Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st September 2020
Present were Councillors:
Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dave Williams
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Member of Public: Mr. Stephen Tarry
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
Cllr Gareth Jones
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chair noted that it looks like we’ll be continuing with virtual meetings for the foreseeable future. He also noted that the weather has been nice this past week and he has never seen the village so busy at this time of year, which is good for local businesses but he hopes that the visitors all follow the Government guidelines and keep their distance.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 15th June & 7th July 2020
Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
The Clerk reported that she had been in touch with Dwr Cymru who quoted £76+VAT to apply for a water supply (which will be deducted from the overall cost) and then between £800 to over £2000 to connect a water supply, depending on what work is required. A discussion was held about
the various options of connecting to the existing water supply in the wharf
gardens and it was agreed that the Chair would approach the harbourmaster to discuss if connecting to their supply with a landlord’s meter is feasible.
Action: Chair to explore this issue with the harbourmaster
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M/63/(20.07.20) Items for consideration at future meetings
Funding for cycle paths
The clerk reported that she had looked into the funding that the Welsh Government had announced for cycle paths but it seemed that it had all been allocated. The Chair suggested that the Clerk talk to Tywyn Town Council as he thought they had applied for funding a few months ago and they might be able to help with this issue.
Action: Clerk to speak to Tywyn Town Council
Speed limits
The Clerk spoke had spoken to Gwynedd Council and was informed that the project to change speed limits was a national initiative and this would include Aberdyfi, but would take about 18 months to come to fruition. It was greed that this was excellent news.
It was noted that Arrive Alive speed camera van has been seen in the village recently, which is also good news.
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Cllr Reynolds asked if there was any more information about the lack of 111 system in Gwynedd and asked how people could get tested in our local area. It was reported that you can go online to book a test or phone 119 and book a test at a testing centre or order one to be sent to your home.
Action: Clerk to add this information in Rushlight
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
Cllr Kelly noted that there is a payment for annual maintenance of the CCTV and asked that the Clerk to request that they replace the camera which isn’t currently working.
Action: Clerk to request that the faulty camera be fixed or replaced.
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if there is a map of where the cameras are in the village and Cllr Kelly offered to circulate a still photo from each camera to the Councillors as he doesn’t have a map. He will also circulate a copy of the policy used by the Council for CCTV and explained that footage can only be released to the police. He mentioned that so far we have had 2 thefts and 1 drug deal caught on the cameras. Cllr Williams explained that when the cameras were set up, they
were placed strategically so that they only record public spaces to comply with GDPR and by law the only requirement is that signs warning the public that there is CCTV in operation are displayed.
Action: Cllr Kelly to circulate a still photo from each camera and a copy of the CCTV policy to all councillors.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
Wharf redevelopment project: The Chair informed the Council he had been told 2 weeks ago that the tenders have still not gone out and he was alarmed when he heard this as the majority of funding was coming from the EU, as he understood it. However, he has been assured by Gwynedd Council that 85% of the funding is coming from the Welsh Government Coastal Erosion grant and not the EU anymore, so there should be no concern about losing the money. He reported that the project is now being held up because if the Welsh Government proceed with the work this winter as originally planned (Nov – April), they want some sort of insurance to be in place to cover any extra costs due to issues or delays because of Covid or the weather from Gwynedd Council. The Chair was asked by Gwynedd Council if the village could find some money towards this cost and explained that whatever money the village put forward would be matched 50/50 by the Welsh Government and would demonstrate both to the Welsh Government and Gwynedd Council that the community fully supports the scheme. He reminded the Council that it is an insurance policy and may not eventually be needed. He offered that the community may be able to provide £25,000 towards the scheme and proposed that the AA&I provide most of the money as this project will be a huge improvement to the village which is what the AA&I was set up for. It was agreed that the Council should support this scheme in whatever way it can and it was decided to call a meeting of AA&I to discuss it. Cllr Kelly suggested there may be an insurance policy from an external source that we could possibly fund, which may be cheaper.
Action: Cllr Kelly to call a meeting of AA&I to discuss.
Action: The Chair will enquire from Gwynedd Council if there is an insurance policy which might be suitable.
Cllr Williams asked what the policy of Gwynedd Council is going to be for the next few months in regard to the toilets in the village, as the village is still very busy.
Action: Chair will ask the question of Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/731 Bodnant, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0PB
Construction of 2 storey rear extension
No objections, unanimously agreed
NP5/50/LB179A Isfryn, 8 New Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EH
Damp proof course, underfloor heating installation, new windows and doors.
Unanimously agreed.
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that Penhelyg Toilets have now had their planning passed after an appeal. She has spoken to The Penhelig Arms who have been approached by the owners who have said that the work will be done when it is quiet in the village. Concerns were raised about the removal of public parking spaces in front of the development, as they do not own any space on the road.
Cllr Tyrrell informed the Council that he has been approached by various members of the public about the work that is being done on 6 Penhelyg Terrace, planning ref:NP5/50/728, as they believe that the windows that have been installed do not correspond to those on the planning application. He declared an interest as he lives on the Terrace, so can’t give his opinion, but he brought the matter to the Council as requested and asked if it is something that the Council can take back to Snowdonia National Park. It was agreed it was.
Action: Clerk to write to Snowdonia National park with the observation that the windows do not seem to correspond to those on the planning application.
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Playground Maintenance
The RoSPa safety report of the playground was discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk should arrange for the remedial work to be done as soon as possible.
Action: Clerk to arrange for the remedial work to be carried out
Cllr O’Neil informed the Council that there is a small group of people including herself and Cllr S. Bradbury-Wills who are looking into replacing most of the current facilities at the playground with a large ship structure which includes many different elements. They have had 2 quotes and are awaiting plans. They have approached the National Lottery about funding and have been told that they have a much better chance of receiving funding if they work in conjunction with the Community Council and so would like to discuss with the Council and AA&I about possible options for funding.
Action: Add a discussion of future plans for the playground onto Agenda for next month.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planters on the wharf
The Chair reported that many of the wooden planters on the wharf gardens needed replacing and it was agreed that the issue be put on the Agenda for the next AA&I meeting and would liaise with David Richardson who sourced the
planters originally.
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Penhelig Slipway
Some members of the public have approached the Council and individual Councillors about the gate at the top of Penhelig Slipway, opposite the Penheilg Arms, as it is rumoured that the gate is going to be replaced by a larger one and locked, which will stop members of the public using the slipway to get down to the foreshore. It was agreed that as the slipway is private land and therefore the gate is on private land, the Council cannot be involved in any issues to do with this. Some members of the public believe that there is an Established Right of Way down the slipway but it has been confirmed that there is no Public Right of Way and there are procedures in place if the members of public wish to pursue formalising a right of way.
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Resignation of Councillor
The Council acknowledged the resignation of Cllr Pearson and the Chair thanked him for his work over the time he has been in post. It was agreed not to Co-opt another Councillor as there will be Council elections next May. The Chair reminded the Council that there will probably not be a Council meeting in April due to the elections in May.
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence
- Emails received from 2 members of the public expressing concerns about many vehicles parked on the main road outside the new housing development making it dangerous to cross the road and asking if there is going to be a crossing put in place. Clerk has spoken to Gwynedd Council and there are no plans for a crossing, as there fewer people crossing the road now, as there are fewer people living in the development than were using the school. The Chair had been informed that some people have now moved into the new development but that some people refused accommodation there because of the neighbours they would have. Adra said how pleased they were with the workmanship of the build and would use the same builders again.
- Email passed on from the Tourist Information Centre from a member of the public complaining that there are no EV charging points in the village car park. Clerk replied that the car park is in the control of Gwynedd Council , not the Community Council but would bring it up at the next meeting to see if there’s anything we can do to help the situation. Chair reported that at the last full meeting of Gwynedd Council, it was discussed and they were
planning to put them into some of the car parks in Gwynedd. Cllr S.
Bradbury-Willis pointed out that we are the 3rd busiest car park in Gwynedd so should be one of the first to have EV chargers. The Chair reported that the Tourist Information Centre had informed him that many visitors this year were asking about EV chargers and last month 2/3 of new cars sold were electric cars. It was agreed we needed to start moving forward with this.
Action: Chair to enquire from Gwynedd Council about the situation
Cllr O’Neill proposed that the Council discuss declaring a climate emergency at the next meeting.
Action: Add a proposal to declare a climate emergency to the agenda for next meeting
- Email from a member of the public, asking for feedback on planning application ref: NP5/50/723A, Craig y Lanch. It was agreed that the stance of the Council has not changed.
Action: Clerk to reply to the member of public with the Council decision
- Email from History Points Project, asking for cooperation and £70 contribution towards costs to produce QR codes which will be displayed next to the War memorials in the village, giving more information about the memorials.
Action: Clerk to liaise with History Points Project to arrange display of QR codes.
- Email from a member of public, asking for the Council to declare a climate emergency and offering to talk to the Council if required.
- Emails from Local Places for Nature. Starter package for the wildlife garden will be delivered soon and someone will come to install it week beginning 28th September. The Clerk has arranged to take delivery and storage at the Neuadd Dyfi until it is installed.
- Letters from Natwest, informing the Council that it is eligible to switch banks on an incentivised scheme and will be able to get £1500 if we switch. The Clerk has made an initial enquiry but would like someone on the finance committee to look into it to see if it is worthwhile pursuing.
Action: Clerk to share information regarding a possible switch with the finance committee.
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Consideration at Future Meetings / Urgent Business
Drinking Fountain
Harbour Wall
Climate emergency
Future plans for the playground
CCTV policy
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Sponsor benches for playground
AA&I treasurer
Wildlife garden
Letter congratulating beach guardians for clean beaches
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Date of next meeting
Monday 19th October 2020, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm