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Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held virtually via teleconferencing on Monday 20th September 2021

Present: Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Brian Kelly

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dai Owens

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

  Cllr Dave Williams

Cllr Simon Worman

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Cllr Jones

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Chairman’s Announcements


The Chair remarked how busy the summer has been and how nice it was to see people in the village, particularly for the businesses, although it did cause problems with rubbish and parking. He also remarked how nice it was to see traffic wardens in the village at 7am and suggested the council write to the traffic wardens thanking them for this and asking them to come more often, particularly on Sundays. It was agreed to do this.

Action: Clerk to write to the traffic wardens.

AGENDA ITEM 3 – To receive and confirm minutes of meeting 19th July 2021


Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Matters arising


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M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.

It was agreed to write to Mr. Jones at Snowdonia National Park confirming that the Community Council will pay for 100% of the water bill and drainage for the Tourist Information Centre and to write to Gwynedd Council asking for permission to site the fountain next to the Tourist Information Centre.

Action: Clerk to write to Mr. Jones and Gwynedd Council


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M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements

It was agreed to contact the streetworks department of Gwynedd Council  to seek permission for artwork in the subway, as suggested by Mr. Adrian Williams. 

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council streetworks department. 

M/166/(15.03.21) Football goalposts

2 quotes were considered and one for £320 was accepted. Quotes had also been submitted for work on the allotments, one of which quoted using recycled plastic posts and one using wooden posts. It was agreed to ask the cheaper one to resubmit using plastic posts instead of wooden ones and for the quotes to be discussed at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to appoint Barry Griffiths to install the football posts and to ask to quote again using plastic posts. 

M/25/(17.05.21) Bus shelter

Clerk has ordered a bus shelter for the bus stop by the Neuadd Dyfi and it will be installed in the next month or so. The clerk asked Gwynedd Council if it would be possible to install a bus shelter at the stop opposite St. Peter’s church, but they replied that there isn’t enough room for wheelchairs and the shelter is too close to the sea, so there would be maintenance problems. 

M/139/(18.02.21) Crack in sea wall

Cllr Reynolds reported that she has been told by the harbourmaster that Gwynedd Council will not do anything until something changes in the sea wall. 

Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council to clarify

M/150/(15.02.21) CCTV

Cllr Kelly reported that the electrician is not responding to emails and attempts to contact him. It was suggested we install the cameras ourselves as it does not involve electrical work. It was agreed for Cllr Kelly to keep trying to contact the electrician.

Action: Cllr Kelly to contact Ron Thomas 

M/24/(17.05.21) New Dyfi Bridge project

The Chair reported that he has been told that the project will be delayed by at least 10minths due to difficulties in obtaining materials. 

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M/26/(17.05.21) 20mph proposals

Clerk has spoke to Iwan ap Trefor and has been told that in 2023 all minor roads in Aberdyfi will become 20mph and before that time, Gwynedd Council will consult with the Community Council about which sections of the main road will become 20 mph. 

The clerk also took the opportunity to ask him to change the waiting limit in the village from 45 minutes to 1 hour, as this was causing major problems for local residents. He will consult with his team and consider our request.

Action: clerk to follow up 


M/28/(17.05.21) Litter and bin problems

Clerk passed 2 quotes to Gwynedd Council and has had permission to instruct Dylan Jones to replace the fence by the fire station. She is currently waiting for a date when the work will be carried out.

It was noted that the street cleaners had been working extra hours and working very hard over the summer to keep on top of the rubbish problems in the village. It was agreed for the clerk to contact them to pass on the thanks of the Community Council for all their hard work.

Action: Clerk to contact the street cleaners with thanks. 

It was noted that many second homes, holiday lets and even some businesses do not pay for their recycling and put it in the main rubbish bins. The clerk and chair both reported that they have both spoken to Gywnedd Council and have been told that they will sort it for next year.

The Chair reported that the CEO of Gwynedd Council is keen to attend one of our meetings and he suggested that this would be a good time to express our concerns over the rubbish problems to the CEO. 

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M/42/(21.06.21) Correspondence

Bollards in Neuadd Dyfi car park

Clerk is still trying to source more robust bollards

Action: Clerk to source more robust bollards

Gwelfor Road subsidence

Clerk has spoken to Iwan ap Trefor and asked if a weight limit can be put on Gwelfor Road. She was told they will send an engineer to inspect the road and they will decide on their recommendation. The Chair reported that the builders have told him that they are not even half way through the concrete work on Balkan Hill, so there is a lot of concrete stull to go up Gwelfor Road.

Action: clerk to contact Iwan ap Trefor for an update

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M/56/(19.07.21) Parking problems on Seaview Terrace

Clerk has emailed the parking department twice asking how we progress getting resident-only parking in the village but has not heard back. It was agreed to talk to the CEO of Gwynedd Council about this as well. 

Action: Clerk to contact the parking department again.

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M/63/(19.07.21) Overnight camping at Morfa Gypsies

Clerk purchased and put 4 No Camping signs high up in the trees on Morfa Gypsies but they 

were taken down within a week. Cllrs reported that most people camping there were 


responsible campers and did not leave any rubbish in the area, though there is concern over Morfa Gypsies becoming a focus for people camping. It was agreed to talk to the CEO of Gwynedd about this and for the clerk to clarify who is responsible for this area of land. 

Action: Clerk to contact the legal department of Gwynedd Council to clarify the situation.

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Treasurer’s Report


Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Cllr Tyrrell noted that the clerk seems to be doing more than her contracted hours and proposed that it be formalised that the Clerk logs the hours she works and is paid for those each month. It was unanimously agreed to use this system.

Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Gwynedd Council Report


The Chair reported that there hasn’t been a meeting of the full Gwynedd Council, so there is nothing to report. Cllr Williams suggested that the full Council discuss what lessons Gwynedd Council have learned from the last 6 months and what they plan to do differently going forward to solve the problems. 

AGENDA ITEM 7 – To consider co-opting a new councillor


The Chair wished to extend the thanks of the whole Community Council to James Bradbury-Willis for all his work on the Council over the past 7 years. He was extremely helpful with setting up the website and helping with IT issues in particular and he will be missed. 

As there are elections next May, the final meeting of this Council will be in March, so it was agreed not to co-opt a councillor at this time and to add to Rushlight that there is a vacancy but we will not be co-opting as so close to the elections, but look forward to receiving applications in May. The Clerk reported the changes to council applications that are being considered by One Voice wales. 

Action: Clerk to add this to Rushlight

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


NP5/50/738 Medley Cottage, Rhoslan, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NS

Erection of single storey garage and extend exisiting patio

No objections raised

NP5/50/L442A Argoed, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE

Construction of front and side extention, including front balcony

No objections raised

NP5/50/147P Nyth Robin Campsite

Notice of appeal to the Welsh Minister

It was agreed to offer Nyth Robin more support if required

Action: Celrk to contact Nyth Robin and offer ongoing support


NP5/50/734 Cartref, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NR

Change of title of application

No objections raised

12 Penhelyg Road – the Clerk has been told by Snowdonia National Park that they will allow this development as they would have allowed a planning application to go through had one been submitted.  Cllr Bradbury-Willis asked if there is still a local occupancy clause on this house, as it seems to be being let out as a holiday let and it is unclear if this is allowed.

Action: Clerk to clarify the situation

The Clerk reported that she has contacted Snowdonia National Park about sheds in gardens being let out on AirBnB and was told that they would need planning permission to do this so SNPA will write to the owners.

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To consider returning to face to face meetings


It was agreed to hold the October meeting remotely as we need to obtain equipment in order to run hybrid meetings before going back to face to face. It was agreed to get quotes for this and to discuss at the next meeting. It was noted that face to face meetings could be held in the Neuadd Dyfi initially and everyone could do lateral flow tests beforehand. 

It was agreed to leave the final decision to the Chair and Clerk

Action: Clerk to obtain quotes for hybrid meeting equipment. 

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss EV charging points in the village


The Chair is still waiting to hear from Gwynedd Council where they intend to site Electric Chargers in the County, so will contact them again for an update. He reported that the Neuadd Dyfi is planning to apply for a grant to install electric chargers there and Cllr Williams reported that they have a solution which will not impact on any of the parking spaces in the Neuadd Dyfi car park.

Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider taking control of the children’s playground in Mase Newydd


It was agreed not to pursue this at this time and revisit once the main playground project has been completed.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence



The Clerk reported that she had a very positive meeting with Bryn Hughes from Gwynedd Council and it was agreed that the concrete benches on SeaView Terrace will be removed and the wooden benches will be spread out along the terrace. Mr Hughes confirmed that the benches on the promenade are their responsibility and will be removed in the winter for 


maintenance and put back in the spring. He confirmed that the concrete benches in the playground are the responsibility of the Community Council to remove and the ones in the wharf area are the responsibility of the maritime department. 

It was agreed to spray the wooden benches to stop mould growing on them.

Action: Clerk to ask Aled to spray the benches

Cllr Tyrrell reported that the planters in the wharf gardens were disintegrating and it was agreed to put this on the agenda for the October meeting. 

Request for support

It was agreed to write a letter of support and give other support if needed.

Action: clerk to contact the resident and find out what support they would like. 


Clerk has had various emails complaining about lack of locks, hand driers not working and the general state of the toilets. She has passed the comments onto Gwynedd Council but has been told that there is no money for improvements, only maintenance. 

Road closure

The Clerk reported on the road closure in October. It was noted that it will cause major problems in Happy Valley, despite the diversion going vai Talyllyn. 

Action: Chair to ask Gwynedd Council to post a person at each end of Happy Valley to police the number of people going through the valley. 

Action: Chair to contact Gwynedd Council

Cemetery Tip area

The Clerk reported that there is an agreement in place between Gwynedd Council and the gold club to use this area.

Email from the new owners of the Britannia Inn

It was agreed to reply, welcoming them to the village and wishing them all the best in their venture.

Action: Clerk to reply to email

Health watchdog request for feedback

It was agreed to put in Rushlight

2nd home tax consultation

It was agreed to put in Rushlight

Places 4 Nature 

Rachel Carter, Places 4 Nature officer from One Voice Wales would like to present to the Community Council at some point.

It was agreed to invite her after new Council is in place in May.


Picnic Island Bridge

The Chair reported that they are hoping it will be installed at the end of October.

Action: Chair to contact Outward Bound to find installation date.

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings



Hybrid equipment

Picnic Island Bridge

Wharf Planters

Playing field

Pavement subsidence at bottom of Gwelfor Road

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook


Drop-in Centre

Health watchdog survey

2nd home tax survey

Road closure

Councillor vacancy and May elections

Minor Injuries unit is open in Machynlleth

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Date of next meeting


Monday 18th October 2021 at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:50pm