Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 16th November 2020
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis, Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman noted that Covid will be with us for the foreseeable future but that there have been people staying in the village who should not be and they have been reported to the police.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 19th October 2020
Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Kelly
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Chair reported that a few councillors had visited the site and taken some photos of the preferred site outside the Tourist Information Centre while Cllr O’Neill presented information about different drinking fountains. It was agreed the preferred drinking fountain was one which would allow water bottles to be filled as well as a drinking spout. Cllr Tyrrell reminded the Council that there will be an ongoing maintenance / cleaning cost to the Council.
Action: Clerk to send these photos to Snowdonia National Park
It was also suggested that a water tap could also be added to enable ease of watering for the wharf raised beds. It was agreed to look at this as the project progresses to see if it is possible.
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M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk hasn’t been able to talk to Tywyn clerk yet.
Action: Clerk and Chair to attempt to contact Tywyn Town Council again
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Cllr Kelly reported that the engineer found that the camera was working and the actual problem seems to be water in the wiring housing, not water in the camera. He suggested the camera be moved to the corner of the building closest to the road, which would eliminate the problem of the wiring going downwards into the camera. It was suggested this might be undertaken as part of their maintenance fee.
Action: Clerk to look at maintenance contract to see if this is covered and arrange for it to be moved.
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
The Clerk and Chair both reported that they have had no correspondence on this matter but will follow it up and report back at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk & Chair to contact Gwynedd about installation of EV chargers.
M/89/19.10.20 Treasurer’s Report
Contactless Payment system for Neuadd Dyfi Car Park
The Clerk reported to install a card machine would incur £1750 set-up charges plus 10p per transaction and up to 1.2% bank charges per transaction. JustPark app system would incur £200 set-up charges plus £200 / month maintenance fee, 3% bank charges and 20p per transaction. It was agreed these are both very expensive options and asked the Clerk to investigate if there are any cheaper options.
Action: Clerk to further investigate contactless payment systems
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Rubbish disposal
The Chair reported that he had contacted Gwynedd Council who informed him that it is the individual household’s responsibility to order new bins should they need them and it is not something the Community Council can do. Cllr Tyrrell explained how easy it is to order bins and other items from Gwynedd website.
Action: Clerk to add this information to Rushlight.
Cllr Jones informed the Council that a heavy metal gate at the cemetery was in a state of disrepair and needs replacing / fixing as well as the bin that is missing from the cemetery.
Action: Chair / Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council to let them know
M/94/19.10.20 Declaring a Climate Emergency
It was agreed to have more time to analyse the information from Cllr O’Neill and add to the agenda for next month.
Action: Clerk to add as agenda item for next month.
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M/95/19.10.20 Correspondence
Plaque for Elaine Foote
Clerk reported that a local company quoted £225 for an 8×4.5” plaque. She also reported that she found various engraved slate hearts on the internet for approximately £20. It was agreed to purchase one of the hearts.
Action: Clerk to purchase an engraved heart from the internet
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Jones
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair thanked everyone who was involved in Remembrance Sunday and said how well it was organised and how well everyone behaved, everyone keeping their distance. He asked that we write to thank David Richardson for such a well organised event.
Action: Clerk to write to Mr Richardson
The Chair reported that he had attended many online meetings recently, mainly about Covid-19 and had been told that some businesses have closed due to the pandemic and that 7000 people have been unemployed since March. He hopes that the vaccine will become available soon to help businesses survive as obviously if no tourists come to our area, our local business will suffer badly. He also reported that the incidence of positive cases in schools are rising and some schools have been completely closed this last week, one of them in Penrhyndeudraeth. He hoped that this trend of the virus travelling south doesn’t continue and reach down to Tywyn schools.
It was agreed that there will be a cost to this pandemic further down the line and that the Council should increase its reserve and spend carefully going forward.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/592E Hildamere, Aberdyfi LL35 0PB
Erection of greenhouse
No objections
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Playground
To approve cost of repairs to current facilities.
It was agreed to approve the maintenance work that needs to be done on the swings and other equipment.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the work to be done
To discuss other maintenance that needs to be done on the playground
It was agreed to paint the wall and generally tidy up the playground in the spring. Cllr Kelly pointed out that the AA&I employ someone to do occasional work on the playground, so offered to check what this entails.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr Kelly and arrange work on the playground
To discuss proposals for playground improvements.
It was agreed to add this item to the agenda for next month to allow time to study the proposals and investigate funding possibilities. Cllr Tyrrell pointed out that the Aberdyfi Enterprise Trust could possibly be used to help with funding, as GiftAid could be added as the Trust is a charity
Action: Clerk to add to agenda for next month and find out more information from Bryn Lloyd, who set up the Enterprise Trust.
Action: Chair to talk to Gwynedd Council about possible funding
AGENDA ITEM 9 – To discuss possible subway improvements
It was agreed the subway needs work to improve its appearance as it is looking very untidy and dirty, but it is unclear who owns the subway and is therefore responsible for its maintenance. It was suggested a competition is held for local artists to propose a design for the subway. Cllr Williams informed the Council that Highways is responsible for the subway.
Action: Clerk to contact highways and seek permission to improve the appearance. If they do not give permission, ask them to improve it themselves.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss maintenance / improvements to Aberdyfi main car park
Concern was expressed that the main car park looks untidy and needs some maintenance and development, eg. installation of EV charging points, the railings
need painting, sand needs to be removed and the central planted areas need attention. It was agreed to ask a representative from Gwynedd Council to visit the site to discuss what needs to be done.
Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council to do a site visit to discuss maintenance and improvements
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Correspondence
- Contact from Sharp explaining our printer is obsolete and offering a new contract which should save the Council money in the long run. It was agreed to go ahead with a new contract.
Action: Clerk to contact Sharp and arrange new contract
- Resident has approached the Clerk asking if the trees in the allotments could be cut back. It was agreed the allotments sub-committee would visit the site and make a decision on what work needs done.
Action: Allotments sub-committee to do a site visit and Clerk to arrange for the work to be done.
- Resident approached the Clerk and asked if the benches in Maes Newydd can be included in the bench scheme. It was agreed to pursue this.
Action: Clerk to contact highways to ask permission.
- Resident asked if the Maes Newydd playpark could be brought into Community Council ownership. It was agreed not to pursue this at this time as too much of a liability at this uncertain time. It was suggested to think about setting up a new organisation in the village to pursue projects like this. It was agreed to come back to this at a later date.
- A resident has asked if we can encourage everyone in the village to decorate the outside of their houses for the festive season to add some cheer to the village at this worrying time.
Action: Clerk to add to Rushlight
- A resident has pointed out that the Commando memorial needs some maintenance to renew the painting of letters on the memorial. It was agreed to do this and it was noted that this work would be paid for from the Commando account and not the main bank account.
Action: Clerk to contact the person who did the original lettering and ask them to carry out the work.
- A local business asked if they might be able to buy a bench to put in the playpark. It was agreed they could, though the wording on the plaque would need close attention.
Action: Clerk to send an application for a bench to the company.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – To agree a date for the budget meeting of the finance committee
It was agreed to meet Tuesday 24th November
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- It was noted that local Council elections will not now happen until 2022 so the Community Council needs to Co-opt a new Councillor
Action: Clerk to start the co-opting process
- The Council would like to pay tribute to Morgan Vaughan and all the work he did as a Councillor, both with Aberdyfi Community Council and Gwynedd Council over the many years he was involved in the councils. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
- The pavement by the golf club is becoming dangerous due to overgrown hedges and needs attention. Cllr. Williams informed the Council that the football field is owned by the Community Council but it is leased to the football club, so we are responsible for the hedges along that stretch of road.
Action: Clerk to contact the contractor and arrange for it to be cut back
- There is a road sign that has fallen down on Gwelfor Road that needs to be reported to Gwynedd Council.
Action: Clerk to inform Gwynedd Council
Agenda Item 14 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Councillor vacancy
Advent windows
Encourage everyone to decorate houses for the festive season
British Legion thanks
Wildlife project
Institute subscriptions
The Great Aberdyfi Rake-off
How to order new bins from Gwynedd Council
Phone scam information, if room
Royal Mail scam information, if room
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 21st December 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm