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15 January 2024

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 15th January 2024

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Roman Hackelsberger

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Dave Williams

1 member of the public was present

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies accepted from Cllrs Tyrrell and Owen

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that the person who vandalised the Christmas Tree lights had handed themselves into the police and will pay the cost of replacing the lights. He reported that he has been told of broken glass which has been found in the dunes on several occasions so has forwarded this information onto the harbour master. On Saturday there was a presentation to the previous sub-Post Mistress to thank her for all her work. 

AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18thDecember 2023.


Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising


Page 37

M/94/(20.11.23) Removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground

The clerk has emailed Aled to see if he would be willing to remove the grass cuttings but has not yet had a reply.

M/95/(20.11.23) Village noticeboard

The clerk has asked Stuart Myring for a quote to refurbish the large white noticeboard but has not had a reply. The Chair reported that he had noticed there is a light under the canopy but it doesn’t work.

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council and ask if this light is their responsibility.


M/96/(20.11.23) Main car park planting

A date has been set for Saturday 24th February at 10am for the planting. The preparation work will be done beforehand by Cllr Hackelsberger and others. Posters have been put up in the village and on social media, asking for volunteers.

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report


Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Porter

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report


No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning


No Applications had been received

AGENDA ITEM 8 – To agree and approve precept for 2024-25


It was resolved to set the precept at 4.5%.

Proposed: Cllr Hackelsberger Seconded: Cllr Porter

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note new pension arrangements for the clerk


Cllr Porter reported that she has enrolled the clerk in a pension scheme though is still investigating the issue of backdated payments. The clerk has been re-enrolled with the Pension Regulator.

AGENDA ITEM 10 – Correspondence


  • The Ardal Ni team will be working in the village from 22-26 January when they will continue with work on the lights in the main car park
  • It has been confirmed that the road at Dyfi bridge will be closed from 10th February for up to 3 months. No mitigation has yet been received. It was thought that the route of the detour goes through Cwm Maethlon, not Talyllyn, and it was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to ask for clarifictaion and to ensure that signs are put at each end of the valley. Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
  • It was reported that a large articulated vehicle got stuck on the hairpin corner in Cwm Maethlon recently and it was agreed to ask Gwynedd Council for permanent ‘do not follow satnav’ signs to be put at each end of the valley.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council 
  • Fly-tipping was reported by the main train station and it was agreed to contact Gwynedd Council with this information and ask if parking bays could be created to help stop this in the futureAction: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council42
  • The clerk reported that both sets of toilets were closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and as a result, the street cleaner had to clear up at least 5 sets of human faeces around the village. It was agreed to write to Gwynedd Council to request that they be left open, even if they can’t be cleaned on those days.Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council
  • Pont y Brics road is currently closed while the old changing rooms are being demolished. If people go across the level crossing instead, they MUST phone before crossing. 
  • Car charging points should be connected within the next few weeks.

AGENDA ITEM 11 – Items for consideration at future meetings


No items reported

AGENDA ITEM 12 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • New Year’s Day fundraiser
  • Pantomime
  • Community planting on 24th February
  • Ceilidh on 24th February
  • Community lunch 8th February
  • New photo ID required for voting
  • 10th February road closure

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Date of next meeting


Monday 19th February 2024

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 7.55pm



Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 18th March at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

Public session

Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research. 

Dated: 13th March 2024

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 19th February 2024

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report

6. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative

7. Planning

NP5/50/L89B 3 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0EU

Retrospective application to relocate existing condensing unit to its former location at side of propertyNew description and amended plan for application

Any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To discuss purchase of flag for D-Day 80th anniversary

9. To receive a report on meeting with Gwynedd Council regarding village public toilets 

10. To receive an update on cycle path project

11. To agree grants to be awarded. 

12. To agree date for Annual Community meeting, discuss format and agenda

13. To discuss RoSPA report and receive an update on the Playground project

14. Correspondence

* Introduction to Strategic Development Plans

* BCUHB update

15. Items for consideration at future meetings

* Creation and adoption of new operating policies

* Training plan review

16. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

17. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council 


Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 19thFebruary at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. 

Public session

Members of the public have a right to attend unless a specific decision has been taken to prohibit them. For a period of up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, members of the public may question the Council on local matters. Questions will be answered by the Chair or the Clerk to the Council. These persons will reserve the right to postpone making an answer until the following meeting, to be able to take advice or undertake research. 

Dated: 14th February 2024

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 15th January 2024

4. Matters arising 

5. Treasurer’s report

6. To receive a report from the Gwynedd Councillor representative

7. Planning

NP5/50/573B Rhos Awel, Aberdyfi Ll35 0NR

Demolition of existing single storey extension and construct new single storey extension, and demolition and replacement of front boundary wall

NP5/50/130D Bwlch Gwyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG

Construction of rural enterprise dwelling (re-submission)

ME0452 Tides Inn, Aberdyfi LL35 0EE

Application to vary premises licence

Any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To approve Deed of Variation to the licence between Aberdyfi Community Council and Gwynedd Council.

9. To agree to lead the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi by example, to remove single use plastic items from the Council premises and operations, and to encourage plastic-free initiatives in the area, promoting the campaign for Plastic Free Aberdyfi and supporting its events.

10. To note grant awarded by Gwynedd Council for allotment improvements and to approve installation of a communal greenhouse and other essential works to improve safety in the allotments. 

11. Correspondence

* Email regarding wax removal from ears at Tywyn Health centre

* Meeting with Andrew Gregson regarding speed signs

* Email from Arthog & Fairbourne Council asking if we are willing to donate helter-skelter slide.

* Free training on Strategic Development Plans

* Email regarding Westhaven apartments

* Email regarding BCUHB meetings this year

12. Items for consideration at future meetings

13. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

14. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council