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12th December 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 12th December 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies accepted from Cllrs Bradbury-Willis, Dunton, O’Neill, Owen and Tyrrell.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out in such cold weather. 

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 21stNovember 2022.


Proposed: Cllr Jones  Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 29

M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre

It was noted that there is still no representation from Aberdyfi Community Council on the Tywyn Health Centre Public Participation Group. 

Action: Clerk to request a volunteer representative from councillors again

Page 30

M/84/(17.10.22) Cycle Path

The clerk is still trying to find out who has taken over this project from Iwan ap Trefor

Action: Clerk to contact Gwynedd Council again


AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report


The clerk informed the council that one Direct Debit payment had been taken twice by mistake and one payment will be refunded. 

Proposed: Cllr Reynolds  Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report


No report as Cllr Owen was unable to attend the meeting

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


Applications received:

NP5/50/747 2 Tyddyn Isaf, Aberdyfi, LL35 0ER

Installation of external flue

No objections were raised.

NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LE

Amended plans to previous application

Action: Clerk to contact SNPA to inform them that the council feels the plans are an improvement and will await the formal plans.

Information received from SNPA:

NP5/50/153B Land adjacent to Greenhill bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi LL35 0HF

This application is being considered by SNPA as their legal department have decreed that the current applicant is the legal owner of the land. The clerk has sent the council’s objections to the development.

Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF

Premises licence variation application

This application has now been withdrawn

Balkan Hill House

SNPA have investigated and the swimming pool is under permitted development

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To approve budget for 2023-24


Proposed: Cllr Porter Seconded: Cllr Jones

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve donation to the Neuadd Dyfi


Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr Porter

Agreed unanimously


AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and approve training plan


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Hewins

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To approve purchase of replacement hedge trimmer for wharf garden volunteers


It was agreed that the Council would not approve the purchase and suggest the applicant apply to the AA&I for funding.

Action: Clerk to inform applicant 

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence


  • The water drinking fountain has been delivered and the Clerk will seek quotes closer to when the wharf development ends
  • WeSwimRun is organising a 5k fun run / walk / crawl on New Year’s Day at 10am to raise money for the playground. It was agreed to write to thank them for their generosity.

Action: Clerk to write to thank them.

  • Food Festival. The clerk had a meeting with the organisers and they are planning to go ahead with the festival in the same format as pervious years.
  • The clerk had a response from SNPA to her email thanking them for their help and support with the recent issue with Hillside Park.
  • An idea was muted to have a Christmas Tree made from lobster pots as it is impossible to have a normal tree this year due to the wharf development. It was felt this was too dangerous as it would be open to people using it as a climbing frame, so the idea was rejected.

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Residents parking when it is able to be revisited
  • Possibility of making the Roman Road to Picnic Island usable at all states of tide.

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • 5k fun run
  • Reason for lack of Christmas lights and decorations in the village this year
  • Wharf development progress
  • Picnic Island bridge photos

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting


Monday 16th January 2023

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.05pm


21st November 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 21st November 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies were accepted from Cllr Williams

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the work on the wharf going so well. He informed the council that Picnic Island Bridge has now been installed and is open to the public. The island side had become very overgrown and he wished to thank the harbourmaster for his work in clearing the area so it could be used by the public as soon as possible. 

The Chair reported that he attended the Annual meeting between SNPA and local councils and also the Society of Local Council Clerks / One Voice Wales joint conference, together with the clerk. 

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 17thOctober 2022


Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Hewins

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 23

M/46/(18.06.22) Update on Tywyn Health centre 

The clerk wrote to BCUHB requesting a representative attend this council meeting and received a reply that it had been passed to the Primary Care Team, but she has had no response from that department. 


Cllr Owens reported that he understands that 2 locums will be in post from next week, so hopefully things will improve. It was agreed to review the situation early next year.

Page 24

M/48/(18.06.22) To receive RoSPA report

GL Jones have said they cannot do the painting work, but can supply the paint, though will repair the wet-pour. It was agreed to request the specification and process for painting from GL Jones and ask them to repair the wet-pour.

Action: Clerk to contact GL Jones 

M/67/926.09.22) Place Plan

The Clerk reported that Planning Aid Wales confirmed that a community action plan is not an official process or document like a Place Plan, so the community of Aberdyfi can create an action plan from the results of the community needs survey in their own way and time. Cllr O’Neill pointed out that Resources4Change, who wrote the community needs survey and report, offered to facilitate creating an action plan. It was agreed to find out how this might work and how much it would cost.

Action: Clerk to contact Resources4Change

Page 26

M/81/(17.10.22) Ardal Ni areas needing attention

Cllr Tyrrell and the Clerk had a productive meeting with David Williams from the Ardal Ni team and reported that Mr Williams now has along list of tasks for Aberdyfi, which will be undertaken over time. Initially they will focus on small, achievable tasks, as the team will only be in Aberdyfi for a week every 2 months or so, progressing onto the larger projects as time goes on. Mr Williams is happy to receive any suggestions for improvements, even though it may not be within his sphere of responsibility, and he will pass them onto the relevant departments on our behalf. He has promised to send a schedule of works once it has been completed. 

M/82/(17.10.22) Food Festival 2023

Cllr Owens reported that he had been informed that a different group are now planning a festival of some kind, but he had no details and no-one has approached him or the clerk to seek support. It was not known if this is intended to replace the Food Festival or will be in addition to it. 

M/83/(17.10.22) Creation of a warm space

The clerk has had no response to her request in Rushlight to establish if there is a need, but it may be that the need doesn’t become obvious until the weather gets colder. The clerk informed the council that there is currently funding available for community groups to provide warms spaces from Mantell Gwynedd. 

Page 27

M/84/(17.10.22) Correspondence

Cycle Path

Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that he has been unsuccessful in contacting Iwan ap


Trefor to find out what stage the project is at, as Mr. ap Trefor has moved departments and it is unclear who has taken over his job and the project. 

Action: Clerk and Cllr Owen to contact Gwynedd Council to find out details. 

Compound project

A planning application has been submitted for the project on the advice of the planning officer at SNPA. This will have to be paid for by the Community Council initially, but will be reimbursed by FLAG. 

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s Report


Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen reported that there is a full meeting of Gwynedd Council on 1st December to discuss the proposed council tax increase on second homes, which is proposed to be 300%. He pointed out that there are currently 26 properties for sale in Aberdyfi and has been told by some residents that if the increase is implemented, they will have no option but to sell their property, as they will not be able to afford the price rise. Gwynedd Council have informed him that they will not be putting the income raised from this extra tax into building affordable houses as promised, but it will be used to offset some of the £18 million deficit predicted for next year. 

He reported that there was a harbour-users meeting recently and this was the last one to be attended by Barry Davies, who is retiring in March. It is now known who will be taking over his post. 

There is a new owner of the Penhelig slipway and it has been confirmed that there is no public right of way down the slipway, though there may well be a statutory right of way. Cllr Dunton pointed out that people moor boats in the harbour there and use the slipway to access the land, though Barry Davies has confirmed that this area is not classed as a harbour, though it is used by the public, as evidenced by the life-ring attached to the wall at the bottom of the slipway. It is not clear what the new owners plan to do with the slipway, but the gate at the top is currently locked. 

Cllr Owen attended a meeting of the Cambrian railway and reported that the works at Barmouth bridge were ahead of schedule and the bridge may open earlier than expected, with work continuing at night and weekends, depending on the weather. New rail lines are being installed in Tywyn and work is also being done at Dovey viaduct while the rail line is closed. 

Cllr Owen has been told that the dip in the road at Dyffryn Hill will be filled when the workers are next in the area.


AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


NP5/50/400D Land next to Greenhill Bungalow, Copperhill Street, Aberdyfi, LL35 0HF

Change of use of land and construction of garage, workshop and parking area.

The Council has evidence that the ownership of this land is in dispute so cannot comment on the application.

Action: Clerk to write to SNPA with this information 

Tides Inn, Seaview Terrace, Aberdyfi, LL35 0EF

Premises licence variation application

The council has received complaints from residents of excessive noise since this premises has been open and object to extending the hours on all counts.

Action: Clerk to write to the licencing officer objecting to the application 

NP5/50/153B The Exchange, 4 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi, LL35 0LP

Notice of appeal following refusal of planning permission.

It was agreed to write to SNPA thanking them for their work and support in the recent appeal case of Aberdyfi Hillside Park. 

Action: Clerk to write to SNPA

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To note new pay-scales from NALC


The new pay-scales were noted and the clerk reminded the council that they apply from April 2022-2023.

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To approve yearly payment to the Information Commissioner’s office for data protection.


It was noted that this is a statutory fee and it was agreed to pay by direct debit.

Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis

Action: Clerk to set up direct debit payments

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider and approve costings of information boards


It was agreed to seek clarification on the amount sought and ask if the AA&I would fund this project.

Action: Clerk to seek clarification and write to AA&I to ask if it will fund the project.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – Correspondence


Tree planting

Approximately 30% of the tree planted in the village last year have not taken, so a


resident has sourced replacements for delivery and planting in January.

CCTV system

The Chair reported that now the contract has ended, the CCTV cameras now belong to us. The clerk is researching a scheme used in North Wales whereby a council pays for the CCTV system, but it is administered by North Wales Police, to see if this is worth pursuing for Aberdyfi.

Rubbish bins

Local businesses are in discussion with the harbourmaster to enclose some of the covered area by the toilets to contain the commercial bins. It would be completely enclosed with a locked door. The businesses will pay for the work to be done, pay for ongoing vermin control and pay to keep the area clean. Local residents have complained about the bins that are currently there and have been moving them behind the building, but this blocks access to the disabled toilet. The clerk pointed out that this area is under control of the harbour, the community council does not have any jurisdiction in this area and there are shelters at the other end of the wharf gardens. The Council decided that this system would not work and that Gwynedd Council should put pressure on businesses to use their bins in the area by the fire station. 


SP Energy Networks have told the clerk that they will be cutting down some trees in the allotments, as they are in danger of interfering with overhead power lines. Once they have done this, the clerk intends to get quotes to cut back other trees in the allotments, as they are stopping light getting to some of the plots. 

Residents parking

It was agreed again that this is not an issue for the Community Council to pursue and they do not support the application, but reiterated that individual residents have every right to apply for residents parking should they wish. It was noted that even if the application for residents parking on Seaview Terrace is successful at this stage, there are 2 more consultations as well as legal processes to go through before residents parking can be instated. 

Wharf railings

The council discussed various designs of railings and concluded that the primary concern needs to be that they are easy to maintain and repair. 

Fireworks on New Year’s Eve

The Chair confirmed that there will be fireworks on New year’s eve.

Air Ambulance meeting

The Clerk drew the attention of the Council to a meeting being held on Thursday evening in Tywyn about the proposed closure of the Air Ambulance bases in Welshpool and Caernarfon. 


AGENDA ITEM 13 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Training Plan

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook


  • Advent windows list
  • Carols by Candlelight service
  • Picnic Island bridge
  • Remembrance Sunday
  • Wharf update
  • Neuadd Dyfi roof
  • Fireworks display at New Year

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting


Monday 12th December 2022 at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm


17th October 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 17th October 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

Phil Morgan

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Jones and Reynolds.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and informed that Council that he noticed some new electric car chargers are being installed in the main car park. He also reminded everyone that there is a meeting at the Neuadd Dyfi on Thursday 20th October to discuss the ‘Our Area 2035’ consultation with Gwynedd Council.

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 26thSeptember 2022.


Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis  Seconded: Cllr Owen

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 18

M/31/(20.06.22) To discuss use of village noticeboard

Clerk hasn’t had time to further research electronic noticeboards.

Action: Clerk to research electronic notice-boards.

M/46/(18.06.22) Tywyn Health Centre

It was noted that residents are still experiencing great difficulty in contacting Tywyn Health Centre and getting a GP appointment. It was agreed to encourage residents to complain to BCUHB if they have problems. It was agreed to ask a representative


from the Health Board to attend out next meeting.

Action: Clerk to put BCUHB contact details in Rushlight and to request a representative to attend the next council meeting. 

Page 20

M65/(26.09.22) To discuss ROSPA report

Clerk has asked GL Jones to repaint the swings and roundabout and repair the wet-pour at the base of the helter-skelter. It was agreed to get the benches bolted to the ground

Action: Clerk to arrange for benches to be bolted down. 

Page 21

M/67/(26.09.22) Place Plan

Cllr O’Neill reported that the clerk and herself had a meeting with Planning Aid Wales, who explained that a Place Plan only covers planning and land use issues. They suggested that a Community Action Plan might be of more use to Aberdyfi, as it is much more holistic and would link well with the Community Needs Survey carried out last year. They offered to do some bespoke training for the council with a session entitled ‘Is a Place Plan Right for You?’ for £600 but it was felt that this wasn’t required and the Council should pursue a Community Action Plan instead. It was agreed to delegate this to Cllr O’Neill and the Clerk to take forward.

Action: Clerk and Cllr O’Neill to research a Community Action Plan and report back.

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report


Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Williams

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen informed the Council that there was an emergency meeting of the full Gwynedd Council last week to discuss the current financial crisis. He reported that Gwynedd Council are facing a deficit of £7.1 million this year but as they have reserves of just over £8 million, the shortfall will be covered in the short term. However, there is a projected deficit of £18 million next year in Gwynedd (£260 million for the whole of Wales) and Cllr Owen expects local councils to be asked to take on more of the burden of providing services. 

Cllr Owen also informed the Council that Gwynedd Council are hoping to provide free parking between 10thand 27th December in their car parks. 

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


NP5/50/439A Ty Carreg, Aberdyfi Ll35 0LE

It was felt that this development was an overdevelopment and not in keeping with surrounding buildings, would impact the amenities of neighbouring


properties. The development will also substantially alter the look of the building and as it is in the Conservation Area, the council agreed to object to the application.

Action: Clerk to write to Snowdonia National Park Authority raising objections

The Clerk informed the Council that the application for The Exchange (NP5/50/153B The Exchange, LL35 0LP) has been turned down and they are planning on appealing. Cllr Hewins informed the Council that he thought it was possible for a local Council to list a building and suggested the Council investigate this further as a future option.

Action: Clerk to research the possibility of Council’s listing buildings.

The Clerk asked the councillors attending the Annual meeting with SNPA to request SNPA to start reporting back on the issues raised by the Community Council as the Clerk is never clear if issues have been dealt with or what the outcomes were.

Action: Councillors to request feedback on issues raised by the Community Council

The issue of the swimming pool at Balkan House was raised and the clerk informed the Council that she had emailed SNPA about the issue but hasn’t heard anything back.

It was noted that there seems to be a fourth unit being built at Crychnant (application NP5/50/144C) when planning was only given for 3 units. 

Action: Clerk to inform SNPA

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To receive presentation on information boards


Mr. Phil Morgan gave a presentation on the type and scope of information boards that the Aberdyfi Biodiversity Group would like to install in the village. Three locations have been identified – at the gas works, the Golf Club car park and at the top of the pedestrian slipway onto the beach by the RNLI station. All signs will be bilingual and give information on the various protected areas, wildlife and the Biosphere Reserve. Each sign will also signpost to the other information boards. It was agreed to ask Mr. Morgan to obtain a design and full quote for the information boards and forward them to the council for a final decision. 

Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr. Morgan to obtain design and quote. Clerk to add to agenda for next meeting

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To discuss SNPA Consultation on Aberdyfi Conservation Area


It was agreed that the consultation document was very detailed and a good starting point, but there was concern that many buildings in the conservation area have already had work done which goes against the aims of a conservation area, which seems incongruous. It was agreed to request clarification on the criteria for being included in a conservation area. It was also agreed that buildings like Craig y Don,


Brynderfel, Monkshill, Talarfor etc. also need to be included.

Action: Clerk to respond to the consultation requesting clarification and suggesting which other buildings be included.

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To adopt One Voice Wales model financial regulations


Proposed: Cllr Owen Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Agreed unanimously

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss list of areas needing attention to send to Ardal Ni Team


It was noted that the Buddleia in Nantiesin car park / street needs cut back and should be added to the list. It was also noted that the vegetation between the fire station and the subway also needs cut back, but this is the responsibility of Network Rail. Cllr Owen informed the council he has a meeting with Network rail in the next couple of weeks so would bring it to their attention then. It was agreed to delegate the Ardal Niproject to Cllr Tyrrell and the Clerk and they should arrange to meet with the Ardal Ni team to discuss it further.

Action: Cllr Tyrrell and Clerk to arrange meeting with Ardal Ni team.

Action: Cllr Owen to tell Network Rail about overgrown vegetation by the fire station.

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To discuss funding for the Food Festival 2023


Cllr Owen informed the Council that he had met with the organisers recently and they estimated that costs for next year would be approximately £4,600. It will be held on Sunday 20th August, the day after Race The train. It was agreed that the Food Festival is a great event for the village and the Council will support the organisers in their efforts next year. 

AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss creation of a warm space in Aberdyfi


Cllr Hewins informed the council that he has spoken to both the English Church and St. Peter’s and they have decided not to offer anything at this time as they do not see an immediate need, as the drop-in centre provides a warm space. It was noted that the drop-in centre only runs one day a week, so there may be a need on other days. The churches have agreed to let Cllr Hewins know if they identify there is a need on other days, at which point the council would discuss if it is able to contribute any funding. Cllr O’Neill suggested that the Neuadd Dyfi would be a good place to use as it has the ground-source heating which is always on and the clerk suggested that the Reading Room would also be worth considering, as it is open 6 days a week and is heated during the day.

It was agreed to assess if there is a need before committing funding.

The clerk informed the council that she is working with Tywyn Town Council, Tywyn Library and the Cinema to create a list of welcome warm spaces in the local area. 


Action: Councillors and Clerk to speak to residents to assess if there is a need for a welcoming warm space.

Action: Clerk to add to Rushlight

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence


* Transport problems in the village

Residents have reported that they have problems accessing the village as they do not drive and are unable to walk down the hill and have asked if there is something the council can do about it. It was agreed to speak to more residents to assess the need before committing funding and to suggest car- sharing.

Action: Clerk to put in Rushlight

* Picnic Island Bridge

Cllr Owen informed the council that the bridge is due to be installed overnight on 14th November. Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that he had been keeping the path along the estuary clear but that the steps from the estuary to the bridge are now very overgrown and need to be cleared. It was agreed that Cllr Tyrrell would check the path and steps, find out who is responsible and arrange for the steps to be cleared.

Action: Cllr Tyrrell to check and arrange for the steps to be cleared

* Cycle Path

Cllr Tyrrell informed the council that there has been no significant progress on the cycle path.

* Compound Project

The Clerk reported that she submitted a pre-planning application for the project and received a response that planning permission is needed before the project can proceed. Neil Storkey has spoken to the planning department and was told that another pre-planning application needs to be submitted rather than a full planning application. This is currently being done but it has delayed the project significantly and there is a danger that the EU funding stream will end before the project is finished. 

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Training Plan
  • Electronic noticeboard

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • Wharf update
  • Bins need to be kept on own property, not on the street
  • Conservation Area consultation


  • Car sharing suggestion 
  • Car charging points
  • Neuadd Dyfi roof
  • Picnic Island bridge 
  • Contact details of BCUHB for complaints

AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting


Monday 21st November 2022

It was agreed to bring forward the date of the December meeting to 12th December, as the clerk is unable to attend on the 19th.

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.35pm


26th September 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Instituteon Monday 26th September 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair

Councillors: Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Gareth Jones

Cllr Dewi Owen

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

AGENDA ITEM 1 – One minute silence


A one minute silence was observed in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth II.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Apologies


Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Hewins, O’Neill, Porter and Reynolds.

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chairman’s Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the work on the wharf development start.

AGENDA ITEM 5 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 18th July2022


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Bradbury-Willis

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Matters arising


Page 14

M/31/(20.06.20) To discuss use of village noticeboard

The Clerk presented some information on electronic noticeboards and it was agreed that an electronic noticeboard would be a useful addition to the village. The clerk was asked to obtain more detailed information and costs and report back.

The Clerk reported that the Aberdyfi Tourism group have requested that their money be spent on an electronic noticeboard and the clerk has asked for this in writing. 

Action: Clerk to obtain more detailed information on electronic noticeboards.

Page 15

M/46/(18.06.22) Update on Tywyn Health centre 


The clerk received a reply from Betsi Cadwalladr University Health Board which the Council felt did not address the issues of concern. It was agreed that there are still significant concerns with various aspects of the Health Centre and to encourage everyone with issues with the Health Centre to complain to the Health Board. 

M/47/(18.06.22) To consider purchase of drinking water fountain.

The fountain has been purchased with delivery expected towards the end of October. Cllr Owen has offered to keep the fountain at his property until it is possible to install it, after the wharf development work has finished. The clerk will obtain installation quotes closer to the time. 

Page 16

M/48/(18.06.22) To receive RoSPA report

The benches have been dismantled and the clerk has purchased new ‘No Dogs’ signs, but has not had time to install them yet. 

Action: Clerk to install signs

M/50/(18.06.22) To discuss use of weedkiller and creation of wildflower verges

The clerk reported that she met with representatives from Gwynedd Council and identified areas which could be turned over to wild flowers. Gwynedd seemed very keen to work on this and the clerk is waiting for confirmation of which areas they will be planting with wildflowers. 

She was also told that they are looking at using the most environmentally safe weedkillers for those areas that need to be kept clear. 

M/51/(18.06.22) Request for name to be added to the War Memorial

The clerk reported that she had received a quote from the stonemasons and had agreed, together with the Chair, to go ahead with the work. It has now been paid for and the work will be done before November Remembrance Day. The family have indicated that they would like to make a donation towards the work. 

The clerk also reported that the Literary Institute have agreed for the name to be added to the Roll of Honour though the family are currently undecided if they wish to go ahead with this. 

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report


Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Gwynedd Council report


Cllr Owen reported that he had received an email from Shem Llewelyn to Gwynedd Council, complaining about the lack of support for the Cambrian Coast Sportive this year by Gwynedd Council. The clerk reported that Shem had asked her if the Council could give permission to use Penhelig Gardens for the Sportive so she had told him he needed to contact the Maritime Dept of Gwynedd Council, as they were the ones responsible for that area. It was agreed to write to Shem expressing sorrow that he received such a negative response from Gwynedd Council.

Action: Clerk to write to Shem  19

Cllr Jones reported that the path by the old school from the Institute to Hillside Village is overgrown and needs to be cut back. 

Action: Clerk to ask Aled to cut it back. 

Cllr Owen reported that he has been told that Picnic Island Bridge will be installed on 18th November overnight. 

AGENDA ITEM 9 – Planning


NP5/50/153B The Exchange, Aberdyfi LL35 0LP 

Alterations to front patio area including installation of bi-fold doors and construction of new balconies.

Action: Clerk to object as this is in the conservation area and this will change the look of the property
NP5/50/140D Llwyn, Aberdyfi LL35 0HR
Construction of pergola to side of house 

No objections were raised

NP5/50/T452C Haulfryn, Hopeland Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0NH 

Replace existing single storey rear extension and adjacent garage with a two storey garage and first floor work space and changes to roof structure.

It was noted that the new roof structure changed the look of the property but as the next door property had installed a very similar structure, it was decided not to object to the application. 

NP5/50/705A 35 Terrace Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0LU
Construction of decking in rear garden 

No objections were raised

AGENDA ITEM 10 – To consider purchase of second brown bin


It was agreed to purchase another brown bin for the wharf garden community group. 

Action: Clerk to purchase bin and lock 

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider funding for information boards


2 quotes were presented by the clerk from the Aberdyfi Biodiversity group. It was unclear exactly why 2 information boards were needed at each location and what they would display so the council agreed to invite Phil Morgan to the next council meeting to discuss the project. 

Action: Clerk to invite Phil Morgan to the next Council meeting.

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss ROSPA report


It was agreed to ask GL Jones to repaint the swings and roundabout, and repair the


wet-pour at the base of the helter-skelter, as highlighted in the report.

Action: Clerk to contact GL Jones

AGENDA ITEM 13 – Correspondence


Email from Ardal Ni

Email received from a new project being run by Gwynedd Council with the aim of creating clean and tidy communities. The clerk has already had a rubbish bin installed through this project at the playing field. Cllr Tyrrell suggested that all councillors and clerk identify areas in the village that would be suitable for this project and send them to the clerk in order to create a comprehensive list. It was agreed to do this. 

Action: Councillors to identify areas of concern and inform the clerk to enable a list to be created before the next meeting. 

Section 6 Biodiversity report

All councils are now required to publish a biodiversity report every 3 years. The clerk has completed one and welcomed any comments from councillors before publishing it on our website. The report will need to be reviewed annually.

Action: Clerk to publish report 

One way section of Copperhill Street

The Clerk reported that there had been quite a few near-misses with people driving the wrong way past the butchers so she informed Gwynedd Council, who have agreed to repaint the signs on the roadway and replace / reposition the ‘no-entry’ signs on the posts. 

Gwelfor Road 

The clerk reported that a Gwynedd Council senior traffic engineer is looking into the situation and informed the clerk that SNPA are able to impose restrictions on planning applications if deemed necessary. A Senior Warden at SNPA is also going to talk to the Planning department. 

Resident’s Parking 

Cllr Reynolds shared an email she had received from Gwynedd Council, informing her that they will start the consultation process before the end of October. 

Annual meeting of Community Councils with SNPA

The clerk reminded the Council that this year’s meeting will be held on 25th and 27th October and that they need to register if they wish to attend.

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Place Plan – it was agreed to ask someone to come to a future meeting to explain more about Place Plans and the process Action: Clerk to request someone to attend a future meeting 21
  • Training PlanAction: Clerk to circulate guidance for producing a training plan to councillors and draw up a draft training plan for discussion at October meeting. 
  • Swift nesting boxes (Autumn meeting)
  • Paint flaking at Penhelig Rail station

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook


  • Community lunches start on 14th October
  • Wharf update
  • Neuadd Dyfi roof
  • Wildflower verges
  • Firework display in November

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Date of next meeting


Monday 17th October 2022 at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.35pm


18th July 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 18th July 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Sadie Porter

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Apologies accepted from Cllrs Dunton, Jones, Owen and Tyrrell.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chair announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked the clerk for suggesting the change of venue and arranging one at such short notice. 

He informed the council that at a meeting between councillors and MP Liz Saville-Roberts and Mabon ap Gwynfor from Gwynedd Council, it was agreed that while there is nothing that can be done at the moment about the planning dispute for Aberdyfi Hillside Park, all parties are keen to work together should the planning permission be allowed to stand.

He informed the council that Sean Chambers is doing an excellent job on the subway and asked the Clerk to write to Sean, expressing the Council’s appreciation of his work. It was noted that there will be an article in the Cambrian News soon. 

It was noted that the subway had been vandalised over the weekend and it was agreed for the clerk to purchase CCTV signs to put up at the subway. The clerk noted that it would be possible to put CCTV cameras there if it is needed, as there are now solar CCTV cameras available.

Action: Clerk to write to Sean Chambers to express the Council’s appreciation and thanks

The Chair reported that recently proper protocol hasn’t always been followed at meetings. He informed the council that he likes to think of the council as a group of friends working towards the same goal, but reminded councillors that even so, comments should always go through the chair by raising a hand. 


AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the ordinary council meeting on 20th June and Annual Community meeting on 21st June 2022.


Ordinary Council meeting:

Proposed: Cllr Williams  Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

Annual Community meeting:

Proposed: Cllr Williams  Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 11

M/31/(20.06.22) To discuss use of village noticeboard

Cllr Bradbury-Willis informed the council that the wooden noticeboard has been cleared and is ready for use for council notices. It was noted that this noticeboard needs some beading put down the sides and a new lock cover fitted and it was agreed for Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for this work to be done. 

It was noted that the large white noticeboard needs to be cleared of posters, staples etc. and repainted, though it was agreed that it will need to be replaced with a smaller one if / when an electronic noticeboard is installed in that space. The Clerk informed the council that she has been given the details of the company who supplied the noticeboard for MMP so will research this and report at the next meeting.

Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for repairs on wooden notice-board

Action: Clerk to put notices in the wooden noticeboard.

Action: Clerk to research electronic notice-boards.

AGENDA ITEM 6 – Treasurer’s report


The clerk informed the council that the figures for the income from the main car park and Neuadd Dyfi pay and display machine have been included for information only. 

Proposed: Cllr Williams  Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Gwynedd Council report


The Gwynedd Council representative was not present so no report was received.

AGENDA ITEM 8 – Planning


NP5/50/682A The Wharf, Aberdyfi. LL35 0EE

Application to vary Condition 14 attached to Planning Permission NP5/50/682 dated 11/09/2018 to allow working hours on a Saturday to be extended from between 07:00-13:00 to 07:00-17:00

No objections were raised


NP5/50/735B Tan y Bryn, Philip Avenue, Aberdyfi. LL35 0PY 

Extension and alterations

No objections were raised

NP5/50/130C Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Aberdyfi. LL35 0SG

Construction of rural enterprise dwelling

No objections were raised

The Chair informed the council that it had been brought to his attention that a lot of work is being done to Glygyrog Ddu but he could find no corresponding planning permission. It was agreed to notify SNPA of this work.

Action: Clerk to inform Snowdonia National Park Authority of this work

AGENDA ITEM 9 – Update on Tywyn Health Centre


Cllr Reynolds informed the council that she has spoken to Betsi Cadwallader Health Board and asked why they weren’t sponsoring GPs who are on a 5 year visa from abroad. These GPs train in the UK for 3 years, after which they can be sponsored for a further 2 years. The health board have said they will look into this further. 

She informed the council that there will only be emergency appointments available at the GP practice in Tywyn for most of August and residents need to order prescriptions before 5th August, as the practice will be installing a new computer system and will be unable to print prescriptions during August. There was concern that many residents don’t know about this, as they are not online and the health centre have not been good at disseminating information to their patients.

It was agreed that the service from the health centre has been substantially below standard for quite some time and it seems that the health board do not realise how serious and urgent the current situation is. It was agreed to write a strongly-worded letter to the health board expressing the Council’s concerns.

Action: The Clerk to write a letter to Betsi Cadwallader Health Board

AGENDA ITEM 10 – Update on wharf development


The clerk reported that the meeting she had at the beginning of the month was very informative and confirmed that the contractors will be on site from 5th September, with work starting on 12th September. She also confirmed that the work will not be done in two distinct phases, as previously planned. Instead it will be done as a rolling works as the contractors calculate this will be a faster way to complete the works. Installing the piles will start on 22nd September for approximately 6 weeks and this is when there will be the most disruption and noise. 

The clerk will attend another meeting on Friday 5th August and will report back.

AGENDA ITEM 11 – To consider water-bottle filling station quote


It was agreed to purchase an Elkay LK4420BF1U water-bottle filling station in blue for £4,191 ex VAT, though keep it in storage until it is possible to install it after the 


work has been done on the wharf. It was agreed to seek a quote for installing the station from the supplier. 

Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr O’Neill

Action: Clerk to purchase water-bottle filling station and put in storage

Action: Clerk to seek quote for installation

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To receive RoSPA report


It was agreed that the concrete benches in the playground need to taken out of action and repaired urgently and to discuss the rest of the issues in the report in the autumn. The clerk reported that she will buy new ‘No Dogs’ signs for the playground.

Action: Clerk to arrange for the benches to be taken out of action and repaired ASAP

Action: Clerk to purchase ‘No Dogs’ signs

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To delegate powers to the clerk and Chair until the September meeting


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 14 – To discuss use of weedkiller and creation of wildflower areas on the village


The clerk reported that Gwynedd Council are keen to work with the Community Council on reducing the need for use of pesticides and strimming of verges and she is currently in discussion with residents to see which areas in the village would be suitable before meeting with Gwynedd Council to take this initiative forward.

Action: Clerk to meet with residents to discuss project then meet with Gwynedd Council

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Correspondence


  1. Request from the Rotary Club for volunteers for Race the Train event.
  2. Request for name to be added to the war memorial 

A request has been received from a resident for their great-grandfather’s name to be added to the war memorial as it has been missed off. The clerk has spoken to the War Graves Commission, who confirm they have the details of the person on their roll, but it is not their responsibility to change the memorial. Gwynedd Council confirmed that they are not responsible for maintenance or changes to the war memorial either. The clerk has also spoken to the church and has had the same response from them. 

It was agreed to contact the stone mason in Llanbrynmair who has done work on the memorial previously to ask for a quote to add a name to the memorial and carry out some restoration work. 


It was agreed that the clerk will work with the Literary Institute committee to have the name added to the roll of honour in the Reading Room.

Action: Clerk to obtain quote

Action: Clerk to work with the Institute to facilitate the addition of the name to the roll of honour.

  1. Request for funding for information noticeboards received from a resident. It was agreed they should approach the AA&I for this funding

Action: Clerk to ask resident to apply to the AA&I 

  1. Rights of Way Improvement plan consultation.

It was agreed for individuals to respond to the consultation and the clerk to respond on behalf of the council

Action: Clerk and councillors to respond to survey

  1. Survey on barriers to doing a Place Plan

It was agreed for the clerk to respond on behalf of the council

Action: Clerk to respond to survey

  1. Positive feedback received from a resident about various projects in the village
  2. Opinion of the council sought on an individual wanting to run a takeaway food business from the yacht club or the Neuadd Dyfi. It was agreed this would be unfair on the existing takeaway businesses and it was noted that there may be planning issues, as existing businesses have to apply for changes to their planning permission to allow them to sell hot takeaway food. Concerns were also raised about how H&S issues would be policed and how the increase in litter would be managed. 

Action: Clerk to inform the resident of the council’s opinion

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Place plan presentation
  • Swift nesting boxes
  • RoSPA report
  • Electronic noticeboard

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Items for release / Rushlight / Website / Facebook


  • Request for Race the Train volunteers 
  • Wharf update
  • Work on benches in playground

AGENDA ITEM 18 – Date of next meeting


Monday 19th September 2022

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.30pm


20th June 2022

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Aberdyfi Community Council held at the Literary Institute on Monday 20th June 2022

Present: Cllr Brian Kelly – Chair


Cllr Sara Bradbury-Willis

Cllr Mark Dunton

Cllr Ian Hewins

Cllr Catrin O’Neill

Cllr Dewi Owen

Cllr Megan Reynolds

Cllr Bob Tyrrell

Cllr Dave Williams

Public: Pat Hellen

Sadie Porter

Elen Worman

AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies


Cllr Jones

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public participation


No public participation

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Chairman’s Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone and reported that it was good to see the return of the Wolverhampton Bike Ride which was very successful and it is nice to see progress on some of the projects the Council are currently undertaking.

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To consider applications for councillor vacancy


Sadie Porter was co-opted as Councillor

AGENDA ITEM 4 – To receive and confirm minutes of the Annual and ordinary council meetings 16thMay 2022


Proposed: Cllr Tyrrell Seconded: Cllr Williams

AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters arising


Page 4

M/51/(15.06.20) request for drinking water fountain.

Cllr O’Neill has contacted Refill to request an up to date quote and information on how to move to project forward.

Action: Cllr O’Neill to liaise with clerk to progress the project

M/107/(16.11.20) Subway improvements

Work has started and looks very good so far. It is nice to see Sean’s children being involved in the project as well. 


M/127/(20.12.21) Tree by the Neuadd Dyfi

The clerk has has no news on the large tree on the road by the Neuadd Dyfi

The tree sculpture was completed last week and has been a major attraction to many people, who have stopped to look at it and take photos with it. The Council would like to thank Ed Parkes the sculptor for his fantastic work.

It was suggested lighting the sculpture, but there were concerns this might act as a magnet for people to gather at night and this would have a knock-on effect on the residents in surrounding houses. It was agreed to wait until the autumn when it is much darker and investigate what lighting it would look like with a torch. 

It was suggested buying some CCTV cameras for the area, but it was felt that the infrastructure wasn’t in place for this. It was agreed to obtain some CCTV signs and attach them to the gates around the playing field.

Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Owen

Action: Clerk to obtain and install CCTV signs.

M/160/21.03.22 Wharf Development Project

The Clerk reported that instead of a public meeting, Gwynedd Council propose a monthly meeting of all stakeholders on the first Friday of every month, starting on 1st July. It was agreed the clerk would attend these meetings and report back. It was requested that the Community Council holds a public meeting closer to the start of the works and invite the consultants to attend.

Action: Clerk to attend meetings and report back.

Action: Council to organise a public meeting and invite consultants

AGENDA ITEM 7 – Treasurer’s Report


Proposed: Cllr O’Neill Seconded: Cllr Owen

Unanimously agreed

The clerk reported that she had been approached by one of the businesses in the village to find out if there is still money ring-fenced for the Aberdyfi Tourism group, as they have a project in mind. The clerk asked them liaise with her to release the money.

Action: Clerk to liaise with Aberdyfi Tourism group

AGENDA ITEM 8 – To approve change of signatories on the bank account


Proposed: Cllr Reynolds Seconded: Cllr Owen

Unanimously agreed

AGENDA ITEM 9 – To accept and approve the Annual Return ending March 2022


Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Tyrrell

Unanimously agreed

A concern was raised about the asset register as it doesn’t show depreciation but the clerk reported that the advice from One Voice Wales is that the register only shows purchase price. It was suggested that the finance committee to look into this, as figures that take into account depreciation may prove to be useful for the council. 

Action: Finance committee to discuss asset register reserve finances

Action: Clerk to clarify again what the asset register should include


AGENDA ITEM 10 – Gwynedd Council Report


Cllr Owen reported that there is a meeting of the full council later this week, so will rpeort next month on this meeting.

He reported that they have had information recently stating that homelessness has risen dramatically in the last few years. Currently there are 572 people registered homeless, whereas 2 years ago there were less than 200. There are currently over 3,000 people on the waiting list for housing in Gwynedd and Gwynedd Council plan to built 500 homes in the next 3 years, the majority of which will probably be in North Wales. He reported that Gwynedd Council are still giving grants of up to £35k to bring houses up to standard to allow them to be let out to local people. 

He reported that the problem of rubbish is on the agenda for the full meeting so he will be expressing the concerns of the Community Council at that meeting and will report back on this issue next month. 

AGENDA ITEM 11 – Planning


NP5/50/589B Ael y Don, Gwelfor Road, Aberdyfi LL35 0NY

Widen existing vehicular access to South East corner of site and create a parking area.

No objections were raised

AGENDA ITEM 12 – To discuss use of village noticeboard


The wooden noticeboard by the toilets was discussed and it was agreed that the locks need to be changed as they have seized. It was suggested that the large noticeboard under the canopy also needs to be replaced as it is a state of disrepair and to investigate purchasing an electronic noticeboard.

Action: Clerk to research electronic noticeboards

Action: Cllr Bradbury-Willis to arrange for locks to be changed on the wooden noticeboard.

Proposed: Cllr Bradbury-Willis Seconded: Cllr Reynolds

AGENDA ITEM 13 – To decide topics to be included in community meeting


Topics were agreed for inclusion in the community village meeting 

AGENDA ITEM 14 – Correspondence


Time & Tide Bell 

Marcus Vergette has repaired the Time & Tide Bell and has informed the council that there are many projects resulting from the Time & Tide Bell initiative, which would potentially be of interest to various groups in the village

Action: Clerk to find out more about the projects

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Items for consideration at future meetings


  • Place Plan
  • Swift nesting boxes (Autumn meeting)
  • Paint flaking at Penhelig Rail station


AGENDA ITEM 16 – Items for release / Rushlight / website / Facebook


  • Shellduck warning
  • Report of village meeting
  • Osprey sculpture
  • Subway project progress

AGENDA ITEM 17 – Date of next meeting


Monday18th July 2022 at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.40pm