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Aberdyfi Community Council Council Offices

Literary Institute

Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

LL35 0LN

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Community Council of Aberdyfi will take place on Monday 21stNovember at 7pm at the Literary Institute when all the several members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. Please contact clerk for log-in details if you wish to attend remotely.

Dated: 16th November 2022


  1. Apologies
  2. Public participation

3. Chair announcements

4. To receive and confirm minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 17th October 2022

5. Matters arising

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Gwynedd Council report

8. Planning

NP5/50/400D Land adjacent to Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0HF

Change of use and construction of double garage, workshop and parking area.

Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF

Premises Licence Variation Application

NP5/50/153B The Exchange, 4 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LP

Notice of appeal following refusal of planning permission

And any other planning applications received after agenda was published.

9. To note new pay-scales from NALC

10. To approve yearly payment to Information Commissioner’s Office for use of CCTV. 

11. To consider and approve costings of information boards.

12. Correspondence

13. Items for consideration at future meetings

14. Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook

15. Date of next meeting

Sandy Andrews

Clerk to the Council