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Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th September 2023

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Roman Hackelsberger

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Dave Williams

3 members of the public were present.

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Porter and Tyrrell

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chair announcements


The chair remarked on how good it was to see events taking place again after the pandemic and that the Food Festival and DyfiFest were both very successful. He thanked everyone who was involved in organising the events and hoped that they will continue next year.

In July there was an incident involving young people who live locally, where the signs etc. from outside the Post Office were placed on the main road, causing obstruction to traffic. CCTV footage has been passed to the police, they have issued a crime number and will be investigating further. 

The chair has been researching the sewage outlet problems reported by residents and said that it is still ongoing and he will report back when he has the full picture. 

AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 17th July2023.


Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising


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M/3/15.05.23 – Time & Tide Bell

The clerk reported she has been unable to contact the harbourmaster regarding the location of the information board for the Time & Tide Bell, or Peter Gringold.

Action: Clerk to contact the harbourmaster and Peter Gringold. 


M/24/19.06.23 – Coastal erosion

Cllr Owen reported that he is still waiting to meet with Mabon ap Gwynfor and the golf club to discuss this issue but is hoping to soon and will report at the next meeting.

Action: Cllr Owen to meet with Mabon ap Gwynfor and the golf club

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M/34/17.07.23 – Gwynedd Council report

Planning violations

Cllr Owen has not been able to contact SNPA regarding this issue.

Action: Cllr Owen to contact SNPA regrading planning violations and confirm they will visit Aberdyfi in the Autumn to meet with residents.

M/35/17.07.23 – Introduction of 20 mph speed limit

Cllr Owen is waiting to hear from Andrew Gregson of Gwynedd Council as to how much flashing speed limit signs will cost and if Gwynedd Council are willing to install them in Aberdyfi. 

The clerk has requested brochures from companies who sell these signs.

Action: Cllr Owen to contact Andrew Gregson 

Action: Clerk to add to the next agenda

M/39/17.07.23 – use of football field for golf junior training

The Chair has spoken to the secretary of the golf club and both parties seem agreeable to the proposal and agree that a legal lease or licence needs to be put in place. 

The clerk has not yet been given the details of a solicitor. 

Action: Clerk to obtain details and contact a solicitor regarding leases / licences.

Action: Cllrs Hackelsberger and Tyrrell to compile list of requirements to be included 

Action: Clerk to put on agenda for next meeting.

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M/40/17.07.23 Installation of water-bottle filling station

This is due to be installed within the next few weeks

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Playground project

We have been advised that we require planning permission so an application has been submitted. Banners containing a QR code have been bought and put up. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that we can’t apply for any grants until we know if we have planning permission or not.

Railings in main car park

Cllr Owen has written 3 emails regarding this issue and is waiting to hear back. 

Action: Clerk to chase up


Maintenance of osprey sculpture

The clerk reported that she bought oil and arranged for it to be applied to the sculpture. There is enough oil left to last two or three years

House sign on old Catholic Church

Cllr Owen has been unable to contact the owners despite 3 visits to the property. It was reported that apparently several residents have written directly to the owners but none have received a reply. 

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s report


Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Williams

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen reported on Gwynedd Council matters as the Gwynedd Councillor for Aberdyfi. The report included:

20mph speed limit

Gwynedd Council acknowledge that the change will cause different feelings within the community and Cllr Owen said he will contact Mr Gregson again about installing flashing speed cameras at either end of the village.

Road closure in January

Cllr Owen has spoken to Griffiths Ltd, who have been inundated with complaints about the proposed closure at the cottages on the North side of the old bridge for 3 weeks in January. This will result in a diversion via Talyllyn and Corris, which will add approximately an hour onto the journey. Griffiths Ltd explained that the pipes they need to lay will have to go along the middle of the road, so the whole road will need to be closed. They also explained that they are contracted by the Welsh Government to do this work, so they have to obtain permission / direction from the Government to make any changes to the plans. The clerk reported that she had also spoken to Griffiths Ltd and was told that they are logging every complaint they receive and will be passing them all onto the Welsh Government. Cllr Owen reported that Gwynedd Council were not happy with the situation either and will be objecting to the closure.

Action: Clerk to ask liaison officer of Griffiths Ltd to attend the next council meeting

Action: Clerk to write to Highways, Griffiths Ltd, Mabon ap Gwynfor and Liz Saville-Roberts

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning


No planning applications have been received

AGENDA ITEM 8 – To discuss placing double yellow lines at the entrance to Parc yr Ysgol


It was noted that the zig-zag lines have been removed from the entrance to Parc yr Ysgol but have not been replaced by double yellow lines. It was agreed to request


double yellow lines for the minimum distance either side of the side road. 

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss removing grass cuttings from Maes Newydd playground


The clerk has received a quote from Pennal Garden Services for cutting and removing the cuttings, which is approximately half the cost that Gwynedd want for just removing the cuttings. It was agreed to see if Gwynedd Council will allow the Community Council to take over responsibility for the grass cutting and reclaim the money back from Gwynedd. 

Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss making a payment for storage of the mobile kitchen


No payment has ever been made to Mr. George for storing the mobile kitchen for approximately the 7 years that we have owned the kitchen. It was agreed obtain a figure and invoice from Mr. George. 

Action: Clerk to contact Mr. George

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To decide whether to make an insurance claim for locum clerk costs


It was agreed to find out how much the policy excess is and how much premiums would go up if a claim is made. It was agreed for the Chair and Clerk to decide whether to make a claim based on the figures. 

Action: Clerk to find out policy excess and premium increases.

Action: Clerk and Chair to jointly decide whether to make claim.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss RoSPA report and decide any actions


The clerk reported that the last quote from GL Jones for repairing the wet-pour is out of date and though it was agreed to have the work done, GL Jones was not asked to do the work as the clerk went off sick before she was able to contact them. It was agreed to obtain a new quote and to go ahead if the Chair and Clerk decide if it is reasonable.

The Clerk reported she is going to meet with Stuart Myring to obtain a quote for repainting the play equipment that requires it. 

The clerk has ‘No Dogs’ signs ready to be put up

The clerk is waiting for a reply from Barry Griffiths with a quote for repairing the concrete benches and bolting down the metal benches and picnic bench. It was agreed to go ahead if the Chair and Clerk decide the quote is reasonable.

Action: Clerk to obtain new quote for repairing the wet-pour and go ahead if reasonable

Action: Clerk to obtain quote for painting equipment


Action: Clerk to put up ‘No Dogs’ signs

Action: Clerk to contact Barry Griffiths and decide with Chair if the quote is reasonable. 

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To review Food Festival


It was agreed that the festival was an overall success, having received a lot of positive feedback. The clerk reported that she had had one complaint about dogs being allowed onto the site and another about the fumes from the generator entering the properties in Rhos Dyfi. It was agreed the generator could be sited in a different place next year. It was agreed to try to get more quotes for a generator next year. It was agreed that it would be good to continue with the Food Festival next year on the same site, but noted that the organisers will need more help next year with the organising in the run-up to the event, not just on the day. Cllr Owen reported that he will meet with the clerk and the organisers to review the Food Festival and make a plan going forward.

Action: Cllr Owen and Clerk to meet with the organisers

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence


Coach signs at the Neuadd Dyfi.

Gwynedd Council are going to create a design to include cars as well as coaches and will provide a quote as well. The Community Council will then decide whether to go ahead. 


Stuart Myring is going to paint 3 of the fingerposts in the village, at a cost of £125 per post. Cllr Tyrrell is going to ask Les Hunt to remove the fingerpost by the toilets. It was agreed to ask Stuart Myring if he could repaint the part of the village sign that has been painted out by persons unknown.

Action: Cllr Tyrrell to contact Les Hunt

Action: Clerk to contact Stuart Myring


Boardwise are having a demonstration weekend on 7th and 8th October and in previous years they have been allowed to park campervans in the Neuadd Dyfi car park. The clerk has given permission again for this. 

Campervans in main car park

Complaints have been received that campervans have been staying overnight in the car park and emptying their waste in the surrounding bushes etc. Apparently the traffic warden has told them it’s OK to stay overnight, so long as they have paid the fee for 24 hours. It was noted that Gwynedd Council are trialling specific campervan sites so it was agreed to wait to see the results of these trails and to tell Gwynedd Council about the complaints and what the traffic wardens have said. 

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council


Buddlea by Old School House

This is pulling the wall down on the footpath opposite the council office. It was agreed for the clerk to write to Gwynedd Council.

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council

Area above Penhelig Gardens

It was reported that the path, railings and bench above Penhelig Gardens are in poor repair and need attention.

Action: Clerk to find out who is responsible for this area and contact them.

Water on road in front of the Britannia Inn

The clerk reported that workmen have been several times to try to fix this, but when they put cones out to clear the area, cars move them and park in the way, so they have been unable to do the work as yet.

Footpath behind the Penhelig Arms

It was reported that this footpath is deteriorating further and needs urgent attention. 

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council / Snowdonia National Park

Time & Tide Bell

Cllr Owen reported that he had received an email from a person involved with the Time & Tide Bell in Angelsey, asking to create closer links between our 2 Bells, as they are the only ones in Wales. It was agreed it would be good to explore options on how we can increase the profile of our bell and it’s remit to raise awareness of climate change.

Action: Clerk to contact them and arrange a meeting

Action: Clerk to contact harbourmaster with regard to revamping Time & Tide Bell signs with QR codes etc.

Drug use / dealing at Parc Yr Ysgol

Complaints have been received regarding apparent drug use and dealing by some residents at Parc yr Ysgol. It was agreed to write to Adra expressing concern.

Action: Clerk to write to Adra

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings


* Digital Noticeboard

* EV charging points

* Review social media policy

* Review training plan

* Footpath between Picnic Island Bridge and OB

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


* Thank organisers of the Food Festival and DyfiFest

* Road closure


* Community lunches

* Water bottle filling station

* Boardwise

* Messy church

* Time & Tide Bell

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next Meeting


Monday 16th October 2023 at 7.00pm

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50pm