21st October 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 21st October 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present
A presentation from a member of the public regarding a proposal to run a portable sauna business was received during the public session.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Hackelsberger and Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and remarked how lucky it was that no major damage was reported in the village as a result of the recent storm.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 16thSeptember 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/39/(17.06.24) Recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
The Chair reported that the recycling bins in the main car park have had new labels attached which are much brighter and clearer, and the area by the fire station is much tidier and clean.
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M/75/(16.09.24) To review training plan
The clerk reported that she has been granted a bursary for the CiLCA training. Planning Aid wales have quoted £650 for a bespoke course though a Face to Face course would also incur travelling expenses. It was agreed to go ahead with a face to face course.
Action: clerk to obtain possible dates
M/77/(16.09.24) Purchase of new P&D machine
This has been ordered and will be installed early next year.
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M/79/(16.09.24) Playground project
The survey has now been completed and the clerk has written a draft for the grant application. A meeting with Resources 4 Change will take place this week.
M/80/(16.09.24) Terrace Road shelter
Cllrs Hewins and Tyrrell reported that the gutters have been cleaned and repaired and they have found someone willing to do the groundworks for £330 so will arrange for this work to be done asap. They have agreed this work with the harbourmaster.
M/81/(16.09.24) Time & Tide bell
Cllr O’Neill reported that she met with the Time & Tide bell group representative and they have funding for someone to collect stories from local residents which will be collated and added to the offering around the Time & Tide bell.
Post Office project
Cllr O’Neill reported that work has started on the retaining wall behind the Post Office building and it is hoped that it will soon be completed to the satisfaction of the insurance company which will allow the grant funding to be released to purchase the building.
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M/82/(16.09.24) Wi-fi situation at the Literary Institute
Cllr Williams noted that the Literary Institute will meet within the next few days and it is suspected that they will ask if it is possible to use the Council wi-fi, as the only telephone line into the building is in the Council Office. The clerk reported that the Neuadd Dyfi has more than one wi-fi connection, and it was agreed to speak to Mr. George, as he might know if this is possible without compromising the security of the Council. If it is, then the Council have no objection to this proposal.
Action: Cllr Williams to speak to Mr George.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hewins
The clerk reported that the Audit had been received and it was satisfactory, save that more detail regarding variances is requested in future.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there was a special financial meeting last week and at that meeting Gwynedd Council reported that they will have a deficit of £14million in 2024/25. Another meeting this week will discuss where cuts will be made and it is expected that these will be in areas of less importance, meaning Gwynedd may be
asking Community Councils to take over the running of services such as toilets etc. Gwynedd Council reported that Homelessness in Gwynedd last year cost £6.4million but only £3million was received from central Government, meaning a shortfall of £3.4million. He noted that they have now bought two houses in Aberdyfi, one over a year ago, and they are still empty. When asked about this, Gwynedd Council replied that they have been unable to get tradespeople in to do the work required. Local tradespeople are reluctant to try to become an official supplier to Gwynedd Council as there is too much red tape.
He reported that the Welsh Government are pressing ahead with the Single Transferable Voting system, which will see voters voting for a party and not an individual. He expressed concern that Community and Town Councils may be amalgamated as a result, as the plans are to increase the area of local Councils.
Cllr Owen reported that he was voted in as Chair at the recent Harbour users meeting. At the meeting, the Harbourmaster reported that the number of moorings has increased since last year, from 73 to 81 this year, with more enquiries for next year. It was noted that the channel has changed a lot this year and is being closely monitored by the Harbourmaster via a drone. It was reported that Aberdyfi harbour, after several years making a loss, has broken even in the last two years and it is projected to continue. Cllr Own reported that the new Harbourmaster’s building is likely to cost approximately £500,000.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
Cllr Kelly declared an interest in the first item
NP5/50/622B Chalet 63, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Demolition of a storage building and the construction of a residential chalet and associated access, parking and drainage works
Objection raised on grounds of no services available at this location, and an 11KV electricity pole and cables within the plot. Trees would have to be removed to build the decking and there are buildings which require access missing from the application
NP5/50/719A Arfryn, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi. LL35 0NT
Construction of domestic workshop at first floor above existing garage
No objections raised
NP5/50/C152B Bryn Awelon, Aberdyfi LL35 0LE
Removal of tree and replacement with smaller species
No objections raised
NP5/50/130E Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
Online application with all matters reserved for erection of a rural enterprise dwelling
No objections raised
NP5/50/771 Chalet N22, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Variation of Condition No. 2 (8 month occupancy period) attached to Planning Permission NP5/42/160L dated 27.09.1982 to allow 10 months occupancy period (March to December)
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss and approve re-printing and publishing the Aberdyfi walking guide
It was agreed to re-print and publish the walking guide. It was agreed to find out if local shops and organisations will stock the guide and a decision will be made at the next meeting about the best way to manage this.
Cllr O’Neill noted that there should be a Welsh version printed. It was noted that this is in the proposal and a smaller print run will be done for the Welsh version, though it will take longer to produce as the translation will take time and the cost will have to be taken into account.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Dunton
Action: Mrs Owen to speak to local businesses
Action: Cllr Hackelsberger to organise re-printing.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To review and adopt the Ombudsman for Wales Model Councillor Code of Conduct
It was agreed to adopt the Model Councillor Code of Conduct
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To review and adopt the Information Commissioner’s Office Model Publication Scheme
It was agreed to adopt the Model Publication Scheme
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To review and adopt the Ombudsman for Wales Model Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure
It was agreed to adopt the Model Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss sharing digital noticeboard with Parc Eryri and approve changing format to freestanding from wall-mounted
The Clerk reported she had a reply from Mr Jones of Parc Eryri and noted that he stated the wall would not be strong enough due to recent problems with the foundations and the noticeboard needed to be free-standing as a result. The Clerk reported that the wall-mounted version weighs 80kg and the free-standing one weights 128kg. Cllr Hewins noted that the wall is 18 inches thick so should easily
take the weight. The Clerk reported that a free-standing noticeboard would cost over
£3,000 more. The Council felt that this is unreasonable and it was agreed that the Chair will speak to Mr Jones to explain the situation.
The Council agreed in principle to share the noticeboard with Parc Eryri, though it was noted that the Clerk should have sole access to the content of the noticeboard.
Action: Chair to contact Mr. Edward Jones of Parc Eryri.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss maintenance of CCTV cameras
It was noted that some of the cameras need attention and it was agreed that Cllr Kelly would give the Clerk details of what needs to be done.
Action: Cllr Kelly to send details to the clerk
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* email regarding running a portable sauna business in Aberdyfi
It was agreed to support this business though the Council do not own any suitable land.
Action: Clerk to contact business and offer support
* email regarding Cambrian Coast Railway Liaison meeting
It was agreed there is are no current concerns regarding this issue
* email regarding charity music festival in Aberdyfi
It was agreed that the Council do not own any suitable land for such an event and are unable to support it at this stage.
Action: Clerk to contact organiser
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – Training for September – December
* Transport for Wales – Future Timetable Review summary of responses and actions
* One Voice Wales – Rural Housing Action Guide for Wales survey
* One Voice Wales – reply from Welsh Government regarding rail timetable changes
* IRP for Wales draft annual reported
* One Voice Wales – Pethau Bychain notice of meeting
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Shelter at cemetery
* Community Action Plan
* Decide parking charges at Neuadd Dyfi car park and signage
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Lord Lieutenant attendance at Remembrance services
* Fireworks 1st November
* Clwb Sgwrsio 4th November
* Events at Neuadd Dyfi
AGENDA ITEM 21 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th November 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.20pm
T. B. C.
Rushlight November 2024
TR October 2024
16th September 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th September 2024
Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
2 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and commented that the better weather recently has helped boost visitor numbers.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting on 15th July2024.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
It has been recommended that the play equipment be visually inspected every week, so the Clerk and Chair agreed to purchase a checklist from RoSPA which is specific to our playground at a cost of £40 and the clerk will carry out the inspections.
Action: Clerk to do weekly inspections
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M/39/(17.06.24) To discuss recycling facilities and waste bins in Aberdyfi
The Clerk reported that it has been agreed with Gwynedd Council that the Community Council will pay for materials and Gwynedd Council will carry out the work to enclose the compound by the fire station. The Chair and Clerk agreed to pay £798 + VAT for the materials.
Action: Clerk to purchase a padlock once the work is finished.
It was noted that the bins at the back of the Dovey still smell and that the bins
lining Church Street are becoming hazardous. It was agreed to keep an eye on both of these issues. The Clerk reported that there have been very few complaints about the bins this year and it was noted this was because there were more bins around the village and the street cleaner has been working hard to keep the village clean. It was agreed to write to him and thank him for his hard work.
Action: Clerk to write to the street cleaner.
It was reported that the Crabbing Crate for re-using and recycling crabbing equipment was working well, though it was noted that some people put the equipment back while tangled and volunteers have to untangle the mess. The Community Council would like to thank the volunteers for organising this initiative and keeping the crate and contents clean and tidy.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
M/52/(15.07.24) Gwynedd Council report
The Clerk reported that she had written to the Lord Lieutenant and has had a reply confirming his attendance at the Remembrance services in November.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
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M/59/(15.07.24) Aberdyfi Food Festival
The Clerk reported that she had reviewed the Food Festival with the organisers and the general feedback from visitors was that it was very busy and the food vendors ran out of food by lunch-time, even although they had brought double the amount with them compared to last year. Cllr Williams reported that the stall-holders were happy with the close proximity of all the stalls to each other and were happy with the arrangement as it is. It was discussed whether to use the football filed next year, but it was pointed out that toilets would need to be brought in and people would have to stay at the entrance to the golf club car park to stop visitors parking there. It was also suggested that perhaps the demonstrations could be done in the Neuadd Dyfi, allowing more small stalls to be on the field. It is still a lot of work for the organisers, even with the help of the clerk, so they are not sure if they feel able to do it again. No decision was made and it was agreed a small working group including the organisers should meet before Christmas to make a decision.
Action: Volunteers from the Council to meet with organisers before Christmas
The Community Council would like to thank the organisers for their hard work on this event and also to everyone who help with setting up and taking down.
Action: Clerk to write to organisers and put in Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that various lines and markings have appeared on the road between the cemetery and Caethle to do with the cycle path, though the Clerk noted that planning permission has not yet been decided on for the cycle path. There are also markers on the road to do with the new gas pipe which will be installed along Happy Valley and between Happy Valley and Tywyn. There was speculation that the markings may also be linked to Dwr Cymru.
Cllr Owen reported that there is a Harbour users meeting on 15th October and asked if there are any issues that need to be brought up then. Cllr Bradbury-Willis mentioned that the Harbour staff were extremely helpful during Dovey Fest and she would like to thank them officially.
Action: Clerk to write to the Harbour master
Action: Chair to bring up at the harbour users meeting
Cllr O’Neill asked if ‘Do not feed the seagulls’ signs could be purchased as there has been a problem with them attacking people this year. She will send photos of some good signs she saw recently to the clerk.
Action: Chair to bring this up at the harbour users meeting.
The Chair reported that the Harbourmaster is due to move to the cabin by the end of the month and Gwynedd have said replacing the harbour office is at the top of their agenda. He will keep the Council informed of any developments.
He has reported the sand build up on the steps in front of the car park to Gwynedd Council but they do not seem to see this as a problem. He also spoke to them about replacing the railings with a wall, but there is no money for a wall to be built.
Action: Chair to keep raising these issues with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
Cllr Kelly and Bradbury-Willis declared an interest in the first item
NP5/50/540A Chalet 59, Plas Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RF
Removal of Condition 2 (10 ½ months occupancy condition) attached to planning permission NP5/50/540A dated 26/07/2002 to allow 12 month occupancy (Personal Permission)
No objections raised
NP5/50/767 Fairway, Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RB
Alterations, demolition of conservatory and installation of cladding
No objections raised
NP5/50/769 12 Mynydd Isaf, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PH
Installation of external air-source heat pump
No objection raised
NP5/50/LB59D/E 14 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EB
Alterations and extension to form garden room
No objection raised
NP5/50/735C Tan y Bryn, Philip Ave, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PY
Variation of Condition No. 2 (design) attached to planning permission NP5/50/735B dated 22/09/2022 for the installation of a flue on the roof
No objection raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To review 2024/25 budget against income
The budget was reviewed and agreed to be closely aligned with what was expected.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To review council training plan and approve training courses
Cllr Hackelsberger noted how important it is for the clerk to undertake the CiLCA qualification and the Chair noted that it is important for all councillors to do the Code of Conduct and Planning training. It was agreed to find out how much a bespoke Planning training course would be for the whole council so all councillors could do it at the same time. The Clerk reported that each Council has two free places on specific training courses provided by One Voice wales, such as Code of Conduct, and to let her know if interested in attending one of these courses.
The Clerk reported that it may be possible to receive a bursary to cover training costs of CiLCA, though the extra 2-3 hours a week required by the Clerk to do the course will need to be paid for by the Council.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
Action: Clark to enrol on CiLCA training and apply for a bursary
Action: Councillors to tell Clerk what One Voice Wales training courses they wish to attend
Action: Clerk to request cost of providing a bespoke training course from Planning Aid Wales
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve Clerk attendance at One Voice Wales conference
It was agreed to fund attendance at the conference on 16th October at Builth Wells, at a cost of £95 plus travelling expenses. The Clerk reported that she is hoping to share transport costs with the Clerk from Tywyn Town Council.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to book place at the conference.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss purchase of new P&D machine for Neuadd Dyfi car park
It was agreed to purchase a new machine that has cash and contactless capabilities.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Kelley
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss purchase of digital noticeboard
It was agreed to purchase a digital noticeboard to be sited on the wall of the Tourist Information Centre.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: Clerk to write to Mr Edward Jones at Parc Eryri with details of type of noticeboard
Action: Clerk to arrange purchase of noticeboard
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive update on playground project and approve amount of funds to be ring-fenced for the project
Cllr O’Neill reported that she had had a meeting with the clerk, Resources 4 Change and the National Lottery and was advised to survey adults in relation to the playground project, even although the children and the Community Needs Survey had already been done. Resources 4 Change agreed to help with the survey and the survey is now live with online, QR code and hard copies available. It is hoped that the application for funding from the National Lottery would be submitted October or November and that other applications to bodies such as the Co-op would also be made. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that she will also approach the AA&I for funding.
It was agreed to ring-fence £15,000 for the project
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Action: Clerk to work with R4C on Lottery application
Action: Cllr O’Neill to apply to AA&I for funding
Action: Clerk to research and apply to other bodies for funding
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
Cllrs Tyrrell and Hewins reported that they had requested 4 quotes with one person replying that they didn’t want the job and no replies from anyone else. Other names were suggested, which they will try. They suggested that someone is employed to do the ground works and they will do the other small jobs themselves. It was agreed to go ahead with this plan if they are unable to find someone to do all the work.
Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Cllrs Hewins and Tyrrell to arrange repairs to the shelter
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss maintenance of Time & Tide Bell
Recently the bell needed some maintenance and it became clear that the original artist will not accept responsibility going forwards. It was agreed that the Community Council will take responsibility for the cost of maintenance going forward and will ask the AA&I for money should major costs be involved. Cllr Williams noted that the artist has handed over responsibility to someone else and their details are on the Time & Tide Bell website. Cllr Williams inspects the bell every week and will report any defects when they occur.
Action: Cllr Williams to continue inspections
Action: Clerk to obtain contact details of person responsible for the bell
Action: Clerk to inform Harbourmaster of this decision
Cllr O’Neill reported that she had been to one or two meetings of the Time & Tide Bell group and one of the other members based on Angelsey is proposing to visit Aberdyfi 9th or 10th October and will meet with Cllr O’Neill and anyone else who wishes to attend.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to inform the rest of the Council of arrangements for the visit
Action: Clerk to inform Harbourmaster of visit
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To discuss wi-fi situation at the Literary Institute
It was noted that there is now no wi-fi at the Institute and so there is no facility for remote attendance at Council meetings. It was agreed that this is not a Council issue and will be brought up at the next meeting of the Literary Institute Management Committee. Until the issue is resolved, meetings will need to be held at the Neuadd Dyfi if remote attendance is required.
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Gwynedd Council – refurbishment work to Aberdyfi wharf toilets
It was agreed for the clerk to keep in touch with Gwynedd Council to establish if they require further funding.
Action: Clerk to reply to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 18 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to Councillors
* One Voice Wales – launch of Communities of Practice – Digital Community
* Democracy & Boundary Commission – Guide to the 2026 review of Senedd
* One Voice Wales – presentation by Parc Eryri to Meirionnydd Area Committee
* Gwynedd Council – consultation on extending dog control in certain open areas.
* One Voice Wales – Training for July, August & September
* Gwynedd Council – confirmation of Article 4 Direction for Gwynedd Planning Authority
* RSPB – ‘Changing Tides’ project
* One Voice Wales – Training for September – December
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* CCTV cameras
* Seagull signs
* Republishing of walking guides
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Thanks for Food Festival
* Thanks for DoveyFest
* Lord Lieutenant attendance at Remembrance services
* Photos for walking guide
* Playground update
* Events at Neuadd Dyfi
AGENDA ITEM 21 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st October 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm