Minutes of the thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 17th May 2021
Present were :- Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Councillors :-
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Simon Worman
Public: Pat Hellen
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for their work over the past year.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Annual Return
The Annual Return for 2020/21, done in conjunction with Steve Lister, was presented to Council for approval.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Election of Officers 2021/2022
Cllr Dewi Owen was nominated for the position of Chair.
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Worman
Agreed unanimously
Vice Chairman
Cllr David Owens was nominated for position of Vice Chair.
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Tyrrell
Agreed unanimously
Planning Committee
The whole Council
Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee
The whole Council, except for Cllr Tyrrell
Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee
Cllr G Jones (Chair)
Harbour Advisory Committee
Cllr Tyrrell
One Voice Wales
Cllr D Owen and Cllr O’Neill, with Cllr Williams as deputy
Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote
Cllrs Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and J. Bradbury-Willis
Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund
Cllrs Owen, Jones and S. Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Reynolds as Chair and Cllr Williams as Trustee
Lewis Lloyd Trust
Cllr Reynolds
Meirionnydd Access Group
Cllr O’Neill
Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund
Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy
Allotment sub-committee
Cllrs Jones (Chair), O’Neill and J. Bradbury-Willis
Finance Committee
Cllrs Owen (Chairman), Owens (Vice Chair) and S. Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy.
Caravan Site Committee
Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly and S. Bradbury-Willis.
Re-appointment of Internal Auditor
Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2021/22, in accordance with minute CL/133/20.1.20
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Agreed unanimously
Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents, copies of which are available for inspection in Council office.
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr O’Neill
Agreed unanimously
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis joined the meeting at this point.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of Ordinary Meeting 19th April 2021
Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Williams
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Clerk had a reply from Mr. Jones, asking for clarification on various points on the project.
It was agreed to ask for a site meeting with Mr. Jones to clarify all his points, Cllr O’Neill to contact Refill UK for clarification and the clerk to talk to the planning department at SNPA. Cllr Kelly confirmed that the Community Council has previously agreed to pay for the water and associated costs with the water fountain.
Action: Clerk to ask Mr. Jones to do a site visit and meet with councillors to address the points raised. Cllr O’Neill to ask Refill UK for answers to points raised by Mr. Jones. Clerk to ask SNPA planning department if there are any planning implications. Cllr O’Neill to re-circulate a photo of the proposed fountain to all councillors. Clerk to add to agenda for June
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M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
Cllr O’Neill informed the council that GL Jones is still waiting for the Perspex for the back of the shelter to be delivered and apologised for the delay in installation. The shelter is finished, all except for the Perspex. As soon as they received the Perspex they will install the shelter.
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements
The clerk has had a reply from Adrian Williams, in which he asked for sight of the proposals. It was agreed to write back to him, explaining the process the council hopes to go through (asking for artists to submit proposals or a competition) and asking for approval in principle. It was also agreed to ask in the first instance that the subway be cleaned up, as at present it is very dirty.
Action: Clerk to write to Mr. Williams
M/139/(18.01.21) Penhelig Toilets development
Chair informed the council that he has spoken to Gwynedd Council and the clerk has written to Gwynedd Council, expressing the council’s concern about the traffic problems caused by the work being done there.
Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council again.
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M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall
This has not yet been repaired and the clerk confirmed that she had been told by Gwynedd Council that it is on their monthly inspection list.
M/150/(15.02.21) Installing CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that he waiting for a quote to install the cameras, but otherwise the system is ready for use.
M/164/(15.03.21) Community Needs survey
Cllr O’Neill informed the council that the first draft of the survey has been done and there is a meeting with various organisations involved in housing at the end of the month.
M/166/(15.03.21) Buying football goal posts
Clerk reported that she is waiting for a delivery date
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M/177/(19.04.21) Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that he had spoken to Gwynedd Council and they confirmed that all parking will be changed to 45 minutes, not 1 hour as was requested by the Community Council in a letter and he was very disappointed that Gwynedd felt this was an acceptable decision.
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M/182/(19.04.21) Parking at Neuadd Dyfi car park 3rd – 6th June
The event has been postponed until 24th – 26th September and the Yacht club are seeking permission for motorhomes to park on these dates instead. It was agreed that this was acceptable
Action: Clerk to inform the yacht club of the decision
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M/184/(19.04.21) Items for consideration at future meetings
Railings at Penhelig shelter
Cllr Reynolds reported that the railings had been put in place and the gate will be in place shortly.
Missing fencing from side of footpath from Penhelig to Hillside Village.
The Clerk reported that she sent photos to Gwynedd Council who replied that they will send an inspector out to investigate the situation.
Traffic Lights at Dyffryn Hill
The Chair reported that the lights are there because there is a badger set in the bank, which is causing subsidence, but because badgers are protected, nothing can be done until they finish breeding.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report
It was agreed to accept the report as a true and accurate report.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis
Agreed unanimously
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report
Gwynedd Council has a new Chief Executive in Dafydd Gibbard, who has worked with Gwynedd Council since 2003 as head of housing and planning. He seems very approachable and the Chair suggested the Council invite him to one of the Community Council’s meetings later on this year.
Action: Clerk to put on agenda for later in the year
He also reported that he has been told that money will be forthcoming to move the cycle path project forward. He will make further enquiries and also talk to Tywyn town councillors, as they seemed to know more about the project than he did.
Action: Chair and Cllr Tyrrell to find out more information
The Chair reported that the leisure centre is back open now and has been well-used since it has been open.
Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight
Gwynedd Council had it Annual Meeting last week and there is a new Chair in Simon Glyn, a Plaid Cymru Councillor, and a new Vice Chair in Elwyn Jones, who is an Independent councillor. The Chair reminded the Community Council that next year there are elections for new councillors for Gwynedd and there will be changes, as a number of councillors will be retiring.
The Chair reported that Network Rail have closed the line between Machynlleth and Shrewsbury and it will not reopen until 27th June, as they are repairing a bridge on the outskirts of Machynlleth.
He also reported that they have started on the new bridge on the outskirts of Machynlleth and as a result there have been extremely long queues due to the traffic lights, which are causing major problems already and it is particularly concerning as it will be much busier soon with a bank holiday and the main tourist season. It was agreed to find out how long the traffic lights are expected to be there.
Action: Clerk to contact Machynlleth town council as a matter of urgency and Chair will go to the council office at the Plas in Machynlleth.
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis expressed concern as she has been informed that there is a plan to close the road completely in front of the small cottages on the Aberdyfi side of the current bridge over the river.
Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council as a matter of urgency
The Cambrian Rail Line will be shut between the 12th September to 12th December to allow work on the Barmouth bridge.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning
NP5/50/T482G Hafod, 13A Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EB
Removal of chimney and extractor flue
No objections were raised
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss providing a bus shelter
It was agreed that a bus shelter is needed but it is unclear whose responsibility it is to provide or pay for a shelter. The Clerk reported that Gwynedd Council have told her that the process is to email Gwynedd Council who will send out an inspector, who will assess the situation and produce a plan and costs. Discussions can then take place about who will be liable for costs.
Action: Clerk to email Gwynedd Council with a location and report back their response
AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss 20 mph proposals
The Chair reported that he believes there are a few village and towns in Gwynedd who have 20 mph in place and it was agreed that the community Council should site to Gwynedd Council asking for a 20mph speed limit between the institute and Penhelig Corner.
Action: Clerk to write to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To consider installing a dog waste bin at Trefeddian Terrace car park
It was agreed not to install a waste bin at Trefeddian Terrace car park but instead to purchase some humorous ‘take your litter home’ signs and put them up and review the situation at the end of the year.
Action: Cllr O’Neill and clerk to liaise and purchase signs
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence
- Litter and bin problems
It was suggested putting stickers on the bins saying CCTV in operation but
it agreed that the bins opposite the chemist are not owned by the community council and therefore the council cannot put stickers on the bins. It was agreed to write back to the complainant suggesting they put clearer signs on their bins and keep them locked. It was also agreed to write to all the businesses again, asking them to ensure they keep the bins locked and work with Gwynedd Council to come up with a satisfactory way of dealing with the situation. It was also agreed that the chair will talk again to Gwynedd Council about putting the bins behind the wall. It was agreed that responsibility for these bins lies with Gwynedd Council and owners should be liaising with them, not the Community Council.
Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis suggested the council asked for limiters to be put on the bins in the main car park, to stop people putting in black bin bags of household waste.
Action: Clerk to reply to complainant and write to businesses, also to contact Gwynedd Council, forwarding the photos.
- Day on the Quay and Food festival
It was agreed that Day on the Quay will not be able to happen in 2022, as there will be work being done on the wharf development at that time.
However, the Food Festival will be able to go ahead in 2022 and the Council will support the organisers in their efforts to run the events.
Action: Clerk to inform organisers of these decisions.
- Choosing subject of tree sculpture.
The clerk reported that some residents had complained that there had been no decision to have an osprey as the subject of the sculpture. Cllr Williams informed the Council that a sculptor did a site visit and said that an osprey would make the best use of the shape of the tree, so it had been agreed that this is what would be carved.
The clerk reported that she has asked for quotes based on an osprey.
Action: The clerk will present quotes once they are all received.
- Health Centre
It was agreed that the response from the health centre was not very useful, as a resident was left without access to medical care between 8am and 8.30am, as at this time the health centre phone message said it was closed with no reference to the Out Of Hours service and she was not able to contact OOH at this time either. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis reported that Access Standards say that telephones should be answered in a set time, but this doesn’t seem to be happening at Tywyn.
Action: Clerk to reply to the Health Centre asking for clarification on how to contact them in an emergency between 8am and 8.30am and other
issues raised. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis will forward access standards for Betsi Cadwalder to the clerk. Clerk to ask Tywyn town council if they’ve had similar issues.
- Wharf development project
Chair believes that tenders have gone out this month and work is due to start in September.
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- New playground project
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook
- Leisure Centre open again
- What the money from Neuadd Dyfi car park has been spent on
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of Next meeting
Monday 21st June at 7pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm.