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18 December 2023

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 18thDecember at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

Public session

Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research. 

Dated: 13th December 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 20th November 2023 

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative

7. Planning

NP5/50/165C Glygyrog Ddu, Aberdyfi LL35 0RL

Retrospective application for part single / part two storey side extensions including balcony / terraced areas, two storey rear extension, front porch, alterations to roof of existing dwelling including installation of 3 rooflights, and associated work.

NP5/50/10M Outward Bound Centre Aberdyfi LL35 0RA

Formation of additional car parking areas in connection with the Outward Bound Centre

NP5/50/647B Existing highway verge adjoining A493 between Aberdyfi & Tywyn

Formation of a footpath (Active Travel route) between the communities of Tywyn and Aberdyfi adjacent to the A493

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To discuss and approve councillor’s consumables renumeration.

9. To approve budget for 2024/25

10. To approve opening two instant access savings accounts

11. To discuss and approve purchase of council laptop for CCTV access.

12. To approve payment for storage of kitchen

13. Correspondence:

* Parc Eryri recreation strategy

14. Items for consideration at future meetings

15. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

16. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

16 October 2023

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 16th October 2023

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Roman Hackelsberger

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen – Gwynedd Councillor

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Dave Williams

2 members of the public were present.

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies received from Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and said there seems to have been quite a few visitors to the village in October. He has also noticed a poster has been stuck to the bus shelter so he is going to ask them to remove it.

AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18thSeptember 2023.


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising


Page 16

M/3/15.05.23 – Time & Tide bell

The clerk has not been able to talk to the harbourmaster yet

Cllr Owen offered to speak to him at the Harbour Users meeting planned for the next day.

Action: Cllr Owen to speak to harbourmaster

Page 17

M/24/19.06.23 – Coastal erosion

Cllr Owen is waiting for Mabon ap Gwynfor to set a date to meet.

Action: Cllr Owen to bring up this issue at the Harbour Users meeting

M/34/17.07.23 – Planning violations

Cllr Owen has not had time to ask Parc Eryri if they plan to come to Aberdyfi this year  Action: Clerk to contact Parc Eryri


M/42/17.07.23 – Railings in main car park

Cllr Owen has had an email stating that Gwynedd Council have no money to upgrade the railings or replace them with a wall at this time. It was noted that they will have to be replaced eventually.

Page 18

M/51/18.09.23 – Road closure in January

Griffiths Ltd have advertised public meetings at the end of October and it was agreed to encourage as many people as possible to go to them to pressure them to do the work at night and keep the road open during the day. Clerk has put up posters in the village and will also put in Rushlight.

It was noted that it has been rumoured that the new bridge is behind schedule, which will affect the dates of this road closure as the new bridge needs to be open before this work can be done.

Action: Clerk to put in meeting dates in Rushlight and on website

M/53/18.09.23 – Double yellow lines at entrance to Parc yr Ysgol

The clerk confirmed that Gwynedd Council will be going ahead with this. The council unanimously agreed to the proposal. 

Page 19

M/54/18.09.23 – removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground

The clerk has emailed Gwynedd Council suggesting that the Community Council take over the grass cutting service and is reimbursed for the cost, but has not has a reply.

Action: Clerk to chase up

M/55/18.09.23 – Payment for storage of kitchen

Clerk has contacted Mr George but has not had a reply

Action: Clerk to chase up

M/56/18.09.23 – Insurance claim for locum costs

The Chair and clerk have agreed to go ahead with a claim as the excess is £250 and will have a minimal affect on premiums 

Action: Clerk to pursue insurance claim

M/57/18.09.23 – RoSPA report

GL Jones have agreed to honour their previous quote for repairing the wet- pour so the clerk has asked them to go ahead with the repairs. She is still waiting to meet with Stuart Myring to discuss painting some of the play equipment. It was noted that non-toxic paint needs to be specified. She is also waiting for a quote for repairing the benches and has not had time to put up the no dogs signs.

Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring and Barry Griffiths and put up no dogs signs


Page 20

M/58/18.09.23 – Review Food Festival

Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with organisers of Food festival at the beginning of November.

Action: Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with organisers

M/59/18.09.23 – Correspondence


These are going to be painted imminently

Campervans stayng overnight in main car park

Clerk has reported this to Gwynedd Council

Page 21

Buddlea by old School House

Clerk has reported this to Gwynedd Council

Area above Penhelig gardens

Action: Clerk to report to Gwynedd Council

Water on road in front of Britannia Inn

This has now been fixed

Footpath behind Penhelig Arms

The clerk has not yet contacted Gwynedd Council about this

Action: Clerk to report to Gwynedd Councillor

Drug use & dealing at Parc yr Ysgol

Clerk has not yet reported this to Adra. Cllr Owen reported that he had been in touch with Adra and they are aware of the situation, as are the police. 

Action: Clerk to contact Adra

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report


Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams

Unanimously agreed

It was requested that going forward the clerk produces separate accounts for the playground fundraising funds.

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:

Gwynedd Council have reported that half the houses they bought with a view to improving them and renting them to local people have been empty since last November as they have been unable to find people to do the work. There have also been problems as Gwynedd Council have been bidding against local people for the same properties. 


Gwynedd Council will have a deficit of £6 million next year, so there will be more cuts and these will be discussed in more detail soon so Cllr Owen will be able to give more details at the next meeting. A tourism tax has been discussed but no decision has been made.

Gwynedd Council have been in talks with NRW regarding sewage discharges into rivers. NRW have denied being responsible, so there is an ongoing investigation. 

Gwynedd Council are looking into the cost of replacing the harbourmaster’s office in Aberdyfi, as it has very large cracks and is not fit for purpose. It is hoped that it might be replaced next year. 

A question was asked regarding the release of game birds, as they are causing a lot of problems on the roads and elsewhere and are considerably disrupting the local ecosystem. Cllr Owen will ask if anything can be done about this.

It was asked how the cycle path project was going. 

Action: Cllr Owen to ask Gwynedd Council about the release of game birds.

Action: Cllr Tyrrell and clerk to find out about the cycle path project. 

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning


Cllr Porter declared an interest in this agenda item.

NP5/50/147Q Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG

Adapt and extend existing workshop building to include staff welfare facility, secure bike storage area, laundry area, plant / store room and the installations of EV charging points.

No objections were raised

AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss installation of speed signs


The clerk has not received any information from manufacturers. Cllr Owen is waiting to hear from Andrew Gregson but noted that last time he spoke to Mr Gregson, he had been told that these type of signs are very expensive.

It was suggested that perhaps small reminder 20mph signs could be a cheaper alternative.

Action: Cllr Owen to contact Mr Gregson to discuss small reminder signs and cost of flashing speed signs

Action: Clerk to contact manufacturers for costs

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss use of football field by the golf club


The clerk has contacted Jenkins & Jenkins solicitors in Machynlleth who have said they are able to draw up a lease / licence for us so she will make an appointment with them as soon as the list of requirements have been agreed. They will charge £250 + VAT per hour.

Cllr Hackelsberger has produced a draft lease which will be circulated to all councillors and once agreed, this will be taken to the solicitors. 

Action: Cllr Hacklesberger to email draft licence to clerk

Action: All councillors to provide feedback on draft licence 


AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss opening a savings account


It was agreed to open a savings account. Cllr Tyrrell offered to research suitable accounts.

Action: Cllr Tyrrell to research suitable savings accounts

Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next meeting

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To discuss installing a digital noticeboard


It was noted that the costs of a digital noticeboard is expensive and that this might not be the best use of public funds, as even with the addition of the Aberdyfi Tourism money, the cost is quite considerable. It was also noted that the operating system of these particular noticeboards is Windows, when we would prefer a different system. It was greed to check if the operating system can be something other than Windows and what the monthly cost for the router etc. would be. It was also agreed to find out the cost of a better physical noticeboard than the one currently in use. 

Action: Clerk to contact noticeboard company

Action: Clerk to research cost of physical noticeboard.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss installing a card payment system to the pay & display machine in the Neuadd Dyfi car park


It was agreed that the cost was too much at this time to justify, as people are able to get change from the post office across the road. It was agreed to change the coach signs and also see if it is possible to change the signs at the main car park also, to see what effect this has. It was agreed to wait to see how the new owners of the Post Office feel about the public getting change from them and revisit the card payment system at a later date.

Action: Clerk to chase up new signs from Gwynedd Council

Action: Clerk to ask Post Office if people getting money for the car park is a problem. 

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive an update on the playground project


The clerk reported that the planning application has been rejected 4 times as the plan scales do not conform to those of Parc Eryri. Caloo is now in direct contact with Parc Eryri to solve the problem. Cllr O’Neill informed the council that she had been to an Un Llais meeting and many people there had expressed dismay that we needed to get planning permission. One of the Gwynedd Councillors offered to help if we need it. Cllr O’Neill confirmed we cannot apply for grants until we have planning permission in place.

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence


* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd


* D-Day commemorations on 6th June 2024

It was agreed to make a decision about a lighting beacon closer to the time. 

* Aberdyfi wi-fi project

It was agreed to write back to say that the wi-fi needs to cover a much larger area

to be of any real use

Action: Clerk to reply to email

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings


Planting in the middle sections of the main car park

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


* Remembrance Day services

* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd

* Blood service at the Neuadd Dyfi 27th November

* Christmas Fair at the Neuadd Dyfi 25th November

* Thanks to village planter team and dog poo bag volunteers

* Pantomime

* Village road closures 6th and 13th November

* 50th Anniversary of Aberdyfi SART.

* Fireworks 6th November

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next Meeting


Monday 20th November 2023 at 7.00pm

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm



Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Finance Committee of Aberdyfi Community Council will take place on Monday 27th November at 10.30am in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said committee are hereby summoned to attend. 

Dated: 22nd November 2023

Finance Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. To discuss budget for 2024/25

3. To discuss opening a notice savings account

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council