Councillors Present :-
Cllr D Williams – Chairman
Cllr Dewi Owen
Cllr B Kelly
Cllr David Owens
Cllr B Tyrrell
Cllr S Bradbury Willis
Cllr J Bradbury-Willis
Llyr Thomas – Natural Resources Wales
In advance of the formal meeting, Chairman Cllr Dave Williams welcomed Llyr Thomas from Natural Resources Wales, invited by Cllr Tyrrell, to give a talk and update on NRW matters, specifically water quality issues in Aberdyfi and in particular the serious issue of sewage outfall from Plas Panteidal.
See agenda item 6, Plas Panteidal Sewage Outfall
There followed a brief discussion regarding the bathing waters around Aberdfyi beaches. Cllr Williams thanked Llyr for attending the meeting and also Cllr Tyrrell for organising the presentation.
Cllrs Reynolds, Richards, Lloyd & Jones
The Chairman reminded the meeting that Day on the Quay was taking place on the wharf on Easter Saturday. He also asked Cllr Tyrrell to pass on thanks to Jenny Tyrrell and all the volunteers for the highly successful beach clean.
It was agreed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of ordinary meeting of 18th March.
Proposed: Cllr Brian Kelly Seconded: Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
M/138 Michael Barnes Replacement
The clerk has established Paul Reeves will assist with Michael Barnes duties when possible, bearing in mind Paul’s responsibilities with Gwynedd Council. Aled Evans will take over the grass cutting of the wharf, on a three week cycle, and also the cutting of the playing field. Aled has also been retained to look after the footpaths (note – Liz Haynes from Gwynedd has has been very complimentary with regard to Aled’s work last year.) Aled will dispose of all garden waste.
M/117 Leases
The revised maps have been forwarded to Arwel Williams and the Clerk awaits a response. M/127 Toilets steam cleaning and painting
The toilets have been steam cleaned by Louis Hiatt and decorated by Simon Furneaux. The gable woodwork cannot be done until the weather warms up a little. Cllr Williams commented how much improved the toilets were after the work.
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis had attempted to use the bay changing facility in the ladies and found it was, in her opinion, not fit for purpose. Cllr Owen noted that had been many requests lodged with the TIC for a baby changing facility in the gents toilet.
M/135 Memorial Benches
Cllr Tyrrell has issues regarding the charging regime for the memorial benches. It is recommended that the benches should in fact be ‘leased’ rather than have them purchased and owned by individuals.
M/141 ACC Website
The Clerk is working with Nigel Upton on the first pages of web site preparation, compiling copy and photographic reference.
M/155 Contactless P&D Machine – Neuadd Dyfi Car Park
The Clerk has today received initial response from Capita, Dave Adamson, and we are to expect a call from their public sector sales department this week to advise and cost the project.
Cllr Owen noted that there were issues regarding the occasional gremlin with regard the pay by card pilot ticket machine in the main car park. Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis asked whether there was a contact telephone number on the pilot machine.
M/145 Wharf Gardens Committee
The planting has progressed very well and the next phase of planting has been earmarked for April 26th, time to be confirmed by Cllr Lloyd. To be publicised in Rushlight.
M/157 Planning
Hafan. The clerk has registered an enquiry with Snowdonia Planning regarding the question of whether there is a percentage limit on the floor area that can be applied for in the context of an extension, as discussed last meeting. Their response was received today with clarification – there are no ‘hard and fast’ rules regarding the percentage increase in floor area of any extension. It is a matter of judgment.
M/158 Treasurer’s Report
Update – The Clerk has ‘ordered’ a new phone service from BT, with limited success. Clerk will relate the sorry tale.
M/159 Committee Reports
Storage area The harbour Authority has erected high fencing at the fishermens’ storage area and already looks more presentable. The Clerk has been advised that the fishermen will be working with the harbourmaster and the Yacht Club with final clearing, due to happen within the next couple of weeks.
Sand dunes erosion The Clerk has met with Gareth Pritchard at the golf club. They to submit plans for a new entrance to the golf club and wanted confirmation of the land ownership issues in the vicinity. The Clerk took the opportunity to enquire about the correspondence which may confirm, ot otherwise, the details of an egreement regarding the long term maintenance of the boardwalk, and whether Gwynedd Council bore any responsibility. Gareth felt there was such an agreement but has been unable to located relevant paperwork.
M/160 Correspondence Bob Nickless, Main Car Park
The Clerk has met with Bob Nickless and he is to draft a brief proposal for Gwynedd to ponder, outlining how he and a few volunteers might tidy up a number of areas of the car park which are of concern, in the context of village presentation
M/162A Broken Gate Post – Playground
The Clerk has requested Tom Trefeddion to quote on replacing the post and gate. We await Tom’s response. Promised for this week.
M/162B Sand on the Beach Slipway Area
The Harbourmaster has indicated that the sand will be cleared this week, in advance of the benches re-instatement after renovation.
M/162C Burma Road
The Clerk is going to get a price from Geri Davies regarding the placing of large rocks along Burma Road to prevent or at least discourage the parking of vehicles in the vicinity.
Cllr Owen de-briefed Council on Outward Bound’s correspondence, through Centre Manager Al Crisp, with an independent engineer, regarding a replacement bridge over the railway track to Picnic Island. The price indicated, around £50,000, is considerably cheaper than Gwynedd Council’s cost estimate. Outward Bound have indicated that they will cover some of the cost of the installation and will be looking for further financial support. Al Crisp will lead discussions with Network Rail and other interested parties, including Gwynedd Council and Snowdonia National Park. The Clerk noted that the proposed solution, utilising modular construction, would help negate on site problems with regard to Network Rail. Cllr Owen wanted to drive the project without further delay and noted that Peter Rutherford, Snowdonia National Park Secretary Access Committee, is very concerned about the safety issues and will also be taking up the matter with Gwynedd Council. Cllr Tyrrell felt that a donation from the community, either through AA&I and ACC would be deemed appropriate. The Clerk suggested that Al Criso should lead the discussion process
Llyr Thomas confirmed NRW had amalgamated with the Forestry Commission to facilitate closer liaison over matters of joint concern. He confirmed that Plas Panteidal has a numeric discharge permit whereby the outfall is measured on a regular basis.
Although Plas Panteidal is considered a low pollution risk, it has been designated as non-compliant and a notice was served last year. In the context of no action to rectify the situation, the matter is now in the hands of NRW legal department in Cardiff.
Although the outfall was unpleasant and represented a social nuisance, the dangers to public health were technically minimal, although the extent of the impact on the community was recognised by NRW. Cllr Tyrrell noted how the situation was potentially impacting negatively on visitors to Aberdyfi and as such was a matter of urgency.
Cllr Owen confirmed that there had been significant Cabinet changes in Gwynedd Council, along with changes at the lower ranks. The concern is that representation in the southern part of Gwynedd County has been greatly reduced and only time will tell how this might impact in the long term.
NP5/50/716B Penhelyg Uchaf, Aberdyfi
Demolish existing dwelling and outbuildings and construction of replacement dwelling, conversion of outbuilding to garage/play barn, installation of private sewage treatment plant, formation of new driveway and parking area and associated engineering/landscaping works. (RESUBMISSION)
NP5/50/588D 4 Plas Panteidal, The Old Stables, Aberdyfi
Replacement windows. Cllr Kelly pointed out that the address was incorrect in that the Stables are not number 4. Other anomalies, which did not impact directly on the application, were also noted. Cllr Kelly offered to contact the builder to raise the matter. (APPLICATION)
The Clerk indicated that the BDO Annual Return notification appeared to indicate no serious issues should impact this Council and the full ACC budget and draft return should be ready for the next Council meeting on Tuesday May 28th
Councillor Tyrrell wondered whether the income from Gwynedd Council’s annual and bi-annual car parking permits are now included by Gwynedd Council when calculating the car park revenue and our 10% share of it.
The car parks agreement itself states that only cash payments from pay and display machines are included, but a subsequent side letter from Gwynedd clarifying some points in the car parks agreement confirms that any income received from methods of payment other than from pay and display cash payments will be included in calculating Gross Car Park Revenue.
It was agreed that we would wait until after Gwynedd’s first payment to us at the end of May before raising this with them and also to check that the income from the new card payment machine has also been included in the calculations.
Proposed: Cllr Kelly Seconded: Cllr James Bradbury-Willis
Neuadd Dyfi
Cllr Kelly updated Council on the largely satisfactory conclusion to the long term building programme, and the finances and bookings are looking healthy. Cllr Kelly confirmed that the old school honours board has been located and will be restored in due course.
The internal refurbishment programme has also progressed well.
Wales Audit Office/BDO – Annual Audit papers
Time and Tide Bell – Letter from recently appointed Producer and National Coordinator, Peter Gingold
Outward Bound – Email regarding the Picnic Island Bridge
SLCC – Training Conference, website accessibility regulations
Gwynedd Council – Detail of £150,000 grant for upgrading public toilets
Gwynedd Council Highways – Closure of Copperhill Street, April 24th, from 01.00hrs
Snowdonia National Parc – Copy of letter to Gwynedd Council outlining considerable concern over the closure of Picnic Island Bridge
Dail Dysynni – Thank you letter
Fly the Red Ensign – Request to fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy day 3rd September 2019
Wales Air Ambulance – Thank you letter
ROSPA – Email confirmation of playground inspection, June
Cllr Richards – Email to the Clerk. It was agreed to discuss the matter further when Cllr Richards is present.
Clerk and Councils Direct
The Clerk Magazine
Cllr Bradbury-Willis raised the issue of the kissing gate across the railway opposite Trefeddian Hotel. The Clerk confirmed that he had discussed the issue, on site, with Rhydion Mason of Network Rail and that the matter would be looked at on the grounds of safety. Cllr Gareth Jones indicated that the land in question was owned by Aberdyfi Golf Club.
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis enquired whether the electronic boxes that have been installed around the village are to do with speed monitoring in the village. No notification had been received by the Clerk.
Cllr Tyrrell asked whether there had been any follow-up from Gwynedd Road safety department. He suggested that any such visit should include a trip through the village at the currently designated speed limits to show how inappropriate they are in such a small village with high levels of pedestrian traffic, particularly in the summer season.
Cllr Tyrrell felt that the Aberdyfi welcome sign on the road from Tywyn did no credit to the village because of its deteriorating condition. It should be either renovated or replaced.
Cllr David Owens raised the matter of the new Aberdyfi brochure published by AA&I, and that a number of local businesses indicated that they had not been contacted for inclusion.
Cllr Dewi Owen noted that the brochure was very high quality but he had been advised that 20 local businesses were not included in the brochure, some of which were in last year’s brochure and some had not been contacted at all for inclusion. He had been asked what the Council was going to do about it. After discussing the issue with Cllr Lloyd, Chairman of AA&I, it had been agreed to arrange a special meeting of AA&I to address the matter. It was felt that the problem may have been avoided if appropriate proof reading had been carried out.
Cllr James Bradbury-Willis responded to the criticisms by reference to his records. The brochure project was taken over by AA&I for ATC after the 2015 production. The process of placing adverts has been in place since that time.
Cllr Bradbury-Willis suggested that if demand dictated, the brochure could perhaps be expanded next year to accommodate a greater number of inclusions. This year 46 adverts placed.
Cllr Tyrrell sought clarification and wondered why this year the problem had been brought to focus.
Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis noted that Lucy Cave had sent emails to AA&I members regarding the treatment she had, verbally, on messages and on her phone from a business in Aberdyfi.
Chairman Cllr Williams tried to bring the meeting to order and address the matter in a calmer manner.
Cllr Kelly suggested that the brochure had been printed, was ‘water under the bridge’ and that lessons should be learned for next year, and that processes should be put in place to avoid a repeat of this year.
Cllr David Owens acknowledged the amount of work that had been put in this year.
Cllr Williams noted that next year the situation can be avoided by noting the shortcomings of this year and that the focus should now be on how best to rectify this problems that have been brought to light for 2019. As a small community we must strive to live and work together and move forward.
Cllr Tyrrell felt that for the future, every business should be given written confirmation of the brochure preparation well advance of initial page planning.
Cllr David Owens noted that lessons need to be learned from this year and move forward.
Cllr Dewi Owen again pointed out that careful proof reading would have avoided the current situation.
Cllr Williams reminded the meeting that this was still technically an AA&I matter that needed resolving and also ensuring that the situation does not occur again. Cllr James Bradbury-Willis wished it to be recorded that if there are businesses who feel aggrieved that they are not in the brochure this year, it was not intentional. The Chairman thanked everyone for their input regarding a sensitive matter.
Cllr Brian Kelly said that the toilet sign needed attention There are some low lying branches at the Catholic Church which need attention
The CCTV is still inoperative and the Clerk confirmed that he was awaiting confirmation from Crime Prevention that the matter was being addressed.
Day on the Quay
Literary Institute membership
Wharf Planting
AA&I Co-opted members
Meeting closed at 21.45