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Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 15th January at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

Public session

Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research. 

Dated: 4th January 2024

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 18th December 2023

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative

7. Planning

Any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To agree and approve precept for 2024/25

9. To note new pension arrangements for the clerk

10. Correspondence

11. Items for consideration at future meetings

12. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

13. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

Cyngor Cymuned Aberdyfi Swyddfa’r Cyngor

Sefydliad Llenyddol 

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd 

LL35 0LN 

Rhoddir rhybudd drwy hyn y bydd cyfarfod o Gyngor Cymuned Aberdyfi yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Llun 15 Ionawr am 7.00pm yn y Sefydliad Llenyddol pan fydd holl aelodau’r Cyngor dywededig yn cael eu galw i fod yn bresennol. 

Sesiwn gyhoeddus

Mae gan aelodau’r cyhoedd hawl i fod yn bresennol oni bai bod penderfyniad penodol wedi’i wneud i’w gwahardd. Am gyfnod o hyd at 10 munud ar ddechrau’r cyfarfod, gall aelodau’r cyhoedd holi’r Cyngor ar faterion lleol. Bydd cwestiynau’n cael eu hateb gan y Cadeirydd neu Glerc y Cyngor. Bydd y personau hyn yn cadw’r hawl i ohirio gwneud ateb tan y cyfarfod canlynol, er mwyn gallu cael cyngor neu ymgymryd ag ymchwil.

Dyddiad: 4th Ionawr 2024 

Agenda Cyfarfod Cyffredin 

1. Ymddiheuriadau

2. Cyhoeddiadau Cadeirydd

3. Derbyn a chadarnhau cofnodion Cyfarfod Cyffredin y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd ar 18 Rhagfyr 2023

4. Materion yn codi

5. Adroddiad y Trysorydd

6. Derbyn adroddiad gan gynrychiolydd Cyngor Gwynedd

7. Cynllunio

Unrhyw geisiadau cynllunio a dderbyniwyd ar ôl cyhoeddi’r agenda hon.

8. Cytuno a chymeradwyo praesept ar gyfer 2024/25

9. Nodi trefniadau pensiwn newydd ar gyfer y clerc

10. Gohebiaeth

11. Eitemau i’w hystyried mewn cyfarfodydd yn y dyfodol 

12. Eitemau i’w rhyddhau / Rushlight / gwefan / Facebook

13. Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf

Sandy Andrews 

Clerc y Cyngor

18 December 2023

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 18thDecember at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

Public session

Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research. 

Dated: 13th December 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 20th November 2023 

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative

7. Planning

NP5/50/165C Glygyrog Ddu, Aberdyfi LL35 0RL

Retrospective application for part single / part two storey side extensions including balcony / terraced areas, two storey rear extension, front porch, alterations to roof of existing dwelling including installation of 3 rooflights, and associated work.

NP5/50/10M Outward Bound Centre Aberdyfi LL35 0RA

Formation of additional car parking areas in connection with the Outward Bound Centre

NP5/50/647B Existing highway verge adjoining A493 between Aberdyfi & Tywyn

Formation of a footpath (Active Travel route) between the communities of Tywyn and Aberdyfi adjacent to the A493

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To discuss and approve councillor’s consumables renumeration.

9. To approve budget for 2024/25

10. To approve opening two instant access savings accounts

11. To discuss and approve purchase of council laptop for CCTV access.

12. To approve payment for storage of kitchen

13. Correspondence:

* Parc Eryri recreation strategy

14. Items for consideration at future meetings

15. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

16. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Finance Committee of Aberdyfi Community Council will take place on Monday 27th November at 10.30am in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said committee are hereby summoned to attend. 

Dated: 22nd November 2023

Finance Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. To discuss budget for 2024/25

3. To discuss opening a notice savings account

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

20th November 2023

Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 20thNovember at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 15th November 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16th October 2023 (see PDF)

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report (see PDF)

6. Gwynedd Council report

7. Planning (see PDF)

NP5/50/754 Aberdyfi Playground, Bodfor Terrace LL35 0EA

Refurbishment of playground equipment and wet-pour surface.

NP5/50/532F Tourist Information Centre, The Wharf, Aberdyfi

LL35 0EE

Change external doors and glazing to shop fronts for new automatic opening doors, install notice boards on the front of the building, refurbish external ramps and installation of solar PV panels.

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To approve licence for use of football field by golf club (see PDF) 

9. To approve change of lease with Gwynedd Council (see PDF)

10. To discuss opening a savings account (see PDF)

11. To discuss installing digital speed indicator signs (see PDF)

12. To approve enrolling clerk in a pension plan

13. To note new salary scales from NALC (see PDF) 

14. To discuss sharing CCTV system with the Harbour Authority

15. To discuss paying Gwynedd Council to remove grass from Maes Newydd playground

16. To discuss installing a new village noticeboard

17. Correspondence:

* WeSwimRun have offered to do New year’s Day fundraiser for playground again.

* Menter-Mon have offered to do another session on the public wi-fi project to local businesses

18. Items for consideration at future meetings

19. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

20. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 16th Octoberat 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 11th October 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 18th September 2023

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. Gwynedd Council report

7. Planning 

NP5/50/147Q Nyth Robin Campsite, Panteidal, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG

Adapt and extend existing workshop building to include staff welfare facility, secure bike storage area, laundry area, plant / store room and the installation of EV charging points.

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To discuss installation of speed signs

9. To discuss use of football field by golf club

10. To discuss opening a savings account

11. To discuss installing a digital noticeboard

12. To discuss installing a card payment system to the pay & display machine in Neuadd Dyfi car park. 

13. To receive update on playground project

14. Correspondence: 

* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd regarding road closure in January

* D-Day commemorations

* Aberdyfi wi-fi project

15. Items for consideration at future meetings

16. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

* Remembrance Day services

* Public meetings with Griffiths Ltd

* Blood service 27th November

* Christmas Fair 25th November

* Thanks to village planter team

* Pantomime

* Village road closures in November 

17. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 

18th September 2023

Aberdyfi Community Council 

Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 18th September at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 13th September 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 17th July 2023

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. Gwynedd Council report

7. Planning

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To discuss placing double yellow lines at the entrance to Parc yr Ysgol 

9. To discuss removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground. 

10. To discuss making a payment for storage of the mobile kitchen

11. To decide whether to make an insurance claim for locum clerk costs. 

12. To discuss RoSPA report and decide any actions 

13. To review Food Festival

14. Correspondence:

* Coach signs at Neuadd Dyfi car park

15. Items for consideration at future meetings

16. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

17. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council