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12th December 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 12th December 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies accepted from Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Dunton, O’Neill, Owen and Tyrrell.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out in such cold weather. 

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 21stNovember 2022.


Proposed: Cllr Jones  Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 29

M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre

It was noted that there is still no representation from Aberdyfi Community Council on the Tywyn Health Centre Public Participation Group. 

Action: Clerk to request a volunteer representative from councillors again

Page 30

M/84/(17.10.22) Cycle Path

The clerk is still trying to find out who has taken over this project from Iwan ap Trefor

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again


AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report


The clerk informed the council that one Direct Debit payment had been taken twice by mistake and one payment will be refunded. 

Proposed: Cllr Reynolds  Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report


No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


Applications received:

NP5/50/747 2 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER

Installation of external flue

No objections were raised.

NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE

Amended plans to previous application

Action: Clerk to contact SNPA to inform them that the council feels the plans are an improvement and will await the formal plans.

Information received from SNPA:

NP5/50/153B Land adjacent to Greenhill bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0HF

This application is being considered by SNPA as their legal department have decreed that the current applicant is the legal owner of the land. The clerk has sent the council’s objections to the development.

Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF

Premises licence variation application

This application has now been withdrawn

Balkan Hill House

SNPA have investigated and the swimming pool is under permitted development

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve budget for 2023-24


Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Jones

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve donation to the Neuadd Dyfi


Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Porter

Agreed unanimously


AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and approve training plan


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve purchase of replacement hedge trimmer for wharf garden volunteers


It was agreed that the Council would not approve the purchase and suggest the applicant apply to the AA&I for funding.

Action: Clerk to inform applicant 

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence


  • The water drinking fountain has been delivered and the Clerk will seek quotes closer to when the wharf development ends
  • WeSwimRun is organising a 5k fun run / walk / crawl on New Year’s Day at 10am to raise money for the playground. It was agreed to write to thank them for their generosity.

Action: Clerk to write to thank them.

  • Food Festival. The clerk had a meeting with the organisers and they are planning to go ahead with the festival in the same format as pervious years.
  • The clerk had a response from SNPA to her email thanking them for their help and support with the recent issue with Hillside Park.
  • An idea was muted to have a Christmas Tree made from lobster pots as it is impossible to have a normal tree this year due to the wharf development. It was felt this was too dangerous as it would be open to people using it as a climbing frame, so the idea was rejected.

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Residents parking when it is able to be revisited
  • Possibility of making the Roman Road to Picnic Island usable at all states of tide.

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • 5k fun run
  • Reason for lack of Christmas lights and decorations in the village this year
  • Wharf development progress
  • Picnic Island bridge photos

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting


Monday 16th January 2023

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.05pm



Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 20thFebruary at 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 14th February 2023


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16th January 2023

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning 

NP5/50/L68B Nandoras, 19 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ED

Extensions and alterations to owner’s flat above existing shop

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To discuss possible village celebrations for the King’s Coronation

10. To receive and approve quote for maintenance of trees in allotments

11. To receive and discuss quotes for playground repairs

12. To approve rate of pay for locum clerk

13. To receive and approve quote and design for playground renovations

14. To discuss coastal erosion and it’s effect on the Golf Club.

15. Correspondence

16. Items for consideration at future meetings

17. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

18. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council