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Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 20thNovember at 7.00pm in the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 15th November 2023

Ordinary Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies

2. Chair announcements

3. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16th October 2023 (see PDF)

4. Matters arising

5. Treasurer’s report (see PDF)

6. Gwynedd Council report

7. Planning (see PDF)

NP5/50/754 Aberdyfi Playground, Bodfor Terrace LL35 0EA

Refurbishment of playground equipment and wet-pour surface.

NP5/50/532F Tourist Information Centre, The Wharf, Aberdyfi

LL35 0EE

Change external doors and glazing to shop fronts for new automatic opening doors, install notice boards on the front of the building, refurbish external ramps and installation of solar PV panels.

And any planning applications received after this agenda was published.

8. To approve licence for use of football field by golf club (see PDF) 

9. To approve change of lease with Gwynedd Council (see PDF)

10. To discuss opening a savings account (see PDF)

11. To discuss installing digital speed indicator signs (see PDF)

12. To approve enrolling clerk in a pension plan

13. To note new salary scales from NALC (see PDF) 

14. To discuss sharing CCTV system with the Harbour Authority

15. To discuss paying Gwynedd Council to remove grass from Maes Newydd playground

16. To discuss installing a new village noticeboard

17. Correspondence:

* WeSwimRun have offered to do New year’s Day fundraiser for playground again.

* Menter-Mon have offered to do another session on the public wi-fi project to local businesses

18. Items for consideration at future meetings

19. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

20. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council