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Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th July 2023

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Roman Hackelsberger

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

4 member of the public were present.

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


No apologies received.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and said how good it is to have the clerk back at work.

AGENDA ITEM 3 – To co-opt a new councillor


Roman Hackelsberger was co-opted as a councillor.

Proposed: Cllr Williams  Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

Unanimously agreed

Mr. Hackelsberger signed an Acceptance of Office form in the presence of the clerk and council.

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive a presentation and discuss the 2023 Food Festival


A presentation was received by the organisers of the Food Festival which is planned for Sunday 20th August and it was agreed that the council would arrange for the football posts to be removed on the Friday before the festival and would help on the Saturday to set-up chairs, water-connections etc. and clean the site before and after the event. The council also agreed for dogs to be allowed on the site for the event and would provide dog poo bags to be positioned around the site. 

Action: Councillors to remove football posts and help set-up and clear-down the event. Clerk to supply dog poo bags.


AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 19th June2023.


Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Williams

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters arising


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M/3/15.05.23 – Matters arising

The clerk reported that it is unclear whether anyone has spoken to the harbourmaster about the location of the information board for the Time & Tide Bell, or if anyone has written to Peter Gringold for examples of other information boards. The council confirmed that neither has been done and asked the clerk to follow up both items.

Action: Clerk to contact the harbourmaster and Peter Gringold. 

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M/23/29.06.23 – Correspondence

Benches to replace the curved ones in the wharf gardens have been ordered and will be delivered on 18thJuly.

M/24/19.06.23 – Items for consideration at future meetings

Coastal erosion

Cllr Owen reported that he is meeting with Mabon ap Gwynfor and members of Aberdyfi Golf Club on 1stAugust to discuss this issue, so will be able to give an update at the next meeting.

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s report


Proposed: Cllr Hewins Seconded: Cllr Owen

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:

Some information from the census which was done a few years ago has now been published and contains some statistics such as there were less Welsh speakers in Gwynedd than the last census and the average age of the population in Gwynedd has increased. 

He also reported that he has spoken to National Resources for Wales who informed him that the recently reported pollution in the water in Aberdyfi is due to animal waste being washed down the estuary from farms and areas further upstream during high tides and it is not human waste being discharged from the storm drain in the village.

Action: Clerk to find out more information regarding storm drain in Aberdyfi.


It has been reported that Aberdyfi has a high incidence of planning violations and Cllr Owen will ask if Snowdonia National Park planning department are coming to Aberdyfi in the Autumn as normal, and if not, he will request that they come down to meet with the council to discuss planning matters.

Action: Cllr Owen to contact Snowdonia National Park planning department

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss 20mph speed limit to be introduced in September


It was reported that all 30mph signs will have to be replaced by 20 mph signs by law and Cllr Owen reported that he had asked Gwynedd Council how much this was going to cost, but a figure was not available. He was assured he would be given the figure at the next meeting of Gwynedd Council. 

Cllr Owen reported that he has discussed the possibility of placing flashing speed signs at the entrance to the village with the Highways department at Gwynedd Council and they are happy to work with the Community Council to explore this idea.

Action: Cllr Owen to research price of flashing speed signs.

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To confirm members of the Finance Committee


The clerk informed the council that at the Annual Meeting this year, the members of the finance committee were agreed to be Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, O’Neill and Owen, with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy. Cllr O’Neill informed the council that she had not agreed to be on the finance committee and this was a mistake. The council agreed that going forward the finance committee will be comprised of Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Owen, Tyrrell and Williams. 

Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Porter

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 11 – Planning


No planning applications have been received

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss and confirm member’s allowance payments to be made to councillors


All councillors did not want to claim any allowances for the year to end of March 2023 and supplied written confirmation of their wish to opt out.

The clerk reminded the council that next year it will be compulsory to accept allowance payments and the council noted that this will need to be taken into account when setting the budget for next year.

Action: Clerk to ensure allowance payments are included in next year’s budget.

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss and decide on a proposal for the golf club to use the football field for junior training



The Chair informed the council that he was approached by the golf club with a request to use the football field for training junior members in return for maintaining the field, cutting the grass etc. It was agreed in principle to go ahead, with a final decision being made after consultation with a solicitor and a lease being agreed. 

It was agreed that in the interim Cllr Owen would cut the grass with a tractor and the council would pay for the fuel. Cllrs Hackelsberger and Tyrrell agreed to compile a list of requirements and responsibilities to be included in any lease.

Proposed: Cllr Dunton Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Unanimously agreed 

Action: Cllr Hackelsberger and Tyrrell to compile list of requirements and responsibilities to be included in lease

Action: Clerk to contact a solicitor and ask them for more information on leases

Action: Cllr Owen to cut the grass on the football field.

AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss and decide on installation of water-bottle filling station


The clerk reported that she has had confirmation from SNPA that planning permission is not needed as it comes under permitted development. The clerk will forward this information to Mr Edward Jones at SNPA and it was agreed for Cllrs Hewins and Owen to install the station. 

Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

Action: Clerk to contact Mr. Jones and copy in the harbourmaster

Action: Clerk and Cllrs Hewins and Owen to liaise with the harbourmaster regarding installation

Action: Cllrs Hewins and Owen to install the filling station

AGENDA ITEM 15 – To delegate powers to the Clerk and Chair until the September meeting


Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Hackelsberger

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Correspondence


* Fisherman’s compound

The Chair informed the Council that this project is now not going ahead, as new planning permission was required for the project to go ahead without electricity, as this was proving to be too expensive to include in the project, but planning permission would not be completed in time before the deadline for the EU money to be spent, so FLAG took the decision not to proceed with the project. FLAG has now disbanded due to the EU funding stream coming to an end.

* Dovey Fest

This will take place on 26th / 27th August on the wharf gardens with fireworks on the Sunday evening on the beach.


* Graffiti at Pont y Brics

Cllr Reynolds sent photos to the Clerk, who forwarded them on to Gwynedd Council. The Council came to view the graffiti the next day and informed the clerk that it will be dealt with. 

* Playground Project update

Cllrs O’Neill and Porter informed the council that the working group had a site meeting with Calloo last week. The colours have been toned down and slight changes made to the wetpour design and they are waiting for these changes to be sent through. Once the new design has been received, banners will be created which will include the design and a QR code linked to the fundraising page. Cllr O’Neill reported she has meetings about National Lottery and Community grants in the next few weeks.

Action: Cllr O’Neill to meet with grant-giving bodies 

It was agreed to ask Barry Griffiths for a quote to repair the concrete benches.

Action: Clerk to contact Barry Griffiths for quote

* Railings in main car park

Cllr Tyrrell reported that Ardal Ni have been working through the list of areas in the village needing attention, but the list needs updating. He is meeting with Gwynedd Council next week to discuss the railings between the car park and the promenade and will suggest a wall be put in place of the railings, to help stop the sand being blown into the car park. They will also discuss what options are available to tidy the areas that currently contain trees, boulders etc. in between the parking bays. He reported that Gwynedd Council have agreed to replace all the lamp-posts in the car park. 

Action: Cllrs Owen and Tyrell to meet with Gwynedd Council 

* Maintenance of Osprey sculpture

The clerk informed the council that she will purchase the oil required to maintain the sculpture and arrange for it to be applied. 

Action: Clerk to purchase oil and arrange for it to be applied

* House sign at the old Catholic Church

Several complaints have been received about the house name being displayed outside the old Catholic Church. It is felt to be an inappropriate and disrespectful name as people’s ashes are scattered in the land adjoining the property.

Action: Cllr Owen to speak to the owners

* Community wi-fi network

The clerk and Cllrs Hewins, Owen and Porter attended a meeting last week regarding the community wi-fi network installed in the village. Currently it only covers the wharf gardens, the car park and the bottom of Copperhill Street, but there are plans to extend it further and it was requested that it be extended as far as the Neuadd Dyfi. 


Sensors are available to collect different types of data such as footfall, pollution levels, noise levels etc. and the data would be uploaded to a website so that the information would be in the public domain. More information will be forthcoming on the project as it progresses. 

Action: Clerk to keep council informed of project progress

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for consideration at future meetings


List of improvements needed in the village

AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


Food Festival

Dovey Fest

Wellbeing Hub

Fire Service 125 year celebrations

AGENDA ITEM 19 – Date of next Meeting


Monday 18th September 2023 at 7.00pm

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm