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Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 15th June 2020

Present were:

Cllr Dai Owens

Cllr Brian Kelly

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Nigel Pearson

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr James Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Dave Williams

AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies


Cllr Dewi Owen and Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements


Cllr Owens assumed the Chair

AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 18th May 2020


Proposed: Cllr Jones       Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Unanimously approved.

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Approval of Annual Return for sending to external auditor


Proposed Cllr Williams     Seconded Cllr Reynolds

Unanimously approved

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters Arising


          M/155/(16.3.20) Public Toilets Counters & maintenance

It was felt that the toilets need to reopen as soon as possible as people have been seen using public places recently and this is highly undesirable. Both the Chair and the Clerk have been unable to contact Alun Wynn Jones about this issue, despite several attempts. The Clerk reported that the Chair


has spoken to other people in Gwynedd Council, all of whom said that they couldn’t see why the toilets could not be reopened, as the ones in Dolgellau are already open. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the hand-washing facilities in Aberdyfi were up to Covi-19 standard and it was generally felt that they are not. It was felt that Councillors would like Gwynedd Council to put in place signs and hand-sanitiser when they reopen, as well as reprogramming the hand-washing facilities to provide longer times for hand-washing.

Cllr Jones said we will have to rely n the public being sensible to a certain extent, but that signs, better hand-washing facilities and hand-sanitiser were essential. Cllr Kelly pointed out that Coast café cannot open unless the toilets are open, as they have no toilet facilities on the premises.

Action: The Chair / Clerk to talk to Gwynedd Council about this as a matter of urgency and to write to the Council, requesting the toilets be opened as soon as possible.

          M/23/(16.3.20) Website management & social media

The Clerk reported that Nigel Upton is writing a handbook to help her manage the website and he is very happy to be on hand should she require any help in the future. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis sent her a link to a online tutorial and reiterated that he will also be on hand and willing to help the Clerk with this, should it be required.

The Clerk reported that she has now set up a Facebook page for Aberdyfi Community Council and welcomed any comments and additions.

          M/25/(18.5.20) Wharf reconstruction project

As the Chair was not present, this update was postponed until the next meeting

Action: Add to agenda for next meeting

M/32/(18.5.20) Gwynedd Rights of Way

Footpath by the new housing development has now reopened and has been cleared of all overgrown vegetation

M/32/(18.5.20) Keep Wales Tidy

No date has been set to start work on the wildlife garden

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report


Cllr Williams asked how the fees paid to Steve Lister this year compared to last year for preparing the Internal Audit. Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis thought it was a lot less last year, but couldn’t be certain.

Action: Clerk to check last year’s fees and report at next meeting


Cllr Tyrrell queried the cost of the BT bill and asked if it would be possible to have a domestic tariff, which would be much cheaper. Cllr Kelly thought that this had been discussed and researched previously and that it is not possible for the Council to have a domestic tariff, though asked if the Clerk would check the information.

Action: Clerk to check previous minutes and telephone bills and report back

Proposed: Cllr Williams    Seconded: Cllr Kelly

AGENDA ITEM 7  – Committee Reports


Nothing to report            

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report


As the Chair was not present, this report was postponed until next meeting

AGENDA ITEM 9 – Considerations for reopening of the village


The Clerk reported that she had been approached by one of the pub landlords, asking if it would be possible to put tables and chairs on the grass on the wharf area, to help with reopening. She spoke to the Harbourmaster and was told that Gwynedd Maritime had already had discussions about this and the area between the tourist information centre and the road is to be cleared and re-turfed, with picnic benches. However, he could give no idea on timescale. The Harbourmaster also said that they were not keen to have tables and chairs on the main grassed area as this would potentially cause problems with littering and broken glass on the grass as well as damage to the grass. The councillors agreed it was not a good idea to have tables and chairs on that area. Cllr Tyrrell asked when the pubs may reopen and Cllr Jones informed him that the breweries said they are working towards the end of July, 3 weeks behind England, assuming no further lockdowns.

Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that the wording of the car park agreement itself provides for ACC to receive a share only of cash receipts from the car park. Although during initial contractual discussions, Gwynedd Council were not prepared to change the agreement itself, they provided a side-letter to confirm that ACC would receive a share of all income, irrespective of type. Cllr Tyrrell therefore asked if the Clerk could check with Gwynedd Council that their statements include both cash income and income from the card machine (which was installed last year).

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to ask if their statements include both cash payments and any from card machines.


AGENDA ITEM 10 – Coronavirus update


The Welsh Government is now publishing weekly online bulletins on Coronavirus

and the Clerk offered to send the link to Councillors, should they wish to receive copies. There was a discussion and agreement by all councillors that businesses in the village need to reopen as soon as possible and we need to support them in this.

AGENDA ITEM 11 – Tree Root near Braich-yCelyn Hall


Neil Storkey spoke to Sean Wilkes and was informed that the engineers have inspected the root and deemed it safe, though they will keep it under surveillance.

Sean mentioned that the root is technically on private land so is currently the owner’s responsibility and there is nothing the Highways department can do about it. If, or when, the root obstructs or falls onto the road, then it becomes a highways matter and Sean will arrange for it to be dealt with.

At this point, the internet of Cllr Owens became faulty, so the Clerk took on the role of Chair

AGENDA ITEM 12 – Wharf area lights


Cllr Kelly reported that he had spoken to the harbourmaster and he is dealing with it. Council workers painting the poles had also noticed the painted glass and reported it. Cllr Kelly understands that the glass will be replaced either by frosted glass or shields will be put in place.

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Tarian Cymru request for funding


A discussion was held as to whether the Council wanted and were able to contribute to the request for funding for PPE for frontline workers. Cllr Tyrrell asked if Tarian Cymru is a charitable organisation and the Clerk informed him that there was no Charity number shown on any of their literature or website. He replied that he felt the Council should not be donating to anything that is not a recognised charity and the other Councillors agreed. It was decided to mention Tarian Cymru in Rushlight so that members of the public could donate if they choose.

Action: Clerk to add Tarian Cymru to Rushlight

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Website management & social media


Item covered in matters arising


AGENDA ITEM 15 – Wharf reconstruction project


Item covered in matters arising

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Planning


NP5/50/733                  1 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER

                                      Installation of external cladding and flue

                                      Application received via email

                                      No objections, unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence received


Cambrain Coast Railway Liaison Conference Committee

Notes from meeting about Barmouth Viaduct project

Gwynedd Council                    Notice to local mariners

Members of public                  Memorial bench applications

Member of public                    Allotment resignation

One Voice Wales                     Covid-19 workplace safety risk assessment

Gwynedd Council                    Premises Licence application for 14 Glandovey Terrace

Wharf Garden Committee      Request for drinking water fountain

Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that there are very good water fountains on Aberystwyth promenade, providing water to refill bottles, dog bowls etc and are operated by using knees. She offered to look more into this project to see if it was something we could be involved in. Cllr Tyrrell asked if the water fountain could be linked to the water supply to the harbourmaster’s office.

There followed a discussion about refurbishing the wharf area, such as putting in water fountains at the same time or after the Wharf Redevelopment Project happens, as this project only covers strengthening and adding to the harbour wall and paving slabs and doesn’t extend to the wharf gardens area. Cllr Kelly suggested an ornamental water feature could be part of this refurbishment.

Action: Cllr O’Neill to research water fountain project and report at next meeting

Action: Add refurbishment of wharf gardens area as an agenda item for next meeting

Action: Chair to discuss installing a water fountain with the harbourmaster and Gwynedd Council and if it would be possible to link into the existing water supply in the area


AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business


Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if a question from Cllr Mike Richards about the cost of the wall on the roadside beyond Trefeddian Terrace had been answered. It has not yet been answered.

Action: Add to agenda for next meeting and Chair to check

Cllr Tyrrell asked if it would be a good idea to have some banners printed to put up when the village opens again to visitors, welcoming them back.

Action: Add to agenda for next meeting. Clerk to research costs and timings.

AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • Sheep mauling incident
  • Community quilt
  • Vacant allotment
  • Masks
  • Tarian Cymru request
  • Thank you to the frontline workers in the village for all their hard work
  • Thank you to whoever is painting pebbles and leaving them for people to find!
  • A reminder not to be discouraged from seeking medical help if you need it.
  • AA&I request for co-opted members

AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of next meeting


Monday 20th July 2020, 7pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.23pm