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17th July 2023

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that the thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi followed by an Ordinary Meeting of said council will take place on Monday 17th July at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 12th July 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To co-opt a new councillor

4. To receive a presentation and discuss the 2023 Food Festival.

5. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 19th June 2023

6. Matters arising

7. Treasurer’s report

8. Gwynedd Council report

9. To discuss 20mph speed limit to be introduced in September

10. To confirm members of Finance Committee.

11. Planning

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

12. To discuss and confirm members allowance payments to be made to councillors

13. To discuss and decide on a proposal for the golf club to use the football field for junior training.

14. To discuss and decide on installation of water-bottle filling station.

15. To delegate powers to the Chair and Clerk until September meeting 

16. Correspondence:

* Fisherman’s compound project update

* Dovey Fest

* Graffiti at Pont y Brics

* Playground project update

* Coastal erosion update

* Railings in main car park

* Maintenance of osprey sculpture

17. Items for consideration at future meetings

18. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

19. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 20thFebruary at 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 14th February 2023


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16th January 2023

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning 

NP5/50/L68B Nandoras, 19 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ED

Extensions and alterations to owner’s flat above existing shop

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To discuss possible village celebrations for the King’s Coronation

10. To receive and approve quote for maintenance of trees in allotments

11. To receive and discuss quotes for playground repairs

12. To approve rate of pay for locum clerk

13. To receive and approve quote and design for playground renovations

14. To discuss coastal erosion and it’s effect on the Golf Club.

15. Correspondence

16. Items for consideration at future meetings

17. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

18. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 16th Januaryat 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 11th January 2023


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 12th December 2022

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning 

NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE

Amended plans to previous application

NP5/50/744 Compound near Boat Yard, Penrhos, Aberdyfi

Formation of 12m x 12m hardstanding with power and water supply

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To approve precept for 2023-24

10. To discuss proposals for 20mph limit in Aberdyfi.

11. To agree amounts to be donated to other organisations

12. Correspondence

13. Items for consideration at future meetings

14. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

15. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 12thDecember at 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 7th December 2022


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 21st November 2022

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning 

NP5/50/747 2 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER

Installation of external flue

NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE

Amended plans to previous application

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To approve budget for 2023-24 

10. To approve donation to the Neuadd Dyfi 

11. To consider and approve training plan for Aberdyfi Community Council 

12. To approve purchase of replacement hedge trimmer for wharf garden volunteers 

13. Correspondence

14. Items for consideration at future meetings

15. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

16. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

21st November 2022

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 21stNovember at 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 16th November 2022


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 17th October 2022

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning

NP5/50/400D Land adjacent to Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0HF

Change of use and construction of double garage, workshop and parking area.

Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF

Premises Licence Variation Application

NP5/50/153B The Exchange, 4 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LP

Notice of appeal following refusal of planning permission

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To note new pay-scales from NALC

10. To approve yearly payment to Information Commissioner’s Office for use of CCTV. 

11. To consider and approve costings of information boards.

12. Correspondence

13. Items for consideration at future meetings

14. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

15. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

17th October 2022

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 17th Octoberat 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 12th October 2022


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 26th September 2022

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To receive presentation on information boards

10. To discuss SNPA Consultation on Aberdyfi Conservation Area

11. To adopt One Voice Wales model Financial Regulations 

12. To discuss list of areas needing attention to send to the Ardal Ni Team.

13. To discuss funding for the Food Festival 2023

14. To discuss creation of a warm space in the village

15. Correspondence

* Transport problems in the village

* Picnic Island Bridge

* Cycle path

* Compound 

16. Items for consideration at future meetings

17. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

18. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council