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Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Neuadd Dyfi on Monday 21st February 2022

Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Brian Kelly

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dai Owens

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Cllr Worman

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone to the first face to face meeting in almost 2 years. He extended his condolences on behalf of the council to Cllr Jones and his family on the death of his father last week. 

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 17th January 2022


Proposed: Cllr William Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 51

M/117/20.12.21 Community Needs Survey

It was agreed that Cllr O’Neill would ask someone with knowledge of Place Plans to attend a council meeting to explain about what is involved

Action: Cllr O’Neill to source a speaker


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M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.

The clerk is still waiting for a reply from Mr. Jones at Snowdonia National Park.

Action: Clerk to contact him again

M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements

The Clerk reported that the mural in Dolgellau at Ty Siamas cost approx. £1,500 and took 3 days. Cllr Bradbury-Willis presented some figures from an artist, which were roughly the same cost, though suggested the subway would take 6 days, so would probably cost in the region of £3,000.

The clerk reported that she still hasn’t heard from the lighting department with permission to go ahead with the project and reminded the council that this needs to be in place before publishing a press-release.

Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to put together a press release asking for commissions and send to the clerk.

Action: Clerk to contact lighting department again. 

Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next month

M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace

Cllr Reynolds informed the council that she is waiting to hear from the parking department of Gwynedd Council.

M/97/(20.10.21) Tywyn Minor Injuries Unit

Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that she has a meeting next week with BCUHB.

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M/106/(15.11.21) Gwynedd Council Report

The Clerk reported that Sean Wilkes of the highway department at Gwynedd Council found the owner of the trailer at Bryn Gwylan and asked them to move it. This has now been done and the trailer is now outside Bryn Gwylan bungalows.

M/108/(15.11.21) To consider purchasing extra waste bins

The Chair reported that Cllr Kelly, the clerk and himself met with David Williams and Caron Jones of Gwynedd Council last Thursday. It was agreed to move the large bins opposite the chemist to the area by the fire station and replace them with recycling and general waste bins. More recycling and general waste bins will be put along the side of the car park closest to the sea and the existing ones will have new stickers, making it clearer what should be put in there. The small bins in the car park will be replaced with ones with a flap on them to deter seagulls. The brown bins and mixed green and brown bins on the wharf gardens will be replaced with just green ones.

Cllr Owens asked if it would be possible to have the recycling bins by the sea turned round so they face the sea, as people currently have to walk into the car park in order to use the bins. Cllr Tyrrell asked if it would be possible to get stickers to put on brown bins stating for garden waste only.


It was agreed to ask Steffan Jones to attend one of our meetings remotely.

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to request stickers and ask if possible to have bins facing the sea. 

M/42/(21.06.21) Purchase of bollards for Neuadd Dyfi car park

The bollards have been delivered and Clerk is waiting for Geri Davies to confirm a date when he will install them.

M/127/(20.12.21) Items for consideration at future meetings

  • Clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council asking for the hedge to be cut back between Outward Bound and Picnic Island, but has not heard back

Action: Clerk to contact network Rail

  • Clerk emailed Gwynedd Council asking for their plans for the large tree at the bus stop by the Neuadd Dyfi, as several motorhome owners have moved their vehicles from under the tree as they are concerned about the tree falling on their vehicles. 

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report


Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council Report


The Chair reported that the rail line to Pwllheli will be closed again this year between September and December to allow metalwork repairs to be carried out on Barmouth bridge. The work so far has cost £18 million and the metalwork is estimated to cost £12 million. 

The Chair reported that next week a contractor will be working in the village to cut back hedges and growth that is obstructing paths and roads at various points round the village. 

A question was raised about the safety of the tree by the Neuadd Dyfi bus stop. The clerk has already reported it to Gwynedd Council on several occasions but has not had any response.

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd again

It was reported that a drain on Balkan Hill is blocked, causing flooding on the road. It has already been reported to Gwynedd Council, but no response has been forthcoming.

Action: Clerk to report it to Gwynedd Council again

It was noted that the ‘Don’t Feed the seagulls’ signs are old and faded and it was agreed to ask for Gwynedd Council to replace them.

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


NP5/50/740 Morwel, Aberdyfi LL35 0NT

Removal of chimney stack, installation of rooflights and dormers & construction of building with terrace above terrace


NP5/50/631A 15 Treflan, Aberdyfi LL35 0PN

Demolish garage and construction of extension including terrace

No objections were raised to either application

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider maintenance of Anne Roberts’ memorial


It was agreed to find out more about this memorial before committing to spending money on it. It was suggested it might be maintained by the Richard Roberts Trust.

Action: Clerk to find out more about the memorial and if it is maintained by the Trust.

Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next month

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To adopt NJC agreement on clerk’s pay & conditions


It was agreed to adopt the agreement.

Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Unanimously approved

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider purchase of storage container


Cllr Williams suggested that the amount of paperwork and equipment needing to be stored be checked before a container is bought as it may be that a container is no longer needed.

Action: Clerk to ask One Voice Wales how long paperwork needs to be kept

Action: Clerk to find out exactly how much equipment needs to be stored and find out from Mr. George what his plans are for the storage unit where the kitchen is currently kept.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss Queen’s Jubilee celebrations


Cllr Jones informed the council that the Fire service will create a beacon for the Thursday evening and Cllr Kelly informed the council that the AA&I will proved fireworks on the Saturday night. As there are a lot of trees already being planted in the village, it was agreed to buy a Queen’s Green Canopy A4 plaque at a cost of £155 + p&p and Cllr Bradbury-Willis offered to research a biodiverse specimen tree. 

The clerk informed the council that the yacht club plan to have a sail-past around high water on the Sunday.

It was agreed to put an item in Rushlight offering support to any groups in the village wanting to organise events. 

Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to research a specimen tree

Action: Clerk to add item to Rushlight and write to member of the public who wrote to the council with suggestions of events, offering support.

Action: Clerk to order plaque

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To consider purchase of new benches and planters for the wharf gardens


It was agreed to buy 1 planter to see if it is suitable. It was agreed for Cllr Tyrrell and the clerk to liaise about repairing the existing benches and proposing a way forward with


benches for the wharf area. 

Action: Clerk to buy a single planter

Action: Clerk and Cllr Tyrrell to propose a way forward for benches on the wharf

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Wharf development project


The clerk had an email from Gwynedd Consultancy stating that they have been asked to update the Economic Case of the project before the Welsh assembly will sign off the money for the project. They are hoping it will be finalised next week and the contractor appointed then.

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence


* Playground concerns

It was agreed to put an item in Rushlight reiterating that the playground is inspected every year and is deemed safe by RoSPA, with a link to the report.

* Tree planting round the golf club car park and the recreation ground will take place on Thursday 24th at 9.45am

*Neil Storkey is going to hire the kitchen for 2 events this year at a cost of £500 per event.

* There is a possible shortfall of £10,000 on Picnic Island Bridge and it was agreed that the council and AA&I will cover this if required.

* There is still a large hole in bank by development at the Penhelig. Clerk asked to request again that it is filled with soil and not hard core.

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Subway improvements
  • Purchase of container
  • Cycle path update

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook


  • Community lunches
  • Messy church
  • Pop-up rock shop
  • Community Projects group update
  • Playground 
  • Jubilee celebrations
  • Tree planting

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting


Monday 21st March 2022 at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm