by Sandy Andrews | Jul 10, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the thirty-ninth annual meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th May 2024
Present: Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Dave Williams
4 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Bradbury-Willis, Reynolds and Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Election of Chair of Aberdyfi Community Council for the year 2024-25
Cllr Dewi Owen was elected Chair
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Dunton
Cllr Williams proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chair.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Declaration of Acceptance of the role of Chair was received.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Election of Vice Chair of Aberdyfi Community Council for the year 2024-25
Cllr O’Neill was elected Vice Chair
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive the Vice Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Declaration of Acceptance of the role of Vice Chair was received
AGENDA ITEM 6 – To resolve to dissolve the Planning Committee
It was agreed to dissolve the planning committee
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 7 – To resolve to dissolve the Allotment Committee
It was agreed to dissolve the allotment committee
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To review the Terms of Reference for the Finance committee
The Terms of reference for the Finance Committee were reviewed and accepted
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Appointment of members to the Finance committee
Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Tyrrell and Williams were elected to the Finance Committee
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Appointment of members to outside bodies
Members were appointed to the following outside bodies:
10.1 Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
All councillors except Cllr Tyrrell
10.2 Aberdyfi Literary Institute
Cllr Porter
10.3 Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell
10.4 Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – councillors with a vote
Cllrs Hewins, Kelly, Owen, Reynolds and Williams
10.5 Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Kelly, Owen, Reynolds and Williams
10.6 Richard Williams and Richards Roberts Trust Fund
Cllr Reynolds (Chair), Bradbury-Willis, Owen, Porter with Cllr Williams as Trustee
10.7 Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds
10.8 Tywyn and District memorial hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy
10.9 One Voice Wales
Cllrs O’Neill and Owen, with Cllr Williams as deputy
10.10 Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To approve dates of Council meetings 2024-25
It was agreed to continue to hold meetings every third Monday in the month, with the exception of August. It was agreed to bring forward the date of the April meeting by 1 week, as the third Monday in April is Easter Monday.
2024: 17th June, 15th July, 16th September, 21st October, 18th November, 16th December 2025: 20thJanuary, 17th February, 17th March, 14th April, 19th May (Annual meeting)
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To review and adopt Standing Orders
It was agreed to adopt the Standing Orders
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To review and adopt Financial Regulations
It was agreed to adopt the Financial Regulations
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To review list of Council Assets
It was queried whether Picnic Island Bridge should be on the Asset Register.
Action: Clerk to clarify if this is the case
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Appointment of Internal Auditor for 2024/25
It was agreed to appoint Steve Lister as Internal Auditor
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Kelly
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 15th April 2024
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Matters arising
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M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas and Boxing Day
The clerk has had a reply from Gwynedd Council to our proposal for the street cleaner to oversee the toilets on these days, saying that they don’t know the street cleaner and the rotas have not yet been set, so they are unable to consider our request at the present time.
Action: Clerk to reply that we will be in touch closer to the time to arrange details
It was agreed to ask for a plan of the refurbishments planned for the toilets before it goes ahead
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council over the summer to request the plans.
M/158/(18.03.24) RoSPA report
Cllr Hewins and Dunton inspected the helter-skelter and found the metal to be structurally sound, though needs painting. Cllr Hewins contacted a paint company and confirmed what procedure needs to be followed and what paint can be used. Cllr Hewins and Dunton offered to undertake the work if the council buys the paint and Cllr O’Neill offered to meet with them to decide which colours should be bought.
Cllr Hewins will try to source a suitable metal box to store any surplus paint.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to meet with Cllr Hewins to decide colours
Action: Cllrs Dunton & Hewins to paint the metalwork on the helter-skelter and other equipment.
Action: Clerk to arrange signs and barrier tape to be erected while the work is being done.
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M/172/(15.04.24) Remedial work to compass feature in wharf gardens
This work was carried out last week
Action: Clerk to write to thank them for doing such a good job.
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Gwynedd Council report
Beca Roberts has been appointed Chair and Ioan Thomas Vice Chair of Gwynedd Council.
AGENDA ITEM 20 – Planning
Cllr Hewins declared an interest in the Bryn Awel application
NP5/50/LB65D Bryn Awel, 26 Sea View Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0LL
Listed building consent for replacement bridge
No objections raised
NP5/50/L253 11 Church Street, Aberdyfi. LL35 0ES
Installation of dark grey composite decking and stainless-steel posts with glass infill panels in lieu of existing timber decking, posts and balustrade
No objections raised
NP5/50/760 Tŷ Nain, Balkan Hill, Aberdyfi LL35 0LB
Extension to dwelling including a balcony
No objections raised
NP5/50/532H Unit 2, Wharf Gardens, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Amended description and plan:
Installation of bi-fold doors in lieu of sliding window and extending A3 use to outdoor area for consumption of food and drink purchased from the property.
It was agreed to write that this sets a dangerous precedent and while the final decision to use the land lies with Gwynedd Council Maritime department, we feel it goes against the policy that was put in place when the Canolfan Dyfi was built, that the rooms upstairs were not to be used for a cafe, as it would give an unfair advantage to those businesses.
Action: Clerk to write to Parc Eryri
NP5/50/635D 17 Mynydd Isaf, Aberdyfi LL35 0PH
Extension to residential property and the installation of a green type roof above existing garage.
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 21 – To review and approve annual return
The annual return was approved unanimously
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
AGENDA ITEM 22 – To discuss and approve specification for painting playground equipment
It was agreed to approve the specification under agenda item 17
AGENDA ITEM 23 – To receive report on BCUHB workshop attended by Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 24 – Correspondence which requires a response from the Council
* Email regarding annual community meeting
Action: Clerk to reply
* Email regarding pump for clearing slipway
It was felt this should be referred to the AA&I
* Email regarding Ardal Ni 2035 draft plan
Action: Cllr O’Neil and the clerk to attend the meeting on 13th June
AGENDA ITEM 25 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council which has already been circulated to councillors
* Email regarding possible plans for energy link from North to South Wales
* Email from Dafydd Meurig containing link to Cyngor Gwynedd report on Article 4
* Email from Wales Air Ambulance regarding changes to their provision.
* Complaint from resident regarding parasols on the pavement opposite the Britannia Inn.
* Email from The Britannia Inn regarding various issues
AGENDA ITEM 26 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* To discuss a maintenance plan for the Neuadd Dyfi P&D machine
* To discuss issues with burst water pipes in the area
* To discuss if any changes to 20mph speed limit in Aberdyfi are desired
* To discuss possible plans for pylons to be erected from North to South Wales
* To discuss possibility of having a bike maintenance station in the village
* Terrace Road shelter maintenance
AGENDA ITEM 27 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook
* D-Day flag and celebrations
* Time & Tide Bell
* Community meeting attended by Gwynedd Council, not Parc Eryri
* Air Ambulance petition
* Charging points working
* Clwb sgwrsio
AGENDA ITEM 28 – Date of next meeting
Monday 17th June 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.45pm
by Sandy Andrews | May 30, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th April 2024
Present: Councillors:
Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
4 members of the public were present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies CL/163/15.04.24
Apologies accepted from Cllr Tyrrell
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and noted that the village seemed busy at Easter, despite the bad weather.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18th March 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising CL/166/15.04.24
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M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
A quote was accepted and work to refurbish the noticeboard was approved. Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day
The clerk had spoken to the street cleaner and he offered to look after the toilets on both days, cleaning and replenishing toilet paper if required. The clerk wrote to Gwynedd Council offering this as a solution, but no reply yet.
Page 51
M/158/(18.03.24) Playground RoSPA report
* Cllr Dunton & Cllr Hewins have not yet had a chance to fully inspect the helter- skelter due to the bad weather.
* Cllr Tyrrell arranged for a quote to be sent to the clerk for painting the equipment * Cllr O’Neill reported that very few grants are available to Community Councils and in the past other councils have set up a social enterprise in order to be able to apply for grants. She will continue to look into funding options. She reported that the quote has reduced by approximately £11,000 due to the price of materials going down.
* Cllr Hewins has removed the ends of the concrete benches and is researching the best way to secure the benches into the ground.
* The clerk has not contacted Abergynolwyn Council yet to see who paints their play equipment
* The inside of the helter-skelter has been cleaned
* GL Jones have said they will repair the wet pour as soon as practical but this has been hampered by the wet weather
* Cllr O’Neill reported that Machynlleth sold their redundant play equipment to Dyfi Reclamation but is not sure if this company still exists.
Action: Cllrs Dunton & Hewins to inspect the helter-skelter
Action: Cllr Hewins to report on best method of securing benches to the ground Action: Clerk to contact Abergynolwyn council regarding painting play equipment Action: Clerk to get specification for paint from GL Jones
Action: Cllr Hewins to create specification for painting the play equipment Action: Cllr O’Neill to research funding opportunities
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there have been no meetings at Gwynedd Council due to the Easter break. He reported that a Gwynedd council worker had spoken to him last week and told him that work is planned to start on the cycle path between Caethle and the Cemetery next month. The Community Council had previously been told that funding has not yet been found, so it unclear if this will happen.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning CL/169/15.04.24
NP5/50/532H Unit 2, Wharf Gardens, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Installation of bi-fold doors in lieu of sliding window and extending A3 use of covered area included within lease on Unit 2 for consumption of food and drink purchased from the property.
Objections raised by two councillors. Cllr Reynolds stated that Coast was previously refused planning permission to sell takeaway.
NP5/50/762 Four Winds, 3 Corbett Lane, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RB
Construction of detached garage with level parking area, formation of decking area, alterations to pedestrian access and dwelling alterations
No objections were raised, but the access problems were noted
NP5/50/400FLand to rear of Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi. LL35 0HF
Construction of 2 detached sheds to store equipment and machinery to maintain adjacent land
No objections were raised but the dispute over access was noted
NP5/50/159B 3 Melin Ardudwy, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RY
Demolition of garage and the erection of two storey side extension
Cllr O’Neill declared an interest in this item
No objections were raised
Action: Clerk to raise access problems with Parc Eryri for Four Winds and Greenhill Bungalow applications
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To note new salary scale for the clerk CL/170/15.04.24
It was noted that the clerk moved up one point on the salary scale on 1st April 2024
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss and approve wording for licence to occupy the football field
The amendments to the wording were approved and the clerk to send the amendments to the Golf Club for approval.
Action: Clerk to send amendments to the Golf Club for approval
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To agree and approve remedial work to compass feature in wharf gardens
A quote was accepted and remedial work to the compass approved Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Williams
Action: Clerk to arrange for work to be carried out
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To agree and approve remedial work to Terrace Road shelter
It was agreed to wait until Cllr Tyrrell is present to make a decision.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To receive quote and approve repairs to the bus shelter
It was agreed to go ahead with repairs
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive quote and approve painting of playground equipment
It was unclear if the paint specified in the quote was suitable and it was agreed to further research what type of paint should be used.
Action: Cllr Hewins to create specification for painting play equipment Action: Clerk to ask GL Jones what paint they use and how much is needed
AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss request from Golf Club to provide more dog poo bins
It was agreed to ask the Golf Club if they will pay half the cost of a dog poo bin at Trefeddian crossing.
Action: Clerk to contact Golf Club
AGENDA ITEM 15 – To discuss how to respond to Parc Eryri Article 4 planning proposals
It was agreed to write to Parc Eryri objecting to the proposals and to request that someone from Parc Eryri and / or Gwynedd Council attend the community meeting next week to give more information on the proposals.
Action: Clerk to write to Parc Eryri
Action: Cllr Owen to invite representatives of Gwynedd Council and / or Parc Eryri to the community meeting
AGENDA ITEM 16 – To discuss effects of new recycling regulations in the village
It was noted that Aberdyfi Community Council have no jurisdiction over bins in the village and they suspect that there will be teething problems initially. It was agreed to bring up the issue at the community meeting and to monitor the situation over the summer.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda of community meeting
Cllr Owen reported that there has been a lot of fly-tipping recently in the lay-by beyond Braich y Celyn Hall where the railings have been damaged.
Action: Clerk to write to Network Rail regarding the issue
AGENDA ITEM 17 – To note correspondence not requiring a decision from the Community Council
* Email regarding drop-in events on Gwynedd Council housing schemes
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for consideration at future meetings CL/180/15.04.24
* Water situation in Aberdyfi and frequency of burst pipes
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook CL/181/15.04.24
- Article 4 proposals
- Date & Agenda of Community meeting
- Welsh Language sessions56
- Water fountain
- Plastic Free Aberdyfi
- AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next meeting CL/182/15.04.24
Monday 20th May 2024There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm
by Sandy Andrews | Apr 23, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th March 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked Cllr Hackelsberger for organising the work to tidy and plant up the main car park. He also thanked all the volunteers who helped and noted how much better the car park looks now. He reminded everyone that there is a meeting of the AA&I next Monday.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 19thFebruary 2024.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
It was agreed to continue negotiations with Gwynedd Council with a view to them removing the grass cuttings.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk is still waiting for a quote
Page 45
M/128/(15.01.24) Toilets closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day
The clerk shared an email she had received from Gwynedd Council, stating that the
public toilets can not be opened on these days, as it is unfair to expect the cleaners to have 3 days worth of cleaning to do when they return to work. It was agreed to reply, stating again that we don’t expect them to be cleaned on those days.
Action: Clerk to reply
Page 46
M/139/(19.02.24) Golf club licence to use football field
The clerk still hasn’t heard from the Golf Club regarding this issue
Action: Cllr Williams to remind the Golf Club that they need to review the lease
M/142/(19.02.24) Ear wax removal at Tywyn Health Centre
The clerk has had it confirmed that this service will be offered again at Tywyn as soon as funding becomes available
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
It was noted that both savings accounts have now been opened.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that at the full meeting of the council, it was agreed to increase Council Tax by 9.5%, which equates to £2.14 a week for Band D. He realises this a large increase and gave the clerk a helpline phone number for people who are struggling to pay their Council Tax. She will advertise this number on social media and in Rushlight.
He reported that the board of Gwynedd Council met in the Yacht Club earlier today and he was invited to join them for lunch. He discussed many of the issues in the village such as the problems with sand encroaching into the village and they responded that they understand our problems a lot better having been here. He hoped that some of the problems may start to be remedied as a result.
At the Harbour Users meeting, Cllr Owen was told that interviews for a new deputy-harbourmaster are being held imminently and a new Beach Warden for the area has been appointed. At the meeting the harbourmaster reported that he now has a drone so is able to check on moorings and buoys much easier. He also reported that mooring and launch fees are increasing by £10 this year.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L89B 3 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0EU
Retrospective application to relocate existing condensing unit to its former location at side of property.
New description and amended plan for application
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss purchase of flag for D-Day 80th anniversary
It was resolved to buy a 5’ x 3’ flag at a cost of £28.80.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins
Action: Clerk to purchase flag and arrange hoisting
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To receive a report on meeting with Gwynedd Council regarding village public toilets
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he, together with Cllr Reynolds and the clerk, met with a representative of Gwynedd Council to discuss refurbishment of both sets of public toilets. It was a very positive meeting and they were told that the refurbishment of the main toilets is due to start in the autumn, though there is likely to be less money for the refurbishment than previously hoped. It was agreed that the Community Council could possibly collaborate with Gwynedd Council to ensure that the toilets are refurbished to a good standard. The Councillors were told that that the reason our toilets are being refurbished and not ones in other towns is because ours are not vandalised. Once the main toilets are refurbished, we will continue to talk to Gwynedd Council and seek to get the Neuadd Dyfi toilets refurbished in the near future.
Action: Clerk to remain in contact with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To receive an update on cycle path project
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he walked along the route between Trefeddian Terrace and the cemetery with the clerk and found that it was completely under water for a distance of approximately 100 metres so a board walk or other solution would be needed to allow cycles and pedestrians to travel freely. However, a board walk would cause problems for the energy companies who need to access that area with heavy machinery to maintain the overhead cables. The need to build a bridge across the stream at a different location on the proposed path was also discussed and it was agreed that this section of cycle path is a much more complicated project than initially envisaged. It was agreed to wait and see if Gwynedd Council obtain funding for the other part of the cycle path and if they are successful, then the Community Council will ask to work with them to complete the section between the cemetery and the village, as it was felt the project is too complicated for the Community Council to undertake on its own.
It was noted that no decision has yet been made on the planning application for the section of cycle path between Caethle and the cemetery.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To agree grants to be awarded
Applications were received from several organisations and it was resolved to award £100 to each of Meirionnydd Young Farmers, Welsh Air Ambulance, Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Dail Dysynni.
It was noted that the grant to the Neuadd Dyfi for 2023/24 is £4,091.00
Action: Clerk to distribute grants
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To agree date for Annual Community Meeting and discuss format and agenda
It was agreed to hold the Annual Community Meeting on 22nd April, with reports from the Community Council, AA&I, Neuadd Dyfi and Aberdyfi Community Projects Group followed by an open forum.
Action: Clerk to advertise date and agenda
AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss RoSPA report and receive an update on Playground Project
Cllr Tyrrell reported that he had found an identical helter-skelter to the one in Aberdyfi in Goodwick but which had been removed on Health and Safety grounds. The clerk contacted Goodwick and Pembrokeshire County Council and was told that they had spent a long time and exhausted all possibilities to get theirs fixed and as repairs were going to cost £10,000, it was removed. Cllr Dunton reported that the fibreglass is sound and that it is the gelcoat that is wearing, which can be repaired quite easily.
The clerk reported that we have received planning permission for the new playground and Cllr O’Neill reported that most grants are not available to Community Councils. She also reported that she understood Machynlleth council had sold their redundant play equipment to a reclamation yard and she noticed that Abergynolwyn play equipment was being painted when she travelled through recently.
It was agreed to clean the inside of the helter-skelter, repair the gelcoat, remove the concrete bench ends and to organise painting of the other equipment.
The clerk reported she had contacted GL Jones who said they will repair the wet pour as soon as possible, but the wet weather has delayed work.
Action: Cllr Dunton to source someone to repair gelcoat
Action: Cllr Tyrrell to try to find someone to paint equipment
Action: Cllr O’Neill to research funding options
Action: Cllr Hewins to remove concrete bench ends and bolt down other benches
Action: Clerk to contact Abergynolwyn Council to ask who paints their play equipment
Action: Clerk to arrange cleaning of inside of helter-skelter
Action: Clerk to ask GL Jones for date of repair
Action: Clerk to find out how Machynlleth council disposed of their play equipment.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence
* Introduction of Strategic Development Plans.
The Chair reported that he and the clerk attended a meeting where Strategic Development Plans were explained, though no date has been given as to when they will be implemented. There will be 4 development plan areas and Aberdyfi will be in an area stretching from Aberdyfi up to Angelsey and across to Wrexham. The plans are envisaged to create more cohesive plans for these areas, such as transport and housing etc. but at the moment they are in the very early stages and who will be involved in creating the strategic plans has yet to be decided.
* BCUHB update
The clerk reported that she had attended a meeting with representatives of BCUHB presenting on progress made one year on from being put in special measures. Improvements have been made in all areas, though generally these have only been small, and it was acknowledged that there is a long way to go. BCUHB have been working hard on creating closer links with staff and agencies such as the ambulance service and creating a more open culture so that improvements can be made from the bottom up rather than top-down. They will be holding face to face meetings throughout communities in Gwynedd this year to find out what local communities need and want to happen.
* Residents have expressed concerns about the new junction near Machynlleth as it is hard to see when travelling from Machynlleth and traffic coming from the other direction is travelling fast round a bend, so may well not be able to stop in time if someone is pulling out of the junction. It was agreed to write to Steffan Jones at Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to write to Steffan Jones expressing the concerns of the Community Council
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Creation and adoption of new operating policies
* Training plan review
* Water situation in Aberdyfi and frequency of burst pipes
* Slate compass in wharf gardens
* Shelter on way to Penhelig
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Council Tax helpline number
- Gwynedd Council Board meeting in village
- Date & Agenda of Community meeting
- Welsh Language sessions
- Neuadd Dyfi events
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next meeting
Monday 15th April 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm
by Sandy Andrews | Mar 20, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 19th February 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllr O’Neill
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it has been a very quiet month in the village.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 15thJanuary 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 41
M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has emailed Aled to see if he would be willing to remove the grass cuttings but has not yet had a reply.
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk has asked Stuart Myring for a quote to refurbish the large white noticeboard but has not had a reply and has not yet asked Gwynedd Council if the lights are their responsibility.
Action: Clerk to chase up Stuart Myring
Page 42
M/127/(15.01.24) To note new pension arrangements for the clerk
Cllr Porter reported that pension contributions have been paid for November, December and January and will be paid every month going forward. She has agreed the figure to be back-dated with Mr. Lister, so she will now arrange for this to be paid.
Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
M/128/(15.01.24) Correspondence
Vehicle stuck in Cwm Maethlon
The clerk met with Andrew Gregson and asked if Gwynedd Council could put ‘do not follow satnav’ signs at each end of the valley. He agreed to look into it and it was noted that Pennal and Tywyn Councils have both asked for the same thing.
Toilets closed on Christmas and Boxing Day
The clerk is meeting with Bryn Hughes on 28th February to discuss the cost of refurbishment of the Neuadd Dyfi toilets and will also ask him for the toilets to be open every day of the year. She will also ask him about the lights under the canopy and the blocked gutters at the main toilets
Action: Clerk to meet with Bryn Hughes.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported that there will be a full meeting of Gwynedd Council in two week’s time when the council tax rates will be set for the coming year. He has been told that the work at Dyfi Bridge is progressing well and they are hopeful of finishing at the end of next week, ie. beginning of March.
The greenery at the side of the road between the Penhelig and Outward Bound has now been cut back and has made a big difference to visibility for vehicles. He urged everyone to let him know if there are any other hedges/ overgrown areas on the roadside and he will arrange for them to be cut back.
The footpath known as Lover’s Lane is in danger of becoming blocked by landslip if the shale that is piled next to it moves. This is especially concerning with the heavy rain recently experienced in Aberdyfi.
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council.
Number 4 Maes Newydd has been bought by Gwynedd Council as part of their scheme to buy back local housing. This house will now be refurbished and let out to local residents.
Two new nurses have been recruited for Tywyn hospital, a new Nurse Practitioner for the GP practice and it is hoped that 3 GPs will join the practice full-time in the next few months.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/573B Rhos Awel, Aberdyfi LL35 0NR
Demolition of existing single storey extension and construct new single storey extension, and demolition and replacement of front boundary wall
No objections were raised
NP5/50/130D Bwlch Gwyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
Construction of rural enterprise dwelling (re-submission)
No objections were raised and it was resolved to write in support of this application.
ME0452 Tides Inn, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE
Application to vary premises licence
Unanimously resolved to object on grounds of close proximity of residential properties and bedrooms of The Dovey Inn directly above the bar.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To approve Deed of Variation to the licence between Aberdyfi Community Council and Gwynedd Council
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Hewins
It was noted that the Golf Club have not yet commented on the licence to use the football field sent to them for approval
Action: Cllr Williams to chase up
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To agree to lead the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi by example, to remove single use plastic items from the Council premises and operations, and to encourage plastic-free initiatives in the area, promoting the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi and supporting its events.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Porter
Resolved unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To note grant awarded by Gwynedd Council for allotment improvementsand to approve installation of a communal greenhouse and other essential works to improve safety in the allotments.
It was agreed to spend the money originally budgeted for the work on the trees on installing the greenhouse, creation of a communal compost area and replacement of handrail.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Email regarding wax removal from ears at Tywyn Health Centre. A query was raised about why this service no longer being offered at the GP practice in Tywyn. Cllr Bradbury-Willis reported that in Hywel Dda Health board, this service is being moved to an out-patient service and will be carried out by a Health Board professional with specialist ear nurses being trained. She reported that locally a wax removal service is available from herself at Balance in Aberdyfi and Specsavers in Aberystwyth. 46Action: Clerk to ask what measures are being taken by Betsi Cadwaldr Health Board.
- The clerk met with Andrew Gregson of Gwynedd Council regarding speed signs and he advised that current speed signs would not work in Aberdyfi due to cars parked along the side of the road. He also reported that the life cost of one camera is approximately £20,000. He said that smaller, mobilecameras are being trialled so suggested waiting to see if the technology and price make it a more feasible option for Aberdyfi.
- Email from Arthog & Fairbourne Council asking if we are willing to donate helter-skelter slide. It was felt that this was not a feasible option, as there is no point in getting a new spiral slide if the helter-skelter is still useable. It was agreed to look more into extending the life of the helter-skelter. It was agreed to revisit the RoSPA report at the next meeting.Action: Cllrs Tyrrell and Dunton to research repairing the helter-skelterAction: Clerk to add to agenda for next month
- Free training on Strategic Development Plans
- Email regarding Westhaven apartments. It was agreed this it is not within the council’s remit to comment on the issue of UPVC windows.
- Email regarding BCUHB meetings this year. The clerk has asked to be informed when a meeting is held locally in order for Aberdyfi Councillors to attend.
- Cllr Hackelsberger reminded everyone that volunteers are needed on Saturday morning to help plant in the car park.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for consideration at future meetings
RoSPA report
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Congratulations on pantomime
- Community planting on 24th February
- Community lunch 8th March
- New photo ID required for voting
- Food Festival and Dovey Fest dates
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th March 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.40pm
by Sandy Andrews | Feb 20, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th January 2024
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Mark Dunton
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Sadie Porter
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies accepted from Cllrs Tyrrell and Owen
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that the person who vandalised the Christmas Tree lights had handed themselves into the police and will pay the cost of replacing the lights. He reported that he has been told of broken glass which has been found in the dunes on several occasions so has forwarded this information onto the harbour master. On Saturday there was a presentation to the previous sub-Post Mistress to thank her for all her work.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18thDecember 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 37
M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has emailed Aled to see if he would be willing to remove the grass cuttings but has not yet had a reply.
M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard
The clerk has asked Stuart Myring for a quote to refurbish the large white noticeboard but has not had a reply. The Chair reported that he had noticed there is a light under the canopy but it doesn’t work.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council and ask if this light is their responsibility.
M/96/(20.11.23) Main car park planting
A date has been set for Saturday 24th February at 10am for the planting. The preparation work will be done beforehand by Cllr Hackelsberger and others. Posters have been put up in the village and on social media, asking for volunteers.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
No Applications had been received
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To agree and approve precept for 2024-25
It was resolved to set the precept at 4.5%.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Porter
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note new pension arrangements for the clerk
Cllr Porter reported that she has enrolled the clerk in a pension scheme though is still investigating the issue of backdated payments. The clerk has been re-enrolled with the Pension Regulator.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Correspondence
- The Ardal Ni team will be working in the village from 22-26 January when they will continue with work on the lights in the main car park
- It has been confirmed that the road at Dyfi bridge will be closed from 10th February for up to 3 months. No mitigation has yet been received. It was thought that the route of the detour goes through Cwm Maethlon, not Talyllyn, and it was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to ask for clarifictaion and to ensure that signs are put at each end of the valley. Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- It was reported that a large articulated vehicle got stuck on the hairpin corner in Cwm Maethlon recently and it was agreed to ask Gwynedd Council for permanent ‘do not follow satnav’ signs to be put at each end of the valley.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- Fly-tipping was reported by the main train station and it was agreed to contact Gwynedd Council with this information and ask if parking bays could be created to help stop this in the futureAction: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council42
- The clerk reported that both sets of toilets were closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and as a result, the street cleaner had to clear up at least 5 sets of human faeces around the village. It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to request that they be left open, even if they can’t be cleaned on those days.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
- Pont y Brics road is currently closed while the old changing rooms are being demolished. If people go across the level crossing instead, they MUST phone before crossing.
- Car charging points should be connected within the next few weeks.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Items for consideration at future meetings
No items reported
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- New Year’s Day fundraiser
- Pantomime
- Community planting on 24th February
- Ceilidh on 24th February
- Community lunch 8th February
- New photo ID required for voting
- 10th February road closure
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th February 2024
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 7.55pm
by Sandy Andrews | Jan 17, 2024 | ** COUNCIL, MINUTES ARCHIVE
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th December 2023
Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Roman Hackelsberger
Cllr Ian Hewins
Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
1 member of the public was present.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Dunton, O’Neill, Porter and Reynolds
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements
The Chair welcomed everyone and congratulated everyone involved in the Tractor Run at the weekend, saying it was spectacular and hoped it raised a lot of money for charity. He noted that the lights in the subway are not working at all and some of the CCTV cameras around the wharf area need maintenance or replaced. It was agreed to ask Phil Pugh to look at the cameras and for the clerk to inform Gwynedd Council about the faulty lighting in the subway.
The Chair reported that the lights on the Christmas Tree had been vandalised and were not working any more. The perpetrators were caught on CCTV and this footage has been passed to the police, and it looked as though boats and other items on the wharf had been damaged too. The clerk reported the incident on Facebook and received offers of help from various local and national businesses to replace the lights. Unfortunately new lights had been bought before the offers were received but it was agreed how appreciative the council are of the support from the community.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20thNovember 2023.
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
Page 31
M/87/20.11.23 – To approve licence for use of football field by golf club
The clerk has sent the draft licence to the golf club but has not yet received a reply
Page 32
M/88/20.11.23 – To approve change of lease with Gwynedd Council
The clerk has sent the draft licence to Gwynedd Council and has requested the lease be changed to contain a generic clause regarding the licence. They felt this would be acceptable and are in the process of amending the lease for the approval of the Community Council.
M/90/20.11.23 – To discuss installation of speed signs
The clerk has received examples of the speed signs Gwynedd Council intend to use and she has arranged to meet with Mr Gregson of Gwynedd Council early next year to discuss where they could be sited and how much installation and ongoing costs would be.
M/93/20.11.23 – Sharing CCTV system with the harbour authority
The Chair has spoken to the harbour master and it has been agreed that the harbour authority will buy their own system.
Cllr Owen reported that the harbour office is not fit for purpose and a portacabin will be placed close to the office early next year and this will be used until a new office can be found / built.
Page 33
M/94/20.11.23 – Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground
The clerk has not heard back from Aled if he is agreeable to doing this work
Action: Clerk to chase up
M/95/20.11.23 – Village noticeboard
The clerk has not had time to talk to the pharmacy about putting a monitor in his window. Cllr Owen reported that he has been told by Parc Eryri that the digital noticeboard included in the recent Tourist Information Centre planning application is for Aberdyfi Community Council, not Parc Eryri. It is not clear if they will pay for the digital noticeboard, so it was agreed to wait to see who will have to pay for it.
Wooden noticeboard by the toilets: it was agreed to wait to see what happens with the digital noticeboard before doing anything about this board.
Large white cork board in the covered area: It was agreed to ask Stuart Myring if he could clean up this noticeboard and repaint it.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring
M/96/20.11.23 – Main car park planting
Gwynedd Council have given their permission for the Community Council to go ahead with this work. Cllr Hackelsberger reported that the plan is to set a date, hopefully in February, and ask the village residents to come along and help on that day. A small digger has been offered and a call for hardy plants will be made in Rushlight, although plants will also be bought and Cllr Hackelsberger will apply to the AA&I for funding for this.
Action: Clerk to put something in Rushlight and to inform Bob Nickless that this work will be happening and ask for his suggestions / help.
Page 34
M/96/20.11.23 – Public toilet concerns
The clerk has contacted Gwynedd Council and they confirmed that they have been successful in obtaining funding to refurbish the main toilets in Aberdyfi and the work will be carried out next Autumn / Winter to avoid the tourist season. The work will not include the toilets by the Neuadd Dyfi and the clerk will be meeting with Gwynedd Council to discuss how much it would cost to refurbish these ones and to find out exactly what work is planned for the main toilets.
The clerk reported that both sets of toilets were given a deep clean in the spring and then again in the autumn and she has arranged for the same to be done next year.
Action: Clerk to meet with Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Owen
Unanimously agreed
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report
Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:
The recent full meeting of Gwynedd Council lasted over 5 hours. BCUHB reported that the situation at Tywyn hospital and Health Centre is improving steadily and 2 more nurses have been recruited. The plan is for them to start at the beginning of next year.
It was reported that more houses than ever in Gwynedd are not paying any rates at all. Cllr Owen asked who is responsible for checking that houses are being let for the full 182 days in order to claim rate relief and was told that there are not the resources to check them. Cllr Owen pointed out that quite a few businesses in Aberdyfi are potentially coming up for sale soon and this is being echoed in other sea-side towns, so he has asked for an impact assessment to be done into the effect of businesses closing down on the local communities.
Gwynedd council reported that they have bought over 30 houses with a view to letting them to locals, but couldn’t give a figure of how many are currently unoccupied, as most are being refurbished. Cllr Owen pointed out that as many second homes are now being sold and becoming holiday lets, local communities are being eroded and lost. He reported that Parc Eryri are thinking of following Gwynedd Council in implementing Section 4 of planning, whereby people will have to apply for planning permission to change from residential use to a second home or to a holiday let, but they will wait to see how it works first.
Cllr Owen reported that he has been voted in as Chair of Network Rail’s Cambrian Coast Committee. The council congratulated him on his appointment. He
reported that more coaches are currently being built so that the trains on the Cambrian Coast can have 4 carriages rather than 2, but these will not be in service until 2025. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the railway bridges in Aberdyfi could be painted.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/165C Glygyrog Ddu, Aberdyfi LL35 0RL
Retrospective application for part single / part two storey side extensions including balcony / terraced areas, two storey rear extension, front porch, alterations to roof of existing dwelling including installation of 3 rooflights, and associated work.
Action: Clerk to contact Parc Eryri expressing disappointment that we were not given a chance to comment on the application had it come though in the normal manner
NP5/50/10M Outward Bound Centre Aberdyfi LL35 0RA
Formation of additional car parking areas in connection with the Outward Bound Centre
No objections raised
NP5/50/647B Existing highway verge adjoining A493 between Aberdyfi & Tywyn
Formation of a footpath (Active Travel route) between the communities of Tywyn and Aberdyfi adjacent to the A493
No objections raised
NP5/50/L89B 3 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0EU
Retrospective application to retain condensing unit at side of property
No objections raised
AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss councillor’s consumables renumeration
The clerk reported that councillors will be paid £156 expenses going forward, but they will be able to decline this payment. If they do, it will be up to the full council to decide what to do with the money, not the individual councillor.
In addition, councillors can either be paid a flat rate of £52 for consumables, or can claim this back from the council. If a flat rate, it is exempt from PAYE, but if reimbursed from the council, this will be subject to PAYE.
The clerk informed the council that each individual councillor will be able to choose what they want to do about both payments, which will come into force in the next financial year.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve budget for 2024/25
Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss opening two savings accounts
The finance committee proposed opening two instant access accounts to allow the ring-fenced money from Aberdyfi Tourism and the Playground appeal to be kept
separate from working capital and everyday savings.
The finance committee proposed reviewing the situation next year with a view to opening a notice account then.
Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action: Clerk to open two instant access savings accounts
Action: Finance committee to discuss notice accounts next year
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss purchase of a council laptop for CCTV access
It was agreed to purchase a laptop which runs Microsoft software up to £200.
Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Action: Clerk to purchase laptop
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve payment for storage of mobile kitchen
It was agreed to pay 3 years back-dated rent for storage and to pay yearly going forward at a rate of £10 per month.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger
Action: Clerk to arrange for payment to be made
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
* Parc Eryri Recreation Strategy
* Coastal path above Hillside Park is overgrown
Action: Clerk to contact Aled and ask him to cut it back
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings
* Ask a representative from BCUHB to come to our meeting
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
* Advent windows
* Fireworks New year
* New Year’s Day fundraiser
* Nurses recruited for Tywyn
* Tractor Run
* Vandalism of tree lights
* Cycle path update
* Car park planting
AGENDA ITEM 26 – Date of next Meeting
Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50pm