Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday, 21st December 2020
Present were: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis
Cllr Brian Kelly
Cllr Catrin O’Neill
Cllr Dai Owens
Cllr Megan Reynolds
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Cllr Dave Williams
AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies
No apologies were received
AGENDA ITEM 2- Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman said it was going to be a very strange Christmas this year and noted that there were 3 cases of Covid were reported in Tywyn over the weekend, though perhaps this wasn’t surprising as the testing centre is there for the next 2 weeks. He encouraged everyone to be vigilant and stay at home and hoped that we all have a better year next year.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Receive & confirm minutes of meeting 16th November 2020
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising
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M/51/(15.06.20) Request for drinking water fountain
Clerk has emailed photos of the proposed site and of the preferred fountain to Snowdonia National Park but hasn’t heard anything back yet.
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M/63/(20.07.20) Funding for cycle paths
The Clerk spoke to Tywyn clerk and was told that the funding for the Tywyn end of the cycle path was a Gwynedd Council initiative and the most recent initiative earlier this year was being driven by EcoDyfi and as far as she was aware, the Aberdyfi section was being included in that, though the clerk can find no correspondence to confirm this.
Action: Clerk to contact EcoDyfi to check if this information is correct
M/74/(21.09.20) CCTV
Clerk can find no information in the maintenance contract about the cable being covered so she asked for a quote from the company to move the camera. Cllr Kelly pointed out that it may be possible for us to move the camera ourselves, so once we have the quote, we can make a decision, as the maintenance contract is quite a lot of money.
Cllr Kelly also pointed out that the camera near the toilet block that looks towards the Christmas tree looks to be having problems and seems to be fogging up inside the camera, so may need attention in the near future.
M/81/(21.09.20) Correspondence
EV charging points
No reply back from Gwynedd Council yet
Action: Clerk and Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to check plans for this
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M/106/(16.11.20) Playground
The Enterprise Trust is being wound up and the account closed, with funds going to the Lewis Lloyd Trust so will not be available to help with fundraising.
Cllr O’Neill informed the Council that we have been successful in getting £10K grant from Gwynedd Council for a seating shelter and asked if the Council or AA&I might be able to provide the extra £900 to top it up in order to buy the shelter. The grant includes setting up and it will be sited on galvanised fixings, so that it can be moved if required. It was proposed to provide the extra money for the project to proceed.
Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis
Unanimously approved
M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements
Clerk has had no reply from Gwynedd Council yet
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Unanimously approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report
The Chair reported that the Welsh Government are planning to put a 1% tariff on second homes in Wales and Gwynedd Council are considering raising the Council Tax from 50% to 100% for second homes. Also, Snowdonia National park are considering that any new property being bought will have to apply for planning permission, stating whether it will be a second home, let or lived in permanently. All these proposals are currently under discussion.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Planning
NP5/50/L274B 7 Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0HA
Change of use from shop to office
No objections were raised
NP5/50/363E Aberdyfi Lodge Park, Aberdyfi LL35 0RG
Construction of single storey building and parking area
No objections were raised
NP5/50/679D Land adjacent to Brig-y-Don, Aberdyfi LL35 0NH
Construction of one dwelling and parking area
Cllrs J. and S. Bradbury-Willis declared an interest at this point and left the meeting
No objections were raised
Cllrs J. and S. Bradbury-Willis re-joined the meeting at this point.
NP5/50/144C Crychnant, Aberdyfi LL35 0SG
3 ground screened holiday accommodation units
The Council raised serious concerned about the safety of the reservoir and the surrounding area
Action: Clerk to report these concerns to SNPA
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Agree budget and Precept for 2021/22
It was proposed to accept the budget put forward by the finance committee and approve an increase in precept of 1.5%
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Williams
Approved with 1 abstention
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Correspondence
Gwynedd Council – Email confirming grant application success for Play Capital Grant application
Alan Turnbull – response to letter from the Council about improper rubbish disposal, stating he will buy his own large commercial green bin.
It was agreed to ask Gwynedd Council if all the large green bins, currently opposite the chemist and Alan’s bins could be sited by the recycling bins at the end of the car park next to the fire station.
Action: Chair to talk to Gwynedd Council
It was noted that this was the only response so far to the letter distributed by the clerk.
Cllr O’Neill pointed out that the fence around this area is still in disrepair and the Chair responded that he has already asked Gwynedd Council to repair it but as yet they haven’t
Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council again to repair the fence.
Wharf gardens committee – request for us to provide a brown bin for the group who look after the wharf gardens. It was agreed to provide a bin and talk to the harbourmaster if there is somewhere suitable to site it, possibly in one of the stores where the oil is kept. It was agreed the bin would need to be kept locked.
Action: Chair to talk to the harbourmaster
John Neilson – response to email requesting repairs on the war memorial in Penhelig Park. He recommends that the memorial is not repainted and that it is either left as it is or the paint is taken off. He has offered to come in the Spring to assess how easy it would be to remove the paint. Cllr Tyrrell offered to clean the memorial with soap and water to remove the moss. It was agreed that Cllrs Tyrrell and Williams will gently clean the memorial and ask John Neilson to do a site visit in the Spring.
Action: Cllrs Tyrrell and Williams to clean the memorial, Clerk to arrange for John Neilson to do a site visit in the Spring
Natwest bank – Phone call explaining that the bank have closed the account and the cheque written from the Commando memorial account for a wreath for Remembrance Sunday will not be honoured. The Chair proposed that we close this account completely and transfer the funds to our main current account, ensuring the money is ring-fenced for use solely for the memorial and a wreath for the memorial. The Clerk informed the Council she will add the funds available in this account to
each Treasurer’s Report, the same as the Aberdyfi Tourism balance. Cllr S. Bradbury-Willis asked if it would be a good idea to do this with the other small accounts we have and it was agreed to look into this.
Action: Chair and Clerk to organise closing the account and transferring the funds
To discuss closing other accounts at a future meeting
Phil Morgan – letter requesting permission to plant vegetation in the Neuadd Dyfi car park and other locations. It was pointed out that the Burma Road hedge that was planted by the wildlife group is looking untidy and some of it has died, and we do not have any information about what ongoing maintenance is planned. The clerk has informed Phil Morgan that the bowls club and tennis courts are not in our control and that the waste ground between the golf club and garage is common land. It was agreed to ask Phil and the group for a meeting to find out more about what they would like to do and how they plan to maintain it.
Action: clerk to request Phil Morgan to attend a meeting
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business
- Co-option of a new Councillor
- Climate Emergency to be put on agenda
- Discuss possibly installing CCTV cameras in the square
A discussion was held about the Gwynedd Council Town Centre Improvement Grant and whether we can apply for this to improve the railings on the promenade that separate it from the car park. It was noted that the railings are not our responsibility so it would not be legal for us to do any work on them. It was agreed for Cllr O’Neill to contact Gwynedd Council about this, pointing out it is their responsibility and asking them to repair the railings, as well as the other work needed in the car park, which is entirely their responsibility.
Action: Cllr O’Neill to contact Gwynedd Council about repairs to the railings and other work needed in the car park, such as the fence around the recycling bins
Cllr J. Bradbury-Willis asked if he could have a copy of an up-to-date privacy policy.
Action: Cllr Kelly to send to Cllr J. Bradbury-Wills
Cllr Reynolds informed the Council that in some other places a height barrier has been installed at the entrance to car parks, to stop camper-vans having access to public car parks and asked if we should consider this at a future meeting. The Chair pointed out that there was a very mixed response when it was discussed at Gwynedd Council and Cllr Williams pointed out that many campervans and other vans park legally for the day so we will lose out on that business.
Action: Chair to report back on what Gwynedd Council decide what to do.
The Chair informed the Council that there is a lamppost that has been moved into the road where they are demolishing the old toilet block. He has informed highways and it seems the builders now have permission to do what they are doing.
Agenda Item 11 – Items for Rushlight / Website / Facebook
Merry Christmas!
Councillor vacancy
AA&I secretary and treasurer vacancy
Community Housing Trust meetings
Any ideas to improve the village, contact the Council or AA&I
Advent windows
British Legion totals for the Poppy Appeal
How to order new bins and report problems to Gwynedd Council
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Date of next meeting
Monday 18th January 2021, 7pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm