a future agenda item of Clerk’s Report to allow the Clerk an opportunity to report on anything not covered elsewhere in the agenda
- There is no bin at the bottom cemetery and it is overgrown and looking untidy.
Action: Clerk and Chair to look into this issue
- Area of tall hedge just beyond the Institute protruding into the road and causing high sided vehicles to go into the middle of the road.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council
- Remembrance Day Service. Cllr Williams spoke to the British Legion representative recently and was informed that a very limited service will take place.
Action: Clerk to talk to the British Legion representative before putting this information into Rushlight.
- Tree sculpture needs to be kept in mind for future meetings
- Main car park area is starting to look a mess. Gwynedd Council are responsible for this and should clear it all before the spring.
Action: Add to agenda for next month
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Doris O’Keefe marathon achievement
Remembrance Day arrangements
Congratulations to the Trefeddian for 2 awards
Remind everyone to dispose of rubbish responsibly
Info on various support available to individuals during the pandemic
Community Project Fund
Reminder to look after each other
Request for donation
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 16th November 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm