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Minutes of the thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Aberdyfi Community Council and thereafter the minutes of the ordinary meeting of said Council held at Aberdyfi Literary Institute on Monday, 16th May 2022

Present were :- Cllr Dewi Owen – Chair

Councillors :- Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Brian Kelly 

Cllr Catrin O’Neill 

Cllr Megan Reynolds 

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

Roman Hackelsberger

AGENDA ITEM 1- Apologies


Sara Bradbury-Willis, Gareth Jones

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Election of Officers 2022/2023



Cllr Kelly was nominated for the position of Chair.

Proposed Cllr Reynolds Seconded Cllr Williams

Agreed unanimously

Vice Chairman 

Cllr O’Neill was nominated for position of Vice Chair.

Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Owen


Planning Committee

The whole Council

Aberdyfi Advertising and Improvements Committee

The whole Council, except for Cllr Tyrrell


Aberdyfi Literary Institute Management Committee 

Cllr Jones was nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly

Harbour Advisory Committee

Cllr Tyrrell was nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams

One Voice Wales

Cllrs Owen and O’Neill, with Cllr Williams as deputy were nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Reynolds

Neuadd Dyfi Management Committee – Councillors with a vote

Cllrs Owen, Reynolds, Williams, Kelly and Hewins were nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly

Richard Williams and Richard Roberts Trust Fund

Cllrs Reynolds (Chair), Owen, Jones and Bradbury-Willis were nominated to represent the Council, with Cllr Williams as Trustee

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams

Lewis Lloyd Trust

Cllr Reynolds was nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Owen

Meirionnydd Access Group

Cllr O’Neill was nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams

Tywyn and District Memorial Hospital Appeal Fund

Cllr Reynolds with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy were nominated to represent the Council

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Kelly

Allotment sub-committee

Cllrs Jones (Chair), O’Neill and Dunton were nominated to be members of this committee

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr O’Neill


Finance Committee

Cllrs Owen (Chairman), O’Neill (Vice Chair) and Bradbury-Willis with Cllr Tyrrell as deputy.

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams

Caravan Site Committee

Cllrs Reynolds, Owen, Williams, Kelly and Bradbury-Willis

Proposed Cllr Kelly Seconded Cllr Reynolds

Re-appointment of Internal Auditor

The Council re-appointed Mr Steve Lister for the year 2022/23

Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams

Agreed unanimously

Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

The Council agreed its willingness to adopt these documents.

Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Agreed unanimously


Cllr Kelly took over as Chair at this point

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public participation


None was requested

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chair announcements


The Chair thanked Cllr Owen for all his hard work over the last two years as Chair and hoped he will be able to carry out the role to the same high standard. 

He noted that the Council is currently short of a councillor and it was agreed to co-opt a new councillor at the June meeting.

Action: Clerk to advertise and receive applications before the June meeting

AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm the minutes of Ordinary Meeting 21st March 2022


Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Reynolds

Agreed unanimously


AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters Arising


Page 61

M/51/(15.06.20) Drinking water fountain

Cllr Owen raised the topic at the recent harbour user’s meeting and was advised to liaise with the harbourmaster. He has since spoken to the harbourmaster who has given his consent to siting the water fountain in the location favoured by Aberdyfi Community Council. It was agreed to delegate purchase and installation of the fountain to Cllr O’Neill and the Clerk.

Proposed Cllr Owen Seconded Cllr Williams

Action: Cllr O’Neill and Clerk to source and arrange installation of a water fountain

M/107/(16.11.20) Subway Improvements

Sean Chambers has been awarded the commission and preparatory work has already started. It was suggested the clerk contact the lighting department to ask if it is possible to get the lighting replaced while the work is happening, to minimise the risk of damage to the artwork.

Action: Clerk to contact lighting department at Gwynedd Council

Page 62

M/127/(20.12.21) Tree by Neuadd Dyfi

The clerk informed the council that she met Gwynedd Council inspectors when they were in the village and was informed that in their opinion, the tree is healthy, evidenced by the roots pushing up the pavement, but acknowledged that this has created a tripping hazard. They informed the clerk that they do not make the decision about what to do with the tree, they only write a report and it is passed on to someone higher in the organisation, who will make the decision. The clerk hasn’t been informed yet of any decision. 

A question was raised about when the tree sculpture will be done in the playing field. The clerk reported she has not yet had a date.

Action: Clerk to find out a start date

M/160/(21.03.22) Wharf development project

The clerk reported that she has had confirmation that the contracts have now been signed and the plan is for the contractors to be on site from 2nd September. She has been promised more detailed information within the next two weeks.


AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report


It was agreed to accept the report as a true and accurate report.

Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council Report


Cllr Owen reported that the recent elections have resulted in Gwynedd Council being made up of 44 Plaid Cymru, 23 Individual, 1 Labour and 1 Liberal Democrat councillors. He reported that their income this year will constitute £136m from fees, £214m from the Welsh Government and £84m from Council Tax, with 7,000 members of staff. 
There will be a meeting of the full council next week when a new leader will be chosen.

AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning


NP5/50/ADL262B 8 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi LL35 0EF

Advertisement Consent for externally lit projecting advertisement, 2no. 

externally lit fascia signs, and 1no. advertisement to side elevation of building with external lighting

  • No objections were raised, but it was agreed to write to SNPA to query the removal of the render

Action: Clerk to write to SNPA

NP5/50/346E 9 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi. LL35 0LP

External alterations and alter and extend the existing balcony

  • The Council were concerned that the development is not in keeping with the surrounding properties.Action: Clerk to write to SNPA

NP5/50/695A 3 Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EE

Construction of bay windows to first and second floors to replace existing windows

  • No objections raised

NP5/50/351A 12 Glandyfi Terrace, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EB

Replacement external windows and doors

  • No objections raised

NP5/50/743 Braich Gwyn, Aberdyfi. LL35 0RD

Conversion of barn to dwelling including construction of an extension, and installation of package treatment plant

  • Concerns were raised about the difficulty of access from the main road, lack of proper road to the property, access track extremely close to the neighbouring property, lack of water or electricity. 5
  • It was agreed to write to SNPA expressing concerns and recommending a site visit.

Action: Clerk to write to SNPA

NP5/50/742 Dolphins, Rhoslan, Aberdyfi. LL35 0NS

Construction of extension, garage and terrace

  • No objections raised

NP5/50/676A Mynydd Bychan, Aberdyfi, LL35 0PF Reclad existing dwelling, erection of pergola and replacement workshop

  • No objection raised

AGENDA ITEM 10 – Cycle path update


Cllr Tyrrell reported that he had spoken to Iwan ap Trefor and was told that Gwynedd Council are in ongoing and positive discussions with landowners whose land would be affected by the proposed route. It is hoped to be able to apply for funding for the next phase of the project by the end of the year. Iwan ap Trefor informed Cllr Tyrrell that this cycle path is one of their priorities due to the very large number of responses they had to their consultation. One of the main sticking points is where the path will cross the road in the area of the cemetery, but they are hopeful to find a suitable solution. 

Cllr Tyrrell reported that Aberdyfi Community Council’s project to establish a cycle path between Aberdyfi and the cemetery is progressing. Neil Storkey has been asked by Network Rail to carry out an ecological survey to establish the feasibility of the path in certain areas where it would be closest to the railway line. Iwan ap Trefor at Gwynedd Council has kindly offered to look into whether or not their own ecologists could help us with this survey.

AGENDA ITEM 11 – Fisherman’s compound update


The Clerk reported that grant funding has now been approved and the work will start as soon as possible, with an end date of September envisaged.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – Playground project update


The clerk reported that she has had meetings with two play equipment companies and is due to have another one in the near future. She also intends to visit a playground in Barmouth to look at their equipment and surface finish.

She reported that the walls are in the process of being painted.

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To receive and note requirements for councillor training plans



The councillors were informed that they need to decide and discuss what training they would like to do and what is needed by the council in order to improve it’s effectiveness, with a view to publishing a Council training plan by September. 

AGENDA ITEM 14 – To consider purchasing and installing Swift nesting boxes


It was agreed that we have missed the timing for this year and to revisit this item in the Autumn.

Action: Clerk to add to the agenda for October meeting

AGENDA ITEM 15 – To consider supporting a group to improve the railway station


It was agreed to support the resident who has volunteered to take this forward and suggested they apply to AA&I for funding if needed. 

Action: Clerk to contact the resident

AGENDA ITEM 16 – To consider purchasing a sculpture for raising plastic awareness


It was agreed to revisit this item after the wharf development has been completed.

Action: Clerk to add to the agenda after the wharf development has been completed

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Correspondence


  • Email regarding noticeboards and fenceCllr Owen volunteered to complete the fence and to support the new noticeboards that are proposed.Action: Clerk to inform resident of these decisions
  • Britannia Inn EmailIt was agreed that the Council cannot be involved in any disputes between the Britannia Inn and others as they are potentially matters for the police and / or trading standards and / or licensing authorities.
  • Email concerning queues on the pavementIt was agreed this is a matter for the police and anyone concerned about the issue should contact the police.Action: Clerk to reply to the email with this information
  • Jubilee Pageant InformationThe clerk reported that all members of the council have been invited to tea and cakes after the Pageant finishes.7
  • CCTV lease end dateThe Clerk reported that she has received notification that the lease for the CCTV system ends in September. It was agreed not to continue with the
      Action: Chair and Clerk to research a new system
    • ContainerThe clerk reported that she has had confirmation from One Voice Wales that only minutes, financial records and leases must be kept in hard copy form, eliminating the need to purchase a container. Cllrs Tyrrell and Owen offered to help the clerk sift the paperwork in the office.Action: Cllrs Tyrrell, Owen and the clerk to sift paperwork

    AGENDA ITEM 18 – Items for consideration at future meetings / urgent business


    • Place plan
    • Training plan for councillors
    • Co-option of new councillorIt was agreed that a village meeting needs to happen ASAP, to inform residents of all the projects that are happing in the village, with a separate meeting for the Wharf development project, once the finer details have been agreed. It was agreed to delegate this to Cllr O’Neill and the ClerkAction: Cllr O’Neill and the clerk to arrange a date for a village meeting as soon as possible

    AGENDA ITEM 19 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


    • List of councillors
    • Projects the council are involved in
    • Sec / treasurer role for Institute
    • Jubilee events
    • Wolverhampton bike ride
    • Wharf development update
    • Village meeting 

    AGENDA ITEM 20 – Date of Next meeting


    Monday 20th June and 18th July at 7pm

    There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.05pm.
